Can't Help Falling in Love

By daddyyderek

65.9K 1.6K 321

Derek Shepherd, Neurosurgeon. Meredith Grey, first grade teacher. What happens when their worlds collide? AU... More



588 15 1
By daddyyderek

A soft cry ripped through Derek's unconscious state, and he sighed as he rolled over to look at the clock. Five thirty. Both of his daughters had actually managed to sleep for almost three hours at the same time. This had to be a sign that they were getting better, that they would soon sleep through the night.

"Becky needs to be fed," Meredith murmured without opening her eyes or lifting her head from the pillow.

"I know," he nodded. "I'll get her. I have to be up in a half hour to get ready for work anyways."

"Hurry before she wakes Mel."

"Going," Derek laughed before he leaned forward to kiss her cheek quickly.

"Hi Butterfly," he whispered as he entered the nursery a moment later. His daughter stared up at him with wide eyes, her cries stopping as she reached for her father. "Come here before you wake your sister," he murmured. "Let's go downstairs and get you something to eat before Daddy has to get ready for work."

He couldn't believe that it was already time for him to go back to work. The past six weeks had flown by, filled with play times, visitors, dirty diapers, and a lot of tears, both from Melanie and Becky, as well as he and Meredith.

Learning to care for twins hadn't been easy, and he wasn't even sure how exactly they'd done it. But Meredith, his amazing wife who had completely broken down five minutes after they'd brought the girls home, had somehow become Super Mom. For the first week or so they'd traded babies, making sure that they each got enough time with both of their daughters, but eventually things had fallen into a pattern. Meredith learned the value of pumping milk so Derek could help with night time feedings, she'd realized that it wasn't the end of the world to let one baby cry until she was finished changing the other's diaper, and they had both realized how to tell the difference between each girl's various cries.

His daughters had grown a lot in the past six weeks as well. They were both smiling constantly, and when Meredith had realized that music would stimulate their brains, there seemed to always be a radio on in the house. He smiled as he carried Becky into the kitchen and reached for the CD player. "Let's listen to the Clash," he murmured. "That's your favorite, isn't it, hun?"

Becky smiled as the sounds of Clampdown filled the room and Derek smiled widely as he pressed his lips to her forehead. "That's my girl," he smiled. "You've got to have a talk with that sister of yours. I think Mommy's already poisoned her against the Clash. But we know the truth, don't we?"

As he reached into the fridge for the fresh bottle of milk, Becky nuzzled her head against his neck and he smiled. Both of his daughters were completely cuddly, and he loved moments like this, where he could spend quality time with just one of them, just Daddy and his little girl.

"I love you, Becky," he murmured into her hair.

Becky stared up at him for a moment as the microwave heated her bottle, a wide smile gracing her lips before she cuddled back into Derek's chest.

"That's my girl," he murmured as he pulled the bottle out of the microwave and moved back towards the stairs. "Let's have breakfast upstairs. But you have to be really quiet, because Mommy's sleeping for the first time since you two were born."

He gently pushed the door open, surprised to see Meredith laying in bed, Melanie cuddled tightly against her chest. "Hey," he said, moving towards the bed. "I didn't hear her, I would have taken care of it."

"It's okay," Meredith smiled, running her hand over Melanie's curls. "She wasn't crying, just whimpering. I figured you'd bring Becky up here and we could have some family time."

"Before I go back to work," Derek sighed as he sat down on the bed and offered Becky the bottle, which she eagerly began to suck on.

"It will be good, Der," Meredith sighed. "You can think about something besides dirty diapers and breast milk."

"But I'll be away from my girls all day," he sighed. "I'm going to miss you. All three of you."

"We'll miss you too," she smiled, reaching out to run a hand through his hair. "But you're a doctor. Who just took four and a half months off. You can't go back yet."

"But the girls came early," Derek sighed. "Technically I have two more weeks."

"Who says?" Meredith giggled.

"Me," Derek nodded. "I was supposed to have six weeks off after your original delivery. You delivered at thirty five weeks instead of thirty seven. Which means the girls should only be four weeks old, and I have two more weeks off."

"I'm going to blame that twisted logic on lack of sleep," Meredith sighed.

"What if one of them talks?" Derek asked.

"They're six weeks old."

"So?" Derek asked. "They're my children, they're geniuses."

"They just started giggling."

"Becky did," Derek sighed. "Miss Melanie hasn't quite grasped the concept yet."

"She will," Meredith nodded, pressing a kiss to Melanie's forehead. "We can't compare them to each other, Der. It's not healthy."

"I know," Derek nodded, setting Becky's bottle on the nightstand and shifting her to burp her. "Are you really going to make me go back to work?"

"Yes," Meredith nodded. "You're driving us crazy."

"What?" Derek frowned as Becky let out a soft burp and he moved her to rest on the bed. "Am I driving you crazy, butterfly?"

Becky looked up at him for a moment as he reached down to blow a raspberry on her bare tummy, causing her to giggle slightly.

"Maybe not her," Meredith sighed.

"Oh, Mel loves me too," Derek smiled, reaching for his look alike and laying her down next to her sister. "Right princess? Daddy's not driving you crazy."

Melanie stared up at him for a moment before she reached up to slap at his nose, echoing her sister's giggles as he pulled away with a frown. "Mel," Derek breathed, reaching down to blow a raspberry on her tummy as well, causing her giggles to increase as well. "You're laughing."

"Oh, sweetheart, good job," Meredith smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead softly. "Mommy's proud of you."

"So is Daddy," Derek smiled. "Both my girls got Mommy's giggle. Which means my life is officially perfect."

"You have to go get ready for work," Meredith pointed out gently.

"And now it's not perfect anymore," Derek frowned.

"Sorry," she shrugged. "I'm practicing for when it's time to drag the girls out of bed for school."

"Well, you're just as annoying as my mom was," Derek sighed, leaning down to kiss each of his babies. "Daddy's going to go shower, girls. But Mommy's here, and I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Until he has to go to work," Meredith giggled as she leaned down to gently tickle her daughters' tummies.

"Mean," Derek sighed as he made his way towards the bathroom. He paused for a moment as he stopped to look at his wife. She was completely beautiful as she sat on their bed, the giggles of their little girls mixing with her own. She had been so nervous to be a mom, so sure that she was going to mess something up, but those fears had been completely unnecessary. There were moments like these when he loved to simply watch her as she cared for their babies, and in this single moment, he was sure that she had the capability to outshine his own mother in the amazing mom category.

" I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me," Meredith was singing softly a few minutes later as he walked out of the bathroom, a towel slung low around his hips. "That was fast," she said, glancing up at her husband.

He shrugged as he moved closer to the closet. "I didn't have as much time as I thought," he said.

Meredith glanced at the clock. "You're going to be late," she sighed.

"It'll be okay," Derek smiled, kissing the top of her head as he pulled his sweater down.

"Right, I'm sure my mother will agree with that," Meredith rolled her eyes, reaching for Melanie as she started to whimper. "Are you hungry, sweetheart? You didn't have breakfast."

"Give Daddy a kiss goodbye first," Derek sighed, kissing the top of her head quickly before Meredith pulled her shirt down. "I love you, princess. And you too butterfly," he said, picking Becky up and smiling softly as she cuddled into him. "Be good for Mommy today."

"They're fine, Derek," Meredith smiled, leaning back into the pillows, cradling Melanie close.

"If one of them gets a fever..."

"Baby Tylonel and warm washcloth," Meredith rolled her eyes. "And call the hospital if it's over 101."

"Right," Derek sighed. "And they like to be in the same crib for naptime."

"Derek," Meredith snapped. "I'm their mother. I was here when we found all of this out. I know what they need."

"I know," he sighed. "I just...hate not being here."

"We'll miss you," Meredith admitted softly. "But you have to go back. You're already too behind as it is. We'll be fine. We're going to have a girls' day."

"I know," he sighed. "I love you. And I'll call you when I get there."

"Don't freak out if I unplug the phone," she giggled. "And you will never be allowed back into this house if one of your phone calls wakes them up during nap time."

"I'll avoid naptime," Derek nodded, kissing her again before he laid Becky down on the bed in front of her. "Daddy loves you girls."

"Say bye Daddy," Meredith said, lifting Melanie to her shoulder and waving a tiny hand at him as he moved towards the door.

Derek closed the door to the bedroom behind him and leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. He hated that he had to go back to work, but he knew he had to do it. And as much as he hated leaving his baby girls, he knew that Meredith could handle them. She was an amazing mother, completely in tune with everything Becky and Melanie needed from them, so he could do this. He could go to work and spend the day away from his perfect family.


"Hey, Shep," Mark grinned as Derek walked into the locker room. "Finally decided to come back to work."

"I was forced," Derek sighed, sliding out of his coat. "What are you doing here anyways? Isn't Addie's due date next week?"

"Yeah, I had to crab some things from my locker," Mark sighed. "And then I'm out of here for two months."

Derek smiled as he looked down at his cell phone. "I hope Mer's doing okay," he sighed.

"I thought you said Grey could handle your midgets."

"They're not midgets, they're babies," Derek rolled his eyes. "And she can handle them. I just hate that I'm not there for her."

"You have to work," Mark shrugged. "I'm sure she's fine."

Derek nodded, looking up at the ceiling. "I have to go see her mom," he sighed.

"Tell her you're back?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," Derek sighed. "I didn't tell Mer this because I didn't want her upsetting the girls right after they were born but...when they were in the hospital Ellis kept trying to see them. I wouldn't let her, I knew it would just upset Mer, but how am I supposed to work for a woman that my wife refuses to let her see our girls?"

"You've got yourself in a tricky spot, Shep," Mark sighed. "I don't envy you."

"Thanks for the advice," Derek sighed as he slid his lab coat on over his scrubs. "I guess I'll go face the wicked witch herself right now."

"Good luck," Mark laughed as Derek walked out of the room, running a hand through his hair.

When he reached Ellis's office, he stood outside the door for a moment before he knocked, pushing it open when he heard her distracted voice grant him entrance. "Dr. Grey," he acknowledged as he walked into the room.

"Dr. Shepherd," Ellis said with raised eyebrows as she looked up from her paperwork to meet his eyes. "So you've finally decided to return to your job."

"I love being a surgeon, Dr. Grey," Derek said firmly. "But my family needed me. I couldn't leave them alone."

"You know, only weak surgeons let foolish things like that get in their way of great success," Ellis said matter of factly.

"With all due respect, Dr. Grey, I disagree," Derek sighed. "And I truly don't want to have this argument with you again. If you would just let me sign any papers I need to in order to return..."

"The papers are here," Ellis sighed. "Now stop wasting my time and get to work."

"Thank you, Dr. Grey," Derek sighed, reaching into his pocket for a moment, his fingers trailing over the piece of paper he'd shoved in there earlier.

"Why are you still standing there?" Ellis snapped a few moments later.

"I..." Derek took a deep breath before he stepped forward. "As your son in law, not your resident, I have to tell you that I really hate the way you've treated Meredith. She's an amazing woman, and you have every reason to be proud of her, though I cannot for the life of me see why you're not."

"I don't need a lecture..." Ellis started.

"I'm not trying to lecture you," Derek said. "And although every instinct in my body is screaming against this...I'm going to do it anyways."

"Do what?" Ellis frowned, looking at him suspiciously.

Derek reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper, handing Ellis the picture of his baby girls. "These are our daughters," he said. "The one on the right, that looks like Mer, that's Rebecca Elizabeth, but we call her Becky. And the one on the left who got the Shepherd looks is Melanie Emma. They're six weeks old tomorrow and they're probably the most beautiful babies the world has ever seen."

"Why are you showing me this?" Ellis asked.

"Because," Derek sighed. "You were a terrible mother, and I hate what you did to Meredith. But these are your grandchildren, and you at least deserve to know what they look like. And you should know that your daughter is the world's most amazing mother. I honestly thought that about my mom until about five weeks ago when I saw how amazing Meredith is with our daughters. So even though for some twisted reason you've never been able to be proud of her for her amazing compassion, for the love she has for teaching or her overall amazing way she sees the world, you should be proud of her for that. Because in spite of having an absent mother, she has somehow turned into a mom in a way that that most women will never be able to achieve."

Ellis stared down at the picture for a moment before she stood and moved to stand in front of him. "I have a hospital to run," she said simply as she held the picture out to him.

Derek frowned as he took the offered picture from her hands. "You don't even want to know about them?" he asked. "Your only grandchildren?"

"You've wasted enough of my time, Dr. Shepherd," Ellis said, opening the door to her office and gesturing for him to leave. "And since you're so out of practice in the OR, you can spend the day in the pit."

Derek sighed as he stepped back into the hallway, Ellis's door slamming behind him. He inhaled deeply as he looked down at the picture in his hand, unable to stop the smile that spread across his face at the image of his smiling daughters staring up at him. Their hands were clutched together as they often did when they slept in the same crib, and they were obviously learning from an early age to smile for the camera. He couldn't understand how anyone could look at this picture and not want to fall completely in love with the two perfect angels captured by the camera.

He smiled softly as he reached into his pocket for his cell phone, suddenly needing to hear Meredith's voice and the giggles of his daughters. Just one phone call, she wouldn't mind. One more phone call and then he would get back to work.

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