Can't Help Falling in Love

By daddyyderek

65.9K 1.6K 321

Derek Shepherd, Neurosurgeon. Meredith Grey, first grade teacher. What happens when their worlds collide? AU... More



639 16 1
By daddyyderek

"Hello Shepherds," Dr. White smiled as she entered their exam room, looking down at Meredith's chart in her hands. "I see that you've been experiencing some discomfort, Meredith."

"That's an understatement," she sighed as she leaned into Derek. "I've been having Braxton Hicks a lot more frequently, and the dizzy spells are getting worse. I want to make sure the girls are okay."

Dr. White frowned as she looked down at the chart. "You're thirty weeks," she said slowly.

"It's too soon, right?" Meredith whispered. "It's too soon for them to get here, so they can't come yet."

"Well, they're almost fully developed," Dr. White nodded. "But we would ideally like to keep them in there for a little bit longer."

"What does that mean for Meredith?" Derek asked. "Is she going to be okay? She has to be okay."

"I know you're not going to like this," Dr. White sighed. "But I'm going to have to tell you to admit yourself to the hospital. We'll monitor you for a few days, but if the Braxton Hicks don't stop soon, we're going to have to push your delivery forward. And..." she smiled as she looked closely at the screen where the sleeping babies appeared. "From the looks of it, we'll be ready to deliver next week either way. They're growing fast."

"Next week?" Derek asked, his eyes wide. "But...her original due date is still four weeks away."

"You know it's a lot more unknown with twins, Dr. Shepherd," Dr. White said. "Your girls are pretty big already. I'd say they're six, six and a half pounds each. Pretty big for twins."

"You mean I have thirteen pounds of baby in me?" Meredith asked with wide eyes. "That's...a lot of baby."

"It's starting to make sense why you're constantly tired, isn't it?" Dr. White asked. "Don't worry, that's why you're having a C-section. It's too risky for a woman of your size to deliver twins naturally."

"Yeah," Meredith sighed, turning to look up at her husband with tears in her eyes. "Derek?"

"Yeah?" he whispered.

"I have to stay in the hospital."

"I heard that," he sighed. "It will be okay, Mer. They just want to be sure the girls are healthy."

"We're have to go home and get things ready," she sighed. "We're not ready yet."

"I'm not going home," Derek shook his head. "I'm staying here with you. There's no way I'm leaving you."

"But the house isn't ready."

"It is," Derek nodded. "I'll send Mark out to get the car seats, but other than that we're completely ready for our little girls to come."

"We have to call people," she breathed. "Mom, the sisters...they all need to know, they've been so good."

"Don't worry about any of that, Meredith," Dr. White said softly. "We're going to get you into a room, and then you and Derek can call your family. I'm considering this a high risk pregnancy."

"Okay," Meredith whispered, leaning into Derek, tears streaming down her face as she clutched her stomach.

"Don't worry," Dr. White smiled softly. "We're going to take good care of you here. You and your babies will be just fine."

"Thank you," Meredith said softly, trying to hold back tears as Derek helped her into a wheelchair.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, kneeling down in front of her, reaching out to brush some hair back from her face.

"I'm scared, Derek," she whispered, gripping his hand tightly. "I'm so completely scared."

"I know you are," Derek said softly, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. "I am too. But we have to be brave for our girls."

"I don't know how," Meredith whispered. "I...every time I feel anything, I'm terrified that something's going to go wrong."

"I know," Derek nodded. "But you heard Dr. White. They're going to take good care of you and make sure that nothing bad happens. This is the best hospital on the west coast, Mer. You know that I would never accept anything less than that for you and Becky and Mel."

Meredith giggled slightly. "You are overprotective like that," she said. "It's finally paying off."

"There's the giggle," Derek smiled, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "Let's go check me into the hospital so Becky and Melanie will be born."

"It won't be that bad, I promise," Derek smiled. "Once you're settled we'll call Mom and the girls and Mark, and they'll come spoil you rotten. Anything you want, they'll get it."

"And you won't?" Meredith asked.

"I'm not leaving your side," Derek promised.

"Good," Meredith sighed, leaning her head back as he wheeled her out of the exam room. Strong. She had to be strong. For Derek and her babies.


"Oh, Meredith," Emma breathed as she entered the hospital room later that afternoon. "How are you feeling dear?"

"Hi Mom," Meredith said, smiling softly as she leaned forward to let Derek put another pillow behind her back. "I'm okay."

"Well, I've got to say that I feel much better now that you're here," Emma sighed as she settled down on the end of the bed.

"Really?" Meredith frowned.

"Yes," Emma nodded. "I know the two of you love your house, but it is so far away, I was far too worried about what would happen if something went wrong with the pregnancy."

"I guess you're right," Meredith sighed.

"See, Mer?" Derek said, squeezing her hand. "It's safer that you're here than back home."

"I know," Meredith sighed. "I just wish I could fast forward to next week and have my babies."

"They'll be here soon enough, dear," Emma smiled, pulling her bag up to rest on the bed. "Now I went with Mark to get the car seats from your house and picked up a few things I thought you might like."

Meredith smiled as she pulled the bag eagerly towards her, placing it on Derek's lap before she reached into it. "Oh," she smiled, looking down at a picture of her and Derek on their wedding day.

"I thought you might like some reminders of home," Emma smiled.

"Thanks, Mom," Derek smiled, reaching into the bag to pull out a light purple blanket. "Mel's blanket."

"Becky's is in there too," Emma smiled. "I know you wanted to take them home in them."

"Thanks, Mom," Meredith smiled.

"They each have a teddy bear in there as well," Emma smiled. "I figured they should have a piece of home with them when they're finally born."

"They will," Meredith nodded, handing Derek the blankets. "I'm kind of tired," she said softly.

"Go to sleep," Derek smiled, kissing her softly. "I might go outside to talk to Mom, but I'll be right outside the room, okay?"

"Love you," Meredith breathed.

"I love you too," Derek smiled, kissing her again before kissing her stomach. "You too girls." He ran his hands through her hair, turning to smile softly at his mom. "I want to stay until she falls asleep," he murmured. "Then we can talk."

"Of course, dear," Emma whispered, moving to sit in the chair beside Meredith's bed. She watched carefully as Derek ran his fingers through his wife's hair, whispering softly. She had no doubt in her mind that her son was completely terrified, and she couldn't help the sudden surge of pride she felt. He was being completely strong and amazing for his terrified wife, and she smiled softly as she looked at him closely. He looked so much like his father, and she was sure that Michael was looking down on his grand daughters, making sure that they survived.

"Okay, Mom," Derek whispered as he pulled the blankets up around Meredith and kissed her forehead softly. "She's out."

"Good," Emma nodded, leading him towards the door. As soon as they stepped into the hallway, Derek inhaled sharply, sagging his weight against the now closed door. "Derek?" she whispered, reaching out to rest a hand on his shoulder.

"Mom," Derek gasped, his shoulders shaking as he tried to hold back the tears. "Mom, I can't..."

"Alright, dear," Emma sighed, pulling him to stand again. "Let's go to a conference room."

Derek stared at the floor as he followed his mother through the halls of the hospital. When the door to the conference room closed behind them, Derek turned to his mother and leaned into her arms, unable to control his tears any longer.

"Oh, darling," Emma whispered, rocking him gently as she led him to the couch in the corner of the room. "It's alright. Let it out, just let all of it out."

"Mom," Derek gasped, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed. "Meredith..."

"Meredith is just fine," Emma said, running a hand through his hair. "You need to breath dear."

Derek cried on his mother's shoulders for a few more minutes before he pulled back, reaching up to wipe at his cheeks. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"There's no need to be sorry, Derek," Emma said softly. "Are you alright?"

"I...don't know," Derek breathed. "I'm trying to be strong, Mom. Meredith needs me to be strong, she's so scared, and she needs me to assure her that everything's going to be okay. I can't let her see that I'm just as terrified as she is. She needs me to be strong."

"Oh, Derek," Emma breathed, reaching out to cup her son's cheek in her hand. "She's your wife. You need to be able to turn to her."

"My entire world is lying in that bed down the hall," Derek breathed. "My wife, my daughters...and one thing, one stupid extra second of stress could raise her blood pressure enough to cause distress to her and the babies. I can't let her see how scared I am because if I do...she'll get even more scared and then she and the girls...they could... I can't do it, Mom."

"Okay," Emma said softly. "I understand not wanting to break down in front of her. But she needs to know that she's not alone in being scared. She needs to know that you're just as terrified about this as she is, that you're both in this together."

"She needs me," Derek shook his head. "I can't let her see me like this."

"Derek," Emma sighed. "You're so much like your father. And I love that because I feel that apart of him as lived on through you. But you've also inherited his stubbornness. The man was never able to admit his weaknesses."

"Mom," Derek sighed, pulling back to run a hand through his hair. "I appreciate you trying to help, I really do. But I just...I need to take care of Mer and Becky and Mel. She needs me to take care of them."

"That's why she's in the hospital, dear," Emma reminded him gently. "She doesn't need someone to take care of her. That's what the nurses and doctors are for. She needs someone to love her, to keep her distracted from lying around in a hospital all day. She needs her husband."

"Oh," Derek said, blinking slightly. "I...I never thought about it."

"I know you didn't," Emma smiled. "You've been so wonderful with taking care of her, which was necessary while you were at home. But now it's time for you to let the doctors do their job and you to do yours as her husband."

"You're right," Derek said, his eyes wide. "I need to be her husband. Not her doctor."

Emma smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Go to her, dear," she said softly. "Take a nap with her, hold whatever you need to in order to ensure that she knows you're there for her, that you're just as terrified as she is."

"Thanks Mom," Derek sighed, leaning in to kiss her cheek before moving towards the door. "I'll call you if anything changes."

He made his way quickly down the hallway, suddenly feeling a fresh need to hold his wife in his arms, to really be with her instead of just worrying about her. He slid into her room, smiling softly as her snores filled the room. She was completely exhausted, and he felt his heart swell at the amazing lengths she was going through just to make sure he got his little girls.

"Oh, Mer," he breathed as he kicked his shoes off and slid into the tiny bed beside her, wrapping his arms tightly around him. "I love you."

Meredith stirred slightly, her hand moving to rub against her stomach as she automatically cuddled closer to him. Her stomach brushed against his abdomen, and he smiled softly as he leaned down to let his hand join hers. "You too, little girls."

Meredith stretched slightly, her legs rubbing against his calves and her stomach pressing into his tighter as her eyes fluttered open. "Hi," she whispered, reaching to squeeze his hand as she leaned up to kiss him.

"Hi," he murmured against her lips.

"Your eyes are red," Meredith frowned as she looked up at him.

"Just tired," Derek shrugged. "It's fine, Mer."

"No," she shook her head. "Your hair's a mess and your eyes are red and...Derek, you've been crying."

Derek took a deep breath, remembering his vow to tell Meredith what he was feeling. "I'm just worried Mer."

"What?" she frowned, turning to look at the monitors beside her bed. "Did Dr. White tell you something? Are the girls okay?"

"They're fine," Derek nodded. "And I just...this is a lot for me to handle, Mer. The three of you mean everything to me, and I can't help but be terrified that if one little thing goes wrong, I'll lose everything."

"Oh," Meredith nodded slowly, her fingers moving to smooth along his curls. "Derek... I feel good."

"You're in the hospital," Derek breathed. "On bed rest."

"And your mother was right," Meredith smiled. "It's better for me to be here so if something does go wrong, they can fix it right away."

"I know," he sighed, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. "But I can't help worrying."

"Me either," Meredith giggled. "It's what parents do."

"I suppose," Derek sighed.

"We're..." Meredith froze as she pulled out of his arms, her hand going to her stomach.

"Meredith?" Derek asked, panic filling his voice as she reached for her hand, gripping it tightly. "What's wrong?"

"I think...ow," she breathed as she squeezed her eyes shut. "I think something's wrong."

Derek's heart stopped beating as he turned to the beeping monitors, trying to remember what they all measured. He turned to the door as Dr. White moved in, looking quickly at the machine as she examined Meredith.

"It's time," she said simply, turning to a resident. "Get to OR ready."

Derek squeezed Meredith's hand as he turned to look down at her. "You hear that, Mer?" he whispered. "Becky and Mel are coming now."

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