One Way (Mafia Romance)

By violet_23writes

394K 7.7K 2.2K

"I will not hesitate to bend you over my lap right here and give a raw spanking, so be a good girl and let's... More

Aesthetics + Authors Note
01| Coffee Shop With a Call
02| Fight and Packing
03| Flight and Italy
04| Dark Angel
05| Italian Ball Pt.1
06| Italian Ball Pt.2
07| False Assassination
08| Nightclub
09| Three More Months?
10| One Night
11| Mafia's Dinner
12| Matteo Ricci
13| Connections
14| Mission #1
15| Friends That I Know
16| Luscious Kisses
17| Drunken Words
18| Midnight Love
19| Scars
20| Sin City
21| Come With Me
22| Rome
23| Letter and Lies
24| Their Family Problem
25| Date
26| The Auction
27| The Auction Pt.2
28| Captured and Tortured
29| Escape
30| Hospital
32| Hospital Visits
33| Finally
34| The Next Day
35| Head to Head Trouble
36| Picture But Make it Bloody
37| Dead
38| Catching Him
39| Made Up + He Knows
40| Finding Oliver
41| Finding Oliver Pt.2
42| Matteo Round Two
43| His
44| Updating Them
45| Girls Date + Mall Date
46| Promise Ring
47| His Trap
49| Again?!
50| His Cell
51| Annoying Problems
52| His Care
53| His Now Real Actions
54| It's All A Lie
55| Fucking Kill Him
56| Guards Plottwist
57| He's a Big Softie
58| Little Him, Little Her
59| How Could Anyone Say No to Her
60| Girls and Guards Road Trip
61 | G&G Stay
62| Trip My Ass
63| Oh What Luck Does She Have
64| It's the Only Mission
65| Her Masquerade Ball
66| Doctors Visit
67| Ouch
68| Not His Time, My Time
69| Another Step Closer
70| He's Obsessed
71| Rebecca And Mason
72| It's On My Watch

31| John and Jack

4.1K 92 20
By violet_23writes

M A T T E O' S P O V

FUCKING HELL. IT'S BEEN ABOUT three hours later, and still no update from Miller.

It's about four o'clock now and after many arguments and stubbornness my mom as well as Diego's mom, Luciana, went home. They did say they'll come back early tomorrow morning and bring some clothes back.

Now it was just us in the waiting room, the dark hallway with just some light shown makes everyone want to sleep.

The only people who are sleeping right now is my dad and Roland.

I'm grateful that we have made profits to this hospital as we have a spacious waiting room and a spacious hospital room for Victoria.

I sighed and got up pacing around the room again.
Samuel who hasn't talked in a while, spoke up.

"Walking again Matteo? How about you get some sleep by sitting on the couch chair."

I scoffed, like I can easily sleep right now.

"Yeah I can totally sleep right now, it also does seem like a good time." I said sarcastically.

I could practically feel his eye roll, as he did.

"Do you think she'll wake up?" Benjamin asked after a moment of silence.

"If she wants to." Diego shrugged. But I can see in his eyes he hoped so.

I sat down on the couch chair and leaned my head back.

"What if she's conscious and could wake up if she had someone familiar to speak to her?" Samuel voiced.

"That can be true but either way the fucking doctor won't allow any of us in her room, which is kind of crazy because we can kill him with one bullet."
Diego replied back.

That's true.

"No, we're not doing that. He's one of the best doctor our fathers know of." Said Samuel again.

Well, there goes my plan.

But I can still kill him afterwards.

Don't even think about it.

I rolled my eyes internally. I sighed looking at the group of boys.

"We all know she will wake up." Is all I said, in this case I was lying. We don't know if she will wake up but I and everyone else hoped so.

Everyone fell in to silence again, we can only aim for Victoria waking up soon.


I woke up slightly shocked. I fell asleep, so did others here.

I looked around to see the guy's still sleeping, turning my phone on to check the time it was early in the morning. Really early in the morning.

I only slept for four hours which isn't bad. Getting up to stretch around feeling my bones crack slightly gives me a satisfied sigh.

Sitting back down I realized my dad nor Roland is here. Just as I am about to get up again to find them I saw my dad and Roland waking through the private waiting room doors with bags in their hands.

"Buongiorno figlio." My dad greeted sitting down next to me while setting the bags he had to the side.
Roland did the exact same but sat in the other couch chair.

"Buongiorno father." I replied, greeting Roland as well.

"You woke up pretty early, no?" My dad asked me as I am leaning my head back on the chair.

I simply shrugged, "I did."

We kept the conversation going mildly, the other boys woke up greeting my dad and their dad as well.

"What's in the bags?" Diego asked nodding towards the bags that where to the side.

"We brought some food and Luciana as well as Aida are on the way to come here."

We all nodded in response, now I know why they weren't here early morning.

They started taking out the food, while they all started eating my eyes were gazing at Victoria'a room.

"You have to eat figlio." My dad spoke up.

"I'm not that hungry right now." I replied back.
I heard my dad sigh.

"You haven't ate since yesterday, you have to eat."

I reluctantly agreed and ate some food they brought.

An hour has gone by and my mom as well as Luciana finally came a few minutes ago with some new clothes that we changed into.

Soft chatter was going around me with my parents and everyone else, I was still looking at Victoria's door, right when I was going to look away, Doctor Miller came out.

I immediately stood up catching the attention of others. They all saw where I was looking and rushed with me to the doctor.

Before any of us could ask, he spoke himself.

"I'm sorry to say, but she's not doing that well anymore. He breathing is way off as well as she's not responding. We have put her on some serums as well as kept her breathing mask on and now we have to wait." He said with a sad expression.

I clenched my fists. What?

I walked up to him glaring at him, "what kind of fucking doctor are you?" I asked.

"Can't fix a patient? You barely helped her. The whole fucking night we didn't get almost any updates and when we do she's not doing well anymore?" I yelled in front of his face.

As I was about to punch him I heard my mom calling out for me to stop, But I didn't I was so close to punching him when my dad, I assume, pulled me back.

"Let me go and let me do what I have to do!" I yelped.

"Calm the fuck down." I shook myself off him and glared back at the doctor.

"I'm sorry, we are really trying everything we can with the best possibility." He said.

I scoffed, possibility my ass.

With that he continued speaking.

"I also wanted to inform, I found a guy named Christian, also named Chris. He is a very good friend of Victoria's and since he's the closest I called him and told him all about what happened. He said he will fly out as soon as possible to come to the hospital to visit Victoria."

Chris? Who the fuck is Chris.

Sounds like an ugly name, must be an ugly person.

"When is he coming in?" My dad asked.

"I'm not too sure but maybe tomorrow or the day after." Is all he said before bidding goodbye and walking away.

"I wonder who Chris is." Diego spoke up.

Mummers of agreement went by before we all sat down.

All I could think of is how Victoria isn't doing well anymore. How could this have happened, she was doing good but in a sudden.

I closed my eyes thinking back to Victoria, her eyes, lips, hair, literally just her.

"Excuse me." A voice I didn't recognize said.

I opened my eyes and looked to see an older man who was wearing a grey suit looking at us.

I stood up as well as my dad and the rest.

"Yes?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Who even is this guy?

"Sorry to bother but I'm here for doctor Miller and I was wondering if you could answer what happened to Victoria and has she woken up yet?"

What the fuck?

"You're lying." Samuel said easily.

The mystery man cocked his head to the side a bit, "I'm sorry, you must be confused or wrong but I'm not lying."

"Really? So why didn't Miller come himself?" I asked.

"He is busy, but if you want to go ahead and call him, or I could, to ask." He replied back calmly.

Samuel and the rest looked at each other.

I decided to ask him a few questions, the least to do before anything else.

"What's your full name, how old are you and what are you going to do with the information provided by us?" I interrogated.

He looked at me and everyone else before answering, "my name is John Neil I'm forty-six years old and the information that I receive will be given to put in Victoria's records properly."

So he's a professional one, huh.

Before saying anything else I looked around to see everyone agreeing that I should answer him.

"Victoria was ambushed by a group of people and taken, basically kidnapped, but we found her and brought her here. And no she hasn't woken up yet, but you should know that since you're here for doctor Miller." I spat the last part.

Did I lie? Yes. Do I care? No.

I'm not dumb to tell this John guy what really happened he could work for anyone or report anything so I lied, not fully but still the main part is kept a lie.

He furrowed his eyebrows at my words.

"She hasn't woken up yet?"

"No." I answered John's question.

That made him clench his jaw, he was looking deeply in thought, as he looks up he catches my stare before forcing a tight lipped smile.

"Well, thank you for the information I'll see you soon." Is all he said before shaking hands with my dad and walking away.

"What the fuck." Diego said.

"John... what kind of name is that." My mom said wrinkling her face.

We talked more about the mystery man and thought of many possibilities as to why he came up to us so easily.


Hours have gone by and nothing much happened, yes we're still waiting and that's pretty much all.

My mom was sleeping but everyone else was awake talking or staying silent.

"Who are you?!" We heard, immediately I shot up looking to see a man and woman in front of Victoria's hospital room. The only thing that was stopping then going through was the two bodyguards we had put.

I walked up to them, "what's the problem here?" I asked emotionless.

"Boss, this man we have never seen before is asking us to move so he can go in." One of the guards replied.

"I have to get in to check on Victoria, I'm doctor Miller's assistant and helper, this my nurse helper."
The man said, his voice sounded awfully familiar but his face was a bit covered because of the mask he was wearing.

"Why are you wearing a mask?" I asked before anything else.

"To not cause any infections on the patient nor get any infections." He answered.

Such a fucking liar.

I nodded before looking at my guard's, "don't let them in and don't cause any noise just kick them out." Is all I said before walking away.

"I can show you my badge and call Doctor Miller if you need proof." I heard from the scum bag.

Turning around, "show me your badge, both of you guy's."

They both took out their badges before showing me.

The man looked almost exactly like John, except he had blue eyes and the person in the photo has brown eyes and is a bit more lankier which wasn't John.

The woman had ginger hair and green eyes, nothing warning.

The man's name is Jack Arthur and the woman's name is Rose Dosie.

Nothing seemed threatening after all.

I sighed handing them back their badges.
"Call doctor Miller." I intend.

The woman picked up her phone and called who I assume, Miller, and put it on speaker.


"Hi Doctor Miller, it's me nurse Rose and I'm here with assistant Jack in front of Victoria's room." She stated.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"We have a bit of issues, the guards aren't allowing us through and their boss is claiming for us to call you for some proof."

"Right typical, well here you hear me, that is my assistant and his helper Rose, you'll have to let them through to check on Victoria as I currently can't." Miller said through the phone.

So he isn't lying?

I nodded my head indicating I understand.

Rose said her goodbyes and hung up the phone before looking at me.

"Let them in and keep watch." Is all I said before walking away.

I sat down back again in the waiting room.

"What was that all about?" Diego asked.

"Just some problems nothing serious." I replied.

About five to ten minutes later Jack and Rose came out of Victoria's room.

I looked at them intensely. Jack looked right back at me before turning around and I pulling off his mask and walking away.

Not only did I have one weird encounter today but two. Who the fuck is John and Jack.


Hi guys!!

Thanks for reading another chapter<33

The real questions is will Victoria be alive? And who is John and Jack?


Bye bae's see y'all in the next chapter💕


~2107 words

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