
By hopeful_airhead

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"I was someone who tore through cities and villages with no remorse for the men, women and children I killed... More

Mysterious Beginnings
Chaos Rising
Into the Vault
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
The Overlooked
Alpha Pact
Lunar Eclipse
More Bad Than Good
Letharia Vulpina
Echo House
The Fox and The Wolf
The Divine Move
Thank you


863 38 3
By hopeful_airhead


Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital was having a rather quiet evening for once. Melissa was setting up Jack-o-lanterns on the receptionist desk for the holiday coming up. Melissa thought it was especially odd for it to be so uneventful on the week of Halloween. Her mind must have jinxed it because soon after she thought that, Agent McCall with his team of detectives walked in at the same time as Sheriff Stilinski with his team of officers from a different entrance.

"Oh, here we go." She said to herself as she started to approach the two armed forces.

Sheriff Stilinski marched up to Agent McCall, pointing his finger in his face.

"Hey, he is not coming in!"

"This is the only hospital that will take him." The FBI agent reasoned, making Noah scoff.

"What about county?" He asked, running down the list of anyone else that could take in the sociopath they had scheduled to arrive for surgery.

"You'd be surprised how fast things fill up when a guy like this needs surgery."

"They turfed him to us?" Melissa asked, annoyed.

"Yeah." Rafael answered.

"If county doesn't operate on him.." sheriff Stilinski started.

"Then someone has to." Rafael finished and they all turned to the sound of William Barrow being wheeled on a stretcher, strapped down so he couldn't escape.

"Someone has to do his pre-op interview." Melissa said, wearily.

"Who usually does that?" Agent McCall asked and Melissa reluctantly sighed.



As Scott pulled up on his bike to school that morning, he saw Ethan and Aiden parked at the school as well, getting off of their bikes and starting to walk up to him.

"You back in school?" Scott asked.

"Maybe. For now we're just here to talk." Ethan said. Stiles had just so happen to be exiting his Jeep when he saw Scott talking to the twins and made it a point to interrupt the conversation.

"Oh, that's a change of pace for you guys. Usually you're just hurting, maiming, killing." Stiles said, faking friendliness

"You need a pack. We need an alpha." Aiden said to Scott and Stiles scoffed.

"Yeah. Absolutely not. That's hilarious though." Stiles said while chuckling lightly at the thought.

"You came to us for help. We helped."

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp. That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually pretty counter-productive." Stiles ranted, but Scott out a hand on his best friend's shoulder, urging the boy to let him fight his own battles.

"Why should I say yes?" Scott asked seriously.

"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no." Aiden pitched, his voice sounding awfully political.

"I can think of one." Isaac said as he walked over to the group, having heard their conversation, "Like you two holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now."

"Gwen helped Kali kill Boyd too. She's got just as much red in her ledger as we do." Aiden argued, growling as he grew angrier at Scott's friends for interfering.

"And she's not only apologized but made up for it. In more ways than one," Scott said sternly, "whereas all you do is make excuses and throw her under the bus. She's proven herself to be a better person than she was everyday, so don't bring her into this. I'm sorry, but my friends don't trust you. And frankly, neither do I." Scott said and with that, the three boys left the twins behind. The former alphas watched the group walk away, feeling defeated.

"What now?" Ethan asked and Aiden stared at the school. He had an opportunity here. An opportunity to be a dick. He looked at Ethan, smiling wide.

"No. No way." Ethan said, already knowing what he was thinking.

"We never finished."

"And we don't have to." His brother tried to convince, but Aiden was hard headed.

"What if I want to."

"You.. you seriously want to go back to high school? Is this about Gwen?" Ethan asked, not understanding why anyone who didn't have to go back to high school would want to go back willingly.

"This is about getting Scott to change his mind.. and also about ruining Gwen's life here." He added with a small voice. Ethan let out a disgruntled sigh, not understanding why he was even listening to Aiden's stupid reasons, "look, we're not just betas anymore. We're omegas. The bitches, remember? When everyone we've screwed over finds out we don't have a pack anymore, what do you think is going to happen? We're dead on our own." He said, bringing up their past discrepancies thanks to Deucalion.

"That's still better than being back in high school," Ethan joked, "no way. I'm not doing it." He went to walk away but stopped when Aiden didn't move, continuing to smirk.

"What?" Ethan asked turning around to see what Aiden was looking at. His heart dropped into his stomach seeing Danny flirting with another guy at the benches near the entrance of the school. Danny laughed and lightly touched the other boy's arm, lingering for far longer than the werewolf would've liked to admit. He heard his brother playfully wince and he turned around to look at him, irritated.

"I'm not taking math." Ethan said and Aiden patted him on the back.

"I'll take it for you." He said, leading them to the building to re-enroll.


Gwen had walked into Economics taking her usual seat in front of Lydia, who was looking at her phone in boredom.

"Morning, Red." She said placing a caramel frappe on the girls desk. Lydia's jaw dropped in a gasp and she put her phone down immediately.

"Ugh, you're a life saver. Thank you!" She said as she started to sip on the drink, eyes rolling to the back of her head as the taste hit her mouth.

"And you say I'm weird about bacon." Gwen joked and Lydia looked at her, cutting her eyes.

"Oh please, you drink blood in a travel cup everyday like a vampire businessmen. I don't want to hear it." Gwen put her hand on her chest, feigning hurt from her words at her mouth gaped.

Just as she was about to joke back, a large thud was heard behind the doorway leading to coach's office.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled and all the students started to laugh at his exclamation. He walked out of the office, hair tossled around from falling to the floor.

"Mischief night, devil's night, I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A mans house is supposed to be his castle," he walked around as the students continued to chuckle and slammed his hand down on Scott's desk, "mines a friggin' omelette!"

Lydia rolled her eyes at Coach's antics and continued to scroll through her phone, boredom overtaking her.

"Oh, this?" Coach said, picking up another present placed on his desk, "we're gonna do this again? I don't think so!" He said throwing it in the floor and stepping on it, hearing it shatter. He quirked his brow, opening the box and looking inside to see a mug with his picture on it labeled '#1 Coach'. He opened the card on the desk with it, saying 'Happy Birthday, Love Greenberg'. He sighed and picked up all the glass shards while continuing to rant.

Lydia couldn't focus on her phone as a fly kept wizzing past her ear every five seconds. She kept swatting at it to go away and accidentally kicked Gwen in the seat in front of her as she was flailing.

"Damn, Red. Why the violence?" She turned around joking and saw Lydia waving her arms around like a lunatic, swatting at nothing. She furrowed her brows and Lydia looked at her, irritated.

"There's a fly." Lydia said and Gwen chuckled.

"I haven't seen one, you cuckoo head." Gwen said playfully and Lydia looked around. She whipped her head in every direction as flies kept buzzing all around her, but she couldn't see them.

Lydia slowly started to look up at the ceiling, staring while listening to the noise slowly start to surround her. It sounded like the entire room was swarming with them and yet there was not a single fly in sight.

"Lydia, are you okay?" Lydia looked back down at Gwen, eyes nearly popping out of her head as she looked confused out of her mind.

"You don't hear them?" She asked in a small voice, barely able to hear herself over the buzzing all around her.

"Hear what?" Gwen asked, looking her more worried than confused.

"The flies."


Sheriff Stilinski was at the hospital investigating the escape of William Barrow. During the surgery for the removal of his tumor, he managed to wake up and stab the surgeon performing on him while a swarm of flies had attacked the rest of the doctors and nurses in the room.

"Sheriff!" Melissa called for his attention and the sheriff excused himself from talking to the agents on the scene.

"What is it?"

"The flies that attacked all of us, they came out of Barrow. They were inside his tumor and flew out."

"Is that even possible?" Sheriff quietly exclaimed in confusion.

"Maggots can come from the body. It's called myiasis. But from the stomach? It's not likely."

The sheriff sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. Everyday, it just got weirder and weirder, not to mention harder to explain to his superiors.

"There's something else. Last night, he told me why he killed all those teenagers."

"Yeah, I know, I read the report. Glowing eyes."

"We know a few kids that fit that description." Melissa said as Agent McCall made an announcement to all the law enforcement in the room.

"Listen up, everyone.. the stolen ambulance has been spotted. Corner of Truman and Spaulding." He said aloud and the sheriff's eyes widened.

"That's three blocks from the school." Sheriff stated and started to run, calling all his officers to follow him as his heart raced in his chest.


Stiles had just gotten done talking to his dad who brought in his officers and the FBI down to the school. They were looking for Barrow, knowing he'd be there to cause mayhem to specific children with supernatural abilities.!After talking to the sheriff, Stiles went straight to the pack to let them know what was going on, the group now storming through the halls as they talked it over.

"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?" Gwen asked as a confirmation.

"Yeah, and no one knows how he woke up under the anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies. Which in any other circumstance would be kind of awesome." Stiles explained as they walked down the hallway but Lydia stopped in her tracks.

"Did you say flies?" Lydia asked and they all turned to look at her.

"Red?" Gwen called out, curious as to why she stopped.

"All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like...this buzzing." She said, making Gwen's brows furrow as she remembered what Lydia said to her in their first period.

"Like the sound of flies? Isn't that what you heard this morning?" Gwen asked and Lydia nodded.

"Exactly like the sound of flies." She said and they all looked at each other wearily.

"Okay, I have to find Scott. He's not answering any of my texts." Stiles said, worry in his voice.

"C'mon, I'll help you." Gwen said as they started to walk off.

They searched all the hallways until they saw Scott standing by one of the classroom doors, listening in.

"Hey dude! Where the hell have you been?" Stiles exclaimed running up to him, Gwen following. Lydia had run up to them as well, talking out of breath.

"The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?" She asked and they all looked at each other.

"They must have cleared the building and the grounds, which means he's not here." Stiles said aggravated.

"Who? What are you guys talking about?" Scott asked, but he was ignored.

"He has to be here." Lydia urged, not being able to shake the feeling she had.

"Red.." Gwen said, seeing she was upset that they didn't find him.

"That sound... the buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder."

"How loud?" Stiles asked, knowing that it wasn't good either way.

She closed her eyes slightly, as if flies really were buzzing all around her.

"Deafening." She said. Gwen sighed, putting her hands on her head, rubbing aggressively and sighing.

"Okay. Stilinski, you and Lydia go and try to stop your dad and the FBI from leaving. If it's getting louder, he has to still be here. Scott, you and I are gonna get Isaac and we're gonna use our sense of smell to find this freak." Gwen said and they all nodded to her plan.

"We could ask Ethan and Aiden to help us too since they can smell like us." Scott mentioned, knowing the two were already in the school to get themselves enrolled.

Gwen groaned and kicked her feet like a child. Anyone of them could see she didn't want the twins to have anything to do with this, but they didn't have a choice.

"Fine. Ask for their help. But I am not happy about it. Just know that." Gwen said before they all separated and went to do their designated tasks.


"The bestiary is literally 1,000 pages long," Allison said. They were all in an empty classroom discussing how to find out where Barrow was. Allison opened the window to outside and began clambering through it, "if I'm going to find anything about flies coming out of people's bodies, it could take me all night." She grunted as she climbed out of the window, making sure there were no officers around to see her leaving the premises.

"Just remember the word in Archaic Latin for fly is musca." Lydia reminded.

"Got it." Allison responded as she finally hopped out.

Lydia looked at Stiles. "Where do we start?" She asked and Stiles huffed, hands on his hips.

"Upstairs," he looked at the time on the clock, "my dad said the lock down is only until 3, so we have to act fast." He said and they both hurried out of the room


Gwen, Scott and Isaac were down in the basement smelling for Barrow as the twins were looking in a different section of the basement as them.

"So, is this how it's gonna be now? We trust them?" Isaac asked, just as annoyed that the twins were helping as Gwen was.

"Just because I'm letting them help doesn't mean I trust them." Scott clarified as they continued to search down the dark hall.

"Yeah, well, I don't trust them either." Gwen said, making Isaac's brows furrow in confusion.

"You guys were in a pack together?" Isaac asked sarcastically and Gwen looked at him pointedly.

"Just because we were in the same pack for a few years doesn't mean I trust them. Or like them. In fact, I hate them and would much prefer if they died." Gwen said simply, making Isaac nod along.

"I second that." Isaac quipped.

"Well, if Barrow is actually here and he's got a plan, you might get what you want." Scott said ominously, but that only made Isaac and Gwen smile slightly.

"Wouldn't be such a terrible loss." She said.

After some more time passed and they still hadn't found a trace of Barrow, Gwen sighed, throwing her hands up.

"I'm not getting anything. Are you guys?" She asked and they all sighed.

"Nothing." Scott said. Just as Isaac was about to agree, the fire alarm started to go off and they all three looked at each other in panic before running back to the outside of the school.

They met up with Ethan and Aiden on the way out and found Stiles and Lydia in the court yard getting yelled at by Coach. He'd walked inside after his rant at the two and Stiles spotted his friends coming toward them.

"We didn't find anything." Aiden said and Scott nodded.

"Not even a scent."

"It's 3:00, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Gwen asked, confused as to why Barrow would set a bomb to go off after everyone had already left.

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" Ethan asked and they all looked at Lydia for confirmation.

"I don't know. I just... I don't know."
She said, staring in a daze.

"You okay?" Gwen asked and Lydia just looked at down at the ground, shaking her head but not saying anything.

"Hey, would you guys wanna come back to mine and try to figure this all out?" Stiles asked and Gwen and Lydia nodded but Scott shook his head.

"I can't. I've got dinner with Kira's family tonight." All their eyebrows collectively raised in surprise, Gwen letting out a childish 'ooooo' before Scott punched her shoulder playfully.

"Well, have fun with that. I'm gonna go to Allison's and help her with researching the bestiary." Isaac said without explaining any further as he walked off.

"Okay, I'll text you guys if we find anything."Stiles said to Scott and he nodded before they parted ways.


Stiles was tacking William Barrow's picture onto his murder board with red string attached to the picture. Lydia was laying on Stiles's bed, playing with the red yarn he had lying around and Gwen was sitting in his desk chair throwing one of his baseballs in the air over and over again, bored out of her mind as Stiles worked diligently.

"What do the different colored strings mean?" Lydia asked as she swung her legs in the air.

"Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So, green is solved, yellow is to be determined, and blue's just pretty."

"What does the red mean?" She asked, resting her face in her hands. Gwen thought she looked so cute, face squished so her lips were perfectly pouty.

"Unsolved." Stiles said and Gwen quirked her brow.

"You only have red on the board." She pointed out.

"Yes, I'm aware, thank you." He said sarcastically and Gwen rolled her eyes, going back to throwing her ball.

"Did you get detention for pulling the alarm?" Lydia asked gloomily while wrapping the red yarn around her fingers.

"Yep. Everyday this week. It's okay though, we were onto something." He said rubbing his chin while staring at the murder board.

"Even though we didn't find any proof of Barrow being there?" Lydia said, hating herself for getting Stiles in trouble.

"Hey, Lydia. You've been right every time something like this has happened, okay? So, don't go doubting yourself now." He said as he went to sit at the foot of the bed, in front of her.

"No scent. No bomb. And I got you in trouble." She said staring at the yarn wrapped around her fingers, cutting the circulation off. Gwen watched as Stiles grabbed her hands and started to unravel the string, gently. Okay.

"Look, Barrow was there, alright? You knew it. You felt it. And if you wanted to, I'd go back to that school right now and search all night just to prove it." Lydia smiled and they sat staring at each other for a minute, just smiling.

Gwen watched as they had their little moment and couldn't help but get a weird feeling in her chest. Yes, her and Lydia had made it clear they'd stay friends for the time being, but Gwen wasn't planning on talking to anyone else in that time period. She felt she'd rather wait for Lydia to be ready rather than start something new, and she figured Lydia would've thought to do the same.

Maybe she's just over thinking. But Lydia had mentioned to Gwen how Stiles used to have the biggest crush on her since the third gradeD but that it didn't mean anything because she never had feelings for him. Maybe she wasn't being completely honest. Either way, it wasn't Gwen's place to say anything. Gwen cleared her throat, drawing their attention away from each other.

Stiles, in his attempt to stop being awkward, pulled the cap off the marker he was holding and took a heavy sniff in, smelling the chemicals.

"I'm pretty sure that's bad for you," Lydia said watching him and she saw an expression take over his face. It was his 'I've solved it' face, "What is it?" She asked, watching him leap up off the floor and get his shoes on as the girls stared at him wide-eyed and confused.

"Get up, C'mon, we're going to the school."


Scott was eating dinner at the Yukimura household. As a way of helping Kira make friends, her father had invited him over to mingle and it had been going pretty well so far.

"So, you guys moved here from New York?" Scott asked, trying to maintain conversation.

"I have family ties here in Beacon Hills. Several generations." Kira's mother answered, proudly.

"Yukimura is Japanese, right?" Scott asked, showing interest in their heritage.

"Yes, but I'm actually Korean," Kira's father spoke, "when my wife and I married, I took her name, as she was the only surviving member of her family."

"You didn't want to take both names?" Scott asked, not to sound rude. He was genuinely curious.

"We were married in Japan, where the law says that the couple must share the same name. So that they belong to the same koseki." Kira's mother informed.

"My wife's lineage is quite unique. I was actually going to discuss it in class one day." Mr. Yukimura said, not helping the feeling of pride that came over him when discussing his wife.

"Please don't." Kira spoke up, making it sound like it was torture.

"Kira. You should be proud of your heritage." Her mother said and Kira's face fell.

"It was a profound honor to join your mother's family." Mr. Yukimura said as he looked over to Scott and saw his face was bright red and he looked to be choking.

"Scott, where's your wasabi?" Kira asked as she saw the veins in Scott's face bulging. Scott coughed and inhaled deeply.

"I thought it was guacamole." He said, straining to speak and then started to cough excessively as the Yukimura's rushed to help his burning throat.


"So, what are we looking for exactly?" Gwen asked as the three roamed into the chemistry classroom of the dark high school. Stiles swung the closet door open, seeing the shelves full of chemicals.

"That was supposed to be locked." Lydia said, referring to the door that had a distance sign reading 'authorized personnel only.'

"Yeah, I know. Notice anything else?" Stiles asked.

"It smells like chemicals," Gwen said dismissively at first before she caught onto why he brought them there, "we wouldn't be able to catch his scent."

Stiles flashed his light all around the shelves before looking down at the floor, noticing numerous staples and blood scattered all over the linoleum.

"He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself. You were right, Lydia."

"Then why don't I feel good about this." She asked, worry in her tone.

"Probably because he was here to kill somebody." Stiles retorted bluntly.

"But who?" Gwen asked, trying to think of who Barrow could've been after.

"What's what we have to figure out." He said, standing up and exiting the closet, the girls following.

"Okay, spread out start looking for.. anything. Anything suspicious." He said as he and Gwen started checking drawers. Lydia, however, was fixated in the board at the front of the classroom, looking at the numbers written in white chalk.

"Lydia, what are those?" He asked, seeing her stare intently at the numbers.

"Atomic numbers." She answered, her  gaze not turning to him as she spoke.

"Is it a formula?" Gwen asked but Lydia shook her head.

"Not really. 19's potassium. 53's iodine. 88's radium. The first two make potassium iodide.." she said, picking up a piece of chalk and starting writing down the corresponding letters next to the numbers on the board.

"Potassium is K?" Stiles asked.

"From kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." She informed, Gwen having to keep down her comment of loving a big brained woman.

"What's radium?" He asked.

She wrote out Ra for radium and they both looked at what the letters spelled out on the board, their hearts dropping into their stomachs when the realization set in.

19 K
53 I
88 Ra



"Thanks for dinner." Scott said as Kira walked him down the pathway in front of her house to his bike.

"For the sushi? Or the pizza I bought after?"

"Uh.. the pizza was good." Scott joked and Kira chuckled.

"You seem like a really nice guy. And you have to be one of the nicest to do all that you've done for me." She said as Scott sat on his bike.

"Did I do something?"

"You just.. remembered my name." She said and he couldn't stop the smile that overcame his features. He knew how important it was that someone noticed her since she hadn't made any friends in school yet. He was glad to make her happy.

She started to walk away and Scott went to turn on his bike but before he could, everything went dark as he felt something hit the back of his head.


When they arrived at Kira's house, they saw Scott laying in the middle of the road, unmoving. Stiles quickly stopped and parked the Jeep and ran to Scott as the girls quickly climbed out and followed him. They leaned over the alpha, seeing his eyes closed.

"Scott! Scott?! Scott, wake up!" Stiles yelled, tugging his shirt and shaking him a little. Scott started to groan, squeezing his eyes open and seeing blurry visions of his three friends standing over him. When he came to, he sat up quickly, looking around for Kira.

"Barrow! He took Kira!"

"We know, he was after her the whole time." Stiles said reluctantly, wishing they'd realized it sooner.

"We have to call Allison. She was looking in the bestiary for anything that could help us against Barrow." Lydia said and Scott nodded, standing up and pulling out his phone to call Allison. The phone rang a few times before he heard Isaac's voice answering.

"Isaac? Did you find anything on Barrow in the bestiary?" Ignoring the fact that Isaac had answered Allison's phone.

"No, nothing. Just stuff about flies and the dead. Nothing else."

"Alright, thanks anyways." He said hanging up and turning back around the look at the other three.

"We have to think of something. He's gonna kill her." He said, worry setting in for the girl he was starting to like.

"I knew he was there. How did I know that?" Lydia asked, more-so to herself.

"Because you heard the flies right?" Stiles asked and Lydia nodded.

"What do you hear now?" Gwen asked, brows furrowed as Lydia let out a sigh of frustration.

"Nothing. I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do. It's like- it's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it. I just... I swear to god it literally makes me want to scream." Lydia stressed and as soon as she said scream, it hit Gwen. Banshee.

"Okay, then scream. Lydia, scream."

Lydia's mouth dropped in a high-pitched scream, causing the boys and Gwen to cover their ears quickly. It last a few seconds before Lydia went quiet. She could hear it. The buzzing. It wasn't flies. She whipped her head around to look at the three and they all simultaneously flinched when she turned.

"It's not flies. It's electricity." She said in realization.

"Wait a second, Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation." Stiles said and Scott looked at him with a stunned look.

"What substation?"


Scott pulled up to the substation as the jeep pulled up right behind him. Stiles and Gwen stepped out quickly as they saw Scott already running inside the building.

"Okay, Lydia stay here. Wait for the cops to come." Gwen said as Stiles grabbed his bat from the back. Lydia threw her hands up, confused.

"Me? Wait, why am I staying in the car?" She asked and Stiles looked at her dumbfounded while Gwen pointed at her sternly.

"Because I said so." She said before running inside. Lydia looked at Stiles dumbstruck and he merely shrugged before running inside behind the vampire.

Gwen caught up to Scott running inside the room Kira was being held, seeing her tied to one of the fences. They ran to help her but she yelled out to them before they got close enough.

"Guys, no! Look out!" Just as they stopped, Gwen felt herself being electrocuted and she fell to the floor, shaking profusely as they surges hit her in waves. Scott turned around and Barrow used the wire to hit him, throwing him across the room. He fell to the floor, slightly convulsing as the electricity ran through him.

Kira cried and struggled against her binds as she watched Gwen and Scott struggle on the floor and Barrow come closer to her with the sparking wire.

"Don't. She's not.. she's not the one you want!" Scott said, stuttering and Barrow simply looked at him, disinterested as he laughed at the boy.

He then slowly leaned down and grabbed Kira by the back of her head, tilting it to touch the wire to her body.

"Don't!" Scott yelled, but Barrow didn't listen. As soon as the wire touched her skin, an explosion occurred, Barrow flying backwards as all the panels and machines in the building exploded as well. Scott, in all the sparks flying, could see them all moving into one direction. Kira's. The sparks of electricity were flowing into her hands effortlessly. He watched in awe as she consumed all the electricity until the spark disappeared completely and Kira was standing, perfectly unharmed. Scott and Gwen lied on the ground, staring with their eyes wide after seeing what should've been impossible.


Isaac was in Allison's room, standing around bored as Allison got lectured by her father about the scene he'd walked in on earlier. Not every father is exactly thrilled to walk in in their shirtless daughter alone with a shirtless boy. Actually, make that a hunter father and a shirtless werewolf boy.

As he was leaning against Allison's bed, the lights in the room started to flicker on and off over and over until they completely went out all together, leaving him alone, in the dark.

His adrenaline kicked in as he suddenly felt the room go cold and he thought he saw something move past him like a shadow. He turned around to see nothing but darkness at first, until a pair of eyes glowed suddenly in the dark and he heard the door slam shut behind him, leaving him trapped.

Allison heard the door slam shut before Isaac started to scream bloody murder. Her eyes widened and she ran to her bedroom door, along with Chris following behind her. Isaac was screaming loudly as Allison and Chris pounded on the door, trying to open it, but it was locked.

"Isaac! Isaac, open the door!" Allison yelled and Chris tried to slam the door open with his shoulder. Their attempts were futile as all that could be heard were Isaac's screams as they struggled to save him.

     After a minute of Chris flinging himself into the door, it finally opened on its own accord and they looked to see Isaac on the floor of Allison's room, shivering. They both ran to him immediately and Allison rescinded her hand as soon as she touched Isaac's skin.

"Isaac! Omg, Dad, he's freezing like ice."

"Isaac, look at me!" Chris urged but Isaac kept turning his head in every direction due to the paranoia that whatever attacked him was still in the room.

"Dad, what's happening to him?" Allison cried and Chris grabbed Isaac by the shirt, forcing Isaac to stay put and look at him.

"Isaac, listen to me, you have to turn. Look at me!" Isaac still wasn't listening so Chris slapped him across the face, hard. Allison gasped at the sight, but said nothing as she could see her father was trying to help him.

"You need to trigger it. Come on. Turn!" He yelled, punching him across the face, "Turn!" He yelled as he punched Isaac again and again until finally Isaac's eyes started to glow and he revealed his fangs.

Isaac sat up against the bed, backing away from Allison and her dad who sat, watching him.

"Did you see them?" Isaac asked, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Who?" Allison asked with worried eyes.

"There were five of them. They wore black. I couldn't... I couldn't see their faces. They were covered."

"What do you mean? Like masks?" Allison asked softly, not wanting him to freak out again and he nodded.

"One of them... I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a... like a firefly." The father quickly stood up to check the windows and make sure they weren't tampered with.

"The security system wasn't triggered." He spoke and Allison shook her head, confused.

"Then how did they get in?" She asked.

"They didn't. It was like they... came out of the shadows." Chris lifted his head at Isaac's words, having a feeling he knew what broke in, but knowing this couldn't be good if he was right.

"Do you know what that means?" Allison asked, having seen her father's reaction.

"I'm... I'm not sure. Listen, the two of you. I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours." The two looked at him incredulously at his request, wondering why he'd want to keep it a secret.

"From everyone?" Isaac asked and Chris nodded.

"Just 24 hours."

"They could've killed him dad." Allison said, not wanting to keep something as dangerous as this from the pack.

"But they didn't. And I think there's a reason why," Isaac and Allison looked at each other anxiously before back at Chris, "I think they might've been after me."


"So, when did you get there?" Agent McCall asked the teenagers all sitting in  a line in the sheriff's office.

"At the same time." Stiles said, not specifying anything in particular causing Rafael to sigh.

"At the same time as who?" He asked

"At the same time as me." Scott chimed in.

"By coincidence?" His father asked and Stiles gave him a confused quirk of his brow.

"What do you mean by coincidence?"
He asked and Rafael had to refrain from rolling his eyes.

"I'm asking if the two of you arriving at the same time was a coincidence. Was it?"

"Are you asking me?" Scott asked and Stiles shook his head.

"I think he's asking me."

"I think he's asking both of you." Gwen said, annoyed at how slow this interrogation was going.

"Okay, let me answer the questions." Rafael said before looking at everyone in the rooms' reaction to his error.

"Let me ask the questions," He corrected, "just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then, Barrow took Kira to a power station and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town." He summarized their retelling of events, the group nodding to his words.

"Yeah, sounds about right." Stiles confirmed.

"How'd you know he'd take her to a power station?" Scott's father asked more seriously.

"Well, because he was an electric engineer." Stiles said, scratching the side of his head awkwardly.

"That's one hell of a deduction, Stiles." Rafael said, not understanding how one key point of vague information led them to Barrow before the police.

"Yeah, well, what can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement." He said, winking at his dad jokingly, making the sheriff chuckle. Rafael gave the father a dirty look and Noah played it off as a cough.

"Stiles, just, uh, answer the man." Noah said, putting on his serious cop voice.

"We made a good guess." Stiles said annoyed and Rafael looked at all the teenagers incredulously.

"What were the two of you doing before then?" Rafael asked Kira and Scott and they stuttered out different answers.

"Eating pizza."

"Eating sushi." They both said at the same time and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Eating sushi."

"Eating pizza." They reiterated but backwards. Gwen couldn't help the sigh of defeat that left her as she watched the teenagers scramble to lie to the cops.

"Eating sushi and pizza." They both said together and Rafael sighed, looking at the sheriff.

"Do you believe this?" He asked and Noah waved him off with his hand.

"To be honest, I haven't believed a word that's come out of Stiles's mouth since he learned how to talk," he said slowly standing up and coming around his desk to stand next to Rafael, "but I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it."

"Kira, is that how you remember it?" Rafael said, and Kira nodded immediately.

"Yes. Can I have my phone back now?" She asked and Rafael let out a huff. Teenagers.

"I'm sorry, but no. It's evidence." He said simply because walking them all out into the lobby of the station.

"Kira, a deputy is gonna take you home, but we'll need to fill out some paperwork first." He said as Kira watched them take her phone into the evidence room. She glanced at the others with weary eyes before a deputy led her to another room. Gwen turned to look at Lydia as Stiles walked away to talk with his dad.

"You need a ride?" She asked and Lydia nodded. They maneuvered around officers to leave the station, Scott following behind them when his dad stopped him, wanting to talk.

"I don't know why you guys are lying, or why Stilinski is content to listen to this crap, but try and remember something. If half of this story about Barrow is true, then not only did someone set him loose, but he was a pawn in their little game. A mass murderer is bad enough. A mass murderer being controlled by someone? Far worse."

"Yeah, I get it." Scott said, understanding where his dad was coming from.

"Alright, go home. It's a school night."

Scott nodded and walked out, heading to his bike to go home while thinking about his father's words.


Gwen walked Lydia up to her room, resting against the doorframe once the redhead was safely inside. Lydia sat down with a huff and looked at Gwen, annoyed. The blonde's eyes widened and she raised her hands in a defensive stance.

"Woah, what did I do?" Gwen asked and Lydia rolled her eyes, standing to go to her dresser and grab some pajamas. She merely ignored Gwen and the blonde chuckled and she crossed her arms, tsking.

"C'mon, Lydia, I thought we were more mature than the whole silent treatment." The redhead turned around quickly at Gwen's words, her face having anger written all over it.

"Oh, you wanna talk about being mature? Okay, let's talk about how mature it is to tell someone to stay in the car instead of helping her friends because you 'said so'." She argued and Gwen rolled her eyes.

"I'm not gonna apologize if that's what you're asking for." Gwen said blatantly and Lydia's brows raised nearly to her hairline.

"Are you serious? You made me feel so helpless and useless! I was just sitting in that car doing nothing looking so stupid-"

"What would you have done, Lydia?" Gwen interrupted and Lydia stuttered as she tried to answer, "exactly. Do you have any idea what would've happened to you if you would've come inside with us? You would've been electrocuted. You would've been seriously hurt or worse, you would've died-"

"You don't know that." Lydia interjected and Gwen's eyes widened and she chuckled dryly.

"Oh, I don't know that? Are you serious, Lydia?"

"I am stronger than you think. And I may not be able to control my powers right now, but I could've done something. Anything!" Gwen shook her head, scoffing as her hands were on her hips.

"See, Lydia, that's your biggest flaw right there. You are always trying to help save everyone without thinking about what could happen to you. I know you're strong, Red, and I know you're smart. You are more powerful than any of us can fathom, but you're still mortal."

Gwen grabbed a pencil off of Lydia's desk and stabbed it into her hand, and Lydia gasped. She watched Gwen rip the pencil out and the blood dripped down her arm before the wound healed almost immediately.

"I'm immortal. I'm cursed to never die but to watch everyone mortal that I love age and fade away. Tragically and suddenly, and if something happened to you — Lydia, if you died.." she trailed off, her eyes leaving Lydia's and falling to the floor, not wanting to think about Lydia in that state that she'd seen far too many people in.

"Death doesn't happen to you. It happens to the people around you." Lydia whispered to herself, remembering Stiles words to her after the lacrosse game sophomore year when she wanted to help save Jackson. She felt like time was repeating itself all over again. She kept making the same mistakes.

Gwen could see the war Lydia was fighting in her head and she sighed. She grabbed Lydia's shoulders, rubbing them softly and urging the girl to look at her. Lydia stared up into Gwen's eyes, feeling the tightness of her chest loosen when she saw there wasn't any judgement or hurt in the vampire's eyes anymore. Just adoration, care, perhaps even love.

"Lydia, I know you want to help. And I know that once you can control your powers, whatever they are, you'll be stronger than all of us. Hell, you'll for sure be able to kick my ass." She joked, but Lydia only smiled, her head falling down to look at their feet.

Gwen grabbed the side of Lydia's face, motioning for her to make eye contact again. The warmth of Gwen's hands always surprised her. She took most of her knowledge of vampires as a kid from Twilight so she assumed Gwen's skin would be cold as ice. But it wasn't at all. It was warm and inviting and they always made her feel safe. Like she could fall into her arms and stay there, unbothered, forever.

"But until then, I'm making it my job to keep you safe and away from danger. No exceptions." Lydia nodded, and felt Gwen's hands start to loosen from her before departing and the redhead immediately missed the feeling.

"We okay?" Gwen asked and Lydia nodded, smiling fondly and Gwen did the same, "Good. Because, if we weren't, I'd have to resort to other methods of persuasion." Gwen smirked, her brow raising up and down suggestively and Lydia laughed loudly, pushing on her chest slightly.

"Get out!" The banshee jokingly demanded.

"Alright, alright. I'm leaving!" Gwen said as she turned to head towards the bedroom door but turned back to look at Lydia.

"I'll see you tomorrow, gorgeous?" Gwen asked, looking adoringly at Lydia and making her blush before nodding her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, am I not gorgeous?" Gwen joked and Lydia rolled her eyes.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm going. I'm going. Goodnight, Red."

"Goodnight, Gwen." She said and Gwen shut her door quietly. Lydia fell back on her bed, staring at her ceiling as she thought deeply. Keeping her feelings out of her friendship with Gwen was going to be tough at this rate. Especially when all she could think about, as she heard Gwen start her car and leave, was kissing her.

Authors note: thank you for reading! Hoping you guys are liking it! Have a good one!

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