Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Mal...

By WonTomi8

16.6K 1.2K 172

Y/N is a cold hearted vigilante with no regard for the health of those he rains "justice" upon, but a quiet k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 25

335 30 5
By WonTomi8

Y/n opened the door to the restaurant, letting Minju enter first. After a quick scan, the two walked to an open table detached from the rest of the restaurant.

With a triumphant nod Y/n smiled, "This spot's pretty nice."

Minju nodded, "We should check out what movies are available right now."

Y/n grabbed his phone, scrolling through it to find a movie at the nearby theater.

"I don't see anything too good."

Y/n continued scrolling until he gave up.

"How about we watch Part-Time Spy?"

Minju furrowed an eyebrow, "I've never heard of that one."

"It was just released."

"Oh- Sure."

"We have about half an hour to eat then."

"Half an hour," Minju mouthed, "Okay."

After consuming probably too much chicken, the two walked to the movie theater to buy their tickets.

Ticket in hand Minju pursed her lips. With a curious gaze, the girl tilted her head, "Have you seen any reviews for the movie?"

Y/n shook his head, "Nope. I don't want to get spoiled.


"Do you want popcorn?"

"Nah, I'm still full from the chicken."

Y/n smirked, "You went to town on that thing."

Minju waved her hand, dismissing the prior remark, "It's been a while since I've had fried chicken."


"Yeah. We usually save it for special occasions or celebrations."

"Surely you would have had one in the past few months, right?"


"That's sad."

Minju shrugged dismissively, "Eh, I don't mind it too much. It just makes those times when I do eat fried chicken all the more special."

"You're right."

"Do you want to sit in the front, or the back of the theater?"

"How about the back?"

"I was thinking the same."

Y/n smiled, "I'm glad we can agree."

Y/n led Minju up the stairs, sitting at the edge of the row. While waiting for the movie to start, Y/n took a peak at the girl beside him.

Who would have guessed I would be doing this so soon...

Minju placed her hand on Y/n's as the lights dimmed.

"You're staring."

"I don't know how I could ever stop."

A small smile crept on Minju's face as she turned her head toward the movie screen. Without realizing, Y/n found his fingers interlocked with Minju's grasping it tightly.

"Woah," Minju giggled, "I'm not going anywhere."

Y/n loosened his grip, "Sorry."

Y/n turned his head forward hoping that the movie would never end.

As the pair walked out of the movie theater, Minju looked at the sky frowning.

"The sun's already setting."

"Perfect time to go to the park."

"And find the kids?"

"I'd prefer more one-on-one time."

A smile spread across MInju's face.

"That works with me. How far away is the park?"

"Not too far. We should be able to get there before the sun sets."

Minju tugged on Y/n's arm, "Let's hurry up then. I want to get there while there's still light."


While walking to the park, Y/n noticed his fingers were still interlocked with Minju's.

I guess she really wants to make things official.

Before he knew it, the two sat down on a hill underneath a tree. On another hill, he could see the younger couple resting on each other.

Coupled with a chortle, Y/n grinned, "I guess we did end up finding them."

"They're one hundred percent dating."

"What makes you say that?"

"Wonyoung is resting her head on Jisoo's lap. Friends don't do that."

"That's true."


Y/n turned his attention toward Minju. As his eyes connected with the brown glimmering pair of orbs next to him, Y/n felt his heart skip a beat. Golden hour had reached its curtain call, but Minju's looked as beautiful as ever. With the last shred of heavenly light leaving Minju's peachy skin, the girl's mouth curved into a smile.

"This is the longest I've seen you stare at me."

"You grabbed my attention for the purpose, didn't you?" Y/n's voice seemed somewhat harsh, yet Minju knew that was the exact opposite of Y/n's intentions.

"I did, but I didn't think it'd work that well."

Y/n let out a chortle, "You're just too beautiful."

"Oh, stop it."

Y/n looked up, "The sky looks nice."

"It's black."

"I like the dark sky. If you look carefully enough, you'll find the stars as well."

Minju followed Y/n's actions leaning back on her arms, "You're right. The moon looks nice as well."

"It's a full moon."

"The lighting is perfect as well. I didn't know moonlight could make things look this good."

"I didn't either..."

Minju glanced toward the other couple, prompting Y/n to look as well. With her head resting atop the smaller boy's lap, Wonyoung stretched her arms to the sky-seemingly reaching for a star. To their dismay and utter shock, Jisoo reached outward, seemingly plucking a star from the sky. Floating in the middle of his fingers, the small ball of light illuminated the young teen's faces.

Completely awestruck, Minju could only weakly breathe, "Ya, did he just..."

Y/n blinked in disbelief, "There's no way he did. That has to be a magic trick."

"What the fuck type of magic trick does that? That thing's levitating."

"I'm not sure..."

"It looks like he pulled a star out of the sky. He's literally holding a ball of light in his hands. Even Wonyoung seems surprised."

Y/n gulped, "Let's ignore that."

"That kid's not normal. Even if that's just a magic trick, no normal person can do something like that."


Y/n turned his attention back to Minju who continued to watch the other pair. A small pit grew in his stomach as he thought of the question that had pricked at the back of his mind the entire day.

I know we already established we don't want to move things along too fast, but I think I want to do it...

Y/n gulped. Minju's attention was still focused on the younger couple, giving him a sense of relief since she couldn't see the panic racing through his face.

You can do this, Y/n. You both already know you like each other, it's just a matter of getting htat push forward. All you need to do is ask her out. That's all.

The moon shone brilliantly, carrying along with it gentle beams of light that carefully illuminated Minju's delicate skin. As the two sat under the gaze of the stars, Y/n finally built up the courage to ask his heaviest question.


Minju turned her head with a curious expression, "Hm?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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