Marked Claws (Mystic Bonds #2...

By SkylerChase29

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❝ Let's rule a Kingdom, shall we? ❞ •○• When human slave turned Fae Handmaiden, Cara Arnel found herself in t... More

Part I: The Knowledge
1. Cara
2. Cara
3. Lucien/Damien
4. Arion
5. Cara
6. Cara
7. Cara
8. Xander
9. Cara/Xander
11. Xander/Cara
12. Damien
13. Arion/Lucien
14. Lucien
15. Xander/Cara
16. Cara/Xander
17. Cara
18. Cara
19. Cara
20. Cara
21. Cara/Xander
Part II: Confrontations
22. Cara/Lucien
23. Cara/Lucien
24. Xander/Cara
25. Arion/Lucien
26. Cara
27. Cara
28. Britt
29. Cara
30. Cara
31. Lucien
32. Cara/Arion
33. Cara
34. Cara
Book 3 Announcment

10. Xander/Cara

1.5K 131 37
By SkylerChase29

(Xander's P.O.V)

The match began.

And Nile stayed true to his word, starting out aggressive. My beast stirred within me, growling impatiently and urging me to go protect her but I caged him, gritting my teeth and clutching the pommel of my own sword.

The mate bond was dampened but emotions still trickled in like a small stream: trepidation, confidence, eagerness, doubt.

Nile thankfully didn't do the mistake of deliberately aggravating me by grinning salaciously at Cara or something but my skin still prickled with unease.

Nile came down with the sword on Cara who blocked it with Rubin–the name of the sword she was wielding. Except Nile had put in wolf strength and Cara's feet slipped back with the force. But she did not fall and then right after came the parrying. Blow after blow was delivered by Nile, the sun beating down on us harshly and Cara blocked each one, loosing her footing less and less with each strike. As if she was standing up against the force of his werewolf strength and as much as it baffled me, I put the questions for once she would emerge victorious.

Because she simply had to.

I was coiled tight like a snake except the only beast I could be compared to was a restless wolf.

Being able to feel slices of the blows she was taking, the mate bond was wavering with her mental shields weak and I could feel her ache like it was my own. But where I expected it to be an ache of the body, it made me feel like it was an ache centuries old, never fading.

Nile Kausam got in a hit, his sword clanging against the metal of Cara's armor and my heart skittered. He was naturally more agile and strong than Cara, add in his shifter heritage and you had the match going like it was between a cat and a mouse with my mate, unfortunately, being the unfortunate mouse here.

I had to swallow down a growl but Cara was unaffected and with her jade eyes ferocious, she got back her equilibrium and continued to block his thrusts. She wasn't attacking at all and it was slightly worrisome.

But she still managed to hang on and besides a few close nicks with Nile's sword, nothing serious and worthy of being mentioned had happened. The arena had been silent but now after more than fifteen minutes having passed without a victor emerging, the pattern was becoming repetitive and the crowd was starting to whisper.

With the sunlight on her, the jadeite ring of Lucien's she still wore shone like the jewel it was and envy made itself known for a moment.

Melida's lips were twitching and I narrowed my eyes as she glanced at me.

'Don't worry, brother.'

'I physically cannot adhere to that command, Melida.'

She shrugged as if that was my problem and continued leaning against a tree, her arms folded lazily but her yellow eyes tracking Cara's every move with trained vigilance.

I shook my head at the strange behavior, aware I'd need to have a word with her and Micah about their closeness with my mate. It was suspicious as hell and I was ready to work for those answers.

Nile's eyes flicked around, no doubt hearing the whispers as clearly as any of us could with our enhanced hearing. He growled in irritation but I saw my mate's lips twitch and her stance of strengthened defense didn't waver. Her chest heaved and she was a sight to behold despite everything.

Then again, she was always a sight to behold for me.

Was she....per chance....forcing Nile to attack? But how was that going to be beneficial to her?

Not going to lie, I was surprised. I was aware of Cara and Arion's sword lessons but she couldn't have become this good in such a short time, right? Despite my queries, at the moment I was only thankful to those lessons if this was the result.

Or maybe she practiced in her spare time around the castle and it was just me who didn't know. It had been over a month since she arrived here and the first full moon had also passed by. Which was exactly why the people of Adalda had become so vocal. I'd had no illusions about Cara and I mating on the first full moon, hell the girl didn't even know me. But the approaching full moon would have to do.

A decision had to be made and I was more nervous about it than I should've been.

The soldiers around the arena were frowning and confused, Akhil to the right of me nodding to himself as if he had an idea about what was going on. I refrained from asking him and instead focused on the wolf that was getting agitated while my mate silently took his blows, not even a taunt or a smile. Nothing, just vicious resolve striking the silver of her eyes.

Nile growled, his eyes flashing with hints of his wolf and my answering growl was laced with dominance, so much so that Nile's wolf backed up on his own. The match continued, with Cara still on the defense but that would have to be wearing her out a lot.

And then suddenly, instead of blocking his next strike straight down the middle, Cara slipped out of way, pivoted and held the sword at Nile's neck, breathing heavily.

I blinked.

Everyone stayed still and for a moment I couldn't process it.

They didn't even fight, what was this?

Cara had a small smile on her lips, playing mischievously as she pressed the sword harder against Nile's very vulnerable neck, drawing a thin trail of blood.

That's when I understood.

Since the very start, Cara had taken the defensive. She did well defending and Nile was naturally aggressive so he didn't even stop to think of why she hadn't attacked even once. By the time the whispers started, Cara had managed to draw the match out long enough that Nile was frustrated and the whispers didn't help.

They made him tip.

Cara had been using the same pattern of defense and in the adrenaline rush, Nile somehow became accustomed to it, with his wolf just beneath the surface, it had to be messing with his head too for control so he made a reckless drive at my mate. Except she was smart and to avoid the blow, she dodged for the first time instead of parrying it. Unexpected and thus effective, Nile flew forward by his own momentum and Cara picked the time he was vulnerable, quick on her feet and held him at her sword's mercy.

Nile was frozen, surprise and ire riding him and he growled loudly, his eyes flashing with the color of his wolf. For a moment I was afraid he would risk his neck and whirl around to use some underhanded tactic but he only gritted his teeth before letting his weapon fall in surrender.

Yet the moment my mate took off the sword, he turned around with a vicious growl and bare-handed, pounced on her.

It was now fair for me to intervene since the fight was over and my wolf was barely controlled. I had no qualms about the fact that my eyes were a glowing golden–human and wolf fighting for dominance. Claws extended as I saw my mate pinned beneath another dangerous male.

But before I could tear the vermin to pieces, Cara had driven the sword through a space in Nile's armor. Her green eyes were hard as steel as she stared up at him straddling her, his hands around her neck. I clenched my hands, growling loudly.

Nile froze and even I was taken aback with the unexpected move.

"I bested Nile Kausam fair and square, the match ended." Cara's voice rang out with renewed force.

Her eyes focused on him again as he bled, rolling off of her and clutching his bleeding abdomen. Cara stood up slowly, her eyes narrowed and I gritted my teeth.

"Attacking me after the ending of the match was underhanded, Nile Kausman. I believe you're aware of that and won't be making the same mistake again. Especially against someone who might be your new Luna Queen." The strength in her voice, the stance of her feet as she looked down at Nile who was healing with his werewolf gifts.....

It all made her look so much stronger than anyone would think by looking at her.

The soldiers around all swallowed their tongue as Cara's eyes swept over them, her chin raised slightly and the men remained silent. They might not all agree with her claims but none dared to voice their dissent, at least not after she bested Nile and I too was present here.

Cara's armor was slightly bloodied and I cursed the lack of vambraces - the pieces of the armor that would shield her arms that were now cut in a few places. But that was nothing much compared to the Nile's state.

When Cara's words finally permeated my wolf-ridden conscience, I couldn't stop my smile. Was she acknowledging the duties she would have to carry so publicly? One thing I knew clearly about her was she was a calculated little female and not rash at all. She wouldn't do that unless she was serious and if she meant it, that meant I would be getting laid quite soon.

My blood rushed south and I had to shake my head to focus.

There were still a lot more obstacles to cross but if Cara could do them all like this, then it would be amazing. My beautiful mate was full of surprises apparently.

Some part of me was proud of her just as she was of herself but the other was baffled. And my wolf? He was only waiting to tear into Nile.

Alpha female mate challenges would now certainly be coming in but for now she'd established her foothold among my people and new rumors would be going around.

When Cara's jade-silver eyes met mine, I wolfishly grinned at her and she returned my grin, walking over with Rubin dripping blood, looking so darn amazing that the thought of seeing her in an Alpha Mate challenge, fighting for Luna position, fighting to rule besides me, fighting for fucking me, was turning me the hell on.

She looked a soldier but I presumed she'd look a good bloodied warrior if unleashed and in the arena against female wolves trying to lay claim on me.

I blinked internally, confused as to how I came to a conclusion that deep when I knew she was human and had only won because of her wits and slight strength.

Thinking hard on it made my head throb instantly and the pain wasn't worth missing out on my mate's closeness.

"Did I do fine, Alpha?" There was a teasing undertone to her words that I matched with my smirk.

Grabbing a hold of her hand, I dipped my head low to meet her eyes, tall as I was. She rose a brow, boldness and courage staring back at me. I brought her hand to my lips, laying a kiss on the back of it as sparks traveled up my spine, her scent driving my wolf mad.

"You did well."

Her eyes flickered, skin pebbling with goosebumps and a self-satisfied smirk pulled at my lips. Cara spotted it and rolled her eyes playfully, slipping her hand out of mine to glance at my sister.

Melida tipped her head and Cara acknowledged it, making me cock my head to the side in confusion.

Were they such good friends that words weren't needed for communication anymore?

Akhil approached my mate and they respectfully appraised each other before he bowed, "That was a smart win, Luna."

My mate tilted her head and humbly smiled in acknowledgement and I found myself transfixed by the way she was taking the royal rules into her stride and executing them in accordance to the werewolves culture.

Either way, I tightened my grip on her hand, smiling softly before turning to my people, "I assume you will be able to continue without me?" Another look at Akhil and he bowed.

No one objected and I pulled Cara closer, her eyes fluttering up at me and making my heart clench before I turned on my heel, taking her with me.


(Cara's P.O.V)

We walked across the grass covered hill, and I could feel the lingering stares from not just the soldiers but the females in the corner.

Xander's hand in mine felt comforting but the grip conveyed his tumultuous emotions as well as the bond did.

The incident just now had been a declaration.

I knew hiding my true self while being mated to Xander would be difficult but I could see that I'd have to give in at some point unless I took prior measures to ensure his oblivion.

"The challenges will pile in."

"I'm aware. I'm ready too."

Xander turned his eyes to me, a thread of uncertainty wriggling under his skin and I gave him a slight smile.

"You trusted me just now, didn't you? I don't believe I disappointed you." I leaned in close, affection in my eyes as I brought up his hand to my lips and kissed the knuckles of his scarred hand.

Xander's eyelids fluttered and he clenched his jaw. "You..." He closed his eyes.

I lowered his hand and resumed walking while I waited for him to speak properly.

"I have to say I'm quite surprised though. As much as I have faith in you, love...." He looked eyes with me, "You're a human who was....a slave up until seven months ago. To go up against Alpha females that have trained for this position since the moment they were born...."

I understood his doubts but I'd have to face them head on.

"You and I both know that should have nothing to do with my place in the pack now. Xander, the war is soon going to be upon us and Adalda will need a Luna. I am that Luna. And for others others to belive in me the way you do, I need to prove myself to them. For good reason."

My tone was soft and the clouds rolled in as if hearing my words and responding to the omen.

"I understand, love." He threaded our fingers together, planting a kiss on my forehead and I basked in the love. No matter the depth of it.

"Thank you."


When nightfall came, the sky covered in charcoal black and sprinkles of silver, I followed Xander's scent and the pull of the bond to find him.

A faint smile painted my lips as I prepared to open the door.

The door to the room that lay between mine and his. The room supposed to be shared by us. As mates.

"Xander." I didn't need to call out to him but I savored the feel of his name on my lips.

He didn't move, his shirtless and toned back tensing at my intrusion before he rolled his shoulders. He was looking out of the window, at the bustling night scene of his kingdom.

"The arena will be set up by the day after tomorrow for the matches."

My heart skipped a beat and trepidation buried its claws inside my flesh in my conscious mind.

"That's good to hear. The sooner it's done, the better."

For obvious reasons, Xander was uncomfortable with the arrangement.

If any of the other men were here or the situation was different, I had no doubts I would never have been allowed to do something this reckless in their eyes. Especially with the precarious state of my existence as a prior human slave.

Britt and Keely would be arriving on the same day and I needed to have a word with both.


Micah told me that Esmeralda Eldwick and Minsiter Isla seemed to have had a word with the three men too. I was unsure of what to make of it but I hoped they wouldn't have given too much away.

But Isla was quite experienced, being the only Oracle alive with foresight.

"I don't know why I'm letting you do this. If I want it, the kingdom will have to accept it–"

I laid my bare palms against his tight back, cutting Xander off as he sucked in a sharp breath. I lay small butterfly kisses on each scar–small and big alike–and watched as he slowly eased and tensed all over again but for different reasons this time. I stopped my minsitrations and snaked my arms to wrap around his waist as I hugged Xander from behind.

"I do not wish to harm your authority and judgment as the Alpha King, Xander. Imposing a Luna on the people will not earn me their respect. And no pack can function properly unless due respect is given to the title bearers."

"How are you so smart? You know quite a lot, love. It hasn't been so long since you came here." Confusion bled into his tone and amusement into mine.

"I've been here a month."

Of course that was not the only reason. I simply remembered more and more with each passing day until the entirety of my memory would be restored.

My new powers were what I needed to work on while simultaneously maintaining the happenings around me. I couldn't afford to take my eyes off the grand win and to reach it, I needed to reap the efforts I'd sown five hundred years ago.

I lay my cheek against Xander's back, closing my eyes and inhaling his claiming scent.

"Will you sleep here with me tonight?"

The question was mumbled but I was not unsure about his response. He wouldn't take this step himself because either. I knew he would be beating himself up over killing me. Brutal as it was, it had happened nonetheless. It was up to me to take the steps here and mend our relationship.

Nevermind that it would most probably end up tearing my heart from my chest.

Xander inhaled and unwrapped my arms from around his waist to turn while holding my hands in his.

Golden eyes ensnared mine and a corner of his lips tilted upwards wolfishly.

"Only if you can handle me, my love."

"I can always learn." I whispered and heat flared in his eyes. "If you teach me, that is."



I hope the chapter was good and you all enjoyed! Thank you for reading, it means a lot! This was a long chapter heh.

This chapter made me use my mind a lot to write lol but u enjoyed it and the result is good I'd say. What do you think about how Cara handled herself and about Xander's reactions?

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment and please go back to vote on all parts if you haven't! I always appreciate it! Love you guys!

Till next time then!


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