
By Susimau

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Wooyoung meets San for the first time in the year 582 BC in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He meets him agai... More

Act I: Babylon
The Bazaar
Song Mingi
The Babylonian Palace
The Hanging Gardens
The Tower of Babel
Sand in Shoes
Off to Rome
Act II: Rome
On the Forum Romanum
Villa Romana
The Tale of Achilles
Cretic Wine
Sleeping for a Month
Act III: Norway
Deja Vu
The Immortal
The Fireplace
Double Axe
The Remote
The Door
An Escape
Act IV: Nottingham
Kang Yeosang
Rightfully Ours
Nightly Visitor
Yeosang's Studies
Myths about San
Goodbye Nottingham
Act V: Florence
The Church
Park Seonghwa
Meeting a Legend
The Vitruvian Man
The Philosopher's Stone
Leaving Florence
The Sea
The Gift
Act VI: London
Among Gentlemen
Date at the Riverside
Choi Jongho
Playing and Winning
Wrapping Up
Carriage Ride
Last Goodbye
Act VII: Present
Showing Up
How and Why
Kim Hongjoong
Tea and Cuddles
Another Immortal
Fool's Love
Second Attempt
Running Backwards
Sick Leave
Babylonian Spices
Yongguk Returns
Going Home
Turn Back Time
Group Meeting
Planning A Trip

Spy Mission

661 65 86
By Susimau

Wooyoung and Yeosang had set out in the morning of the next day. Equipped with wandering staffs and bread with cheese and ham that Ada had given them, they squared their shoulders and left Nottingham. With a companion, the forest seemed far less magical, but Wooyoung appreciated Yeosang's fun character. He wouldn't have wanted to chase the book thieves by himself.

"So, where do you know Robin Hood from? Is he famous even up in Loidis?" Yeosang tried to make casual conversation. His awkward smile made it difficult sometimes for Wooyoung to pick up on the man's well-hidden humour, but he guessed well.

"Not so far north, but I heard of him on my journey here. It seems he terrorises many surrounding towns," Wooyoung replied. The air of the forest was still chilly so early in the day, but his leggings kept him unexpectedly warm. He would need to thank Seungyoun for his excellent outfit choices once more when he got back.

"He has been a hassle for several years now, yes." Yeosang nodded in agreement. Under the feet, the acorns from a past winter crunched and fell apart to their bits. The thumping of their staffs on the soft forest floor was irregular. A crow calling at them from a tree reminded Wooyoung of snowed-in pines and firs. Of the man with broad shoulders carrying a double axe in front of him.

Depending on how long this rescue mission of theirs would take, Wooyoung might not have enough time to search for San as well. The robbers had disrupted his plans and he would spend more time with Yeosang than anticipated. Maybe he could leave a message for San somewhere and tell him to meet him in Florence? What if he didn't pass by? Wooyoung would hate it if their lucky streak of reuniting by coincidence had ended after Norway and he would have difficulties finding the man again.

The wind rushed between the leaves of the forest and plucked some of them from their branches to scatter them across the forest floor. The sparse rays of light falling through the treetops met some leaves more than others, and every so often, single parts of branches shone orange and yellow among an otherwise green tree.

Wooyoung and Yeosang wandered in peace. They met two other travellers who asked them for the way to Nottingham. After Yeosang had given them the information they needed, the men had moved on.

After a few hours of wandering, Wooyoung's stomach grumbled. They sat down on a nearby rock formation covered by mushrooms and moss. While they still monitored the road, the two men shared their food. Yeosang told Wooyoung about how long it had taken him to collect and write his records. When Wooyoung had assured him they would get everything back in its place safely, Yeosang had hummed. His troubled frown didn't let up yet.

It took them until the late afternoon to arrive in the area that Yeosang had described as the thieves' territory. The air was warm and full of insects when they left the big path and instead snuck into the undergrowth. Branches cracked under their feet as they approached the bandit camp carefully.

As soon as the first tent appeared between the trees, Yeosang and Wooyoung huddled behind a tree. Ever so cautiously, they peered at the camp.

The group had built their hideout around an old tower in the middle of the forest. Its guarding function had long since been overgrown by the ivy climbing its sides and age, cracking the battlements.

The assortment of tents circled the tower and the surrounding clearing. They had built an open area under a canopy held by wooden sticks. The few men that milled around shared laughter and stew. None of them suspected the two boys stalking them.

"The major group must have gone out to rob people again. Now is the best timing to snatch back what is rightfully ours," Yeosang whispered. The large canopy was responsible for cooking meals and a medical station. Maybe they kept their loot in the tower until they transported it off?

Wooyoung squinted at the other tents to figure out if another one gave away any clues.

"Do you think they put books in the same place with the money?" Wooyoung hissed back. Deliberately, he shifted his foot when his ankle throbbed in its position.

"Yes, that's easiest to guard," Yeosang replied. "I would say to wait until night so we don't get seen, but I bet they will light this place up and the main group will also return."

Hesitantly, Wooyoung stared at the camp. If they snuck in like two thieves, would they get attacked? Could they pull it off? One of them would be less noticeable than a duo, but he doubted either of them was skilled enough to make it alone.

As Wooyoung swiped his eyes over the camp once more, his eyes got stuck on someone. The man had distanced himself from his group to eat and sat in front of a tent with his wooden bowl. His back was to them, but Wooyoung believed to recognise the build of his shoulders under his green tunic vaguely.

His heart quickened its beats in his chest as he inched closer. Yeosang made a confused sound, but he followed Wooyoung as they switched out their tree for a new one to hover close. The change of angle helped. This time, Wooyoung could glance at the features of the man. And his lips pulled into a disbelieving smile.

San's hair had got shorter again. Wooyoung was glad to see he didn't have the horrible trendy haircut of this time, but wore them at shoulder length. The upper part was bound in the back of his head. Some strands still fell over his ears and got shoved back indignantly every few minutes. Endeared, Wooyoung watched how the other man pouted to himself while he ate. Every spoonful of stew that passed his lips ended in them, closing to savour his meal with happy movements of his jaw.

Oh, how Wooyoung wanted to trail his fingers over that jaw yet again.

He didn't let San out of his eyes when he leaned closer to Yeosang. Their foreheads brushed when their heads leaned close together.

"That man over there; I know him. I could lure him here and ask him to help us get your books back."

"You know a thief?!" When Yeosang's shrill voice was louder than expected, he quickly lowered it again. The distrust in his voice didn't pass Wooyoung, but Wooyoung brushed it off.

"He is harmless. Shall we try it? It might be safer than trying ourselves."

Yeosang looked about ready to march right into the camp to demand his books back like an indignant mother in a supermarket when her baby's food was out of stock. But the pressing glint in Wooyoung's eyes had him give in with a sigh.

"Fine, try it. But if he alerts the camp, you will have to distract them while I steal the book." Yeosang crossed his arms and sat back. Wooyoung gave him a thankful smile before he focused his gaze on San again.

He didn't dare sneak any closer since he would be exposed to the other thieves then. With his fingertips glued to the rough bark of the tree in front of him, Wooyoung peeked his head out.

"San!" He called as quiet and as loud as possible. His whisper-yell flew straight over the man's head. He dipped to take another slurp of his soup. Broad shoulders flexed under his clothing.

With a huff, Wooyoung looked around. He found a meagre twig nearby that would barely fly far enough to reach San, but he launched it still. A mere metre further from his arm, it tumbled to the ground sadly.

After a glance at the uncaring thieves under the canopy that filled their stomachs with food, Wooyoung dug his hands into the undergrowth. He winced at some sharp corner of a branch scratching him. The leaves he touched were wet and nowhere as crunchy as he had hoped they would be, but he tried his best.

He waited until the only other man nearby had joined the majority of the camp's group at the big tent further away. Then he moved his hand around, digging and rustling in the earth.

This time, San perked up. His curious eyes found his teammates first. When they swiped through the camp attentively, Wooyoung hit the forest floor as if the vibrations could reach the man and alert him of their presence.

"San!" He hissed again. This time, the man finally turned.

At first, his eyes grew apprehensive when he spotted Wooyoung lingering behind the tree. His hand reached for the weapon attached to his hip. His fingers had wrapped around the hilt of his sword when he froze in his movement. Suspicious, he squinted at Wooyoung. When Wooyoung waved his hand at him excitedly, his hand dropped from his sword again.

After a glance left and right, San rose to his feet to near them. Wooyoung stayed partly in view to assure San he was in no danger. Yeosang was still tense at his side.

San rounded the tree with caution in his step. He was surprised at seeing two boys instead of just one, but he didn't draw his weapon. He considered them no threat. When Wooyoung jumped to his feet to lead them further away from the camp and into the forest, San followed. Puzzlement clouded his features.

Only when they were at a safe distance from the robber hideout, Wooyoung turned to San with a little bounce in his step. The man's soft brown pants were wider for more legroom than the period-usual ones. His green tunic over a brown shirt was pinched around his slender waist with a belt.

When Wooyoung grinned up at San with a gigantic smile and dropped all defences, the man's eyes widened. It took him only a second to step into Wooyoung's personal space. Satisfied like a cat, Wooyoung peered up at him when San caught his jaw with his hand. Despite Yeosang's alarmed gasp, he cradled Wooyoung's chin to tilt his head up. Wooyoung stretched one hand out to pat Yeosang's arm reassuringly, but he never took his eyes from San's intense stare. The passion of centuries burnt in them.

"It's you, isn't it? The one with the love mark on his lip." San's thumb pushed down Wooyoung's lower lip. His heated stare lidded as he eyed Wooyoung's mole. Tension crackled in the air between them; a spark that Wooyoung never wanted to die out.

The corners of Wooyoung's lips twitched.

"I am. Do you still remember my name?" His lips slipped from San's grasp when he spoke, but Wooyoung didn't pull his head back. He stood only a narrow gap away from San's body. He yearned to jump in his arms, but their reunion still had to wait.

"Wooyoung," San breathed. When Wooyoung's eyes softened, an impish smirk graced his lips.

"And do you know mine?"

As if drawn by strings, they moved closer to each other until they could feel their breath mingling. Wooyoung's parted lips were just shy of touching San's.


The smile on San's face was fleeting, since it found no space between the two of them kissing again. Still, it made Wooyoung's heart jump as he wrapped his arms around San's neck and let the other man draw his body in. San hugged him tightly and possessively while his lips moulded against Wooyoung's. He kissed with the yearning of another five hundred years. While nowhere as much time had passed in Wooyoung's brain, he let himself be swept away by San's devotion. For a few minutes, they shared deep kisses like only the closest of lovers usually would.

Wooyoung's stomach was pleasantly warm and full of fluttering butterflies by the time San pulled away. He left a last peck on Wooyoung's lips before he moved back to look at Yeosang. His arms still embraced Wooyoung and glued their warm bodies to each other.

In San's arms, it was never cold.

Slightly awkward, Yeosang stood next to them and stared into the trees as if he had found the most interesting of all squirrels up there. When he heard Wooyoung snicker, he peeked at first before he faced them again with a relieved sigh.

"San, this is my friend Yeosang. Yeosang, this is San, a friend of mine."

"Ah, uh, friend," Yeosang said as he bowed in front of San. San nodded back politely. His fingers pressed into Wooyoung's spine and massaged his lower back.

Wooyoung beamed between them before he leaned his head against San's shoulder. After all, luck had been on his side for once and gifted him the man's presence once more before he had to endanger himself in the thieving situation.

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