Undiscovered Truths

By SunrisexCamren

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Everyone has skeletons in their closets More

Loss Of A Father
Mock Honeymoon
A Mysterious Stalker
Warm Welcome
Private Investigator
When Their Journey Began...
Problems Can Be Resolved
Work With, Having It
Unwanted Discovery
In The Fire
Downpour Before The Storm
Out Of The Dark
Everything Becomes Clear
Taking Some Time Apart
Karaoke Bar
An Unforgettable Past
Nothing In Mind But You
Family Beach Day
Not An Easy Game
Complete Family Once Again
Couples Therapy
Shocking Discovery
Wrong Kind Of Love
In Question
A Disturbing Obsession
A Major Break Through
Legal Team
Taken To Court

Old Faces

299 21 15
By SunrisexCamren

Lauren gently pushes Zayn away and slips out from under him. "Our rules were clear though, Zayn. No feelings involved," Lauren says.

"It doesn't look like it when you're with me," Zayn leans against the table.

"I love my wife, Zayn. I love no one else," Lauren says.

"Bullshit. This isn't your first rodeo. You've cheated on Camila once before," Zayn says.

"Shut the fuck up. I was a dumbass back then," Lauren seethes.

"And what's your reason now, huh?" Zayn raises a challenging eyebrow.

"I don't fucking know anymore," Lauren says.

"You don't? Let me remind you then that the reason you are so successful is because of me, the son of the man who owns the hospital," Zayn says.

"You're such a damn dick," Lauren says. She steps a little more far away from him and ends up catching Camila coming towards them. "Get the fuck out of here before she notices you," Lauren says to Zayn.

Zayn picks up his glass of whiskey, raises it at Lauren, and leaves after winking at her.

"Sorry for taking long, mi amor," Camila stops in front of her wife. 

"It's okay," Lauren takes her drink from the brunette.

"It's hot today. Let's go enjoy the water or the time to tan. Whatever you want to do," Camila says.

"Let's go in the water," Lauren says and walks past her wife.

Camila just looks at Lauren with furrowed eyebrows then towards the way the mysterious man disappeared off to. She swears she has seen him before.

"Camila?" Lauren calls.

Camila looks at Lauren and raises an eyebrow. "Oh! Coming," She says.

After finishing their alcoholic beverages they enter the water as Camila holds Lauren against her, the waves washing over them.

She looks at Lauren's left hand where her wedding ring is as she runs her thumb over it. "I thought you lost this," Camila says.

"I found it," Lauren says. She takes her hand out of Camila's grip and pulls away from her.

"Is something wrong?" Camila asks.

"No. Everything's fine," Lauren says.

"Are you sure?" Camila grips her wife's hand under the water.

"Camz..." Lauren says seriously.

"Sorry..." Camila frowns. She looks down at the water as she starts to swish her hands around in the water.

"Let's not fight again," Lauren says.

"We won't," Camila shakes her head.

"Look at me," Lauren says.

Camila hesitates but then lifts her head so she looks at her wife.

"I love you, Camila. No matter what... Always remember that," Lauren cups Camila's cheek.

Camila nods slowly and takes Lauren's hand off her cheek.

"Please say it," Lauren says.

"I love you too," Camila says.

Lauren frowns knowing that's all she's going to get out of the brunette. "If you're not feeling up to it we can go back to the resort," Lauren says.

She moves to swim back to the shore but Camila pulls her back to her.

"Who was that guy?" Camila asks.

Lauren's face goes pale as she stares at the never-ending water behind Camila.

"Answer me," Camila says.

"Which guy?" Lauren asks.

"The one you were with," Camila says.

"No one. He was no one," Lauren says.

"Don't give me that damn bullshit, Lauren. You two looked familiar with each other," Camila's voice grows firmer.

"People are staring," Lauren lowers her voice.

"Do I give a shit? No. Tell me the goddamn truth," Camila says.

"He was an old friend!" Lauren raises her voice. She huffs and swims back to shore.

Camila watches her wife swim away as she turns and stares out at the water. She angrily splashes the water.

"Wow... Now that was fucking ugly."

Camila turns to the male voice and her face falls in shock.

"Liam is that you?! Who the fuck am I kidding, it is!" Camila says.

Liam hugs Camila as the brunette returns it, hugging him tightly.

"I haven't seen you since you dropped out of high school freshman year," Liam says.

"You know that I got Lauren pregnant and I had to be responsible for it," Camila says.

Liam's smile falls from his lips and he nods once. "I know. I see that after all these years you guys are still together," Liam says.

"Yeah... Bumps in the road but still together," Camila says.

"Hey, let's go to the bar, get some drinks," Liam says.

"Sure," Camila smiles.

They both swim to shore and walk over to where Lauren is so they can dry off.

"Where are you settled?" Camila asks.

"Close to the bar," Liam says.

At his voice, Lauren lifts her sunglasses and she sits up. "Liam, wow it's been so long since we've seen you," Lauren stands up.

"I have a good idea that you guys were probably busy with the kiddo you guys made," Liam says.

"We were," Camila says.

"So how is she, Grace, right?" Liam says.

"She's doing great. In college, an all-A student. We even have three more kids as well," Camila says.

"Really?" Liam asks shocked.

"One is Camila's younger sister and the other two are twin boys," Lauren says.

"Long story about my sister. I'll catch you up over a drink," Camila claps Liam on the shoulder.

"You two have fun. It was nice seeing you again, Liam," Lauren says.

"It was nice seeing you too, Lauren," Liam says.

Camila pats him in the back and he starts walking over to the bar, the brunette following behind him after giving Lauren a look.

After catching up with Liam on her family, they move on to a different subject as Camila takes a long drink from her glass of whiskey.

"Whoa, okay, I haven't seen you drink like that before," Liam says.

"You know that I drank back then," Camila says.

"I did but... Only because you were forced to grow up back then. You were... Quite depressed, stressed. What's the reason now?" Liam asks.

"You heard me and Lauren arguing back there in the water," Camila says.

"Trouble in paradise I'm guessing," Liam says.

"Yeah. She's been weird lately. Not lately, she's been distant from me for over six years now," Camila says.

"Whoa, okay. What do you mean?" Liam asks.

"Ever since we had our youngest ones, the twin boys, she started working late every time. We didn't have sex and let me tell you, we always did," Camila says.

"Don't get into detail," Liam laughs but then gets serious.

"Anyway, I don't know what to do Liam," Camila sighs.

"For starters, you probably shouldn't start being that controlling wife," Liam says.

Camila huffs as she abruptly stands up. "It's just... She was with this man and they look a little too familiar. The fact is, he looked familiar to me but I couldn't get a clear look at him," Camila says.

"Okay, calm down," Liam says.

Camila takes a deep breath, runs a hand through her hair, and sits back down. "I need a break. Lauren and I came here to get close once more, spend a little one on one without the kids but it looks like that won't be tonight," Camila says.

"Then we should go out. I have a surprise for you," Liam's face lights up.

"A surprise?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"Pass me your information on where you're staying and I'll come to pick you up. You'll see tonight what that surprise is," Liam smiles.

"I'm game," Camila smiles.

Later that night, the brunette fixes her hair and walks out of the restroom.

"You're going out tonight?" Lauren walks into the bedroom.

"With Liam," Camila answers.

"I thought the reason we came here is to spend time together," Lauren plays with her fingers.

"After what happened on the beach, I need a night out. Plus, I haven't seen Liam since I dropped out in high school," Camila says.

Lauren frowns as she walks over to her wife. "I don't like us fighting," She says.

"Lauren, not now," Camila says.

"We won't be able to make up if we don't talk," Lauren says.

"You told me who that person was, there's no point talking about it now, all is forgiven," Camila says.

"You don't mean it," Lauren says.

"You're pushing me to my fucking limits Lauren. I said all is forgiven," Camila raises her voice.

"Kiss me then. Show me you fucking mean it," Lauren says.

Camila closes the distance between them and roughly kisses her lips.

Lauren pushes Camila down onto the bed as she settles herself on top of the brunette's lap straddling her.

"Wait, wait," Camila pulls away. She catches her breath, settling her hands on Lauren's waist. "We're not settling an argument like this," Camila says.

Lauren nods and wraps her arms around Camila's shoulders.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Camila asks.

"Because he's no one important. He's just an old friend," Lauren says.

"Okay, then. That's all," Camila cups Lauren's cheek.

"Do you have to go out tonight?" Lauren pouts.

Camila smiles as she nods. "I can't cancel on Liam. Plus he says he has a surprise for me," Camila says.

"Okay, can I come?" Lauren asks.

"Do you now?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"I don't have to if you don't want me to," Lauren gets off Camila's lap.

"And miss you in a sexy, tight dress? But maybe Liam just wants to hang out with me," Camila says.

"Understandable. From what I remember, you two were inseparable even though Liam was a senior," Lauren says.

"He was the only one who talked to me," Camila says.

"What about that blonde? What was her name?" Lauren asks.

"Dinah?" Camila raises an eyebrow. She stands up and laughs as she shakes her head. "God, she was such a dumbass but the funniest person ever, she cheered me up when I was so down," Camila says.

"And that was good. You needed it," Lauren says.

Camila's phone dings and she looks at it to see a text pop up from Liam. "He's outside the door," Camila tells her wife.

"Have fun okay. If you get drunk please take a cab or call me," Lauren says.

"I'll try not to drink much. But we're probably gonna get fucked up so await my call just in case," Camila says.

"Okay," Lauren nods with a toothless smile on her lips.

Camila tilts her head up slightly and kisses her wife gently before walking past her. She walks over to the door and swings it open.

"My, my, my, don't you look as sexy as ever!"

"Dinah! What... What are you... Where's Liam?" Camila asks with wide shocked eyes.

"Peek-a-boo! This is the surprise I was talking about," Liam appears from the side.

"Wait... So you guys are taking a vacation together?" Camila asks.

"Yup! LP here hit me up a week ago and we tried to get the trio back together but we knew nothing of you. We went to your old house but no one was there," Dinah says.

"Yeah... Uh... That's cause my father died a week ago," Camila's face falls.

"Oh, shit... Sorry," Dinah says. She steps forward and pulls Camila into a hug.

Once the blonde pulls away, Liam hugs the brunette next.

"Hey, can we come in though? Catch up a little before we go," Liam says.

"Sure," Camila steps off to the side, opening the door wider.

They both step in just as Lauren walks into the room.

"Is that Miss Lauren fucking Jauregui?" Dinah says.

"Dinah fucking Jane," Lauren smiles.

They both embrace each other as Dinah gives Lauren a noogie.

"Bitch, you disappeared after graduation," Dinah says.

"You know, went off to college and had to be a mother as well," Lauren says.

"Yeah, sucks you had to drop out Chancho, it was some wild years in high school," Dinah turns to look at the brunette.

"I heard the stories," Camila laughs.

"Anyway, is the squirt here, or is it just you two?" Dinah looks around.

"Just us two, we wanted to take some wife and wife time," Camila says.

"And it ain't just one we have three more 'squirts'," Lauren air quotes the word 'squirts'.

"Damn, for real?" Dinah says.

"Twin boys and my little sister. Story for another time," Camila says towards the blonde.

"How's Grace? The last time I saw her she was about three years old? She probably doesn't remember me, right?" Dinah says.

"Most likely not. But she's great, in college and an all-A student," Camila says.

"Well then, shall we go?" Liam says. He looks at Lauren and smiles softly. "You can come if you want," He says.

"I'll be fine. But I can be y'all's 'pick up our drunk asses' call," Lauren says.

"That will most likely happen," Dinah says.

"See you," Camila turns to Lauren. She kisses her wife's lips once again then finally leaves with her two old friends.

"So... You and Lauren still together since high school?" Dinah says.

"We had a kid. Plus, you know that I loved her dearly," Camila says.

"I always knew y'all will stay together," Dinah says.

"Yeah. Anyway, what about you Dinah, what have you been up to?" Camila asks.

"Just around. I've been singing at a bar every night, you know that I always wanted to be a singer," Dinah says.

"You always had a kickass voice," Camila smiles.

"Mhmm. Maybe I can help you in getting noticed by a music company," Liam says.

"For real?" Dinah's face lights up.

"Hell yeah, I have some friends who are in the music industry," Liam says.

"Aren't you a singer, Liam?" Camila asks.

"Sorta. I've sung some songs before yeah. You know I always wanted to be an actor though but singer ain't all that bad," Liam says.

"And you Camila?" Dinah asks.

"Luckily, even being a dropout, I was still able to make a name for myself. I'm a book writer," Camila says.

"Oh shit! Really?" Dinah says.

"Hell yeah. I have a lot of bestsellers," Camila says.

"Pass over a hard copy of one of your books," Dinah says.

"I'll pass you over an original," Camila says.

"Bet," Dinah says.

After finally going down the lobby and entering Liam's car, the three old friends are on their way to a club.

"Luckily we have Mila," Liam speaks.

"Honestly, I wouldn't have understood a single thing these people were saying," Dinah says.

"Why did you take a vacation in Mexico than if you don't even know or speak Spanish," Camila laughs.

"Because Mexico is gorgeous as fuck," Liam says.

"And that's offensive I know some Spanish. Hola, amiga. Que pasa?" Dinah says. (Hey, friend. What's up?)

Camila laughs as she shakes her head. "Great job Dinah," She says.

Finally, they arrive at the club as they were able to get in VIP thanks to Liam.

"Wow... Feels nice being VIP," Dinah says.

"Enjoy it while it lasts," Liam laughs.

"Let's get some drinks already," Camila says.

"Let's go then," Liam says.

After Camila orders them their drinks and they receive them, the three of them find a booth.

"So, what about Lauren? You haven't talked much of her," Dinah says.

"Our marriage is having quite some bumps in the road," Camila sets her glass of whiskey down on the table.

"We're here if you want to talk," Liam says.

"Thanks but it won't be necessary. Not tonight," Camila says.

"And that's a signal that we need to unwind. Let's dance and drink," Dinah says.

A couple of hours later, it's about three in the morning, when Lauren's phone goes off. She sits up in bed and grabs it to see her wife's name flash across the screen. Lauren answers the call and brings the phone up to her ear. "Camila," Lauren says.

"Hey! You can probably... Gu... Guess why I'm calling!" Camila speaks.

"Fucking hell you're drunk," Lauren runs a hand over her face.

"What was that? I can't... I can't hear you. Speak a little louder," Camila says.

That's when Lauren finally takes notice of the loud music playing in the background.

"Send me your address I'll be over as quick as possible," Lauren says. She hangs up the phone and gets up from bed.

After the fights she had with Camila, she decided to cancel her meet-up with Zayn.

After going down to the lobby, catching a cab, and a couple of minutes drive, she finally arrives at the club.

She pays the driver and says thank you and a good night in Spanish before she pulls her phone out and clicks on Camila's contact. Lauren clicks on the call button and brings her phone up to her ear.

It takes a couple of rings but finally the brunette picks up.

"If it ain't my beu... Beautiful wife!" Camila says.

"Come outside, I'm waiting for you," Lauren says.

The call ends and Lauren puts her phone away as a couple of minutes later Camila, Liam, and Dinah stumble out of the doors of the club, laughing drunkenly.

"Lauren!" Camila's face lights up at the sight of her wife.

"Hey, come here," Lauren says. She grabs her wife's hand and drapes her arm around her shoulders. "Liam the keys to your car," Lauren holds her hand out to the boy.

Liam pats at the pockets of his pants and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Where... Where are the keys?" He asks.

"Oh my God," Lauren pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Jacket pockets?" Dinah suggests.

Liam reaches into his jacket pockets and pulls out the car keys. "Here," He hands them over to Lauren.

The green-eyed girl, after figuring out where Liam parked the car, helps them inside, Dinah and Liam in the backseat and Camila in the passenger seat.

"Hey, hey," Camila calls her wife.

"I'm right here," Lauren says as she buckles the seatbelt around Camila.

"Can I tell you something?" Camila says.

"What?" Lauren asks.

"I was sincere when I said I forgive you," Camila says.

Lauren smiles as she takes Camila's hand and kisses her knuckles. "I love you," She says.

"I love you too," Camila says.

Lauren smiles even brighter and closes the door then enters the driver's side.

"Lauren!" Camila sings.

"Mhmm?" Lauren hums, not taking her eyes off the road.

She feels Camila lean closer to her and then the brunette's hand resting on her thigh.

"You look fucking sexy," Camila says.

"Camila," Lauren grabs the brunette's hand when it starts trailing.

"Let me," Camila pouts.

"Camila, I'm driving and Dinah and Liam are in the back," Lauren says.

"Yup!" Liam speaks.

"Don't mind us though," Dinah says.

"See babe, come on!" Camila whines.

"Camila, I'm driving, can you wait?" Lauren takes a glance at her.

Camila sits back down on her seat and leans her head against the window. "Yeah," She says.

After getting back to the resort, parking the car, and getting Dinah and Liam to their rooms, Lauren opens the door to her and Camila's room.

She carries the brunette inside and into the bedroom as she lays Camila down on the bed.

"Lauren... Come here," Camila says.

"I'm getting you some pajamas," Lauren says. She walks to their suitcases and takes out some joggers and a shirt for Camila to change into.

When she turns back around, she sees that the brunette has fallen asleep.

Lauren sets the pajamas back down in the suitcase knowing it's no use changing the brunette into pajamas. She walks over to her wife and takes her shoes off then her pants and shirt. Lauren settles on the bed and pulls the duvet over them as she cuddles up against Camila.

The next morning, Camila wakes up as she groans, her head pounding.

She sits up as her head pounds even more due to the sunlight.

"Fucking hell who does that to a drunk person knowing they will have a hangover the next morning," Camila mumbles to herself.

"Don't worry I ordered some breakfast, something a little spicy."

Camila looks over to see Lauren leaning against the wall.

"Do tell more," Camila grumbles.

"Chilaquiles," Lauren says.

"That sounds so fucking good right now," Camila says.

"Here," Lauren says. She hands Camila a pill and a glass of water.

"Thank you," Camila says.

"I'll bring you your breakfast," Lauren says and walks out of the bedroom.

"Breakfast in bed now, huh?" Camila raises her voice a little. She pops the pill into her mouth and downs the glass of water.

"Feel like you deserve it and I want to treat you just like you always treated me," Lauren says. She walks back into the room with a bed tray table in her hands.

Lauren sets it in front of Camila as she pecks her lips but the brunette makes it linger.

"There's more to this, isn't there?" Camila says once she pulls away.

"Just what I said. Even after six years of us not being intimate or not being the couple we used to be, you kept treating me as so even if I always rejected you. I'm... Quite surprised you didn't start cheating or something," Lauren says.

Camila brings her hand up and cups the green-eyed girl's cheek. "I'll never cheat on you. No matter how much time you leave me wanting, I'll only and always make love to you and you only," Camila says.

Lauren rests her hand over Camila's, feeling extremely guilty that for her selfish reasons, she couldn't keep the same devotion that Camila does for their marriage even after all these years.

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