The End is Beautiful || Crowl...

By Noyasthighs

24.9K 759 178

"The end of a story is the start of a new one" *EDITING OF THE STORY BEGINS 1/5/23!* *finished 5/6/23* More

Prologue: My Story
A Vampire
End & Beginning
Different Plans
The Past
A Month
Long Ago
Last Night
The Shelter
Heartbeats & Life
Your Eyes, My Smile
Into The Morning
Early Winter Chill
In Hot Water
Back To Sleep
SEASON 2: Eusford (A/N)
SEASON 2: Accepting
SEASON 2 : Different
Season 2: This Life (10K!)
Season 2: Along For The Ride
SEASON 2: Osaka Bay
SEASON 2: For The Time Being
SEASON 2: The Opulent Mansion
SEASON 2: His Blood
SEASON 2: To the First Time
SEASON 2: Morohoshi
SEASON 2: To Crowley & Leila
Season 2: To Leila

SEASON 2: Promise

176 3 0
By Noyasthighs


She lay asleep on my lap. Her heart beat so gently and her breaths quiet and even. Black strands of highlight that began coloring her hair lately decorated her natural red hair. She was growing bigger by the day, looking like Leila more and more as the 5 month mark approaches. Which is all I could really ask for. Her fingers were tightly curled around mine and Leila's. Warmth filled my heart. "Never in my 800 years would I thought I'd be thanking Ferid Bathory for anything" I admit with a chuckle.

"What do you have to thank him for?" Leila asks. My hold on Emelisse's hand tightened before I met crimson eyes with hers. A soft one sided smile covered my lips before I admit "Oh its nothing". She decided not push the topic and leaned into my side as she played with Emelisse's hand more. A content smile crossed both our faces.

She wore a wedding gown. The neckline of it was covered in blood. Her blood. I feel my face drop as Gilbert and Jose approach either side of her, offering hands to help her up. "She'll die because of you" Victor yells from behind me. "I love you Crowley" She admits. 

She wont die. Not if I have anything to say about it. Maybe God told Ferid to give us this chance. Maybe the monster did this of his own free will. Either way, I wont let anything take it away from me. I'll do my job to protect her, same as I have from the very first time I saw her. 


I hear her quietly sigh as she lay my head down on the back of my seat, resting it on her crossed arms. "Where are we going Ferid?" She asks with curiosity and boredom in her tone. "Only to see my friends, Leila dear" Ferid admits. "Friends? You? Don't make me laugh Ferid" I interject immediately, making Leila chuckle. It was contagious, genuine and beautiful.

"Oh come now Crowley, here I thought the three of us were friends." He says. "Not once have I trusted you Ferid." I snarkly admit immediately. "Ditto." Leila adds, making me smile. "Then what was that thank you the other day Crowley?" Ferid asks, faking a sad tone as he puts on a fake pout. "That was strictly a professional conversation that required no platonic emotion" I say with sarcasm, making Leila laugh again. I quietly chuckle as Ferid admits "Oh Crowley, that hurts my feelings". "Vampires don't feel emotion Ferid, you least of all" I remark. Leila laughs harder, "Nice~ one". 

"Where are we really going Ferid?" I ask as soon as Leila's laughing fit calmed. "A little fishing village where we'll meet our precious Mika and Little Yu and become their best friends" He simply states. My eyebrows cock in confusion. A brief moment of silence passes between us before Leila announces, "Holy shit, he's serious". 

"Of course I am Leila dear. When am I ever not?" He asks. "Is that supposed to be a trick question?" She asks. I quietly chuckle, crossing my arms.

"Anyway, we're almost there." He admits. "Good. Ive been feeling a bit bored on this car ride." Leila admits, wrapping her arms around my neck, leaning into the back of my seat. She pressed a gentle kiss to my neck before running her fingers through my hair. I only smiled as I relax into her touch.


"Uh oh Ferid. Looks like they've spotted us. They're running" I admit. Leila sat up, pulling her head from its spot on my shoulder as Ferid announced "Come now. Don't let them get away Crowley".

"You're telling me to run after them?" I ask. "Im busy driving!" He retorts. "Then let me drive" I say. "Get going" He says with a snarky tone. I sigh in irritation, giving in to his plan. "What do you want me to do?" I ask.

"Stop them but don't kill them. Lop off a leg or two if you need to. Leila and I will be there soon" He explains. I sigh, turning to look at Leila for one of her famous retorts to save me from having to run. She simply smiled.

I'm questioning if I love her anymore.

I groan. "Okay".

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