By StorytellerofNight

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As Time Changes..Situation Changes..People Changes. Feelings? They Changes Too.... But what happens when TIME... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
☆~• Ending •~☆
New Story

Chapter 26

182 19 217
By StorytellerofNight

"Let's start from start"

The three power holders of earth started,

"Well...as you know him from young you definitely remember me. Basant his older brother. You guys even come to my place to play. Well that's old thing. You have witnessed his powers at young. It was the time when he just get to know that he is different than other ones. He was still not aware of what he was going. But then  ha ha it was very nice of you to interrupt in our place. But anyways as u wanted him to "DIE" but he didn't. His powers rescued him. Nd yes your plan was a flop.
After that he came here and knew about himself nd he groomed himself well nd now as you can see he is the Mountain God" the holder of Mind Reader, stops and looked at others in the room who were looking down. In shame, in guilty, in embarrassment.

Now the One with the Coldness power starts,
"After a long time...when he was settled here nd was tagged as the Mountain God he rescued me. He rescued me from pack of wild animals. My story? Well that's not important. After we got togather i always stayed with him nd he taught me his techniques, everything was fine unless a misunderstanding came nd we got apart. But here we are again more stronger and better. But don't you dare to dig in my case more..or i won't flinch to remove that eyes of yours from your face and down that neck of yours" Junho says in his usual cold nd bold way.

Still the heads remain down nd silence in the room.

Now both the other males looked at the center of attraction and blinked.

The holder of Nature the supreme power, really don't want to talk but have no choice,

He sighs nd started,

"Today we saved you from Doyel. He has also powers like us. Everyone here has their own power.

Basant, can read anyone's mind nd can slow and fast time. He can also retreats the other's power when they are used.

Junho, his power is ice..freezing. He can also absorbs anyone's power nd use at them with x2 time powerful.

Nd then it's me, i can control nature. For example the wind, the rain, the clouds and trees nd whatever i want in this nature.

You remember the day when you were trapped into your dream and that you were kinda kidnapped when u were in the car. That was all what Doyel wants. He wanted to kill you. He knows that my duty is to save ppl. Specially who are here. So he attacked you. Now if u ask why you? Well, you are just a random pick of him. Nothing much. So don't overthink it as reunion or whatever of that sort.

After the car attack i asked Mr.Minhyuk nd Mr.Kinhyuk to take care of you nd so they never actually get a car for you. Nd today you saw him. He has his own powers, Manipulation, Solar Power nd kind of that.

But i guess he has targeted you so i can't let you go from here. Tho I DON'T WANT IT, BUT YOU ARE GOING TO STAY WITH US FROM TODAY " Sumedh stops leaving the others in the room stuck in thought as well as the two other males.

"Why? Like is it necessary?" Junho says.

"It is Junho" Sumedh replies.

Sumedh stands up nd so others.

He took a look at everyone nd leaves.

Basant looked at Junho nd says, "let's show their room"

The girls were staying in one room nd the boys in the bigger one room. As they were more in numbers.

Soon they get fresh nd it was already time for dinner, they all sat togather.

The othet met Zalak nd were happy to meet such a joyful soul nd amused to know that she has powers too.

Everything was not okey but the tension was less. As Basant nd Junho already told them not to talk or think about past too much.

Everyone, except Mallika. She seemed too obviously irritated nd weird. Something was wrong.

She eyed at Junho.

Junho locked his eyes with her.

"20mins you are looking at me..what's the problem?" He said.

Mallika didn't knew she was looking at him for so long, she tried to speak clear,

"You both are not brothers right?"

Junho sighs,

"We are brothers"

"But you are not related by blood. So you can't be his family" Mallika says putting her spoon down. Everyone now stopped eating nd looked the both.

Junho who feels offended when it comes to family, "what do you mean?"

"You are not his brother. You can't be. Not at least a biological one" she blabbers.

Monika who was sitting next to her elbowed her to stop.

Mallika looked at her and then, " What i was just saying the truth.."

Nd it's more than enough for Junho, he stops feeding and looked at Mallika with rage in eyes, " What truth huh?"

"That you are not blood related..he just pity on you nd kept you"

"Mallika di stop" Kartikey says lowly who was sitting on the other side of the tabel.

"Nd who is his family then? You? The one who attempted to kill him..huh? What do you mean by he pity's me? Do i look like a dork who can't help himself!" Junho says anger fills in his voice.

"Well at least he don't pity me" She said.


"Junho calm down" Basant says, standing up as well.

"Ask her to SHUT UP!" Junho yells.

"Exactly Mallika be quite nd eat ur dinner" Basant says and the troop agrees.

"Come'on is truth not allowed here? He is an outsider here. We even knew Sumedh's childhood. What does he know? Nothing...he is No One here...but Still he is here why? Cause Sumedh pity him. Ofc.
Sumedh saved him..kept him. He should he thanking him...nd being doing everything he can to help him. But he just shows himself as a member of this family. You don't have a family or what? Go to them...or did they abandoned you? Hahah lol ofc i won't be suprised if they did so. You deserve it tho" Mallika says not knowing the consequences of hurting Junho.

Junho was fuming with anger opens his eyes which were deep blue ... the mansion starts to shake and a thin line of forst took over the place. The furnitures nd even the food.

The mansion became cold as a glacier.

"You just crossed the line!! Now pay for it" no sonner he said out of blue sharp thin ice flakes came as blade to cut her in pieces.

Everyone stood up in horror and even Mallika regrets what she said now.

The blades were going to hurt when it was stopped by a snap.

A snap by the Mountain God himself.

Junho looked at him in disbelief, "What? You are protecting her? After all this?" He shakes in anger.

Sumedh who was quite all the time now spoke.

"Go to your room" he said.


"Cause i said it"


"You can't harm her. As long as I'm alive"

Junho's eyes turns to black in a blink. The coldness went away but the forst was there.

"Y-you...bha..i mean you are choosing her over me? For real?" Junho's voice shake.

"After all what she said you are talking for her? Seriously Master?" Zalak said in disbelief.

Sumedh didn't flinch.

"So you really pity me? So she is right?" Junho asks.

"She is not totally wrong" Sumedh says.

This broke Junho.

He looked at the ground for few minutes nd then looked up. His vision blurry as his eyes was watering.

"Kay...i guess she is right then. I should go back to where i belong right? Well you could have just said that too me. Okay okay I'm I'm going....my things*snap* are packed. I'm leaving" he took his bag which  was packed nd was right in front of his leg.

He felt his heart shread into pieces. He couldn't even imagine another partition after their reunion. He almost end up his life for Sumedh but now him saving the girl who almost killed him, is way more disgusting for him. Nd the MOST THING HE HATES IS SOMEONE PITYING HIM.

He looked at Sumedh who was not looking at him. He sighs nd looked at Mallika,
"I don't know where all of these suddenly came from..nd how it's ending like this..but you said that who am i to him?
I don't know what I'm to him. But he WAS everything for me. I can ...huf! I already almost ended up my life for protecting him but- but i guess childhood friendship wins every place. That's great! Have a good time nd i hope you all can solve the matter with yourself. Nd One more thing...yes, I DON'T HAVE A FAMILY. I WAS ABANDONED BY MY MOTHER, THEN MY FATHER FOR A NEW WIFE, THEN BY MY STEPMOTHER FOR HER CHILD. ND NOW BY .... Why doesn't anyone wants me? Am i that burden?" Junho turns and leaves.

Leaving every other person there in thought.

"Sumedh" Basant came into Sumedh's room.

Sumedh who was standing at balcony came inside and said, "yes?"

"What the hell happened to you at dinner?"

"What do u mean?"

"I mean why you let Junho go?"

"I don't know..." Sumedh walked to the balcony again.

"That's not the answer i want!" Basant almost yells.


"What were you thinking? You let him go just like that?  Nd why for god sake you ..i mean okey u protected her i understand. That's fine. But she was not right...why the hell she suddenly spoke up like that? Nd who is she to talk about family?"

"Basant stop getting emotional!"

"It's not about emotion MUDGALKAR...I'm talking about my brother Junho who has been treated bad by my other brother Sumedh"

Sumedh turns back...

"I don't know why i did that...and ik Mallika is wrong but i don't know why..." Sumedh sighs.

"I tell you why" Basant nd Sumedh looked to the door and saw Zalak standing there.


"You told him that because you really pity him. You never wanted him right? You now have your old friends..even tho they tried to kill you but still friends are friends.  Nd as far i remember Mallika was , oh! I mean is your bestfriend. How can you let her loose?" Zalak says.

"Listen Mr.Mudgalkar I'm leaving this place. I won't stay at the place where my bestfriend Junho is not respected nd welcomed" she tunrs and stomps back to the door but turns,

"Mallika said she saw your childhood..but Junho had been with you in all his childhood. He has seen your success, your failure. He has been with you in your hard time..nd was also with you when you had no one to talk. He indeed gave you trouble but that was also to protect you. That time like today you abandoned him. Who the hell you think you are? You can be the Mountain God..but not someone's life God. So u have no right to push nd pull back a person whenever you think or need" Zalak rushed out in tears.

Basant looked at Sumedh.

"Still no answer?" He said.

Sumedh turns around.

"What if Mallika have said the same thing about me?" Basant says and Sumedh turns in amused.

"Would you let me go too?" He says.

Sumedh's voice was stuck in his throat.

Basant looked at him and sighs,

"I guess i got my answer" he said turns to leave.

"Whereareyougoing?" Sumedh said in one go due to anxiety.

"Back to mom nd dad. I have done my job in staying with you. Now you are capable of taking your decisions. You are the Mountain God. Ofc. You know what to do or not. Nd now you have your Friends..."Best Friends" here have a good time with them. Bye. Sumedh" Basant said in his usual calm tone and went leaving drops of water on the floor which came out from his eyes.

The door gets closed nd Sumedh drop on his knees. His vison all blurry.

"Why the hell did you talk to Junho like that?" Kartikey lowly yells at Mallika.

"I don't know...it was just he asked me why i was looking at him nd i have to give an answer but i gave anything i want. I didn't realise it will go this far" Mallika said.

"Then why didn't you apologized?" Devesh says.

"It happened all so fast that i didn't even get a chance" she replied.

"Look i understand your place..but what you do was really weird nd bad" Kinshuk explains.

"I know, i know...but i don't know what just i mean...i couldn't like i-" Mallika stumbles.

"Oh cut it!" Kartikey interrupts.

"You better apologise the four of them at morning" Monika said.

"I will..i will" Mallika says.

FRIENDSHIP is indeed the most beautiful thing in the world.  There is nothing more bigger nd stronger than it. Right?

No wrong...the Biggest nd Strongest thing in the world is TIME. It can turn the tables anytime.

Friendship is all about communication, when you stop communicating with the one you love..the relation starts to fade. Nd in TIME it's lost. We more or less everyone have been through this.

They say life is like a PLAY IN STAGE WHERE YOU & THAT ONE SPECIAL PERSON (it can be anyone your Friend, Parents, Cousins, Partner anyone) IS ALL.

But they forgot the  PLAY is not about two CHARACTERS.


And You should know everyone's part in it even if it's not yours. Or it has nothing to do with it. Cause, after knowing it gives you a feel of everything nd thus, helps YOU to get into the right Mindset of your part.


But what about the Glory?

When Time shows Worst it also shows the Best.

When Time shows Betrayal it gives you Reality Check of different person's mindset.

When Time shows Trouble it gives you brain a boost to start up nd create a new idea of Living.



But that's what Life is about.

Same is FRIENDSHIP.....



There are lot who get's betrayal by the person whom they thought to be there best Buddy. But that's a part of life which can never be denied.

Lucky those who haven't faced it yet.

Sometimes Life took us in such a place where we have two choose between,

The one who were with us when we were alone..


The one who had hold our hands and is with us in all our ups nd downs.

It looks to difficult to choose...but is it?

Different ppl, different thoughts & different visions.



What's your thoughts in end?

How everything gonna end?

Stay tuned for it!

Nd i hope you like this Chapter...

Hope to see you soon,
@/beatking_kai 🍒

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