Bucky Barnes X Y/N stark

By bucky_simp16

92.1K 1.5K 369

Dr y/n stark is Tony's little sister and they give sibling goals, Steve urges for help from y/n to heal bucky... More

Chapter -30
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3.1K 58 13
By bucky_simp16

Bucky pov

I was just finished with making my bed when i heard three loud knocks on my doors which made me jump a little.

"Come in" i said.

Tony walked into my room with a smile on his face and breakfast on the other hand.

" Hey, metal arm i just wanted to say or tell you something ummmm....i am really bad at these conversations......
Uhhhhhhh." Tony was trying to say something.

"What do you want to say tony"????

"Umm ohkay thankyou so much for the gift you gave to y/n, she is freaking out and running with that sword all in the tower... I haven't seen her so happy in  such a long time... Thanks man"

And then he trailed off keeping the breakfast he bought for me on my table.

After I've had my breakfast i thought of wishing everyone.
I walked towards the living room and saw i huge green and tall Christmas tree neatly decorated and lighted up and it had hundreds of present under it and everyone was sitting around it and opening their presents.

But my eyes searched for only one person and i saw her sitting near Steve wearing a santa cap and a all white and red drees which suited her.

Everyone gave me a warm smile when i walked towards them and Steve patted on the ground signalling to sit with him.
I was unsure on how to react because everyone was opening up their present and i was sure i dint have one.

"Hey Barnes , what are you waiting for ...you haven't got all day to open your present, here start with mine" natasha threw a circular box wrapped with Christmas themed paper towards me and i catched it.

I was surprised that everyone has got me something and i had 13-15 gifts in front of me waiting to unwrapped.

When i was blank and speechless by this sweet gesture. Sam poked my flesh arm and said " Hey buck, you think we are not close but we all care for you and we are a team and we have to look out for each other" he smiled and returned to vision.

I opened all my presents and they were so meaningfull i made a mental note on what everybody got me.

Natasha- a box of diffrent chocolates.
Steve- a CD case with 40's music.
Tony- a new set of clothes
Sam - a couple of books.

I thanked everyone but i was still looking for y/n's present but there was none which made me sad a little bit, i dont know why but it did.
Doesn't she likes me or i am just a patient for her.

After all that opening, everyone went to their rooms and I helped myself with some Oreos in the kitchen.

When i walked into my room my eyes fell on a thin box laying on the table next to a binded thick book of papers.

I picked up the present and started unwrapping it there was no name on it.
There was a beautiful leather journal inside the box.
When i opened it a piece of paper fell on the ground i picked it up and there was letter.

" Dear James,

Happy Christmas and thankyou so much for my gift. You must be thinking that i dint get you a present.
But there is a journal which i hope you will like.
I know you're writing all your memories on pages and they are scattered all around, this journal will help you to organize and keep everything at one place.
I got it in brown colour because i remeber you mentioned you liked leather brown colour.
So there you have it.

And i got all your pages bundelized in a sort of file which will help you in finding them.
Don't worry i dint read them.

Happy Christmas Bucky and i am proud of the progress you are making.

Y/n stark.

I couldn't help but smile about how much effort and thought y/n put in buying me a gift.
She respected my privacy too.
I am glad that i can call her my friend.
But everything she does everything she says doesn't feel like she is analysing me it feels like i can finally confide in someone.
She is one of the most caring, loving and beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on.

I wonder if i ever would have the chance to call her my girl or take her dancing just like in 40's.

I wonder does she feels the same or not.
But i dont want my mornings without seeing her face or my nights without her wishing me good night.

I want to be with her, hold her hands and look into her beautiful eyes.

I wish i could but i dont know if i should.

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