F͜͡a͜͡l͜͡l͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡ f͜͡o͜͡r...

By Navzoon36

5.1K 223 895


B͜͡l͜͡o͜͡n͜͡d͜͡e͜͡ A͜͡n͜͡g͜͡e͜͡l͜͡
B͜͡l͜͡u͜͡e͜͡ C͜͡o͜͡o͜͡k͜͡i͜͡e͜͡s͜͡
B͜͡a͜͡l͜͡l͜͡e͜͡t͜͡ B͜͡i͜͡t͜͡c͜͡h͜͡
H͜͡i͜͡s͜͡ F͜͡r͜͡i͜͡e͜͡n͜͡d͜͡s͜͡
T͜͡h͜͡e͜͡ V͜͡o͜͡i͜͡c͜͡e͜͡s͜͡
S͜͡w͜͡a͜͡n͜͡ P͜͡r͜͡i͜͡n͜͡c͜͡e͜͡s͜͡s͜͡
H͜͡o͜͡l͜͡d͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡ H͜͡a͜͡n͜͡d͜͡s͜͡
A͜͡w͜͡k͜͡w͜͡a͜͡r͜͡d͜͡ I͜͡n͜͡t͜͡e͜͡r͜͡a͜͡c͜͡t͜͡i͜͡o͜͡n͜͡s͜͡
G͜͡i͜͡r͜͡l͜͡s͜͡ a͜͡n͜͡d͜͡ G͜͡a͜͡y͜͡s͜͡ a͜͡n͜͡d͜͡ N͜͡i͜͡g͜͡h͜͡t͜͡ I͜͡n͜͡
D͜͡r͜͡o͜͡p͜͡p͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡ H͜͡i͜͡n͜͡t͜͡s͜͡
B͜͡a͜͡n͜͡d͜͡a͜͡g͜͡e͜͡s͜͡ a͜͡n͜͡d͜͡ K͜͡i͜͡s͜͡s͜͡e͜͡s͜͡
J͜͡u͜͡s͜͡t͜͡ R͜͡e͜͡l͜͡a͜͡t͜͡i͜͡o͜͡n͜͡s͜͡h͜͡i͜͡p͜͡s͜͡
S͜͡e͜͡c͜͡r͜͡e͜͡t͜͡'͜͡s͜͡ O͜͡u͜͡t͜͡
S͜͡l͜͡e͜͡e͜͡p͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡ B͜͡e͜͡a͜͡u͜͡t͜͡y͜͡
T͜͡r͜͡u͜͡t͜͡h͜͡s͜͡ H͜͡u͜͡r͜͡t͜͡s͜͡
A͜͡d͜͡v͜͡i͜͡c͜͡e͜͡ T͜͡i͜͡m͜͡e͜͡

R͜͡o͜͡m͜͡a͜͡n͜͡t͜͡i͜͡c͜͡ D͜͡e͜͡c͜͡l͜͡a͜͡r͜͡a͜͡t͜͡i͜͡o͜͡n͜͡s͜͡

212 10 53
By Navzoon36

Percy's pov
I took Annabeth to one of those fifties diners with the jukeboxes and the bright red booths, it looked like something out of a movie.

Well, technically it was.

Jason found this diner ages ago in the summer of our Sophomore year, Piper was in LA visiting her Mom and Thalia went with her because she didn't want to be stuck with us idiots all summer. Her words, not mine. Jason, Nico, Leo and I got hungry one afternoon so we were gonna get McDonald's but the Macca's was closed for who knows what reason. After a little research Jason found this place called Derek's Delicious Diner, weird name I know, apparently it was from some chick-flick that Jason watched ages ago, he said it was a terrible movie, but we tried it.

It was good.

It was also classy, which is why I brought Annabeth here.

"This place is nice." Annabeth smiled in awe. "Like something out of a-"

"Movie, yeah I know."

"How'd you find it?"


"Makes sense." She laughed.

We walked over to one of the booths, sat down and looked through the menu. Well, I tried anyway, it was hard to focus when Annabeth was sitting across from me. She was biting her glossy peony lips, grey eyes wandering the page. Annabeth's eyes were striking before but the mascara and eyeliner made them even more impressive.

She's so cute.

"Huh?" Annabeth looked up. "Did you say something?"

Wow. Good job, Percy. Why did you have to say that out loud?

"Uh, no, I didn't say anything. Did you? I mean sometimes I speak to myself, but no didn't say anything." I internally groaned, I was not cut out for charming a girl with my smooth lines. Even I knew that much. Maybe I should take tips from Leo? "Do you wanna order?"

Annabeth laughed. "Sure, by the way, you're cute too." She blushed and looked down at the table.

Great, she heard me. Do better Jackson.

"Look at you two lovebirds."


Oh, gods what was she doing here? I mean I know she worked at the diner but it was a Friday night, she didn't have a shift today. Unless she put in a shift because she knew I was going out with Annabeth.

"Oh, hi Rachel." Annabeth greeted.

"Are you two having a good time? I mean he can be a bit annoying but I promise you Annabeth he's actually not a complete idiot."

"Gee thanks Rachel, you are so helpful."

"It's a talent."

"Sure, anyway I thought you weren't working today?"

"I wasn't supposed to be, but I heard for someone that you had a date. And I knew I had to come."

"Let me guess? Leo."

"Yeah, he's terrible at keeping secrets." She turned to Annabeth. "Anyway what can I get for you, Beth? Can I call you that?"

"Um yeah, you can." She smiled and ordered.

After I ordered Rachel, the red-head nightmare, said. "Don't start making out while I'm gone"

"I'm gonna kill you Dare!" I yelled after her.

Rachel walked away laughing.

"I like her, she's... interesting." Annabeth smiled.

"Well, that's one way to put it."

Annabeth and I drifted in and out of the easy conversation for the next few minutes.

"Ok, that was the worst joke yet." She slurped on her pink lemonade.

"Wait, I've got another."

"WILL it be worse?"

"Well, duh," I grinned at her. "Nicotine more like Nico-teen. I am I right?"

Annabeth stared at me trying not to laugh, she gave in eventually. "That was BAD! Word of advice, Seaweed Brain, don't ever become a stand-up comedian. No one would laugh at your jokes."

"Then why are you laughing?" I quirked an eyebrow at her.

Annabeth blushed. "...Uh, because, it was SO bad that it was funny."

"Liar, you find me funny," I smirked and leaned over the table, our faces inches apart. "Don't you?" I said twirling a blonde curl

She blushed some more.

I like this side of me. Who knew I could actually flirt with a girl without making a complete fool of myself? It's a first.

"I do not find you funny! As if!" Annabeth retorted, crossing her arms and pouting.

Gods, this girl was such a cute pouter too.

"Then charming perhaps?" I winked at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe you've had too much to drink. "

"Oh come on, just admit it!" I cried. "Please."

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this, yes you are a little bit charming."

"A little bit?"

"Take it or leave it, Seaweed Brain."

"Ok sheesh, Wise Girl."

"Ugh, can you stop making me feel lonely?"

I glared at Rachel. "You've got a girlfriend."

"Yeah, but she's not here. So now I know what Leo feels like daily."

"Now that's how you tell a joke, take notes, Percy."

"Why thank you, Beth." Rachel took a bow.

"It's not that funny."

"I think you're just jealous because I can make YOUR date laugh," Rachel smirked. "Anyway, here's the bill, idiot. Also, Lia is asking if you still want breakup brownies?"

"Uh, sure. I mean I'm not gonna turn down brownies, unless they're Jason's."

"Ok, I'll tell her. You two have a nice night." She smiled and left.

Rachel was... something.

The devil incarnate one minute, sweeter than honey the next. Maybe she's bipolar? I don't know, the point is she's weird.

"Breakup Brownies?" Annabeth asked confused.

"They're just brownies but with extra chocolate, not that I've been a relationship that I've lost before. You should try them, Rachel's girlfriend makes the best brownies in the world."

"Rachel's girlfriend is Amelia Graham, right? The cheerleader in junior year? Brown hair, hazel eyes, kinda short? Her?"

"Yeah, yeah that's her. She's nice."

"I know, also they're really cute together."

"I agree. Don't tell Rachel this but I think she's got a thing for cheerleaders."

Annabeth laughed and pulled something out from her purse.

"Oh hell no, Wise Girl, I'm paying."

"No, you are not. I am, Seaweed Brain."

"No way! Not happening."

"Ugh, don't be 'chivalrous' Percy. At least split the bill with me. Please." She gave me puppy eyes. And for the millionth time that day, I thought.

Dam. She's cute.

But then snapped out of it.

"Your cute eyes, won't work on me. This is not about chivalry, I'm sure you're capable of paying, but I'm the one who asked you out. So that means I get to pay."

"Fine." She said giving in. "But that means I get to pay next time. Deal?

"Deal," I confirmed. "Also you wanna go out with me again?" I blushed.

"I mean I don't wanna owe you anything." She blushed. "Also I had a nice time, I wouldn't mind doing this again."

And before I knew it, the words came out of my mouth. "Me or the date?"

I can't believe I just said that.

Annabeth blushed even worse. "Uh... the date, of course. I mean, it's obviously the date." She nodded.

I smiled. "Me too, Annabeth."


"Come on run with me!" I shouted back at Annabeth who was behind on the Central Park bridge. (does Central Park have a bridge? Oh well it does now)

"No! I'm wearing heels, Seaweed Brain!"

"Come on, Wise Girl! If you can dance En Pointe or whatever you can run in heels!"

"I'm a Ballet dancer, not a miracle worker! You try running in heels!"

"Ugh, ok," I said walking back.

"PUT ME DOWN! PERCY!" Annabeth yelled with her hands around my neck.

"If you can't run, I'll just have to carry you."


"Calm down, Beth! If I can carry Jason, I think I can carry you." What? I was giving him a piggyback ride.

Annabeth looked at me with a weird look, "I'm not even going to ask."

"Yeah, probably better if you don't," I said putting her down on the railing of the bridge. "I have a question?"

"Uh, okay."

"So I had like a really good time. I also really like you, uh, so I mean I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I mean, yeah. I like you too."

"Really? You-"

She kissed me.

Annabeth grabbed me by the collar and kissed me. She was doing that a lot tonight. I didn't mind.

We kinda just started making out eventually. I think we forgot we were at Central Park.


I pulled away and looked over at the voice. The voice belonged to an old woman, who looked pissed, to put it simply. She was glaring at Annabeth and me like we'd just murdered someone, well in her eyes we'd actually done something way worse.

"Gods, how embarrassing," Annabeth whispered into my shoulder.

"Yeah, how about we go make out somewhere else."

Annabeth immediately looked up at me with a red face. "Tha- that's not what I meant."

"I know, but look on your face is priceless, Wise Girl." I laughed. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Sure." She hopped down from the railing and grabbed my hand, I blushed. I still wasn't used to this whole hand-holding thing. I probably never would be.

I'd probably never get used to the fact that Annabeth Chase is now MY girlfriend.


That was the perfect word to describe Annabeth. Wow.

———————–—————————————————————————————————————————————————WE'VE REACHED THE HALFWAY MARK PEOPLE! 15 more chapters to go! Yes, I planned the story out beforehand because I wanted to make sure it flowed and I didn't get stuck on ideas.

Thank you so much for reading up to here! You guys honestly keep motivating me to write. So thank you. 🥰😘


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