Call Me Yours (Yandere x Read...

By LocketOfSecrets

401K 11.8K 2.9K

From classic crazy yanderes to more discreet and psychological ones, this one-shot book contains numerous cha... More

M. Extraterrestrial x F. Reader
M. Mage x Assistant F. Reader
M. Fury x F. Serial Killer Reader
M. Gambler x F. Election Observer Reader
M. Colonizer x F. Colonizer Reader
M. Yandere x F. Stripper
M. Yakuza Heir x F. Highschooler
M. Cannibal x F. Reader
M. Demon Lord x F. Harem Girl
M. Noble Demon x F. Maid Reader
M. Noble Demon x Maid Reader (Part 2)
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Phoenix x F. Framed Reader
M. Patient x F. Psychiatrist
YA: M. Ato x F. Reader
M. Common Dragon x F. Reader
M. Prisoner x F. Esteemed General
M. Geisha x F. Reader
M. Gymnast x F. Prodigy
M. Emperor x F. Palace Servant
M. Emperor x F. Palace Servant (Part 2)
Imprisoned Incubus x F. Ration Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Golem x F. Witch
M. Child Maniac x F. Victim Reader
M. Yandere x Broken F.
Stubborn Prince X Warrior Noble Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Kraken x Islander Reader
M. Emperor x Ward Reader x M. Prince
M. Slave Harem x F. Reader x M. Slave Trader
M. Guardian Angel x F. Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Griffon Handler x F. Dragonkin
Psychologist's Journal: Entry 1
M. Bioweapon x F. Scientist
M. Child x F. Pixie Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. ??? x F. ???
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. ??? x F. ???: Part 2
(Secondary) Elemental Series: M. Raiju x F. Spirit Hunter
M. Elven Royalty x F. Elven Royalty
M. Trust Fund Baby x F. Reader
M. Tribal King x F. Reincarnated Goddess
Psychologist's Journal: Entry 2
M. War Hero x F. Marquess
(Flower Spirits) M. Panacea x F. Herbalist x M. Vine
M. Slave Harem x F. Reader x M. Slave Trader: Part 2
M. Crown Prince x F. Noble x M. Step-Brother x M. Playmate
Selectively Mute Husband x Runaway Wife
P.Y. Conqueror x F. Daughter
Noble Boy x F. Tutor
M. Basketball Captain x F. Popular Girl x M. Star Player
P.Y. Conqueror x F. Daughter (Part 2)
M. Exotic Dancer x M. King Reader
M. War Hostage x F. Marshall
M. Emperor x F. Blind Empress
M. Emperor x F. Blind Empress (Part 2)
M. Antigod x F. Deity
Y. Father x F. Mother
M. Young Master x F. Assassin
M. Yandere x F. Stalker
Victim x Bully
P.Y Prince x F. Princess x Y. Prince
P.Y Prince x F. Princess x Prince (Part 2)
M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 1)
M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 2)
M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 3)
M. Captain of the Knights x Handicapped Lady
(Flower Spirits): Part 2
M. Prince x F. Regent x P.Y. Brother
Y. Country Boy x F. Model x Tsu. Classmate
M. Fiance x F. Lady
M. Fiance x F. Lady (Part 2)
Human Prince x F. Vampire (Part 1)
M. Human Prince x F. Vampire (2)
(Tertiary) Elemental Series: M. ????? x F. Fiancee
(F.) Yin Shiratori x F. Reader
M. Actor x F. Heiress
M. Cambion x F. Lover
M. False Ethereal x F. Queen
M. False Ethereal x F. Queen (Part 2)
M. Imperial Prince x F. Thief
P.Y. M. Yakuza Bartender x F. Toddler (P1)

Y. Husband x F. Wife x P.Y. Son

6.5K 157 69
By LocketOfSecrets

P.Y refers to platonic yandere while Y. is simply a romantic yandere.


It had been almost more than a decade since the (h/c) haired woman had set foot in the mansion as a newlywed. Her husband was delighted to suddenly surprise her that he was fabulously wealthy, the wedding showcasing everything from diamonds to an exotic wedding dress made from another country. And while she hadn't expected he was a wealthy businessman, it wasn't as if she wanted to complain about it. Rather, she was delighted by the endless amount of things it could provide, the man always happy to spoil her rotten.

Even when she didn't ask for it, he smothered her with his wealth as if it was the only thing that would keep her with him. Of course, she was well aware of his possessive attitude, the male quick to propose and quicker to practically lock her in the mansion. And yet, despite that, she didn't seem to mind, even attracted to the jealousy he easily adopted. It was likely due to that attraction that he was less prone to hiding it, always delighted to receive her affection when he asserted himself over other rivals.

Laying herself on the massive bed the male had bought for them, the (h/c) haired woman stuffed her face with chocolates, giving a hum. They delighted her taste buds while she watched her favorite show, remaining in the same spot she had been in the rest of the day. It wasn't as if she had a job to go to, the male more than insisting she remain at home while he took care of everything. And her, who had no plans whatsoever for her future, was happy to accept his request even if it could be boring at times.

Immersed in the drama unfolding at the television in front of her, (Y/n) gasped at the sight, a chocolate almost slipping out of her mouth. At the same moment, the phone next to her rang, the woman quickly picking it up, pressing it to her ear with excitement. The only one that ever called on that phone was her husband, the man refusing to let anyone else have such invaluable access to her precious ears.

"Darling!" she giggled, pausing the show to listen wholeheartedly to the male on the other end, "I was wondering if you were going to call! I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me."

"I would never even think about it!" the man on the other end denied, the sound of him slamming his fist on his desk audible as well as the murmuring of his business acquaintances, "Ah...kitten, I'm embarrassed."

"You're always embarrassed. So cute."

The man chuckled, giving a thoughtful hum as he stared at the monitor on his end. Yes, he had installed cameras all over the mansion, and though he had initially intended to hide that fact, when she found out, she didn't refuse them. It made him smile at the reasoning she gave for it, stating that she always felt safe when he was watching her. Even though he was in a room with a few managers of his company, he couldn't resist calling her before the meeting began. After all, she was so cute, almost dropping a chocolate. She still had the viewpoint and actions of a child, her innocence admirable.

"Will you come home late again?" she questioned, the man tensing at the somber tone in her voice.

"I'll try to get out as soon as I can, but I may come home later than I did yesterday."

"That's...not fair, Cay."

"I know, baby. If it helps, go ahead and have the maids take you out for some shopping today. You've been wanting to go out, haven't you?"

There was a silence from the other side of the phone, the man sighing. He knew she wasn't pleased with him, especially when she ended up hanging up on him. Throwing his head back in his chair, he glared at everyone around him, attempting to figure out how to appeal to his wife. She loved him dearly, forgiving him of any sins he had committed and supporting him wholeheartedly, but she was stubborn when it came to taking care of himself. That was one of the reasons he cherished her so much.

And yet, with the constant work he had on his plate about purchasing a small yet promising company, he'd barely been able to get back to her before midnight. It had only been a week and he was used to longer, but it didn't quell her anger, and he soon found out that she didn't even want to spend money to remedy his absence. Though he was pleased by the thought, it also broke his heart to see her so alone. Huffing, he looked up sharply, frightening those that worked under him. He would be getting that meeting done to return to his loving wife. Or else.

Meanwhile, the (h/c) haired woman gave a huff, throwing a pillow halfway across the room, storming outside the room. She had wanted to surprise her husband when he returned with an outfit she knew he loved seeing on her, but he wouldn't even be awake by the time he got back. Frustrated, she meandered through the hallways of the mansion, maids and bodyguards looking on in worry for the woman. They had never seen her so torn up over the absence of her husband. The lovey-dovey couple practically needed one another's embrace to properly charge.

"Miss, would you like to go shopping today?" a maid asked worriedly, following after the woman.

"I'm not in the mood."

"Then are you hungry for a nice, warm meal?" a cook questioned, wondering if he could be of service to the sweet woman.

"Not hungry."

"Then - "

"I don't want anything! Please leave me alone!"

The (h/c) haired woman ran off with tears in her eyes, rushing as quickly as she could to get away from everyone. Though she knew their kind intentions, she couldn't stand being with anyone besides Cay. The man was her soulmate - as he liked to say - and she couldn't be happy without him. Lost in her thoughts, she ran off through the backyard and the garden, sniffling before she kneeled on the ground, sobbing.

In her misery, she fell back against the grass and stared up at the sky - something she used to do all the time with her husband. It was due to that impulsive decision to bathe in nostalgia that she caught a glimpse of chestnut hair, her curiosity peaked. As she turned her head, she found a young child looking on at her with an almost awe. That being said, the moment she noticed his presence, a maid accompanying him panicked and pushed him away, the young boy almost refusing to go after seeing her.

"Wait," the (h/c) haired woman hummed, standing up and moving towards the pair, giving a kind smile to the brunette, "Are you lost, little boy?"

At her question, the boy gave an almost heartbroken expression, his eyes watering with tears for just a moment. He then, with a heavy thought racing through his head, moved past the panicking maid and embraced the woman, clinging onto her for dear life even as the maid tried to pry him off. He wouldn't budge, shaking his head desperately and pushing his head into the woman's stomach.

"Stop this at once! You know that we'll all be severely punished!" the maid declared, attempting to sway the boy back into leaving the miss's sight.

"Why? What is the meaning of this?"

At the woman's questioning, the maid tensed once more and bowed, backing up from her. She had no intention of answering her question despite her position as the mansion's mistress. Instead, she quickly scampered away with fear, leaving the young boy to look up at her with pleading eyes, sniffling pathetically. Some kind of maternal instinct enveloped her, and without a second thought, she held onto the boy's hand tightly, leading him to the main building. Maybe it was just her imagination, but he looked hungry.

As she sat him down and had the kitchen make something for him, she watched as he simply stared down at the plate. He had no interest in taking a single bite despite his stomach rumbling. Rather, he simply held onto the woman's clothing, trying to snuggle as close to her as he could. She smiled, hugging him and petting his hair, putting him at ease. He only began eating when she lifted the fork to his mouth, the boy obediently opening it and chewing slowly. She beamed wide at his cute demeanor, the small thing shying under her gaze.

"What's your name?" she questioned, watching the boy tense and then begin silently weeping again.

"Don't have one."

"You don't? Where's your mother?"

The brunette looked up at the woman with hopeful eyes but did not respond. Instead, he clung further to her, opening his mouth to ask for more food. That being said, he never reached for it himself, only gave muted expressions of joy as she fed him. Even afterward, he continued to stick to her, ignoring the fact that he wasn't supposed to be in the main mansion. When looking at the woman holding onto his hand, he didn't feel any concern or shame about remaining with her. Softly, his cheeks blushed pink.

"If you don't know where your mom is, that's alright. I'll have some maids go look for her while we play. Wouldn't that be fun?"


The small brunette's eyes glistening with hope, his hand squeezing onto hers. He eagerly ran ahead to the backyard with a ball the woman passed to him, practically jumping up and down. Though his expressions were very limited, he nonetheless radiated with excitement, throwing the ball to her the moment he had the chance. Though she found it difficult to catch - not having played such childish games since high school - it made her as happy as him. It was relaxing and helped her forget all about her somewhat absent husband who had yet to return.

Fumbling with the ball, the moment she caught it, she smiled wide and looked at the boy who clapped excitedly before he stretched out his hands, asking for it back. With as much force as she could muster, the (h/c) haired woman launched the ball, the brunette jumping up to catch it only to miss. He paused in confusion for a moment before he realized he could chase after it, doing so with glee. When he gathered it up from the ground, he ran back to the woman and presented it, giving an expression of expectation.

The way he looked reminded (Y/n) of a puppy. If he had ears, he surely would have had them lowered on his brown hair while a fluffy tail wagged behind him. She had always wanted a puppy, but her husband was very much against it, allergic to furry creatures. But she would have argued that he denied her request because it would have taken her attention away from him. Still, he couldn't argue he was allergic to children even if she very much adored the small thing.

"What a good job," she chuckled, rubbing the boy's hair to make him shy yet very accepting, "You want to chase it again?"

Eagerly, the male nodded his head, rocking back and forth on his toes as though he was ashamed to admit it. Giving a giggle, the woman once more threw the ball, watching as the brunette scampered to chase after it. He even dove in the bushes to grab it, joyfully sprinting back to the women. However, before he reached her, he fell flat on his face, the woman rushing to kneel down to him. She stood him up and looked for injuries, panicking all the while with indecipherable murmurs.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?! Are you hurt?! Does it hurt?! Do you need a bandaid?! Oh, why aren't you speaking?!"

At the sight of the woman panicking over his well-being, the boy mumbled quietly to himself. It felt good. Even though he felt guilty over making her worry for him, to see someone caring so deeply for him made him feel special. He was happy that someone actually cared whether he was alive or not. With red cheeks, he held tightly onto her hand, becoming very much addicted to the feel of it. She was very warm.

The brunette felt even better when she noticed the blood coming from his knees. She felt incredibly burdened at the thought that she was indirectly responsible for his pain and practically cried for him. Her tears inspired the boy to form his own. It wasn't that the pain hurt so much that he felt emotionally distressed. Rather, there was a relief that he really was alive - that he wasn't just hidden away. She even hugged him at the sight of him weeping, carefully tucking him into her warmth as she picked him up.

He didn't focus on where they were going, just that she held him as a mother would. It was a luxury he'd never had the pleasure of knowing. Of course, he knew why that was, the intimidating man he knew as his father coming to his mind and making him shake - whether in anger or fear, he didn't know. That man didn't want him near his mother, but he supposed he was going against his wishes. And though he would be very much punished for it, especially if she found out, it was worth it. He could have even killed him, and the boy would have had no regrets.

The woman gently set him down on the couch while she cleaned his wound, carefully looking up every now and then to see if the sting hurt him. However, he only smiled sadly with a strange kind of relief, holding onto her shirt. She was even cleaning up his wound. The boy figured she must have been some sort of angel. That would be the only explanation for how kind she was.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, placing a bandage over his right knee, "I should have been more careful with you."

"No...I...I had a lot of fun."

The woman gave a surprised look at the boy's remark before giving a relieved sigh, hugging him to apologize despite his statement. He hugged her back tightly, nuzzling his nose into her hair, but he suddenly tensed, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. They were familiar, overly so, and he shivered with fear. Not the fear that he would be harmed, but the fear that he would have been taken away from the woman he wanted nothing more than to be with forever.

"I'm glad," A pause. "Shin. That's my name for you. At least, until you tell me your real one."

An unrecognizable expression came over the boy's features, the small thing eventually nuzzling himself in her arms. He almost dozed off when sitting with her, ignoring the time that passed. Rather, the feeling of unconditional warmth delighted him as he was unused to such attention. She didn't even push him away, only ever moving to make it more comfortable for the both of them. He was happy.


Looking back at the man who had uttered her name, the (h/c) haired woman gave an excited expression, jumping up to hug him tightly. Despite his decisiveness in remaining at his workplace after midnight, he still came home, even early. She couldn't hide her joy, pressing a loving kiss on the male's lips. However, for once, she felt that his gaze was not on her, and with confusion, she parted from him, attempting to look at what he was only to look at the small boy that she had been with.

"Did you finish early or were you worried about me?"

"I'm always...worried about my adorable wife," the young man responded, his tone somewhat distant and forced, "Can you do me a favor and grab my coat from the bedroom?"

"Of course! I'll be right back!"

As the young woman rushed away to fulfill the rare request, the man turned his sights to the small child in the mansion. He narrowed his eyes, almost surprised when the boy reciprocated the gesture, furrowing his eyebrows in discontent. Giving a "tsk", the man grabbed the brunette's collar and practically yanked him out of the house, throwing him to the ground in the small house burrowed away in the forest behind the estate. They were quite a ways away, but that was the point.

"What were you thinking?!" the man growled, kicking over a chair to intimidate the boy back into submission, "I told you never to set foot in that house."

"I...didn't. Not at first. Mother brought me there. I didn't object."

"I don't care if I dragged you there myself, you don't fucking go there! You should've struggled out of her grasp and ran away like a wet rat! You're good at that! Don't give me useless excuses!"

"I don't care," the boy mumbled, turning his back on the man.

With anger, the older male kicked the boy's calves, sending him falling to the floor. He couldn't believe the audacity of the child before him. It was insulting to see him turn his back on his father, infuriating even. He very clearly needed more discipline. The man glared at the boy's caretakers that cowered in the corner, attempting not to be seen but shivering and squeaking obviously despite that.

"Repeat that. I dare you."

"I said I don't care!" the brunette yelled with anger, turning back to glare at the man, "Mother loves me! You lied! She didn't cry when she saw me! She hugged me and took care of me! You're the one that made her cry!"

"Of course she cried!" the man shouted back, clenching his fists, "She cried because I wasn't there! Because I'm the only thing she loves! But when I go back to the house, she won't cry for you! Your mother never wanted you to be born! If that was true, why did she forget about you?!"

"She didn't! She didn't! Mother loves me! Mother loves me more than she loves you!"

A calm before the storm, silence washed over the room, but subsequently, the man began strangling the child. He wouldn't accept such logic. He would never. Despite everything, she had continued to remain by his side even with full knowledge of his jealousy. She promised she would only ever love him, and he wasn't going to make a liar out of her. The child needed to go, and he needed to go quickly before she ever expected anything.

But the child wasn't so fragile or vulnerable. He had practically raised himself, the rare sight of his father only encouraging his progress in staying alive. If he hadn't developed such a skill, the man would have killed him before he ever saw the (h/c) haired woman. So, quickly, he loosened his father's grip on him and scampered away, holding onto his neck with heavy pants of breath.

"I don't ever want to see you near that damn house! Do you understand, rat?!"



"Shin! Mother called me Shin! My name is Shin!"

Furious with the brunette's statement, the man once more kicked the chair he had assaulted and slammed open the door, leaving with boiling resentment. He refused to accept a child. The male had even gone to such lengths to erase (Y/n)'s memory of ever having a child. As long as he lived, he wouldn't have shared her love and attention with anyone else, even a dog, or his own flesh and blood. That being said, it seemed his son was hell-bent on ruining everything he had worked for within the last fifteen years. Unforgivable.


A/n: Hope you enjoyed this one-shot! But I have a really interesting one to do next, but I'd like you guys to help out. @PhantomFics had a really interesting concept for yandere one-shots: color. They wrote about their ideas of color and created a character based on that. 

Obviously, my perceptions of color are different from theirs, and I would really like to experiment with color, symbolism, etc. in a one-shot. So, while I may do more than one color, I'd like you guys to help me decide. I'd like to see specific colors or metallic shades like gold, ruby, seafoam green, but primary would also be quite interesting. 

If you'd like, you can also include some of the following:

- The zodiac (including Ophiuchus) or the Chinese zodiac (including the cat)

- The seven deadly sins/heavenly virtues

- lesser-known mythology beings/ideas, urban legends, folklore, etc.

- simply a word (can range from anything to "fine" to "imbued" or really anything. Just a random or unique word)

- an emotion (complex or otherwise)

Really, just go with whatever you think would make for an interesting yandere story. It would help me out a lot since I'd like to look at different cultures - especially obscure parts of them.

Thank you guys in advance!

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