
By UncleRickHookedMe

26.6K 506 226

Marinette has been struggling with depression and the stress of being Ladybug. On top of that dealing with th... More

I broke
The Hospital
Chats Visit
Just talk to her
Gets to go home
Ladybugs Return
Close Call
Major Mental Breakdown
Just Can't Catch a Break
A whole lot of stuff happens
All over the news
Given Up
The Tower
Alone? Angry? Confused?
To Understand a Girl? And Into the Fire.
Official Date
Scavenger Hunt
A moment with Alya
The Gala
Song Game
Like Marinette
Let's be honest. Alyas the best
The Clean Up Effort

Her Protector

981 17 12
By UncleRickHookedMe

The rest of the day was spent watching movies, shows, eating snacks, and laughing. In around three Alya came over with Nino to check up on her after the incident. She was worried out of her mind. 

Her mom sent her up and she was shocked to see Chat and Mari cuddling and watching a movie. Lets just say she hung out for a while teasing them and making them red. Right now Chat was watching Marinette design and he sat on her chais holder her and watching over her shoulder. 

'I want to ask her out and to be my girlfriend.' Chat was thinking. He knew he loved Marinette he gave up on Ladybug awhile ago when he started visiting Marinette in the hospital daily. Night had fallen awhile ago and he was getting tired. 

He was thinking for a while when he realized Marinette hadn't moved in quite some time. He looked down and saw sound asleep in his arms. He smiled down at her. He carefully repositioned, picked her up, carried her to her bed, and put her down. He then silently went back downstairs and saw Tom working in the kitchen paying bills at the table. He glanced at the clock and saw it was eleven. 

"Excuse me Tom?" Tom jumped and whipped around. "Chat you scared me!" He laughed a little. "Sorry" I said laughing myself. "I just wanted to tell you I will take pur- I mean Mari to school and stay with her if thats ok?" I asked. "Of course its ok! I'm so glad she has you to look out for her when I can't." He smiled at me. 

"Its honestly my pleasure." Chat said smiling happily. He went back upstairs wrote a note to Mari put it on her desk and left through her window. 

I vaulted home and de-transformed. "You were transformed for so long! Why didn't you get into your comfy clothes at Maris! I AM EXHAUSTED AND SUPER HUNGRY! GIVE. ME. CHEESE.!" Plagg at this point was yelling. 

"Im sorry Plagg I forgot. Here Have full reign to your cheese cabinet."He immediately flew over and phased through the cabinet 'Ya I won't see him for the rest of the night. I'll need to get more camembert. Ok but first the email'  I walked over to my computer and got on to my email. I typed in Mrs. Bustiers email then messaged her. 

"Dear Mrs. Bustier, 

I have sadly gotten the Flu. Thats why I was out of class after Lunch. I was not feeling well and I was suggested to go home. My deepest apologies for not telling you sooner. Please tell my other teachers that I am indisposed and will be out for a couple weeks. I will come back as soon as I am able. 

Your Student Adrien."

'Ok looks good.............and send!'  "Ok i'm heading to bed now. GOOD NIGHT PLAGG" I yelled at the cabinet. "good night" I heard from a muffled plagg. I rolled my eyes laughed and went to bed. I hop in bed clapped and my lights turned out. 

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_TIME SKIP-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

I awoke at early and went to the school and found Mrs. Bustier. "Hello ma'am your Marinettes teacher correct?" I asked as if I didn't know. "Ch-chat Noir? Uh yes I am Marinettes teacher. Im Mrs. Bustier can I help you? Is something wrong with Marinette?!" At the end she looked really worried. 

"No nothings wrong wit-well actually sorta. She's not all the way well and has had panicked attacks recently along with other problems. I will be staying in your class to help with it. I am a very good friend of hers and I am able to help with her problems. Is it alright with you if I stay?" I asked all of a sudden worried shed be against it. 

"Of course you'll be able to stay! Thank you for watching our Marinette! I didn't know she had such famous friends." I just smiled. "Thank you miss! I'll see you later in class." I bowed and left. 

I vaulted to Maris room expecting to see her asleep but I was wrong. She was curled up in a ball holding her black squish-mallow. I opened the trap door. "Puurincess why are you not asleep." She looked exhausted. 

"Oh I was I just woke up." She looked at me not even surprised. I knew she was lying but I let it slide. I plopped down beside her and hugged her. Her mood immediately changed from a little upset and exhausted to happy and tired. 

It was only 5 and we didn't have to get ready to leave until 6:30. I was running my thumb up and down her shoulder thinking on how the class would react when they saw Marinette walk in with me. When I glanced down and was startled to see that Marinette had fallen asleep. 

'I was here for ten minutes and she's fallen asleep? She must have not gotten much sleep? But wait she was asleep when I left? Oh I don't know Ill have to ask her'  I opened my stick phone and scrolled on social media till it was 6:20. I shook Marinette. 

"Mari wake up. C'mon wake up time to get ready for school." I shook her again trying to wake her up. "Noooooo five more minutes." She said snuggling closer into my side smiling happily. I turned a little red but smiled. 

"Cmon Mari get up!" I picked her up and brought her down the latter. She shrieked and held on tight. "Ok ok! I'm up I'm up!" I smiled and put her on her feet. "Go take a shower and get ready and I'll pick out clothes." 

She nodded still half asleep and went into the bathroom. I snickered evilly and decided to have a little fun picking her clothes out.

He found a black crop top with a green paw print on it with lace at the bottom along with little ball dangly's then he found black shorts with the same lace and dangly's at the bottom. The back pockets had green paw prints on them. 

I then went through her closet and found a see through cardigan thing with small black paws on it. 'Puuuuurrrrrfffffeeeect'  I then found the clothes Marinette keeps in her room de-transformed gave Plagg some cheese while I changed. I heard her get out of the shower.  I re-transformed when I heard her shout. 

"Chat I need my clothes!" "Ok Im gonna open the door and stick my arm in and put it on the counter." I did exactly as I said and placed the clothes on the counter. I then waited. "CHAT NO!" She yelled. 

"You have to or we'll be late." A minute later she came out. "We?" but I didn't respond. She. Looked. Gorgeous! "What's the matter cat got your tongue?" She smirked. I shook my head and snapped out of it. 

"Sorry puuurrrrincess but mew look Pawsittively Clawsome and I clawn't take my eyes of mew! I'm not Kitten you look meweutiful" She giggled at all my puns. "Ok back to my question. We?" She inquired again. 

"Yes we! I promised that I would come with you to school and watch over you and I will." She smiled happily. She went back into the bathroom. She brushed her hair and grab a headband with cat ears on it. 

"Might as well go with my theme." I laughed. She grabbed a purse that was black with paw prints. "Do you just have a bunch of hat themed stuff around?!" "I get stuck in themes some times" She laughed 

"Ok lets go downstairs and get you breakfast and get going."I said. I then looked at the clock and it read 7:50. I looked and thought I saw something red flash by Mari. 'What was that?'  I didn't have enough time to wonder because Marinette was walking towards her trap door. We walked downstairs. 

Tom was nowhere to be seen but Sabine had croissants in hand. "Go you two or you'll be late." "Thanks mom." Marinette called. I smiled and nodded in thanks and ran after Mari who was already out the door. 

We walked side by side down the street talking. I ate my croissant but Marinette wasn't eating hers. "Mari you need to eat. I don't care if your not hungry. Please eat" I gave her kitten I eyes. She rolled her eyes but ate it nonetheless. 

We reached the school and gasps were heard all around. Alya walked up casually. "Hey Mari! Hey Chat! Ya'll are definitely drawing stares." Alya smirked. "Its weird being casual with a super." Alya then laughed. Marinette giggled to and I just smiled. 

The bell rang and we walked into the school. "Nice outfit Mari" Alya commented laughing a little. "Thanks my egocentric ally cat here picked it out" I scowled.

Then I smirked 'teasing time'  "Your egocentric cat?" I asked as we reached the class room. She turned beat red. "D-did I say my? I men't mi-mighty ya" I smirked. I then glanced over to Mrs. Bustier who just smiled at me. I nodded in her direction. 

"Alya mine switch-I mean giving me your chair?" I asked. "Sure" She walked over to Nino who was gawking a little. She kissed his cheek then looked around. "Wheres Adrien?" She asked. At this Marinettes head whipped up and looked around. 

"He's got the flu! He will be out for awhile." I glanced around the class room and saw people whispering I heard me and Maris name. What I have enhanced hearing. I then overheard Kim and nathanael and what I heard made me angry. VERY angry. 

"Look at Mari! Damn she looks hot!" Kim muttered to Nathanael. (Sry for the language). "She always looks hot but today makes me want to touch it." Nathanael muttered back. I was so mad I thought about Cataclysming them. I was giving them a death glare when I was snapped from my thoughts. "at? Chat?? CHAT NOIR!" 

I jumped and looked at Mari? "We have to sit down." I only nodded. I was still mad and worried it would show in my voice. I sat down and Mrs. Bustier started the class. "As all of you have probably noticed we have an esteemed guest with us. 

He will be staying with Marinette because of her-uh- sicknesses side effects. I want you to be understanding and still pay attention to the class ok!" I heard a mutter of confirmations when "RIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!! WHY DOES MARI-TRASH GET A PERSONAL SUPERHERO WHEN SHE'S SICK AND I DON'T!" Guess who raised the complaint? 

Yup your right. Chloe. "Because Chloe, people like Mari, and people dont like you" Alya responded. Chloe was about to respond when Mrs. Bustier interrupted. "Chloe! No name calling or being rude! Alya! Do not antagonize her further!" 

"But......" Alya started to protest but was interrupted just like Chloe. "No butts are for sitting on not arguing with! No shush while I teach!" I was trying not to laugh and saw Mari doing the same thing. Alya and Chloe grumped while Mrs. Bustier started teaching again.    

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_TIME SKIP-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

RING!!!!  Went the bell. "Remember to read pages 60-80 on the civil war! Have a good lunch break!" Everyone walked out of class. I had my arm around Maris shoulders as we walked. 'So far so good' She was slouching and walking slowly. 

'Ok sorta good.' I corrected myself. "Purrincess whats wrong?" She looked up at me. She looked exhausted and upset. I pulled her over to a bench and sat her down. "Marinette was wrong. You look upset and extremely exhausted." I asked again. "I am just a little tired and i'm not upset just uh-hungry ya." 

I just looked at her. Then said "I know your lying but I'll let it slide this time." I then picked her up. Put her on my back and carried her to the lunch room. I set her down in her seat. "Im gonna de-transform but don't worry I have my comfy clothes on under ok?" 

She nodded and put her head on the table. "Plagg claws in" I reverted back and ran my hands through my hair to mess it up like me Alter egos. I sat down and rubbed her back. "You to would be such a cute couple!" 

I looked up to see Alya and Nino. They sat down and glanced at Mari. "Hey girl you ok?" "Peeply" Nino exploded with laughter and looked at me. "Di-d sh-she just s-ay Peeply?!" He said almost unintelligibly from laughing so much. 

\"She did." I looked at her worried. She started to doze off then jerked up. Panic filled her eyes and she was shaking. "Marinette wow! Its ok shhhh its ok!" 

I grabbed her hands and she looked at me in desperation. "Mari hey! Its ok! Shhh calm down." I stood up and pulled her to her feet and into a comforting hug. I knew cameras were recording. I knew people were whispering. And I knew I didn't care a bit. 

All that mattered was calming Marinette down. She stopped shaking and started crying. "Im going to take her home she needs rest. She's having to much trouble. Tell her teachers that in the name of Chat Noir and on my claim she needs to go home." 

Alya nodded and was holding her tears back. She got up hugged Mari from behind and left. I picked Mari up bridal style. "Plagg claws out!" I vaulted to the roofs and brought her home. I went downstairs to the bakery and saw Tom. 

"Tom! Can you come here for a minute." Tom looked up from a customer and asked them to wait a second. "Whats wrong?" He asked. 

"Mari had a mental break down again at lunch. I brought her home and I am taking care of her I just thought you should know." He nodded. "Thank you my son you are truly Her protecter!"    

Word Count 2340

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