Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Mal...

By WonTomi8

16.6K 1.2K 172

Y/N is a cold hearted vigilante with no regard for the health of those he rains "justice" upon, but a quiet k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 8

467 42 0
By WonTomi8

Minju walked aimlessly through the neighborhood.

It's nice to walk at night. It's a shame I have to sneak out to do this though.

Behind her a bush rustled, startling her, prompting her to turn around.

What was that?

Minju watched the bush, straining to see what could be behind the leafy facade.

I guess this neighborhood has cats...

Minju continued her walk, clearing her mind from the previous scare. Suddenly, the girl felt a hand wrap around and cover her mouth. Before she could act, the hand slipped away. Following in suit was a loud crash, and a desperate scream. Minju turned around to see two men dressed completely in black. One stood over the other, while the one on the ground held his body in pain.

What's going on?! Was I about to get kidnapped? Who is that guy standing above the other one?

"E-Excuse me?"

The man turned his head and widened his eyes.

What was that? Is he panicking?

"W-What's going on here?"

Minju shivered in place, unsure if the person in front of her was a friend or foe. The man collected himself, remaining silent. Minju eyed the man on the ground, noticing blood on his shirt.

"Oh my god! He's injured!"

Minju pulled out her phone, "We need to call an ambulance!"


Minju looked up to see the man holding out his hand, prompting her to stop. With her thumb hovering over the call button, the girl watched the figure shoo her away.

"You want me to leave?"

The man nodded.

"Are you going to take him to the hospital?"

The man nodded once more.

"Can I trust you?"

The man's eyes showed annoyance as he tilted his head as if asking, "Really?"

"Okay, okay. Do you mind if I call someone to walk me home?"

The man shook his head.

"Thank you."

Minju unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts, pressing the call button when she found the right person.

Please pick up Y/n. You're the only one who can know about this right now.

Y/n's phone began to vibrate, startling him. Without alerting the girl in front of him, Y/n stuck his hand in his pocket and pressed the power button, silencing the call.

Moments passed with the downtime between each ring feeling tortuously long.

Is he asleep? He has to be. He was really tired today.

Minju held her phone in front of her, frowning. The man sighed and pulled out his phone, typing something into it. Anxious, Minju looked up to see the man holding his phone in front of her with a message typed into it.

I'll escort you home. Just start walking.

"You'll escort me home? What about this guy? I-I'm sorry... I can't say I really trust you right now."

The figure erased the text before typing another message.

Just get moving.

Minju put her phone away, "Fine, but only because I want to get out of here."

The man nodded.

Minju walked past the two figures, wincing at the sound of a muffled scream coming from behind her. Curious, Minju turned around to see her savior holding his hand over the man on the ground.

I need to get out of here...

As Minju walked past him, Y/n made sure she wasn't looking before putting his hand on the other man's ankle, and dislocating it. The man screamed in pain before Y/n prompting the boy to put his hand over the man's mouth, muffling most of the sound.

Y/n leaned in towards the man, "I tore multiple ligaments in your ankle so you can't escape. If I see you move at all from here, you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life."

When Y/n turned back around Minju started walking again.

Should I tail her? Or should I watch over her from the shadows?

Y/n began to walk, carefully catching up with Minju to not look suspicious to the public. The walk was extremely quiet. Something Y/n completely understood as he knew Minju wasn't aware who she was walking with. Feeling the anxiety from earlier leave his system, Y/n let out an inaudible sigh.

That was too close... I can't let her find out.

The two arrived at Minju's neighborhood where Y/n stopped prompting Minju to turn around.

"Thank you for saving me back there."

Y/n nodded, waving her off.

"May I ask what you're doing out late at night?"

Y/n shook his head. Feeling a bit frustrated at how nosy Minju was, Y/n typed another message into his phone.

You should go to sleep. You look like a student.

"Ah... Right. I'll head on now."

Y/n nodded before turning back to the crime scene.

Should I call her now? I don't know how she's feeling.

After walking a sizable distance, Y/n made sure that Minju didn't tail him, and pulled out his phone.

She might be asleep.

Y/n dialed her phone number and stood still with his phone to his ear.


"Did you need something?"

"Ah, don't worry about it."

"Oh, okay."

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, I needed to use the restroom."

"You didn't need to tell me that."

"What else was I supposed to tell you?"

"I don't know, just not that."

"Whatever. I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay. Good night."


Y/n hung up and continued walking back to where the man should be.

He's still there.

Y/n crouched down next to the man, lightly slapping his face to ensure he was awake.

"Hey dipshit. You're lucky I stopped you there. Had you gone any further, you would have incurred my wrath. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. You understand? You know how I easily shattered your ribs and dislocated your ankle? That could very easily have been your spine. If I so much as thought about it, I could torture you until you bled out internally."

The man groaned.

Y/n looked at the man in the streetlight.

He's really pale. I should call an ambulance for him.

Y/n took the phone out of the man's pocket, dialing for the emergency services.

"Hello? I'm going to need an ambulance. Where am I? I'm at..."

Minju stared at the pitch black ceiling.

I'm lucky I was saved there... I still want to take walks though... Should I ask Y/n to come with me? His parents seem really relaxed so he could probably walk while it's late as long as he doesn't do it frequently. No, if we get robbed? I don't want to put him in danger. He does know martial arts, and the most dangerous weapon they could have is a knife though... I'll ask him tomorrow on our walk.

Minju closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

An hour later, Y/n arrived back home a lot cleaner than he was the prior night.

That was boring. Aside from saving Minju, there was nothing in the areas I checked...

After a relaxing shower, Y/n slipped into bed as if he never left the room at all.

The next morning, Y/n got out of bed, proceeding through his normal routine. When he arrived at Minju's house, he rang the buzzer at her gate.

It'd be really awkward if her parents were here.

Y/n's phone vibrated, alerting him.


I'll be out in a few

Y/n put his phone away, turning to the sky.

I'm not as tired as yesterday. That's good.

While in his thoughts, Y/n felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Earth to Y/n~"

Y/n looked down, coming face to face with Minju.


Y/n smiled, "Hey."

"Shall we get going?"


Y/n started towards the direction of the school.

"So, what were you doing up so late last night?"

"I was out."

"You were? That late?"

"Yeah. Would it be okay if-"

Minju's brain clicked.

He seemed surprised I was out so late... Would he scold me if I told him I almost got kidnapped? Of course he would! Any normal person would scold me for almost getting kidnapped! Should I ask him anyway? He seems like a pretty relaxed guy.

Y/n waved his hand in front of the spaced out girl.


Minju blinked, "What?"

"You spaced out in the middle of your sentence."

"Oh, sorry. What was I saying?"

"You asked me if 'it would be okay if,' and then spaced out."

"Oh, right. I should add some context to that."


"So last night, I was out walking because I needed fresh air and wanted to try walking since I've never really been out that late at night. I thought it would be fine since I'm a high school student now, but..."


"I almost got kidnapped..."

Minju closed her eyes, bracing herself for a scolding. Instead, her forehead wedded itself with a pole with a loud clang that echoed throughout the area prompting Y/n to burst into laughter.

"Ya! Look out where you're going!"

Minju crouched down, whimpering in pain as she rubbed her forehead. Watching the clumsy frog in pain, Y/n smiled.

I can't be too hard on her. She's probably going to ask me to walk with her.

Y/n crouched down, rubbing the top of Minju's head.

"Were you going to say something else?"

"I was going to ask if you could walk with me..."


Minju opened her eyes looking at Y/n in shock.

"You're not going to scold me?"


"Even though I almost got kidnapped?"

"That's in the past. Besides, you'll be with me from now on right?"

Y/n flashed a big toothy grin that made Minju's heart flutter.

Minju smiled, "Yeah."

Y/n stood up with his hand out, "Come on, I don't want to be late because you walked into a pole like a dumbass."

Minju grabbed Y/n's hand, turning pink, "Shut up!"

"I'm not letting you live that down. That was hilarious."

Minju pouted as she walked towards the school.

He didn't scold me at all... That's a relief.

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