Chosen falls for a pirate. An...

By TheLonerWraiter

63.3K 4.2K 8.6K

Geno is a lonely thief, resident of a small sea village. His past is covered in darkness. Somehow he can't re... More

Better add this
Prologue, if you please
The lone skeleton of an exclusively human village
In the ship
Awakening to the beginning of an adventure
First familiarities with the priest
The beginning of the making from priest to pirate-priest
The priest and the arrogant Captain
Shorta saved by the Captain of the Reapers and receiving a blessing
Gently being introduced. That was sarcasm, alright
Siren's tail
You can't leave without the necklace
Don't say a word
A melancholic love song
Abrupt answers
And it was only the beginning
Hard relationships, interesting stories
Animal troubles
An old story narrated in dreams, The fall of the depths(1/3)
An old story narrated in dreams, Rise to the land (2/3)
An old story narrated in dreams, Abandoned(3/3)
Beware of the storm that comes
Doubts and worries
Howl full of threats
Tongues of fire and bolts
3 3 3 6 2x7
Sail for Lisbon it is then
Waiting (1/3) One day in a pirate island
Waiting (2/3) More conversation and a ridiculous conflict
Waiting (3/3) The Turk, the Cretan, the Venetian and the Frenchman
Family reunion and more past narrations (2/2)
Finding the secret path
errrmmm... basically...
Finally here.
Odd invitation for Squid Game parody
Calisto and Felix (some readers be like, YOU WANTED US TO NAME HIS PARENTS?!)
First years
The brothers
Tefra and Pyros
Guests of the Infernals
no no. don't get happy. it's not a new chapter yet. just...
Trust crisis
2 dreams. But are they dreams after all?
About languages
I lie. I always lie.
First troubles with the humans
Alms after troubles
Fight on the street and more revelations
A few more stories for Bernard and the 3 Aces
me just...
Phenomenally innocent invitation to their table. Is it?
Before the show begun
oh no, you did not just-!
i always come back
Feelings shouldn't be involved in missions
Once you take a closer glance, you realise something is off
There's no better dancer than me
Epic win
Clearing things out
Learning to dance but with a partner
The sin has already be done by me
Now you made me mad
Ready to find the witch
Here we go for real
You don't deserve 1
Welcome to Vilanterna
About to enter
We shall warn them
The council (1/2): news from Lisbon to Azores
The council (2/2): reaching an end
What you seek and want to know...
The First Royal Ocean Prophecy
A song with more meanings than it truly has
Loosing each other temporarily
???'s POV:
In the land of the dead monsters
Unexpected encounter.
Realise, reconcile, relieve
Before the marriage
not a new chapter. just...
The reader may want to see at last other things they desire long time now.
Ghost talk and witnessing the ritual before the real marriage ceremony.
A dançacio do reconhecio
Before the second dance
For the little fish of course!
«A dançacio da forçi»
Before the last dance (1/2)
funny story on how I (almost 😭) found THE melody for the dance
Before the last dance (part 2/2)
«A dançacio da confiducia»
What did they discuss?
Disobey your master
Memories are merciless, (1/2) Geno
alright. let's clear things out
Memories are merciless, (2/2) Alter
Before you get excited, this is not a new chapter
You know what
The first and last siren-blessed guardians (1/2)
The first and last siren-blessed guardians (2/2)
Attempt to annoy and threaten the monsters backfires
Identities almost revealed, cover blown
please read
Speaking horse
Almost loosing contol
it's ok
making a second book NOW, cause i f*cking can't take this anymore...
Don't even turn to look at me
Between monsters, a conversation such as this had better to stay a secret

Family reunion and more past narrations (1/2)

549 39 49
By TheLonerWraiter

Where a typical serious meeting turns to family reunion, Geno leaves the ship for a 2nd time and starts learning how Alter met with the Red Fangs.

No one's POV:

The boat turned 90° and very slowly and gently bumped into the side of the pirate ship.

"Boys, throw ropes and help 'em get to the ship." Captain ordered.

"HURRY UP ALREADY YOU SLOWPOKES UP THERE!" A loud voice boomed from somewhere below and Geno flinched. Alter chuckled and pat his shoulder to relax him.

"Oh my dear Edge, he's still as loud as ever." He said quietly and cheerfully without looking at Geno. The smaller nailed his look at the direction of the pirates that were now holding ropes, with sour expressions, probably from what that Edge guy said. There was an unclear emotion inside his soul, but he knew it somehow wasn't fear.

It was rather... a thrill? He didn't know why he was feeling like that, despite he was just now meeting with these... friends, as Alter was calling them. Or he wasn't? Because Geno, from the time he heard the names Edge and Red, he felt that deep inside in his soul he... knew them? But from where?

"Oh there they are!" Alter said a little bit more excited and Geno focused his look again at the 2 skeletons that just now stepped their foot on the deck. The taller was looking around with hands on his hips. Instinctively Geno's hand searched to grab Alter's.

"Isn't your Captain feeding ya well and ya couldn't hold us without squirming every now and then?" The shorter skeleton asked Dave sarcastically scratching his golden tooth with the edge of his little finger. The tiger pointed his middle finger at him snarling.

"Eiii kitty kitty, ya want milky to power up?" The short one continued and chuckled.

"SILENCE YOU DAMN SKUNK! WE'RE HERE FOR BUSINESS!" The taller said and his short partner looked away for a moment. But then, very serious and silent both, their looks scanned everyone slowly. For a while no one was talking. Captain stepped ahead and stopped 2m. away from them. He crossed arms and looked up.

"Edge and Red. Leaders of the Red Fangs. Appreciated you came so quickly. You're waiting for Alter, right?" He asked rather coldly as if he didn't mean the word 'appreciated'. He didn't seem thrilled to see them, yet he wasn't being so rude.

"WHERE IS HE?! THESE BIG GORILLAS OF YOURS ARE HIDING HIM FROM MY VIEW!" The tall intimidating skeleton said abruptly trying to find with his look Alter. The priest chuckled and gently pushing on his way the other pirates stepped ahead.

Geno stayed back, he was a little hesitant to approach the 2 newcomers. At least he could still see between the crowd as Alter was walking with confidence towards them, opening his arms as if he was about to hug and then hearing him saying,

"Buongiorno my friends! I was waiting for you!"

"ALTER YOU SLY SEA FOX!" The taller yelled, all of a sudden thrilled and with a wide smile on his face. With surprise Geno saw Alter and him hugging and patting each other's back. Damn, he was half head taller than Alter despite his movements and mood were saying he was younger than him. When they separated they shook hands.

"Glad to see ya again Edge." Alter said calmly.

"Sup nun?" The shorter asked grinning widely. Alter chuckled and shook hands with him too.

"Everything's fine. Glad to see ya too Red." He replied. He stepped back a little.


"Wow, this guy has some ego." Geno thought but chuckled.

"Why thank you. I apologise we couldn't meet at some port or island and you got dragged in the middle of nowhere to find us. But it's better if we don't get attention from many eyes and this mission stays as much private as possible. Thank you so much for coming. And so fast! For a favor like what I asked I didn't expect ya leave your work so fast just to help us."

"Forget the owned favor priest." Red cut him looking up to Alter suddenly serious. Same for Edge. That sudden swing of mood troubled Geno.

"WHERE IS THAT PARTNER OF YOURS YOU SAID YOU AND HIM WANT TO TRESPASS INSIDE THE CAPITAL?! WHERE..." Edge asked and grabbed Alter's shoulders looking at him intensively.


Geno's POV:

All of a sudden everyone's looks turn on me, surprised and confused. I step back, more surprised than them. This Edge guy... he said my full name? -I mean... Alter might did write down my name on the letter, right?-. But why say it like that? It's as if he hasn't see me for a lifetime or anything?

Where do I know these skeletons from? Where do they know me from?

"Oh sh*t, please tell me they aren't some lunatics that knows me just because of the prophecy and are hyped to meet me!" I thought agitated.

"Geno. Son, come here." I hear Alter's calm voice calling me. I try to hide, but like the Red Sea, the pirates are making road for me. Defeated and still hesitant I approach and stand next to Alter looking up to him worried. I look again at the 2 gothic like skeletons.

The short one -Red wasn't he?- who is more than half head taller than me, looks at me quite shocked. Edge seems a little calmer but his glare-like expression is intensive as he looks down on me with crossed arms. I get stuck closer to Alter. These 2, the more I look at them, the more I feel certain I've meet them somewhere before.

But at the same time I feel more... threatened. What is this thing that makes me feel they mean harm?

"GENO?!" Edge yells and his expression just a tiny bit softens. I start shaking again but gathering the last courage in me I manage to say,

"Yes? G-Greetings um-"

"You're covering your melted 'socket now huh?" Red asks now.


Alter wouldn't even trouble himself write all details about me in the letter if this mission is typical and it's not necessary everyone get to know each other. But these 2 already know my real characteristics, how I truly am. Besides I see Alter and he's confused like me. How?

How these 2 know me? And where do I know them from?! Remember Geno, remember!

"HOLY... GOD... IT REALLY IS YOU!" Edge talked slowly but not quieter. I look again at him confused.

"M-Me? Yeah? I-"

"OH SH*T! GENOCIDEEE!!!" He suddenly yells again and the very next moment he grabs me abruptly like a doll and picks me up. Immediately I feel threaten and my adrenaline hits me.


"WHAT THE F*CK MAN?! PUT ME DOWN!!!" I yell and hiss aggressively trying to get free from his grasp. He looks at me for a moment surprised but then a little angry.


"Bro." Red suddenly interrupts and tugs Edge from his sleeve. "Put Geno down." Edge looks down on him glaring.


"Remember what aunt CQ told us?" I immediately stop struggling hearing my mom's name and I look at Red surprised. He called her... aunt?!

"She told us what she did to protect Geno, Error and Fresh." My brothers' names! He- These 2 know also them!

"And then there was the... Night Ship's incident..." I start hearing worried whispers and murmurs from behind me and I don't quite get why. "... how it is unknown to her what happened to Error and Fresh since then and only Geno was under her watch. Don't ya remember she told us that we could never interact with him in any way? Don't ya see him now bro? He's confused. He doesn't recognise us. He doesn't remember us yet. Put him down."

Edge was looking at him surprised all this time and in the end maybe disappointed. He looks again at me and very carefully puts me down.

"RIGHT... SORRY..." He slowly says looking down on me still a little disappointed and sad. But his expression quickly turns again angry-like. "I APOLOGISE FOR THE SUDDEN OUTBURST!"

"You know these 2 fishstick?!" I hear Dave saying surprised from behind me. I turn my head to look and only then I see that everyone is looking at one another surprised, whispering and looking at me as if I'm the biggest diamond they've ever seen in their lifes.

"Oh, how do you know each other?" Captain asks, confused and a little surprised as his voice betrays.

"Son? They know you! You didn't say." Alter says. I look again at the 2 gothic skeletons.

"I..." I start but stop. I try to gather my thoughts. "It's... complicated. I know I feel I've never seen them but at the same time... I know I've seen them somewhere!"

"Encouraging." Red says looking up to Edge, who seems a little bit more thrilled. Come on Geno, where do you know them from, for God's sake!

"Don't worry 'Gastone'. You can trust me your boys as long as you're in that trip with Stephan." CQ said.

"Good luck dear sister-in-law. You'll need it. 5 kids against you might be really difficult." The mermaid said as he was getting in the boat and chuckled.

"I got this. Have a safe trip!"

"Ugh. Stupid old man left us behind to stay with that siren and her probably annoying crybabies." The short 13 year old skeleton murmured.

"Come on kids! Meet my boys!"

"Hewo! I'm Geno!" The small white 5 year old skele-ball with the red scarf said excited. The 2 newcomers looked down on him serious, almost glaring.

"GeNo, DoN't ApPrOaCh, ThEy ArE sCaRy!" Error shout-whispered hiding behind him.

"Wowwy not brother, they are the kids of our papa's Boss'!" He replied cheerfully and stood fearlessly closer to the 2. "Wow! You both look so cool!" He said. The mood all of a sudden changed. 8 year old Edge took a proud pose.

"MWA HA HA! THAT'S RIGHT! I'M THE AMAZING AND TERRIBLE EDGE! I START LIKING THIS LITTLE SIREN BROTHER! HE RECOGNISES MY COOLNESS!" He said and he was now smiling widely. Young Red huffed and finally smiled too.

"Welp, we're stuck with ya little planktons for a whole week or more, till our old men return."


"Wait wait wait!" I say quickly hushing Alter abruptly. I stay more motionless as more flashing memories make me remember more and more. I smack my head. All of a sudden I feel... thrilled. Excited. Happy! Yes, now I know- I remember exactly what they are to me!

"You are... The amazing and terrible Edge!" I yelp pointing at the tall skeleton.

"WAIT, NOW YOU... REMEMBER?!?!?!" He says. I nod excited.

When my dad's Boss had missions very far away, because he couldn't take his sons, he would leave them to my mom until he returns. Oh how difficult it was at first for Error to get along with them. Him and them were hissing at each other constantly. But as for me I had managed to break the ice so fast with them.

Despite they are part mermaids I wasn't fearing them. I didn't have the ability to distinguish who's mermaid and who's siren then. Now I realise why I felt so threatened when Edge held me abruptly. I could feel the little mermaid nature he had in him.

But even if he didn't have, being holded like a doll abruptly by someone isn't pleasant. From the recalled childhood memories, Edge was easier, usually compliments and praise makes him more friendly. Red seemed distant and he was more difficult at first but he wasn't that bad.

How many games we would play, with Edge usually being leader. He was going crazy being leader to everything. Despite Red was teenager and older than all of us kids then, he was too lazy to play as leader and was leaving his brother decide everytime what games we would play.

"And you are the lazy but cool Red!" I say pointing now at the shorter. He chuckles and rolls his eyesockets.

"This is exactly how ya were calling me from when ya were a 5 year old lil sh*t. Heh. Not like ya still aren't. Ya didn't take enough height." He teases. I pout.

"Hey! You're 5 years older than Edge and you're half his height!" I attack him. I hear some chuckles behind me and Red pouts too.

"Oh my. I didn't expect this turn of events. But what is your relationship? Are you old friends with them?" Alter asks surprised. I look up to him excited.

"Despite being sons of the Red Fangs' Boss, we were calling them brothers."

"BROTHERS?!" Dave yells.

"YOU REMEMBER THIS TOO!" Edge yelled excited and I chuckle. I don't fear him anymore and Red now that I remember them again.

"I'm glad we find each other like that pigeon. And... I'm sorry for Error and Fresh." He says and looks away, his mood is a little down now. I feel my soul heavier.

"It's fine..." I murmur.

"My my! Who would have expected ya have 'relatives' with smugglers! And especially them, being also mermaids!" Captain's voice interrupts my heavy thoughts.

"Of course. Besides my father was working as smuggler too." I throw all of a sudden, making everyone look at me surprised.

"This is where you actually got your kleptomania from!" Dave's annoying voice comes again and I groan.

"And this is where ya got your stupidity from! Piracy!" I throw. I hear Red behind me trying to hold back his laughter.

"You little sh-!" Dave is about to yell. But he suddenly freezes looking somewhere above me terrified. I follow his look but I only see Alter smiling sweetly and has his eyesockets closed.

Edge leans towards
me and looks serious.


"The fact Al was asking favor from us to trespass him and you inside Lisbon, plus your name mentioned and your mama's words made us come immediately." Red said.



"Whatever the big boss says." Red said lazily but smiling in agreement.

"Wow. Thanks guys..." I say surprised.


"Of course. Yeah, let's go!"

No one's POV:

Soon Alter and Geno's bags were on the boat. Geno looked down and gulped. Would he be able get out this time too? Like when he was in the pirate island? He clenched with his hands the gunwale and shut his eyesocket. This close he was, for now he wasn't hearing voices telling him he can't leave the ship.

"Come on Geno!" Alter called, who was already in the boat while Edge and Red were preparing it. Geno opened again his eyesocket, only to soon realise someone was standing next to him. And he was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't feel Captain's deadly aura, only a meter away as he was standing with his back pressed on the gunwale.

He almost stepped back but instead of hissing at him he just looked at him surprised. Captain was staring at him serious and crossed arms. For some seconds they stayed motionless looking to each other. Until Geno decided to stop the staring contest and turned again to look down.

"Είθε την τύχη να εβρεις τώρα που αλαργεύεις,
Θεός πάντα κοντά σου ναναι και όταν θα γιαγέρνεις."

Adrian said with his deep and thunderous but warm voice. A calm breeze translated to Geno the whole mantinada.

"Be very careful both you and Alter güzzzel!" Yalin whistled.

Hearing these, even if he didn't show it very much, Geno felt... jubilation. A very small smile appeared on his face for just a moment.

"Good luck..."

He froze hearing Captain. As he turned to start climbing down he looked at him confused and surprised. Nothing was betraying emotion on his expression. He just nodded one time slowly and Geno finally started climbing down. As he was almost on the boat, Captain finally turned his back.

"He really is beautiful..."


"How did you guys meet?" Geno asked as the dolphins were swimming fast like arrows and dragging the boat. All 4 skeletons were sitting comfortably and the cool breeze was hitting their faces.

"He caught us off guard." Red started rubbing the back of his head. "... As one of the the most dangerous places, we were in a hurry to leave from Lisbon. But as we were telling our boys to hurry with the cargo and get the hell away from there, one of our boys comes and tells us that they brought a weird priest that was asking us for help. How were ya asking for help again the boys ya saw from our team? " He turned to look at Alter, who chuckled with the question and pushed back his glasses.

3 years ago...

"Excuse me my dear smugglers! Can ya help me get outta the Capital please?" Alter asked suddenly 3 monsters that were hiding underneath their clothes small packages. They seemed to do that successfully, but Alter had quickly understood what was happening, seeing how suspiciously they were moving.

The 3 monsters stopped shocked, seeing a simple dressed priest staring at them with his calmest smile and talking as if he had never mention the word 'smugglers'. Immediately they turned against him taking out of their pockets knives.



"Nope. Tch. For real? Please, I asked nicely!" Alter said rolling his eyesockets. The first monster that went for the first hit immediately was going to regret it. Alter grabbed his wrist, pinned him on the ground and twisted his arm, but not to break it, just keep the monster motionless.

Luckily all these were happening in a lonely alley and no one else was around. The 2 monsters went to attack seeing their partner on the ground. But there Alter wore the «relentless mask». He held the small knife near the neck of the monster he had on the ground, making the other 2 stop.

"I want ya take me to your leader. If not..." He said calmly and his irises dissappeared. "... Know that ya won't be able get letters from your friend if he's in Heaven. Or Hell. Who knows where will he go." The 2 monsters stepped back with raised hands.

"Dude, whatever you say!"

"I'm so glad we understand each other 'peacefully' and with no need for bloodshed, wanting to keep your friend alive. Now! Drop your knives. Near me." Alter continued, cheerfully, but still empty eyesockets. The 2 monsters immediately obeyed. Alter brought the knives with telekinesis on his hand, got up and let the monster he was pinning down all this time get up.

"Return to your friends son. There there." He said all of a sudden tenderly and pat his back 2 times.

"What on earth priest are you?!" One of the smugglers asked. Alter chuckled.

"Definitely not the normal one ya picture. But I can promise ya I'm not a spy sended by the aristocrats. Since I guessed you're smugglers, I would really love to see your leader. Please lead me to him. I need help with something."

"How do we know you're not lying?" Another smuggler asked.

"Hey what's going on there?!" 2 human soldiers approached and looked suspiciously at the 4 monsters. Immediately the 3 smugglers turned pale. But Alter, hiding the knives behind his back chuckled calmly.

"Ah my fellow humans! You caught me and my students while I was teaching them about God's will! Wanna stay with us and listen?" He asked chilly.

"In an abandoned alley? In human's side of Capital?" The one soldier asked raising an eyebrow. Alter chuckled again.

"And from when is it forbidden for us monsters roam around humans' side of Capital? Aren't ya doing the same in monsters' side, but, ya know, for stealing from 'em, ruin the peace, kill for the slightest of reaso-?"

"Watch very carefully what you're saying priest. Just because you're wearing cassock and have the cross around your neck doesn't mean you can insult us safely." The other soldier said ready to explode from anger him and his partner.

"Because 'humans are superior'? Because monsters 'were', 'are' and 'will' always be «servants» of the humans? I don't see how humans can be superior when they do the things I listed before. Plus, even when the monsters ain't bringing any trouble when they're on your side of the Capital ya accuse 'em for anything and arrest 'em. God, your progenitors and all wisest humans that ever existed and were talking about the virtues everyone should follow, would be disappointed. And ya forget, our Lord and Father of all, is above any single one of us and judges our actions and will punish the ones who has nothing but rotten souls."

With surprise the 3 smugglers were hearing Alter rubbing to the humans' faces all these.

"Damn, he has big sass for a priest." One of them whispered to the other 2. The human soldiers' faces were so red from anger, an egg could fry easily on them in less than a minute.

"How! Dare you?! You dare tutoring us?!"

"Oh son, please, I'm not tutoring ya, I'm speaking facts." Alter continued, relentless and calm, absolutely amazing actor.

"If we arrest you I want to see how you're going to talk with the torturers!" The one soldier tried to shut him up.

"I won't have to talk sons. By torturing me for doing no serious crime, you'll just be doing what I exactly mentioned without wasting more saliva. In fact, why don't we go together! I really am curious to see what your judges will say if they hear that an 'illiterate foolish' priest angered some 'better educated' soldiers."


"Screw this Arnold. We're wasting our time with this stupid monster priest and his stupid students. Let's get out of here, if we do not patrol somewhere else we won't be doing our duty." The one soldier stopped the other named Arnold. They turned their backs.

"That's right sons. Ya need to do what you're paid for. Patrol, accuse and arrest monsters, let human criminals get away with what they're doing, ya know, the usual human soldiers do!" Alter continued. The humans responded with angry noises and started walking faster. When they dissappeared, Alter approached with slow steps and peeked from the corner. No soul around. He turned again to the 3 smugglers.

"Was this whole spectacle enough to convince ya I'm not a spy?" He asked. Then he approached each monster and slowly handed to each one their knives back.

"Wow man. You're amazing actor." The one smuggler said.

"Thanks by the way for the cover." Another said. Alter chuckled.

"It was nothing boys. Now!" He said and clapped one time his hands. "... I helped ya, I want some help too. Will ya take me to your leader?"

"Hm, fine. You convinced us that you're not a monster that betrays it's own kind to serve the humans. But I'm curious to see if you keep that chill you kept back with the soldiers, also with our bosses. Prepare because they ain't nice with guests, whoever they are."

and guess what. we have again chapter that is splitted into parts. if it doesn't annoy ya, thank god. but if it does, then ya have the right to do this:

*hands 🔫 to (y/n)*

4135 words. goodbye green beanies. *pat pat*

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