Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Mal...

By WonTomi8

17.3K 1.2K 172

Y/N is a cold hearted vigilante with no regard for the health of those he rains "justice" upon, but a quiet k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 6

549 45 5
By WonTomi8

Y/n woke up to the sound of the class packing up their belongings, quickly realizing the school day had ended. When he got up to stretch once more, the boy found a wet spot on his desk.

Ah. I drooled...

Minju inserted her arms through her straps, and sat as she watched Y/n clean his area.

Oh yeah, I'm going to Y/n's house today.

Minju's milk-white skin turned a light pink.

What is up with you today Kim Minju?! Stop blushing!

"Are you ready to go?"

Minju stood up, "Yeah."

The duo walked off school grounds and towards Y/n's house.

Mid-walk, Y/n suddenly turned to his friend, "Did you tell your parents that you're coming to my house?"

"Yeah, I texted them in between classes while you were sleeping."


After his abrupt question, the two resumed their silent walk. Though she wanted to try talking to him, Minju knew that it was best to just leave Y/n be.

I wonder what he did last night to make him so tired.

Completely disregarding her prior assumptions, Minju opened her mouth.

"Are you still sleepy?"

Y/n turned to the girl beside him, "Huh?"

"Are you still tired?"

"Kind of."

"You should take a nap when we arrive then."

"I can't do that. Not while a guest is over. I'll just take my nap when you leave."

"That might ruin your sleep schedule."

"Eh, I'll fix it then."

"I still think you should take a nap. I'll do my homework while I wait."

"We had homework?!"

"Yeah, I grabbed yours."

"Oh, thank you."


A few more moments of silence passed between the two, but their recent conversation put Y/n in the thinking mood. Curious, Y/n glanced at Minju.

"Do you always have to deal with people hitting on you?"


"No wonder why you handle it so easily."

Minju let out a fake laugh, "It's not my favorite skill to have."

"Then I'll go scare them off."

Minju stopped in her tracks, "No, don't do that! You're going to get more rumors!"

Y/n stopped as well, turning around, "I don't care about the rumors. They don't affect me."

"You don't have any friends because of them right?"

"Nah, I choose not to make any friends. If I wanted some, I'd go online."

"Ah..." Minju resumed her steps, "You're right."

"I'm fine with rumors spreading around me if that means guys won't hit on you anymore."

"But what if I miss out on the chance to get a cute guy?"

"Then I won't. I didn't expect a student like you to be pursuing a relationship though."

"I'm not."

"So you were just messing with me."

Minju giggled, "Yep."

"Just tell me when you're feeling uncomfortable then. I'll pull you out of the situation."

"I'm always uncomfortable when people hit on me."


"I'll tell you when it gets unbearable."


After enough time passed, the duo finally reached Y/n's house. Before he opened the door, the boy turned to his friend.

"My parents have been wanting to meet you. Specifically my mom."

"You talked to them about me?"

"I only mentioned that I made a new friend."

Minju grinned, "Were you that excited to befriend me?"

"No, I just thought it'd make my parents happy."

Minju's grin turned to a soft smile.


"Shut up."

Minju giggled as Y/n opened the door.

"I'm home with my friend!"

Surprised, Minju's eyes widened, "Are you sure it's okay to be shouting?"

"Three... Two... One..."

Y/n's parents rushed down the steps and towards the front door. The moment she laid eyes on the young beauty, Y/n's mom hovered her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god! She's so pretty!!"

Y/n closed the door behind him, locking it, before taking off his shoes.

"Mom, Dad, this is Kim Minju."

Y/n's mom took Minju's hands into her own, "You can call me Mom! Be sure to make yourself at home here!"

Y/n dad looked at him, "Nice catch, Y/n."

Y/n glared at his father as the older man burst into laughter. Worried, Y/n glanced at Minju's slightly tinted face.

"Please give her space. You're overwhelming her."

Y/n's mom stepped back, "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I'll let you two do your own thing."

Y/n gestured to start moving with his head, "Let's head to my room."

Minju gulped trying to calm herself, "Okay..."

The two students walked up the stairs and into Y/n's room. Curious as to what Y/n's room was like, Minju looked around as she walked deeper in.

His room is quite neat. It smells nice too.

"Are you sure I can take a nap?"

Minju nodded, "Yeah go ahead. I'll be doing homework while you nap."

"Okay. Feel free to go on my bed if you want to lay down."

Minju turned her head to Y/n who already began his departure.

"You're not sleeping on your bed?"

"No, I'm going to sleep in the guest room so that you can chill on my bed if you want."

"Why not sleep on your bed anyway? I won't take up much space."

"Are you comfortable with that?"

"Are you comfortable with that?"

Y/n turned around and plopped down on his bed.


"Okay. Goodnight."


Y/n slowly succumbed to his drowsiness. A few seconds later, the boy's light snores barely reached Minju's ears.

This guy sleeps way too easily...

Minju grabbed her homework, glancing toward Y/n before starting. Half an hour had later, Minju put her homework away and carefully slid into Y/n's bed to avoid waking him.

His bed is comfortable.

Minju pulled her phone from her pocket opting to play a puzzle game when she felt a pair of arms pull her deeper into the bed. Startled, Minju flinched and looked towards Y/n, trying to free herself from the latter's unyielding grasp.

"Nari... Please don't leave..."

Minju froze.

Nari?? Who's that?!

Tears streamed down Y/n's face as he tightened his embrace. Worried, Minju gave in to Y/n, wrapping her arms around him, caressing his head.

"There, there, Y/n. It's okay."

Y/n's hug loosened at Minju's touch.

I don't know what happened to you, and I don't think this is something I can ask about just yet.

Sensing she'd be there for a while, Minju closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Y/n opened his heavy eyes as the drowsiness passed through his system to see Minju's face right in front of his.

What the fuck- She said she wouldn't take up much space. Technically she wasn't lying I guess... She's even prettier up close though...

Y/n watched as Minju opened her eyes as well before closing them once more.

"Good morning, MinMin."

Minju's eyes shot open as blood rushed to her face. Minju attempted to push Y/n away, but was pulled back in.

"Stay. I'm warm."

Minju relaxed her body, but her heart beat faster and faster by the second.

Our bodies are pressed against each other. Please tell me he can't feel my heart rate. Wait a fucking second-

"Ya, what is that?"

"What is what?"

"What is that pressing against my thigh?"

"I don't know."

"It's hard."

Y/n reached down and felt around.

"Oh, right. My phone's in my pocket."

"Why is your phone in your pocket?"

"I passed out as soon as I got in bed."

"I guess..."

Y/n took a deep breath, "You smell nice."

Minju smacked the back of Y/n's head.

"Don't sniff me!"

He thinks I smell nice...

"I was just taking a deep breath..."

"Look away from me when you take a deep breath!"


While Y/n did as told, Minju's heart calmed down, bringing her attention back to what had happened earlier. Frowning, Minju hugged Y/n a little tighter.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine. Why?"

"I was just checking."

"You're frowning. Did you want a different answer?"


"I'm really happy right now, seeing how I'm in the arms of the prettiest girl at school. I honestly feel like I might be falling for her."

Minju's heart fluttered. Unable to keep eye contact anymore, Minju looked anywhere that wasn't Y/n.

"Y-Ya... What are you s-saying?"


Y/n grinned, "Oh? Have you fallen for me?"



"You're stuttering." Y/n cooed, "You're also as red as a tomato."

"S-Shut up! Anyone would stutter if someone was confessing to them!!"

"It's okay, MinMin. You can admit you like me."

"I don't!"

"Are you sure?"



Feeling somewhat hurt, Minju pouted, "Stop trying to play with my heart..."

"That's a cruel way of saying it."

"So your words weren't real there?"

Y/n's heart dropped.


"That's a landmine right there. I shall choose to remain silent."

"So they weren't?"

"Regardless of my answer, I get an undesirable outcome."

"Undesirable outcome?"

"Don't worry about it," Y/n sat up, "Come teach me."

Minju sighed, "Okay..."

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