After everything (Elizabeth o...

By imwandas_Bitch

772K 20K 15.7K

"Are you scared?" I asked, "Terrified" "After everything we've been through, who would've thought we would en... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83

Chapter 51

7.2K 220 149
By imwandas_Bitch

(Attendance here besties!)
(Important A/N at the end!)

(Saturday, February 5, 2022)


"All right guys good work, that's all for today. Go home get some rest and have a great weekend. I'll see you all back here on Tuesday" Our tour magician, as he would call him, we basically choreographed the whole 2 hour set list we'd have for the whole tour. We started at 5 am and we only ended at 1 pm, so all of us were definitely drained. My fingers were sore and it's not in the way you think it should be sore, we've been playing our instruments for the past 8 hours. Vero had sore arms, Liv, Ivy, and I had sore fingers from playing with our guitars.

It was slowly killing us but it would be worth it for the fans. Lizzie had another appointment today but it was moved to a later hour so I would be able to attend this one. I've barely seen Lizzie and Luna since Luna had school, and I would already be asleep by the time she's done with her homework. Whereas with Lizzie I see her when I get home early or when I'm at home, but since we've been non-stop practicing for the tour and constantly doing promo still. I barely get to even interact with Lizzie, this part of the job is what I hate the most.

The girls hate it as well since they're being deprived of the time they would usually spend with their girlfriends. But I do try my best to at least get to spend a little time with Luna and Lizzie. I help Luna with her homework and cuddle with Lizzie at night or help her with cooking. Even though she insists that I rest, but with the dream I had a few days ago I just can't seem to be away from Lizzie that long.

God I wish those dreams would be real, because if they were shit... I'm sure as hell gonna be whipped for Lizzie for the rest of my life.

I picked my bags up from the floor and said a quick 'thank you' to everyone who was here with us today. I just wanted to go home and cuddle with my family. "Hey E! Great job today I'll see you Tuesday alright?" Landon, our tour magician said, "If you're just gonna drain me on Tuesday, my ass won't be here on Tuesday" I jokingly said while going out the door and onto the parking lot.

We rented out a studio somewhere in L.A so that we could prepare for the tour, the whole production since it wouldn't just be me. There were gonna be a lot of artists coming along with us, we were gonna have Lauren join us on tour as an opening act since she did release her album a few months a go so it would be great publicity for that as well. Plus she gets to be with Ivy 24/7 while we're on tour, Also Olivia Rodrigo would be joining us on tour. Since Vero and Liv basically begged to have her on tour ever since her album came out, but I gotta admit that girl has fire inside of her and she's killing everyone with it.

We had Giveon with us as well, we love him truly. Then Fletcher, a girl we all love dearly. We had 4 opening acts in general, so it was gonna be a long show. Roughly around 4-5 hours depends if you include the meet and greet with everyone, so it was gonna be one hell of a show if you ask me.

Luna was bummed out when I told her she couldn't come to our shows, because when she was younger it either started way before school began or after school ended. So now she's sad because she can't be on tour with us, she loved having to dance around backstage and receiving all the gifts the fans would give her. She wasn't allowed in the meet and greets but she did get a hella lot of toys from everyone. The kid's like me, can't sit still even for a second and always has to be on the move.

But right now I'm driving back to my house with a few hours to spare before Lizzie's appointment, as I got home Immediately heard the T.V playing coming from the Living room. I dropped my bags near the kitchen counter and saw that the two girls were asleep on the couch, Lizzie was laying on the other side of the couch while Luna occupied the other half. Luna was cuddling Cooper who was snoring as usual, but that didn't bother Luna since she was used to it.

I adjusted Luna's blanket because it was almost falling off and gave her a quick kiss on the head, which seemingly woke Cooper up, making me kiss his head as well before giving him a few head rubs. Cooper went straight to sleep after receiving his head rubs, I then moved towards Elizabeth chase. Who was slightly snoring, something she would always do when she was pregnant, she denies it but I have more than enough proof to prove to her she does snore.

I kneeled down in front of her and propped my face directly in front of hers just admiring her, I moved a few stray strands of her hair out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. Her nose scrunched slightly at my actions, but it wasn't enough to wake her up.

She is the woman of my dreams and I get to call her my wife... Well not yet but I will, I'm just training myself by calling her my wife. The mother of my children, the love of my life, mi vida, my everything. God I love this woman so much it hurts, there is no one else that I would choose to live this life with me. She's my soulmate, bestfriend, wife, just all in all the best person I could ever ask for.

I started to feel tears running down my face, as I started to wipe them Lizzie started to wake up. "Hey you're ho- Are you ok?" Lizzie asked me concerned as she immediately placed her hand on my cheek, "Yeah something just got caught in my eye" I said as I gave her a smile. But the water works weren't really cooperating they just kept coming, "Then why are you crying bebe?" Lizzie asked me with soft eyes. "I just love you so much, and I know I haven't really been here that much and I just- I don't know" I said now fully crying.

Lizzie then moved a little further into the couch then she patted down on the free space in front of her, she then opened her arms out wide which I take as a Sign to climb into the couch with her. "It's ok bubba, I know you're stressed about work, and now you're trying to juggle work with us. And it's entirely ok, whatever you're feeling it's valid ok? You're stressed and that's ok, Luna and I one hundred percent understand why you're away so much. We can handle ourselves don't worry, we're big girls" Lizzie said as she stroked my hair, "You're trying your best and it's more than enough for me and Luna, she understands what's happening she's not a kid anymore bebe she's basically an adult at this point" Lizzie added making me cry even more think about how Luna has grown so much over the past few years.

"Stop crying you're gonna make me cry" Lizzie said as she now rubbed circles on my back trying to calm me down, "I'm sorry for crying" I said in between breaths. "It's ok to cry love now why don't we just nap for a little bit yeah?" Lizzie suggested making me nod, "Cuddled?" I asked as I buried my face in her chest. "Yes honey cuddles indeed" Lizzie said as she pulled me closer into her body, I wrapped my arms around her but not before rubbing my hand on her protruding baby bump. "Go to sleep my love, I'll be here when you wake up" Lizzie said as she hummed a random tune, inevitably lulling me to sleep.


I woke up to the sounds of animated cars racing, making me extremely confused. I opened one eye and saw that I was no longer cuddling with Lizzie. But instead Luna took her place, Luna didn't notice I had woken up but I saw that she was playing Need for Speed on my phone. One of the many games I had downloaded on my phone to keep me entertained, I looked more closely and saw that she was actually winning the game. Damn At least I know I'm not the only car junkie in the family, "Yes!" Luna said in a hushed tone as she won first place in the race.

Luna then looked up and saw that I was watching her, "Sorry mama did I wake you up?" Luna asked, I cuddled her closer to me and said, "Not at all bubba, not at all. Where's mommy?" I asked her wondering where her mother had gone. "She went upstairs to go get changed, and mommy told me not to wake you up since you were tired" She said as she began to look at the phone again, "It's ok you didn't wake me up but I do need to get changed as well, and by the looks of it so do you missy so get up" I said as I sat up from the couch carefully not wanting to fall on my ass.

As I got up I let out a low groan while I stretched my sore muscles, "Jesus I'm Getting old" I said out loud, "Yeah no shit" I heard my darling innocent daughter say. Baffling me I turned around to look at her and said, "What did you just say?" the Mexican in me is fuming in me but the child in me said fuck yeah she knows how to curse. "I said no shit, you are getting old Mama" Luna said nonchalantly while she continued to play on my phone, "Ok ground rules missy, my house my rules which means I'm the only one who gets to curse and you shall not curse without my permission, got it?" I asked not really getting a reaction out of her.

"And don't curse, ok do it when you're older, maybe when you're like 15, and by then you can curse but don't attack someone with it. Use it for you ok?" I said now slightly disciplining my 8 year old daughter, who just nodded while she continued to play, "I'm gonna let this slide and not tell mommy but slip up one more time and I'm throwing you under the bus missy" I threatened the child. "Ok but I'm sure you wouldn't want mommy to see the Crazy carts YOU just bought" Luna said threatening me, I was now beyond surprised because she is now exactly like a mini me.

"You wouldn't dare tell your mother" I said not realizing said mother was now standing a few feet away from us, "Tell me what?" Lizzie asked as she went into the living room while fixing her shirt. "NOTHING!" Luna and I immediately said before looking at each other then turning our attention back to the missus, "Ok I'm gonna let this slide because Y/N if you don't get your ass dressed we're gonna be late" Lizzie said making Luna laugh at me, "The same goes for you missy now get your asses up stairs'' Lizzie sternly said making Luna and I scurry up the stairs and into our own rooms to get dressed.


Lizzie basically forced the two of us to tell her what we were not telling her, so Luna and I were definitely in trouble. Luna had her electronic privilege's taken from her for a week unless she needed to use it for school purposes, while I on the other hand is now demoted from sleeping on the bed to sleeping on the couch.

But right now we were in the car driving to Lizzie's appointment, with Luna and I sulking because of our punishments. "Stop sulking you put this upon yourselves when you know you can't really hide anything from me" Lizzie said as she texted someone on her phone, I let out a sigh as I looked at Luna in the rear view mirror and saw that she was just looking out the window not uttering a word, or singing to every song that played on the radio. Pregnant Lizzie is scary and harsh, but we know it's only because she's hurting 24/7, this is my second time encountering this side of Lizzie but with Luna this is entirely new. Poor girl looks like she's about to cry.

As we got to the clinic I parked the car and Lizzie didn't even wait for me to open the door for her, she just got out of the car and went straight inside. So I helped Luna out of the car instead, who was on the verge of tears. "Ok I know mommy is a little harsh but I'll try to talk to her ok? don't worry bubba" I said as I picked her up, making her immediately stuff her face into my neck as she lightly sniffled away the tears wiping them on my shirt. I walked into the clinic and smiled at the receptionist who grew accustomed to having us here. Lizzie was already sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting area. So I assume she already signed in for her appointment, so I walked towards her to sit in the seat next to her with Luna still in my arms.

Lizzie wasn't paying the two of us any attention and since both Luna and I were sulking, I grabbed one of the toys that was placed on the table in front of and handed it towards Luna who started playing with it. We waited for about a few minutes before one of the nurses called us since it was now Lizzie's turn for the check up. Luna handed me back the toy which I placed back on the table before we all got up and followed the nurse into one of the rooms.

When we got into the room Dr. Montgomery immediately recognized Luna, "Oh my god You've gotten so big, and You look just like your Mommy" Dr. Montgomery said, which made Luna shy making her hide behind my legs. I Just smiled at the doctor offering her a smile, since I knew if I made conversation with the doctor Lizzie might get pissy. So I just let them talk and handle what they would usually do, as Luna and I just sat in one of the chairs in the room observing the two of them.

Luna being the curious child she is, she kept peeking over her mother to look at what the doctor was doing on the large monitor. I sat Luna on my lap so she could have a better view at what Adrianne was doing. "Are you ready to see your Sibling Luna?" the doctor asked Luna who just nodded curiously since it was her first time seeing them through the monitor not the picture.

As the doctor moved Lizzie's shirt up to expose her bare stomach, Luna looked intently, not wanting to miss a single step. After Adrianne had put on the gel on Lizzie's stomach she turned to Luna and asked, "Are you ready?" to which Luna answered with an eager nod earning her a chuckle from the Doctor. "Well there they are, do you see them?" The doctor asked no one in particular, "That's them?" Luna finally spoke up in curiosity. "Yeah that's them" The doctor happily answered then Lizzie spoke up, "When can we know the gender?" she asked.

"I mean it's still hard to tell right not since you're only at your fourteenth week, but we might actually get to see it on your eighteenth or your twentieth if you want a sure answer" the doctor explained making her nod, "They look like aliens" Luna said out of nowhere making all of us in the room chuckle at what she said. "They do, don't they? But I'm pretty sure they'll look a lot like you when they get here" The doctor told Luna who just nodded understanding what the doctor told her.

After everything the doctor cleaned Lizzie's stomach and told us the usual things she would tell us, she asked Lizzie about her diet and told her what she should and should not eat. I took a lot of mental notes on what Lizzie's diet should look like and what she should avoid eating. Adrianne told us that allergies sometimes spike allergies so we should keep emergency medicines just in case. And since we were having twins she also told us that more than half of them are born prematurely, and that Lizzie's blood pressure would possibly spike so no stress for her either. Also her sugar levels might drop so we should give her just the right amount of sugar intake to maintain her levels, all of this was definitely a lot and I hope I remembered all of them.


When we got home Lizzie was still mad at us so Luna and I just stuck by each other till dinner. I was in charge of cooking tonight since I didn't really have anything else to do and it seemed like Lizzie didn't want to cook. I cooked a simple meal with steamed vegetables. As soon as Lizzie was done eating, she immediately got up and put her plate in the sink before going up and staying in the room again.

"We really are in the dog house huh?" Luna sadly asked as she was looking down at her lap, "Don't worry kid you'll get used to it, but let's just hope for the best yeah?" I said as I put my hand on her shoulder before grabbing her plate for her and putting it in the sink.

By the time I was done cleaning the dishes, Luna was already up in her room getting ready for bed since she was grounded from having any screen time. I arranged the couch so It would somehow look comfy, since it was going to be my bed tonight. I went back upstairs and knocked on Luna's door. I heard a small 'come in' so I opened the door and saw her in bed reading a book. "Down bad huh?" I asked jokingly, making her sigh as she put the book aside, "Come on get in a comfy position it's time for bed" I said as I grabbed the book and placed it back in its place on the shelf.

I tucked Luna in bed and made sure she had Mr. Hopper with her, and I heard Cooper's collar jingle as he went into the room before Jumping on bed next to Luna. I tucked them both in under the cover before kissing both of their heads and bidding them a good night.

I went across the hall to Lizzie and I's room, I knocked on the door but got no response. So I opened the door and saw that all of the lights were already shut, and I could barely see Lizzie's silhouette under the covers. She was already asleep so I slowly tiptoed into the room to do my nightly routine before retiring back to my bed downstairs, A.K.A the couch.

After I got done showering I quickly put on my clothes and slowly made my way out the room but not before making a small detour towards a sleeping Lizzie, "I love you Mi Vida, Goodnight" I whispered before kissing her head softly. With that I left the room and made my way downstairs, making sure every door was locked shut before retiring on the couch. I left the T.V open and put it on the most boring channel which is the Discovery channel. I could slowly feel the tiredness catching up with me, slowly making me more and more sleepy. I then shut my eyes and succumbed to the darkness.


I suddenly jolt awake because of someone smacking me with something, "What! What happened?" I asked out in a panicked state, I looked up and saw a tired Lizzie. I squinted my eyes and saw that her hair was messy and she was still wearing her pajamas, "What's wrong bebe? What happened?" I immediately asked, worried that something might have happened.

"Nothing's wrong dumbass now get up and get into bed with me" Lizzie sternly said as she now stepped aside, the brightness of the T.V temporarily blinding me with how bright it was. "What?" I asked confused with what was currently happening, "Just get up and turn off the T.V" Lizzie said before walking away. Leaving me confused but I did what she said anyways, I followed her back to our room after turning off the T.V not even bothering to fix the couch.

Lizzie climbed in bed opening the sheets inviting me in bed, I looked at her confused but got into bed anyways. "Ask me tomorrow let's just sleep right now ok?" Lizzie said as soon as I got in bed before she cuddled to my side, "Ok mi vida, I love you goodnight" I told her again before closing my eyes.

"I love you too asshole"


TADAAAAAAAAA holyshitballs we reached a 100k so like I promised here a lil sum sum I'm working on, I hope y'all like it hihihi...

Another book, but It's gonna be a lot shorter than this one... And more angsty but any gays here's the book cover and title just so you could have a clue on what it might be, drop some theories in the comments on what you might think this book is gonna be about

Also I may or may not be thinking about making a sequel for this book...

But anygays let me know what y'all think of this chapter and if you hvae any suggestions please do tell me and I would be more than glad to incorporate it in the book

if you see any mistakes blame them on Casper!

100k reads dipshits HAHAHAHAHHA

I love you guys trully, I cried when I saw that it reached 100k, I love you guys so much like really. I may not know everyone personally but I love you guys so much.


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