Destined by Fate

By NubianQueenxx

492 10 0

All 18 year old Brielle Neomi wants to do is finish high school and live a happy life. She's a beautiful girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaoter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chaoter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 21

9 0 0
By NubianQueenxx

It's been a few weeks since Embry and I started school. We're up to date with our work and everything is going smooth. It was Saturday on campus and there's a party going on of course. Embry wanted to go to see the vibe. I haven't made my mind up yet. "Come on B. Stop being a sap over Jason and get out." She said. I gave her a "Shut-up" face. "What I'm being honest." She said shrugging.

"Get dressed let's grab lunch." Embry said. I opened my blinds and grabbed my Cetaphil face products. After a long steamy shower I entered the room. I dried off lotioned and Cocoa buttered. I slipped my body into my PINK cheeky bottoms then a jumpsuit and brushed my hair out parting it in the middle. I applied my anklets Embry gifted me the other day. I was quite mopey these past weeks about Jason. Also I've been calling my mom with no answer so this cheered me up. She knows me so well. The weather is fall like like today so it's kind of cool but not too cool.

By now Embry was in the shower while I brushed my teeth. The speaker began to play Dej Loaf- Hey There ft Future. I love this song so much. It reminds me of Jason even though we're not together. To be honest everything reminds of him. He's the only guy I know. I came back in the room and opened my phone. I recorded myself in the body length mirror. "Ooh I love I love you ooh I feel it all in my stomach." I sang. I posted a video and picture on my Instagram

Brielle ⬇️

I received lots of love. My post had over one hundred comments. Jason loved it as well. Chase commented "Ashley Banks 😍" under my photo. He's the mystery guy who's in my class. As soon as he posted it Jason commented "🧐".

I've been helping Chase with his for work the past two weeks. After seeing me make A's he begged me to help. "I can help you Chase but I won't if you keep flirting with me." I said. "I apologize you're just so gorgeous I can't help myself." He said. "I promise I'll stop would you help me graduate?" He asked. I thought about it. "Okay meet me in the library at six thirty." I said.

When we met I purposely wore baggy clothes so he wouldn't get the wrong impression. I helped him understand a lot. Once we finished I started packing my things up. "Here's something for the help." Chase said pulling out a fifty dollar bill. I stopped and looked at him. "I don't need your money. Reward me by passing your class." I said simply. He made a surprised face. "Do you have a boyfriend Brielle?" He asked. "That relates nothing to study time but no." I simply stated getting ready to walk out. He jogged ahead of me and opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said "I can't believe that. A gorgeous girl like you..single? Someone has to be stalking you right now as we speak." He said. I shook my head and chuckled. "Have a good night Chase." I said and walked away.

Embry came out of the bathroom. She dried and sat on her bed in her underclothes. She strolled on her phone. "Girl you have Jason and Chase going at it. You gonna start something. You know Jason is crazy he's probably loading his gun now." Embry said messily. "Chase wants you bad." She said. I shook my head. "I'm not with Jason or Chase." I smartly said. My phone started to ring. It was Jason. I haven't received any missed calls or texts from him lately so I figured it was time to come to reality that we're officially done but he called back to back now. My phone rung off the hook. Embry raised her eyebrows getting dressed.

I answered. "Yes Jason?" I said softly. "Brielle who the fuck is Chase_9900?" His deep voiced boomed through the phone. I had him on speaker while I applied my lipgloss. Embry still held the same face expression as she walked out the room. "An Instagram user Jason." I said rolling my eyes. "Oh word an Instagram user at your school Brielle?" He said. I heard the madness in his voice. I'd never play with Jason but he played with me so I might as well let him assume. "Why this nigga commenting under your pictures B?" He asked as if he intimidated me over the phone. I sucked my teeth. I got aggravated with how he's questioning me as if he didn't ruin our relationship and have a child on the way. Embry walked back in with a bowl of fruit snacks. "Don't play with me Brielle." He said. "Bye Jason handle yours." I said hanging up. He called back but I declined. Embry and I were supposed to get up but we got lazy and lounged around. We got up about an hour later heading out for real this time.

"I think this is more toxic than me and Justin." Embry said shaking her head. I grabbed our room key and sighed. "Justin didn't cheat on you and create a child so I disagree." I sadly said. Embry rubbed my shoulder and nodded. The day Embry dropped me off to Anyssa's she was with Justin. He broke up with his girlfriend the following night and presses Embry since we've been on campus. A couple of guys tried to get with Embry and she texted some. Her mind was stuck on Justin so she happily took him back.

We got to the cafeteria and dug in. We ate until we were full. After throwing our trash away we sat down and enjoyed the scenery while Smbry ate an ice cream cone. We held brief conversation then headed towards the room until I heard someone call my name exiting the cafe. "Brielle wait up." Chase said checking me out from head to toe as he jogged up. He greeted Embry. "Hey." she said shortly. "Hey gorgeous I need tutoring for the test next week. Do you have any free time?" He asked me. I know he saw Jason's comment on Instagram meaning he should get the memo that I have dealings with someone. I deleted Jason's pictures from my page but he still has mine on his. "Ummm." I said as I thought. I don't have any plans and could use the study time myself. I continued to walk without answering him.

Chase ⬇️

Chase walked with us to our building. He lives in the housing across the street but he has relations with a light skinned girl in my housing. She looks at me funny sometimes but I dismiss it because me and Chase aren't anything. He is an eye catcher but I'm good. He's a senior football player and a Que Dog. I know a handsome guy like himself has hunnies all over him even at other nearby HBCU's.

Chase says I'm shy and he's never been around a girl like me. I assure him every chance I get that I'm not interested in pursuing anything with him. He understands he still compliments me every chance he gets. I feel wrong for still helping him knowing he's attracted to me because of Jason. Even though we're not together and me and Chase aren't anything it still feels wrong. This made me wonder how do guys cheat on someone they say they love. Loyalty should come with it.

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