My First Kiss

By pookey

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My First Kiss
Chapter 1: Suprise
Chapter 2: Concert of my life time
Chapter 3: Okay
Chapter 4: Crap
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Disasters and Suprises
Chapter 7: Pool time
Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny
Chapter 10: Twins and hospital?
Chapter 11: Well crap!
Chapter 12: a bit of love HATE
Chapter 13: All Hate
Chapter 14: Last night of the boys
Chapter 14: True couples emerge
Chapter 15: Bye-bye girls, we love you still
Chapter 16: Is this a dream???
Chapter 17: Wishes come true, promises kept
Chapter 18:Jenny's Wedding
Chapter 19: Lex's Wedding
Chapter 20:Epilogue

Chapter 8: The date

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By pookey

*Lex's P.O.V.*

    Now you see Jenny loves to get dirty, so me being the best friend I am decided that I was going to help her cool off.  She was yelling and bitching to me for about 15 minutes when then she remembered she was still in the pool with the boner boys. So that was a hectic time. When she remembers she jumps out screaming, grabs her towel wrapping it around her and running  out of the pool room.  My best guess back to our room for a LONG shower.  When the boys have finally cooled off and got out we all dried off and little before going up to our rooms to shower.  When I walk in I find Jenny laying out on the couch with pajama pant on with betty boot on them, and a  red tank, you could see she had a white sports bra on under though. Passing her I head to our bathroom to shower.  Washing my hair with melon/cucumber shampoo and conditioner, along washing my body with the body wash flavored melon/cucumber. Pulling on my robe I sit on my toilet and start painting my toe nails black. Katrina told me about the group matches tonight so I wanted to dress okay with it.  So the start of the long 2 hours process begins.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

    I want to talk to Jenny about how to ask Lex out. She was such a sweet girl and I didn't want to ruin anything. Today at the pool when Jenny was singing and I had Lex in my arms I was set, nothing could ruin the moment. So I called Jenny over to our room to ask her about LEx before our date tonight. Soon there was a knock and I opened it to find jenny in some red, black, and white pajamas.  Letting her in I sit in the lounge chair and she sits on the couch so we are looking at each other.

“Thanks for coming over Jenny I just have something to ask you really quick.” I say shyly.

“Hold on let me guess Niall you really want to ask Lex out and wanted to make sure it was okay with her best friend.” I nod before she keeps going. “Also you want to know how to and is there anything you should watch out for and be careful of not to hurt her feelings. Am I right?”

“Completely.” I mutter loud enough for her to here it though.

“Now Niall it is simple, she is an easy girl to please if you know her. She has been asked out a couple of times, but never said yes, you see she is shy at heart. The way you see her now is very rare in the school atmosphere.I love her like this and want her to bring it out more, but she had some issues with bullying when she was younger and it was BAD. I asked her about it one time and I almost got punched in the face. She hides herself with anger and punching. So don't ask her about pain in the past. Also she LOVES to read and Loves animals. She has a black 2nd chance cat named Lila and she acts like a dog while sleeping. Her dogs she has had since  she was 10 just died and it was her first so it hurt. Anyhow just make her happy, and laugh, but she hates her laugh. Other than that I think you can figure out the rest. So good luck and I know she likes you, so don't lead her on and break her  heart, but if you do One Direction will become a boyband of 4 British guys. So bye Niall.” With that she stands up and leaves me in shock. ~'Holy crap  she threaten my life to to heartbreak her friend. I am screwed when it is time for us to leave. ~

    With that I get up and change and get ready for the date of a lifetime.

*Lex's P.O.V.*

    I  am dressed in a simple outfit. My black skinny jeans, a gray beatles t-shirt, simple silver flats, and a yellow beanie.  I touch of  make-up to look natural, and skin tone eye shadow that held a little sparkle.  I walk out of the room to find Jenny coming back in, that is weird she was in here when I left, Oh well.  I head to the kitchen to get some water when Jenny walks in I hear a Oh My God come from her lips, I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad one. I give her a thumbs up or down. She smiles brightly with a thumbs up before saying

“Now when did you get theses clothes?” Smiling I roll my eyes saying.

“Always had them, but always work a black sweater over and no beanie at school, usually I wore my glasses that day too.” Smiling I go and sit in the living room area and wait for Katrina come out. She is wearing simple wash out jeans, a grey scoop neck t-shirt, a navy blue scarf, and her trusty grey converses. We look at each other smiling. Our moment is interrupted when there is a knock on the door.  Jenny answers it, we hear Zayn and Niall say hello before the door is shut and they are standing in front of us in the living room.  They both look good. I am only paying attention to Niall though. He is standing there in a white v-neck, black zipper jacket, and grey blazer over, dark blue skinnies, and his favorite white Jordans.  Smiling I stand up and take his outstretched hand so he can lead me on this group time.  Before we shut the door though Jenny yells out “Be back by midnight and use protection!” Sometimes I love her, other times I wish she just had a mute button. Following they lead us out on the streets. We walk about 3 blocks before we come to a Applebee's. We walk in and get a table for four. We get a booth and I sit beside Niall and Katrina across from me. We order a sampler platter to start, Katrina, Zayn, and Niall got Coke, while I got the best drink ever. DR. PEPPER!!!!!  We nibble on the food and talk Niall has his arm over the back of me the whole time.  We order and I knew Niall ate a lot but he ordered two large sized meals. Anyhow I got their addictive Oriental grilled chicken salad. We all talk and eat enjoying ourselves.  While the boys pay me and Katrina go to the bathroom to freshen up and pee. Before we leave I pull her aside and say

“I was watching you and Zayn tonight, he is going to ask you, you flirted like you would die tomorrow, you never flirt.”

“Well Ms. I am innocent. I saw the snuggle up and sharing food, don't get me wrong I agree we both will be lucky tonight. Now lets go to the movie.” Was her smart comeback. Walking out we meet the boys in the front where they grab our hands and lead us to the theater which was 2 blocks farther.

    When we get there we order a slurpee and a bag of skittles.  ~I am going to have to work out for 2 hours to loose all what I gained tonight.~ I thought to myself as we sat down. Katrina and Zayn were a couple rows above us at the very top.  The movie theater goes black and the movie comes on. 'Momma' the newest scare. In the beginning of the movie Niall wrapped his arm around my seat pulling me closer to him, second he feed me skittles, but halfway through the movie I was almost in his lap. I was clinging to him at all the scary parts and hiding my face in his chest. He didn't say anything, just held onto me.  When the credits started coming on and the lights came back up I finally lifting my head. I smile sheepishly at him, because of how I acted. Taking my hand abandoning the slurpee and half bag of skittles we walk out into the lobby. There we meet up with an equally shaken Katrina being held and comforted by Zayn.

“We can't finish the date I am going to take Katrina home, but Niall go finish it. I now know why the guys love horrors and girls love them, but less.” Zayn says as he walks passed us and hails a taxi to drive them the 6 blocks back.

“Wanna finish it or go back to the hotel?” Niall asks beside me.

“I dressed nice tonight, lets finish it.” I say. We take each others hands with the safety hold, as i call it and walk another block from our hotel to a little ice cream parlor. Smiling I go ahead of him and look at all he flavors. Getting a small mint chip ice cream I sit in the corner and wait for Niall to pay and get the ice cream. He sets mine in front with a plastic spoon, and his was a medium birthday cake. Of course it was the one with the most sugar. Smiling we play 20 questions, mostly favorite color, food, song, artists, hobby. Stuff like that.  Then Niall comes up with another game called two truths and a lie. We go back and forth. The last one Niall said got me. He said

“I am from Ireland. I hate food. I want to go you with you.” That one shocked me. I asked him to repeat and he did. I thought over it for a second before saying

“You love food, so that is your lie, but do you really want to go out with a girl like me?” I ask quizzly.

“Lex you're beautiful, smart, can COOK and BAKE, and the sweetest person I have ever met, please go out with me.” Niall asks scooting his chair  closer so I can see into his beautifully blue eyes.

“yes, yes, YES!” I say getting louder every time.  Smiling he stands up pulling me up with him.Hugging him with my arms around my neck he spins around taking my legs off the floor. I let out the mostly girlish giggle ever as he puts me back down. We are now face to face. Niall took my first , and now my second kiss tonight, On our way back I get a little chilling. So he gives me his zipper jacket as he takes the thin blazer. Entwining our hands we walk down the quiet streets back to our hotel. When we get to my door he kisses my cheek. I do the same before opening my door and walking in leaning my back against the door in a dreamy state. I am interrupted by a cough and look to find Jenny, Rachel, and Katrina all in their PJ's and holding their blankets and pillows. Jenny gives me a pointed look to sit on the couch. I do as glared.

    “Now Ms. Lex you were out past curfew for about an hour, want to explain.”

“Jenny, I have a boyfriend. Show shut the hell up and let me be in my dreamy state right now.’ I say.

“WHAT!!! Tell us, tell us!!!!” The girls yell while tackling  me on the couch.

“Okay, get off though” when they are all settled I started. “Well we went to eat and his arm was on the back of the booth the whole time. We tasted each others food. Then at the movies we snuggled, he fed me a couple of skittles, and I clinged on him for dear life. After Katrina left he took me to a small ice cream parlor down the street. There we ordered and sat in the corner.  We played 20 questions, and then two truths and a lie.  We did it back and forth a couple of times til it was his turn again. These were his exact words to. ~I am from Ireland. I hate food. I want to go you with you.~ Well since he knew he loved food I asked him to repeat since I thought I heard wrong. When he repeated it I knew his lie was he hated food. So I asked him about the asking me out part. He said he was serious. I was over the moon. Coming back I got cold so he gave me his zipper jacket . When we got back to my door he kissed my cheek saying goodnight and I did the same. This was my first ever date and I loved it!”

    Once I was done the girls looked at me in shock. “What is something wrong?” They shake their heads no before Jenny jumps up and tackles me again screaming “Oh my god, our little baby is growing up, she has her first boyfriend, aaahhhh the puppy love. Now  change we are having a huge sleepover in the boys room, so go and get. “ She says.  I quickly go to my room to change,

*Rachel’s POV*

After me and Lex pushed Jenny into the pool with Liam and Harry she freaked out but Lex was there for her. After we got back to our room Lex and Katrina got changed and they looked so cute. Jenny was so happy for Lex since she is the baby of all of us. Jenny can act like our mom sometimes. Jenny left and came back with a smile on her face.

“Who wanted to talk to you?” I ask.

“Oh just Niall I told him that if he hurt Lex i would make One Direction 4 British boys.” Jenny says with a smile.

“Jenny!! Dont let Lex find out.”

“I wont but i also wont let him hurt her.” She says and then shuts up when Lex walks into the room. They start to have a conversation but im not paying attention. I cant believe Jenny got me to dirty dance with Louis. I cant believe she gave TWO guys boners. Oh god she can be a handful.

“Be back by midnight and use protection! ” Jenny screams as they shut the door. We both start to laugh and then Louis walks in the room and says, “Hey come over later we are gonna have a sleepover.”

“Ok but make sure Harry and Liam control their dicks better ok?” Jenny says as she hides her face. Wait is Jenny blushing?

“I will make sure that they are behaving themselves, Jenny” Louis says leaving.

Jenny they rubs off the makeup from her left arm I forget that she had to do that when we go swimming with people who don’t know.  “I think you need to tell them about your cuts Jenny. It will make everything easy for all of us. I hate lying to them” I say as I watch her bit her lower lip in pain.

“You aren't lying to them. And if i am going to tell I need Lex and Katrina to know so they don't say too much.” Jenny says staring me in the eye and making her voice sound stern.

I sigh and walk to my room to get some clothes to change into. I take a long shower cause I need to think about what she meant when she said Lex and Katrina might say too much. I guess she doesn’t want the boys to know every single thing. Almost an hour later I get out of the shower and tell Jenny to take one too. She comes up next to me in the hall and says, “Do you think the boys saw my tattoo on my hip. I know the bathing suit covers it but I don't want them to ask question.And I know they didn’t see the one on my neck because my hair covered it.”

I totally forgot about her tattoos that Trevor let her get in another state since she is under age here.

“Umm no one said anything but i think you should show them its a cool tattoo Jenny. Don't be afraid to show it.”. I say looking at her tattoo on her hip bone close to the where the bathing suit stops and then i look at her neck and see part of the tattoo but is because I know where to look.

‘Ok I’ll show them when Lex and Katrina get back.“ Jenny says running into the bathroom to shower and put her PJ’s on. An hour later she is out and Katrina walks in.Wait I thought the curfew wasn't til midnight why is she here at 11:30? “Katrina what are you doing back here so early??!!??” Jenny shouts as she runs to hug her.

“Well we ate diner and then saw Mamma and I got so scared and Zayn said that we could go back to the hotel so we did. Lex and Niall are still out.” Katrina said and then jenny said,

“Well the boys want us over for a sleepover so go change and you can tell us when Lex gets back.” Me and Jenny grabbed out blankets and pillows and sat on the couch. A few minutes later Katrina came out in her PJ’s with her blankets and pillows. We waited for Lex to come home and to make sure that Jenny didn’t freak out we said that they might be stuck in traffic we got her to sing to random songs to keep her mind off of things at 12:30 Lex walks into the room. Oh god Jenny might scream and lecture her about being late but Jenny just says,

“Now Ms. Lex you were out past curfew for about an hour, want to explain.”

“Jenny, I have a boyfriend. Show shut the hell up and let me be in my dreamy state right now.’ I say.

“WHAT!!! Tell us, tell us!!!!” We scream tackling her on the couch

“Okay, get off though” when we got off of her she started “Well we went to eat and his arm was on the back of the booth the whole time. We tasted each others food. Then at the movies we snuggled, he fed me a couple of skittles, and I clinged on him for dear life. After Katrina left he took me to a small ice cream parlor down the street. There we ordered and sat in the corner.  We played 20 questions, and then two truths and a lie.  We did it back and forth a couple of times til it was his turn again. These were his exact words to. ~I am from Ireland. I hate food. I want to go you with you.~ Well since he knew he loved food I asked him to repeat since I thought I heard wrong. When he repeated it I knew his lie was he hated food. So I asked him about the asking me out part. He said he was serious. I was over the moon. Coming back I got cold so he gave me his zipper jacket . When we got back to my door he kissed my cheek saying goodnight and I did the same. This was my first ever date and I loved it!”

“What is something wrong?” She asks.We shake our heads no before Jenny jumps up and tackles her again screaming “Oh my god, our little baby is growing up, she has her first boyfriend, aaahhhh the puppy love. Now  change we are having a huge sleepover in the boys room, so go and get. “ She says. Lex leaves to go get change. I wish Louis was my boyfriend. We hear a knock but Jenny is too busy singing some dirty Reece Mastin song to answer the door. Katrina gets up and opens the door she says, “Oh umm hi.” a pause, “Yeah come in.”

Lex comes out and says, “Jenny did the boys see your tattoos and if not I think you need to tell them.”

Jenny says, “I hope not and maybe I will and they didnt see my scars either. Rachel thinks I should tell them. Should I?” She asks unsure.

I say, “Jenny I think its the best idea to tell them about your scars and the tattoos are up to you since one of them is on your hip where its hard to see.” “KAtrina who was at the door?” I say remembering the knock on the door.

“Oh um Liam he wants to talk to Jenny, I think he just heard our conversation. Sorry Jenny.” Katrina says with a shocked look on her face. I shake my head. Jenny’s eyes are wide open and Lex’s mouth is wide open.

“W-why is Liam here?” Jenny stutters. Jenny never stutters.

“I dont know Jenny ask him.” Katrina says moving out of Liam’s way. Liam is wearing a plaid button down shirt buttoned all the way up and a pair of khakis pants what he is kinda sagging. He looks down when Jenny looks over at him. I feel kinda bad for him its not his fault that he got a boner. I say, “Hey Liam umm sorry about earlier.” He blushes and says, “Jenny, can I talk to you alone.” SHe looks at him and then walks to her room. He follows.

“WHat do you think that are gonna talk about?” Lex says when the door is closed.

“I have no clue he didn’t say when I answered the door. Oh god Jenny is gonna hate me cause I didn’t stop you guys from talking about her tattoos and her scars. I hope she can forgive me.” Katrina says almost crying .

“She will know that isn’t not your fault. I bet she isn’t even mad at you Katrina.” I say as I rub small circles on her back. She finally calms down. We sit there in silence afraid we will say something wrong.

*Liam’s POV*

I knock on the door. Please someone answer the door. Katrina opens the door and says, “Oh umm hi.”

“hi. Is Jenny in there? Can I talk to her.” I say so fast that I’m not sure if she understood what I said. I didn’t want her to slam the door in my face.

“Yeah come in” she says as she opens the door wider and i step in. She stands in front of me while the Rachel, Lex and Jenny talk. I hear Lex says, ”Jenny did the boys see your tattoos and if not I think you need to tell them.” Jenny has tattoos??

Jenny says, “I hope not and maybe I will and they didnt see my scars either. Rachel thinks I should tell them. Should I?” She asks unsure.

Rachel says, “Jenny I think its the best idea to tell them about your scars and the tattoos are up to you since one of them is on your hip where its hard to see.” “KAtrina who was at the door?” “Oh um Liam he wants to talk to Jenny, I think he just heard our conversation. Sorry Jenny.” Katrina says with a shocked look on her face. Rachel shakes her head and looks down. Jenny’s eyes are wide open and Lex’s mouth is wide open.

“W-why is Liam here?” Jenny stutters.I have never heard Jenny stutter before.

“I dont know Jenny ask him.” Katrina says moving out of my way. OH god please don’t yell at me to leave. Rachel is the first to talk, “Hey Liam umm sorry about earlier.” I blush and says, “Jenny, can I talk to you alone.” She looks at me and then walks to her room. I follow hoping that she will listen to me and maybe talk about the conversation they had earlier.

“What do you want Liam?” Jenny says after she shuts and locks the door. Oh god she is pissed at me.I sit on the bed but she is leaning against the wall.

“I wanted to apologize for earlier. It was totally inappropriate and I’m sorry if it caused you any embarrassment.” I say looking down at my shoes

She laughs and says, “Oh Liam I knew it wasn’t your fault. If its anyone’s fault it would be mine. I should have known not to dance like that with a guy.” She isnt mad at me?? YAY!!

“Um I know that i have no right to ask but um you girls were talking about scras and tattoos. um if you dont mind can you tell me about what they mean by scars?” I say still looking down. I feel someone lay down on the bed next to me. I look over and see Jenny.

“Its a long story and only the girls know the whole story. Zayn knows about it a bit but only because I needed to see if Harry saw them on the first morning.” she sighs and rubs her left arm.

“Can I-I se-ee the-em?” I stutter like a fool. She grabs a towel that is on the nightstand and starts to rub her arm with it and then I see the countless scars, bruises, and fresh looking cuts on her arm. I gasp. She looks down and hides her face from me.

“When did you start?” i say holding her arm carefully not wanting to cause her pain.

“When I was almost 15. I still can’t believe that has been over 2 years since I started.Trevor helps me cope with it sometimes.” Trevor, her boyfriend, helps her. Meaning she won’t leave him. she continues to talk, “I’m not gonna tell you everything because I’m gonna ruin the fun and tell the rest of the boys.i am also gonna show them one of my tattoos.” she rubs her neck and I notice a red stop on her neck. we are silence for a few minutes before there is a knock on the door, “Jenny Liam umm Rachel and Lex say that there are umm i’m not telling them” Katrina says. We are both confused. “THERE IS A HUGE BOX OF CONDOMS IN THE NIGHTSTAND!!!” Lex and Rachel scream to the door laughing. I feel my cheeks turn red. I look over and Jenny’s cheeks are completely red. She screams, “I know I put them there and we have already used three!!” My mouth drops open. She smiles and puts her finger to her lips as if she was saying shh. We hear gasps and then the door knob is getting turned to no avial. Jenny then walks over and unlocked the door and all three girls fall into the room. “What the he-ck Jenny!!” Lex says catching herself before she says hell. “We didn’t do anything. I just showed him my scars and i am going to tell the rest of the boys.” Jenny says walkin over to me and grabbing my hand and she leads me out of the room and she grabs her blankets and pillows. I then notice she is in her PJ’s. She is wearing a white seethrough belly tank top. It is very low cut and under that she is wearing a bright red lacy bra. Then she is wearing the shortest shorts I have ever seen but they are kinda lacy looking. ”Jenny aren’t you gonna put shorts on before you go over to the boy’s room?” Katrina says pointing to Jenny’s shorts. “”Oh i guess it would be weird going over there with no shorts or pants on. My mouth drops open again. Jenny lets go of my hand and runs to her room.

“You thought those were her shorts didn’t you Liam?” Rachel says trying not to laugh. I just nod my head in amazement. “Jenny doesn’t sleep in pants or shorts because she is weird..””Rachel says”I am not weird it just gets hot in the room.” Jenny yells rachel rolls her eyes and continues “and because it does get hot in here but even at her and Trevor’s apartment she doesn’t.” i just walk out of the room and into my hotel room where I see the boys in there boxers, “Guys we are having guests go put some pants on or something!” i say acting like Daddy Directioner. “Oh come on I bet that they  are going to be wearing less clothes than they do normally.” Louis says wiggling his eyebrows. Harry and Louis come up to me and unbutton my shirt and take it off. um this isn’t awkward at all. “Relax Li I won’t take off your pants im pretty sure you can do that by yourself.” harry says to me sensing my awkwardness. there was a knock on the door. Zayn and Niall run to the door. I run to my room and kick my shoes off I then quickly take my pants off then Harry comes into my room and grabs my hand. i am only in my boxers.I hear Jenny laugh at something. and then Harry drags me out of my room and into the living room. Louis says, “Well Harry what happened to Li.” Jenny’s mouth is wide open as she tries to eat ice cream with a fork. The ice cream falls off the fork and into her shirt.”Shit!! That is freaking cold.” she screams as we all laugh. “We should have one of the boys get it out of your shirt jenny” rachel says smiling. Jenny says, “Sure why not its not like Trevor wouldnt mind!” she shot a glare at rachel.”Oh jenny just tell them who trevor is to you. I think they are confused about that.” “Fine! Trevor is my older cousin that i live with.” mine and the boys faces were the same. Our mouths were open wide in a O shape. “What did you think he was boyfriend like Katrina did when she first meet him?” We all nod our heads. Jenny and the girls burst out laughing. “you you guys seriously thought i would date a guy who is 26 almost 27!!” Jenny says laughing uncontrollably. She is now on the couch about to fall off. Oh god we are so stupid. wait that means she doesn't have a boyfriend. “Wait! so you dont have a boyfriend?” Zayn asks. Katrina hits his arm and says, “She hasn’t had a boyfriend since umm well Jenny when was your last boyfriend, You have been very secretive about dating?” Her friends don’t even know when her last boyfriend was. “Well i had a relationship with this one guy if you call it a relationship. but that right before I moved in with Trev so almost a year ago.” She says bitting her lower lip. “What??!! How can a smokin hot girl like you not have a boyfriend for almost a year??” Louis says. Rachel looks like she is jealous. Jenny laughs a bitter laugh. “Oh lou you are soo funny!! I am not smokin hot and i guess its because of the rumors going around that I was pregnant with some random guy’s kid and that I was a hooker because Trevor kinda looks like a pimp according to everyone.” she says looking at her bare feet. She walks out of the room and I try to go after her but Lex stops me and says, “She is getting the ice cream out of her shirt.” i stop and sit on the couch. “So what happened to the Liam Payne that we all know and love?” Jenny’s voice almost sings when she returns. “What do you mean?” I say. “You are in just your boxers and we heard you yell at the boys for not having pants on.” Rachel says. I blush and go to get up but jenny sits down next to me and puts her feet on my lap and smiles.

*Louis’ POV*

When Liam walked in and told us to put pants on. I had to say, “Oh come on I bet that they  are going to be wearing less clothes than they do normally.” Harry and I walked up to him and we started to unbutton his shirt. His face was screaming awkward. Harry told him that we weren't going to take off his pants. There was a knock on the door we all knew it was the girls Liam runs to his room and Niall and Zayn run to the door me and Harry smile at each other. We talked earlier about this


“We should have a sleepover with the girls.” Harry says.

“That is a smart and dirty idea Hazza.” I say with a mischievous smile on.

“And we should only wear our boxers but not tell the girls so when they get here they will be licking their lips and freaking out.” Harry says as he walks to living room.

“Liam will freak out too.” I say knowing he knows that.

“Yeah but if he says anything right before the girls come over we can take off his shirt and then he will have to take off his pants to put his sweats or shorts on. And then when he has his pants off I can go and drag him out of his room and then the girls will see all of us without shirts or pants on.” Harry says as he flops on the couch.

“Um but you have to have boxers on. I don’t want Rachel to see ALL of you.” I say as I lay my feet on him.

“Why afraid she will want some of this.” He says pointing to his dick. Ugh he thinks he is all that cause girls will do anything to be with him. in his mind at least.

“No because she likes me not you.” I say as I hit Harry in the head.

End Of Flashback

The girls come in and Rachel looks amazing in her PJ pants and tank top. Jenny walks in after her is some outfit that I wouldn’t count as PJ but girls in America wear some weird outfits. Lex and Katrina walk in and they are in normal PJ pants and shirts. Jenny grabs a fork and some ice cream and Harry goes to get Liam. I say, “Whatcha eating Jenny?” “Well unless you can’t  see ice cream my favorite thing to eat. ” “Are you sure about that sweety.” I say trying to make her laugh to get Liam’s attention. She smiles and starts to laugh. Harry and Liam are now in the room and Jenny sees Liam in just his boxers her face is priceless. I have to say, “Well Harry what happened to Li.” The chunk of ice cream on the fork falls into Jenny’y shirt. Oh god this is gonna be fun.  ”Shit!! That is freaking cold.” she screams as we all luagh. “We should have one of the boys get it out of your shirt jenny” rachel says smiling. Jenny says, “Sure why not its not like Trevor wouldnt midn!” she shot a glare at rachel.”Oh jenny just tell them who trevor is to you. I think they are confused about that.” “Fine! Trevor is my older cousin that i live with.” mine and the boys faces were the same. Our mouths were opne wide in a O shape. “What did you think he was boyfriend like Katrina did when she first meet him?” We all nod our heads. Jenny and the girls burst out laughing. “you you guys seriously thought i would date a guy who is 26 almost 27!!” Jenny says laughing uncontrollably. SHe is now on the couch about to fall off. Oh god we are so stupid. “Wait! so you dont have a boyfriend?” Zayn asks. Katrina hits his arm and says, “She hasn’t had a boyfriend since umm well Jenny when was your last boyfriend, You have been very secretive about dating?” Her friends don’t even know when her last boyfriend was. “Well i had a relationship with this one guy if you call it a relationship. but that right before I moved in with Trev so almost a year ago.” She says biting her lower lip. “What??!! How can a smokin hot girl like you not have a boyfriend for almost a year??” I say. Jenny laughs a bitter laugh. “Oh lou you are soo funny!! I am not smokin hot and i guess its because of the rumors going around that I was pregnant with some random guy’s kid and that I was a hooker because Trevor kinda looks like a pimp according to everyone.” she says looking at her bare feet. She walks out of the room and Liam tries  to go after her but Lex stops him and says, “She is getting the ice cream out of her shirt.”he stop and sits on the couch. “So what happened to the Liam Payne that we all know and love?” Jenny’s voice almost sings when she returns. “What do you mean?” he says. “You are in just your boxers and we heard you yell at the boys for not having pants on.” Rachel says. He starts to blush and he gets up. Jenny stops him. Me and rachel sit on the other couch with her blanket covering us. I can’t wait til I can ask her out. We hear everyone around us talk but I only want to hear her voice. After everyone gets comfy with who they want to and Harry has Jenny leaning on him. I say, “Lets play truth or dare!!!” i hear a bunch of yes and then Liam says, “Im gonna be right back” He looks kinda sad i wonder if its because Jenny was leaning on Harry instead of him. a few minutes he comes back with a few bowls of popcorn and some snacks. “Ok so i guess we should sit on the floor so its fair when we go.” Rachel says as we all move to the floor and I wrap the blanket around us.

*3rd POV*

They all move to the floor. Louis and Rachel are sitting next to each other sharing her blanket. Niall and Lex are cuddling with a blanket wrapped around them too. Zayn and Katrina are sitting next to each other. Katrina has her head on his head. Jenny is sitting in between Harry and Liam. A bowl of popcorn was placed in front of each couple and Harry, Jenny, and Liam.  The first to go was Katrina. “Truth or Dare?” she asked Jenny. “TRUTH!!” Jenny shouted. Katrina knew she was gonna say that because this was the way she was gonna talk about her tattoos and scars. Katrina didnt want to force Jenny into talking about her scars so she said, “Is it true that you have two tattoo?” “No i have three and I will have my fourth over Christmas Break!” Jenny said with a smile. Liam and Harry looked at Jenny with amazement. Louis said, “Lets see these tattoos Jenny! if they aren’t in inappropriate places.” Jenny stands up and pulls her shorts down a tiny bit to where you can see the tattoo on her hip that read “My heart beats for you. RJM 11-17-31 to 1-8-13” “I got this tattoo for my grandfather Richard John Mey after he died of cancer at the beginning of this year. I got the tattoo in NY with Trevor in the summer.” She tilted her head a bit and moved her hair and they saw her second tattoo. It was a broken heart that wsa dripping blood down her neck and the pool was blue instead of red. “This tat is of a broken heart and the blood turns to tears once it collects into a pool. It means that when my heart breaks it is basically crying.” “Where and what is your third tattoo Jenny? Since we only knew about two.” Rachel says. Jenny smiles and pulls her shirt down a bit to where a small butterfly was in the relative place of her heart. “This is a black and white butterfly wrapped in chains. It means that while i am free i am still bond to something.”

“Ok so Louis Truth or Dare?”  Jenny asks Louis “Dare!!!” Louis screams.”Ok i dare you to change cloths with anyone in the room and act like them.” “Ok i pick you.” “ok um how..?” Louis stands up and grabs Jenny’s hand and drags her to his room. He hands her a pair of red skinny jeans and one of his stripe shirts and a pair of TOMS.He turns around while Jenny slips into the cloths. She then hands him the PJ she was just in. He puts the shorts on and the tank top. “Ok since I dragged you in you are now me so you have to drag me out.” Jenny nods her head and then grabs Louis’s hand and drags him out of room. Jenny screams “Hazza I missed my lover!!!” Harry smiles at the sight of Jenny jump into him lap and grab his face and act like she was about to kiss him. Just like Louis would Harry thinks to himself. Louis starts singing One Night by ed sheeran, “Tell her that i love her tell her that i need her tell her that she is more than an one night stand tell her that she turns my cheeks the color of my hair all i wanna do is be near.” we all laugh at Louis. Jenny and Louis go back into his room to change back into their normal PJ’s.

“Ok Zayn Truth or Dare?” Louis screams into Zayn’s ear.”Ok i oick Dare!” Zayn said smiling at Louis. “Ok i dare you to make up a song about anyone in this room.” Louis screamed. “Ok my song is gonna be about Katrina.” “Aww you guys are so cute” Jenny says to Zayn. Zayn starts to sing the song. They all go about once or twice and then Rachel asks Jenny, “Truth or Dare?” Jenny smiles and says, “I want a dare and truth if thats ok?” “Ok will we allow it?” Rachel asks Louis who is being the ‘judge’. “Sure!” He says smiling at Jenny. “Ok Jenny you’re truth is to tell us something that the boys don't know. and your dare is to kiss two of the boys on the lips for over 10 seconds.” Jenny asks, “Do i pick the boys or you?” “Harry and Liam. you have to kiss each for over 10 seconds.” Jenny sighs and agrees to it. Harry and Liam are a bit surprised that she agreed but they are willing. Jenny says, “Ok so i’m gonna tell the boys a sercet that they either know nothing about or know a tiny bit. I cut myself. I have since I was about 15 years old. On my left arm under the makeup is countless scars, cuts, and bruises. Trevor moved down here and bought an apartment because my parents were gonna kick me out because they didn’t want to help me. So I moved in with him and I have been getting better but sometimes I do slip up. The black and red bag that I got stuff out of for Liam’s face is the same bag that i use to clean my cuts. I borrow Katrina’s makeup to cover my scars up in the day. I use rachel’s waterproof makeup to cover them when I go swimming. Harry saw them on the first morning. I told Zayn to see if Harry saw them. Liam overheard me and the girls talking about telling you guys and so he got a short bit. Lex was there for Trevor when he came back to town and he saw a note I wrote one day after I was almost raped by his best friend. If Lex didn’t come over when she did I probably would have been. Lex thought I was ok because I told I was so she left that night. That night 10 minutes after Lex left I cut into my arm and stabbed myself 4 times in the stomach. Lex forgot her phone though so she came back and found me on the bathroom floor covered in blood she had her brother take me to the hospital. She called Trev and told him that I tried to kill myself. He came back and she had to hear them tell him that I might not it. Luckily, there was a blood drive and I got someone’s blood. That blood saved me. I overheard the nurses talk about the blood drive and whose blood it was. One of the nurses said that One Direction and Ed Sheeran were there donating blood. I have the blood type AB meaning that I can receive blood from anyone. The nurses also said that Ed didn’t donate enough to keep me living. But someone from One Direction did. They told Trev who but he said he won’t tell me until he meets the guy who saved me. And he has meet Louis kinda and he didn’t thank you so sorry Louis but you didn’t save me.” All of the boys were almost in tears. The girls were including Jenny. She wiped her tears away and said “Ok so how that the truth is over I have to do the dare. So which one should I kiss first?” Louis says as he comforts Rachel, “Oldest to youngest so, Liam then Harry. and I don't want you to kiss my Hazza for too long so I will count.” Jenny sighs and sits down next to liam. The both lean in and shut their eyes. Liam can feel Jenny’s lips on his and he can taste the saltiness from her tears.She tastes like popcorn too. He can barely hear Louis counting.He feels the like fireworks are going off. Jenny feels Liam’s lips on hers and its like fireworks going off on her lips.”ten!” Louis screams into their ears. They break apart and Jenny gets up and goes to the bathroom. “Jenny you still have to kiss Harry” Lex says. “I know but i need some water! that popcorn made me thirsty.” Jenny yells from the bathroom. Jenny comes out with a cup of water that she is drinking. She sits down next to Harry. She take a deep breathe. she is trying to hide from them that he body is shaking from the kiss with Liam. Harry leans in and so does she. SHe can feel his lips on hers and she starts to compare the the kisses. Harry’s is more rough but in a good way while Liam’s was more soft and loving. Harry is mad that Louis made him go last. So he puts this emotion into the kiss hoping maybe she likes that. Having to watch Liam and Jenny kiss was the worst thing ever. She tasted like popcorn. “Ten!” Louis screams into their ears. Jenny breaks apart first. Lex then grabs Rachels Ipod and blares for Justin Bieber music. Jenny and Niall know the song instantly. As Long As You Love Me blares through the hotel room. Jenny and niall start to sing along and Jenny stands up and grabs Lex’s hand pulling her up and they dance around like fools. They could care less. Everyone is standing up and dancing around. Up All Night is the next song to play and the girls and the boys sing their parts or the guy they likes part.Jenny sings both Harry’s and Liam’s part to be fair and nice. Soon the girls start to fall asleep one by one and the boys watch and fight sleep. Soon all of them are asleep.

Next Chapter

*3rd POV*

Jenny wakes up and checks the time. 3:26 am. Jenny grabs a blanket that no one is using and walks out of the hotel room to the staircase. She walks up til she gets to the roof. She then goes out onto the roof. The wind blows her hair into her face. She tucks some of her hair behind her ear. She takes in a deep breathe. She debates whether she should jump or just turn back to the door. Louis hears someone open the door so he wait a few minutes and then walks out of the room. He sees someone in Harry’s blanket, that no one was using, go into the staircase. Louis waits at the door till they are a few floors ahead of him and then he starts the climb. He notices that the person is going to the roof. The person opens the door and Louis waits a bit before he opens the door. It is really windy on top of the roof. the person is just standing there letting her hair whip around. Yes it is a girl her hair is so long past the middle of her back. It is a blonde hair girl that Louis knows.

“Jenny!” he whispers loud enough for her to hear. Jenny hears her name being called.

She turns around to see Louis standing by the door. “Oh Louis i thought you were asleep. I’m sorry if I woke you.” she saying staring at her bare feet on the cold concrete.

“Jenny what are you doing up at this time of morning?” Louis saying walk over to her.

“I-I have trouble sleeping sometimes. Well every night I wake up at the most random time of morning or night and then I stay up for hours. I have been coming to the roof since the second day.i’m sorry if I woke you,” She says almost in tears,

When Louis gets there she is shaking uncontrollably. he picks her up bridal style and starts to carry her down the stairs. When he gets to their floor he walks into the room. The clock says 5:21 am. How did almost two hours go by Louis thinks to himself. He puts Jenny down on the couch and gives her a few more blankets and he watches the young, strong, but also weak girl fall back to sleep. Then he lays down next to Rachel and falls back to sleep too.

*Lex's P.O.V.*

     I woke up to hear the front door open and heavy footsteps coming this way. I act like I am asleep by curling closer to Niall on the floor.  I hear some rustling of sheets before someone else lays down nearby. I wait about 10 minutes before I look up. I find an asleep Jenny on the couch in Harry's blanket, and Harry without one. Then Louis is laying on his side playing with Rachel's hair trying to go back to sleep. I guess Jenny went to the roof again.  I sit up to pull my phone out of my bra, it says it was about 5:15 in the morning. Great that gives me 2 and a half hours to work out and then 30 to shower before waking the rest. Getting up I turn to see Louis back to sleep with Rachel curled into his chest.  Walking to the kitchen I write a note saying I was doing.  Sneaking out of the room I go to mine to change into my workout outfit. I  need to lose some pounds and get my stamina back up before school starts.  Throwing it on I head down to the lobby and straight to the mini gym set up. I do the elliptical first for about 30 minutes, followed by push up and sit up a hundred each. Then a little yoga with a dash of weight lifting. When I have done about an hour of my work out the door opens to the room. I am stretching for my run I look in the mirror in front of my to find Louis.  

“What are you doing up Louis? Did I wake you when I got up?” I asked nervously.

“No love, actually I was planning to work out this morning and when I saw your note on the fridge, which I left there I thought I would join you.” He states.

“Well I am about to go on a good run in the park down the street wanna join, then after I was thinking some laps in the pool to cool off.” Stating my routine with confidence.

“Well the lets go then love.” Smiling I walk by him and out the door, passed the lobby, all the way to the entrance to the park.

“Now love, wanna have a challenge?” Nodding my head sure I am a little competitive at heart so this should be fun.

“Well since there is only one route which is a big circle lets race to see who finishes it first.” He states proudly like a child.

“Sure Lou, but lets make this more interesting, the loser has to carry the other one back, on their back like a horse.” I say giving me an initiative to beat his butt.

Louis counts down from ten at 1 I bolt, we took the opposite so we will pass each other in the middle somewhere. I feel as my legs make their rythm before pluggin in my ipod, blasting my Bike music, it is speed music mashed up and it sounds awesome, it is set on replay as

I bolt, I am about ¾ done of the 2 miles when I just passed a very out of breathe Louis, but when he sees me he has realization and sprints, I run the last ½ mile and make it to the entrance. Buying 2 waters by the nearby hotdog cart I sit on the bench and slowly sip my water, while jogging, then walking in place. I sit down and take a breathe. Taking off my cap I set it next to me. blasting my ipod I start singing to bubbly, from my calm heart rate playlist. Closing my eyes I sing with emotion I had never felt before. I could tell it was different. When I am done I hear clapping and I find a couple with 2 kids, the dad pulls out his wallet and throws $3 in my cap, smiling I try to give him the money back explaining, but he doesn't take it and asked if I sang professional, shaking my head he throws a business card in there to before walking away.  I hear panting coming from somewhere and find Louis walking over to the bench, sweating like  a pig in a  hot tub. Smiling I hand him the water. Smiling greatfully, he pours have on his head, and the rest in his mouth. I let him sit for about 25 minutes to get his breathing back to normal adn his strength back up because he has to carry my fat ass back to the hotel which is about 2 blocks away. I am about to tell him when he interuppts me.

“Do you think Rachel likes me?” That question stunned me, she has slept next to him for the past 2 nights and they were always around each other.

“ She like you Louis I know, I just still haven't understood the hype and outgoing one hasn't asked out her yet. Well she would love to date you Louis, think for a minute.  Now that we got that covered lets go, I want my piggy back ride to the hotel now.” I hear a groan come from him before he bends down in front of me, I jump on making him stumble a bit. Giggling I hold onto his neck as he slowly makes his way back to the hotel. Carrying me back up to the girls room we promised  to meet down there in 10 minutes. Coming in no one was in their.  Running to my room I strip and pull on my navy blue and white striped speedo one piece, grabbing my goggles, and towel. Throwing one of my dads shirts over I make my way down the elevator to the pool.  Setting everything on a chair I go to the shallow where I went my goggles before putting them on. Starting off with a simple freestyle I go about 10 laps before I am interrupted by someone cannon balling right in front of me. I come up to the surface and see Lou pop up in front of me.

“ Very funning Louis, now you are ten laps behind. I lap is from one end and back counts as one. Now chop chop your behind I do 75 you can do fifty since we will probably finish around the same time anyways.” I say before starting my lap over. I was almost right, when I hit 75, he only hit about 45, so we called it a day and went to relax our muscles in the hot tub. After about an hour of we head back up to the room to change. After a nice shower and changing into jeans and  a Cola-cola  tank top I went over to the boys’ room. Jenny was still sleeping on the couch. Which is good considering she doesnt sleep well. Liam was up and on the phone. I started to say hey but he put his finger up saying one moment. That was different of him but I let it slide. Once he was off I asked where the others went and he said they were sent to get food, Louis was in the shower, and Harry was somewhere in  the room. Thanking him I got on my phone to call my mom for a little while. Since we have been gone for 2 days and we have to go back in 3 so I can get ready for the new semester. All in all we had limited time, me and Niall had limited time.

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