Fatal Obsession (BxB)

By BxBsAreMyThing

337K 14K 12.3K

(Formerly Known as 'Fatal Attraction') *Very Cringe (First) Completed Book* An obliviously sociopathic colleg... More

S1:C1; Making A Friend Is Not Cheating.
S1:C2; Snap Map
S1:C3; Cutting Scars
S1:C4; Cute and Sweet and Innocent
S1:C5; I Can Give You Your First-
S1:C6; Tiny Little Panic Attack and Cheese Balls
S1:C7; Old Journals, Spy Work, and The Paper Ball
S1:C8; "Take It Off", Warm Lips, Weirdos and Throwing Knives
S1:C9; Date Night (Part 1/3)
S1:C10; Date Night (Part 2/3)
S1:C11; Date Night (Part 3/3)
S1:C12; Our First Sleepover (Pt. 1/3)
S1:C13 Our First Sleepover (Pt. 2/3)
S1:C14; Our First Sleepover [Pt. 3/3] (Explicit Scene)
S1:C15; Coop-y-bara, Hickies and Sleepovers
S1:C16; Warm Vanilla, Hyung, and Handjobs
S1;C17: Cooper's Property
S1;C18; Jaw Scars and Erin...ds
S1:C19; Guilt, Lust, & Apology Dinner
S1:C20; Footsie
S1:C21; Seventy-Two Hours
S1:C22; Scrawny Dipping
⚠️Please Read⚠️
S2;C1: Slap On The Wrist
S2:C2; Top-Priority
S2:C3; Break
S2:C4; Wet Desserts (Smut Chapter)
S2:C5; Psycho Vibes
S2:C6; Voice Recorder
S2:C7; Lola's Return
S2:C8; Crash
S2:C9; Surprise
S2;C10; Stray Lamb Vs. Sheepdog
S2:C11; Closure
S2:C12; Closure Pt. 2
S2:C13; Hero Complex
S2:C14; Proof
S2:C15; Twice
S2:C16; Together
S2:C17; Let's Make A Deal
S2:C18; A Fair Fight
S2:C19; Winner, Winner, Cartilage Dinner
S2:C20; Envelope
⚠️Please Read (Again)⚠️
S3:C1; Corgi, Bubbles, and Psychology Class
S3:C2; Psycho & Sociopaths
S3:C3; Professor Davis...What Do You Know?
S3:C4; The Little Things
S3:C5; Feelings
S3:C6; Attractive Playground
S3:C7; Scary Guy
S3:C8; Building Relationships
S3:C9; I'm Better
S3:C10; This Is Nothing
S3:C11; Whose Sounds?
S3:12; Mafia-Family
S3:C13; Forgetfulness At Its Finest
S3:C14; The One Where They Get Drunk In Paris
S3:C15; Room Service
S3:C16; Romance Resort
S3:C17; I Want You Forever
S3:C18; Rings and Things...
S3:C20; Criminal's Mind
S3:C21; Together But Separated/Foreign Kisses
S3:C22; Be Blunt
S3:C23; Amani
S3:C24; In New Yorkkkk~!
S3:C25; Problematic Parents
S3:C26; Let's Wrap This Shit Up
⚠️Please Read (Once More)⚠️
S4:C1; A Series Of Grand Events
S4:C2; White Glitters
S4:C3; Too Sexy
S4: C4; Madman
S4:C5; Pay Attention
S4:C6; Relaxed?
S4:C7; Just Like Me
S4:C8; Don't Worry
S4:C9; Ideal Romantic Type? Cameron.
S4:C10; Love Makes You Do Crazy Things
S4:C11; T.L.C
S4:C12; Trouble In Paradises
S4:C13; Right v. Wrong
S4:C14; Own Your Responsibilities
S4:C15; Silver Nissan Altima
S4:C16; The Basement
S4:C17; Ready Or Not
S4:C18; 'You're Getting Thick'
S4:C19; Painkillers
S4:C20; Rebekah's Diamonds
S4:C21; We're Family
S4:C22; This Feels Unfair
S4:C23; If You're Good
S4:C24; To Be Loved By Him
XT 1; Profound & Arousing
XT2: Golden Hour Sex

S3:C19; Jealousy

1.4K 65 42
By BxBsAreMyThing

I hope you enjoyyyy!!!


My and Giorgi's trip to Paris was over sooner than later, and we were walking up to our front door. Upon opening it and entering our house, we saw Darnel asleep on the floor with Corgi lying atop of his legs. Both of them were snoring.

"I'm gonna set our junk in our bedroom, dear fiancé," Giorgi said quietly, pecking my left temple before walking off. I smiled and blushed as I went into the kitchen and checked the fridge for any more bottled waters. "Oh, Darnel restocked some stuff," I noticed aloud. "He's so sweet." I chuckled, grabbing a bottle.

With a low, mumbled voice I hummed along to Giorgi's favorite song that replayed in my head from the drive home. It was a really pretty song that I knew I'd heard before, but couldn't really place where or when.

Silently and quite abruptly, my fiancé had stepped into the kitchen and grabbed my waist, listening to my soft mumbling and swaying our hips. "Did you like that song," he asked, leaning down and kissing my jaw when I'd stopped. "I really like it. It's cute," I whispered. "You should play it more often."

"You should sing it more often."

"I don't sing. I hum."

He blew down the back of my neck, his cool breath grazing down my spine, and I shuddered, making him laugh.

"Let's go to sleep. It's past ten, and we've got school tomorrow," he said softly. I nodded and pulled Giorgi behind me, keeping both of our hands interlaced with the other's. Before closing the door, he had pulled my hoodie off of me and then removed his own, so that we were both half nude. Then his lips were against mine, and we were very quickly deepening our kiss. His teeth bit over my bottom lip as I pulled back for air, and he smirked when I made a small whimper upon swirling our tongues around.

The kiss was getting more and more intense as we continued, and we both paused when we realized how heavy we were breathing. I knew we were both wondering how far this was going by the look on my fiancé's face. Since we'd had sex practically every other hour of every day that we were up in France, I wasn't really too excited to do anything tonight. Luckily, Giorgi wasn't either, and made that clear by pressing one more kiss against my lips.

"Quit being nasty, Cameron," he teased, smirking against my mouth. I laughed softly and he pecked my lips once more before closing our door, taking off his pants, and crawling into bed with me.

Upon waking up, I wiped my mouth clean of drool and groaned when I saw that I had left a small puddle on Giorgi's abs before wiping that with a shirt from the floor. I was too tired to know who it belonged to. I got up and went to bathroom, and as I washed my face, I allowed myself to get distracted by my ring.

Oh my goodness.... I can't believe I'm going to marry Giorgi! I'm so excited! I can't wait to show everyone at school! Tyson'll be so happy for us! Agh~, I can't wait to catch up with Tyson, it's sure been a while since I last saw him... He's been so busy with his new girlfriend...

"Babe~," Giorgi growled from our bedroom. "Stop leaving me in bed when you wake up. Your beauty routine is unnecessary. You're face is flawless."

"Only 'cause I leave you in bed to do my beauty routine," I retorted, receiving a groan back.

Within a minute of continuing on with washing my face, Giorgi dragged himself into the bathroom and used the toilet while asking me what I wanted to do today.

"I want to show everyone that we're engaged," I replied, incapable of hiding my excitement. Not that I wanted to, anyway.

My fiancé smiled as he flushed, and butterflies filled my stomach when I glanced over and saw him blushing a cute shade of red. "You're so fuckin' cute..." he mumbled. At least, that's what I thought I heard.

"Where do you want to get married," I asked him.


"Except for Paris. That was wack."

"Yeah, people were too nosy, too loud, too bold," Giorgi muttered. "That hotel owner was cool enough. He was hot, no?"

"Yeah. Did you see his hands?"

"Yeah, his first impression was the best view of 'em, I think. When he was holding those flowers, his veins were super visible," the Greek man said.

"I thought the best view of them was when he came up to us and he was fixing his tie," I mentioned. "He had just the red button shirt on, white pants, and his sleeves were rolled up so—"

"Ohhh~! Yeah, that was the best view," my fiancé agreed, standing behind me to wash his hands. His large, perky chest practically consumed me while he leaned against my smaller frame to get some soap onto his palms, and I almost purred when he leaned against my body even more to rinse.

I moved my gaze onto his large, thick, vascular hands and forearms, and I fought the urge to bend down and gnaw on his arm. It had became an odd relaxant for me to nibble on Giorgi—like a warm, epsom salt bath, it soothed my nerves.

"Quit staring at my veins, Dracula Jr.," Giorgi chuckled, shaking his hands off in the sink before drying them completely against my ass.

"Shut up," I laughed, pushing my fiancé away with my behind before finishing up my skin scare routine.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Whatever you get," I replied.

"Do you want to pick something up before school?"

"Yeah, what do you want to pick up?"

"Uhhh..." Giorgi was staring at my behind, pressing a finger into my lower back. "Want buns... Cinnabon, is somewhere, right?"

I watched the Greek man in the mirror as he slurred over his words, and shook my head when I saw how deeply invested he was in poking at my back.

"Why are you jabbing me?"

"Your back dimples are getting deeper and deeper," he whispered, now pressing his thumbs into both of them. "Do you want to go toCinnabon? Or how about Nothing Bundt Cake. I want sugar this morning..."

"Do they sell anything salty at either of them? I'm not craving anything sweet today," I hummed. "Ooh, except fruit."

My fiancé shrugged as he left the bathroom, and after a few more minutes of finishing up with my face, I took a quick shower and got dressed. I wore a baggy, creme-coloured crew neck of Giorgi's with some anime characters on it and my favorite pair of ripped black jeans.  They were super baggy and actually called "boyfriend jeans" on the tag; I'd bought them off a women's clothing cite, but they fit me perfectly! They had just the right amount of baggage to keep my privates from being squished, but also had enough snug to hug my hips and—what Giorgi favored most about them—accentuate my ass. Even more so whenever I wore a belt with them or tugged them upward.

"Oooh, for me~?" My fiancé beamed, leaning over the sectional's backrest as I walked into the kitchen.

I giggled as Darnel sat up and looked at me, and couldn't help but blush as they both began hooting and whistling. "Are you gonna wear your Old Skools?"


"Ooh~! OOH~! CAMERON~! BABY BOY~!" They whooped, making me giggle ridiculously; I covered my face and waved them off as my face burned red hot. Sobering down into a low chuckle, Darnel had stepped into the kitchen and asked for my hands. I smiled a wide grin as I placed my smaller, pale limbs into his larger ones, and he whistled a loud, impressed whistle while running his thumb over my ring.

"That's a ring of love, I see," he said. "This shit looks expensive as hell."

"Price ain't nothing but a thing, Dee. Especially when it comes to Cameron," my fiancé said, walking into the kitchen and leaning over the counter. He stared at me with large pupils, pink cheeks, and an adorable smile that made him look proud.

"Clearly. You've gotten him a real gold necklace, diamond encrusted bracelet, and this triple-decker-diamond ring," Darnel scoffed. "You got this man whipped, Cam. You know you're engaged to the same guy who would throw a fit whenever Lola asked him to buy her some $20 food. Those fools were together four years, and he ain't spoiled her ass even a quarter as much as he does yours."

I laughed as Darnel went on and on about how special and great I was, and eventually, he did end up asking how much the ring cost.

The ring was extremely unique. Giorgi had chosen to customize the gold band with a pattern from my favorite pair of black lace underwear—which had come as a surprise for many reasons—and he had all the diamonds cut and shaped precisely as he'd asked.

"See, I couldn't choose any traditional diamond for you because you're nothing near it. You're better than traditional by a million reasons... Unfortunately, they said it'd take too long for my liking to cut a million diamonds and bedazzle that ring for me, so I got you a million dollar set of diamonds, instead," the Greek man had said later that night that he proposed. Then he pulled another jewelry box out of his jacket that was about three times longer than the ring's red box, and it was a royal-blue velvet on the outside.  "I also got you this diamond-riddled bracelet because I saw it and thought it would look really cute dangling around your wrist while you grip our pillows when I fuck you later..."

And later that night, he did, in fact, say that it looked cute dangling around my wrist while he was fucking me.

"It didn't hurt, but it was a damn good price," Giorgi answered simply.

"Ahh, come on," Darnel chuckled. "How much was it?"

"The bracelet was some thousand," my fiancé said casually with a shrug.

"Some... Five?"


Darnel made a "tch" sound and nodded. "That's a damn good price, indeed."

I actually hadn't known how much the bracelet cost until now. Although it was expensive, I wasn't too upset with him for spending so much. And not just because he was spending for me! It's just that I had gotten him a few expensive pieces of jewelry myself. I couldn't recall the exact amount of each, but altogether, I knew I spent more than $2 million.

His ring was a $715,000 place holder with our initials engraved into the inside of the gold band, and it had one, big solid 20.45 carat Asscher cut diamond on it. What I hadn't gifted him yet, was a diamond encrusted chain with a Chinese dragon on it that was also covered in diamonds; that cost a little over $600,000, and the wedding ring I wanted for him cost a bit more than a million.

"How about that ring?" Darnel pried.

Giorgi looked up into my eyes from my hands and smiled with a shrug.

"One million," I told our friend, blushing awfully when he gasped and looked left and right fanatically from me and Giorgi.

"One million?! I knew this shit was expensive but... GOD DAMN!" Our friend exclaimed. "You guys need to hire some people. Y'all already a couple of weirdo and stalker magnets. Y'all need to hire that one mafia family to protect yourselves."

"The Pavlychev-Free security business!" Giorgi chortled.


"Yeah~, I was telling Cameron about them a while ago. You know this man had a crush on the head of the organization in high school. He was reading about Damien all over Facebook and shit!"

"Shut up! You said you wouldn't bring that up again!" I guffawed.

After a very long while of being teased for my infatuation with the mafia leader, Giorgi, Darnel and I all finished getting ourselves ready before we headed out for school.

"I'll catch you pretty boys later," Darnel chuckled before jogging over to his girlfriend. I waved and then turned to kiss Giorgi goodbye. "I'll see you in a bit," I purred against his lips. He groaned as he pulled my waist against his, and growled into my mouth: "Let me put you in my pocket, baby..."

I laughed and kissed him again. "Go to class."

"C'mon~, we're engaged~! Let's skip and enjoy our honeymoon phase," he groaned, his deep, vibrating voice filling my ears and mind.

"You're a terrible influence, Gio," I tittered.

"Cam, we don't even need to be here! We're rich, smart, and pretty. We both know that we only came here to escape our families to begin with," Giorgi mentioned.

"As true as that is, we both made friends and have found some interest in the classes we're taking."

"Oh, I see," the Greek man began, chuckling goofily. "This is about the sexy professor, isn't it? You get on, then. Get on! You sly, filthy thing, you...."

"No, it's not," I guffawed, squeezing his wrist as he pushed on my chest for me to go to the professor. "I just want to see what all I've missed."

"Oh, I bet," Giorgi chuckled as I pulled him against me. "Go on and tell your side piece how I proposed to you. Y'all better live it up now before I get your ass in this marriage license, 'cause, ooh-whee—"

I pressed a kiss against my rambling fiancé's lips and he moaned when I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

"I'll see you later, sir," I laughed upon pulling back and walking away. "See you later, Cammy~!" Giorgi giggled from behind me.

Just as I took my seat in the back row of Professor Davis' class, we had made eye contact. I quickly averted my eyes before he could make any kind of expression or signal that meant he wanted to talk to me after class, but my attempt was in vain as he'd just walked over and leaned against the desk.

His beautiful chiseled jaw moving in chewing motions was the only thing I saw in my peripheral vision as I tried to act like I hadn't noticed him while grabbing my laptop out of my backpack.

"Cameron, I'm sorry for freaking you out last time we spoke," the man said, his deep voice soft and low, breath minty. I slowly met the gorgeous teacher's eyes and my cheeks warmed up when I saw him staring at my hands. "New jewelry?"

I nodded once, keeping my eyes on his, and he continued to stare at my ring and bracelet for a while in silence before nodding himself and saying: "It's beautiful on you... Engagement pieces?"

To that, I didn't respond. He knew they were. And even though I was aware of his knowing, I didn't want to confirm anything.

"I don't want you to say a jack-ass thing to Cooper, Professor," I said sternly, practically hissing at him. "I don't even want him to know that I'm back in class. If he calls you or vice versa, you need to tell him that you haven't seen or heard anything about me. Cooper's in prison for punishment. He's locked in a cage, locked away from the world on purpose. He shouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing where I am, what I'm doing, or who I talk to. It's not at all your place or anyone else's but his victims' to tell him what's going on in their lives."

"You think I've been telling him about you?"

I kept my mouth shut as I glared at the man. He had to be. What the hell would Cooper still talk to him about if the professor wasn't telling him anything about me...?

"Cameron, I've already told you that I'm trying to help you now since I couldn't stop him from hurting you before. I don't know what I've done to make you think otherwise, but you need to know that you can trust that I haven't told him anything about you and will never," my teacher said seriously, staring into my eyes with a hard gaze.

"Then why does Cooper call you so much? You guys can't just be having one-way conversations all the time where he asks questions about me and you say nothing," I scoffed quietly.

"He'll call me later today. You're free to listen in, or I can send you a recording so you can hear for yourself what we talk about," my Professor said with a shrug.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"It's inappropriate and quite embarrassing to say out loud," he mumbled, his deep voice vibrating through my ears.

"Just tell me. It's not like I talk to people in here or like anyone but us can hear our conversation."

"Please, I'd rather you heard for yourself. Invite Giorgi, too. I think you could both gain a lot from listening to his thought process nowadays."

"Hey, Professor!" A student called from the front row of the class. "Are you gonna teach us something or keep flirting with that guy?"

My face burned up a smidge and I turned my gaze onto my laptop to hide my face, but my teacher had completely ignored the guy's remark as he leaned over my ear and whispered: "Jealousy is a hell of thing, Cameron. You should know that better than anyone, what with meeting it face-to-face so many times."

I frowned as I had a bit of trouble understanding what he was saying, but when he ran his knuckles against my cast and and moved to meet my eyes one more time, I got it. Or...at least, I thought so.

"5 o'clock this evening. Come see me," he said rather loudly, standing up to his full height before walking to the front of the class. A lot of my classmates gawked at me, some wide-eyed and proud, some blushing as if they'd heard something they shouldn't have, and others blatantly glaring. Jealous.

"It's one hell of a thing..." He said that because of the student that said something about us flirting, but he also referred to my broken wrist by touching it...but I never told him about Gill....and saying that I've met jealousy so much...was that because of the Tammy thing, too...? Or maybe Lola's car crash...?"

For the entirety of class, I pondered what the Professor meant, sighing upon realizing that I wouldn't know for sure unless I visited him after class.


I hope you enjoyedddd!!!

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