Hybrid Harry

By CamrynHemmings10

17.5K 825 672

"How would you feel if you were a freak"?! *** Spencer- Just you average every day hippie skater girly girl g... More

Hybrid Harry .1
First day of senior year .2
The squad .3
Our little adventure .4
Crush. 5
Slumber party.6
Day two. 7
Just a little JaJa before detention .8
Detention .9
roses are red Violets are blue
Fight club .11
The Family .12
Dinner with the Styles. 13
Sexual Edication .14
Skits . 15
Roof top.16
The big reveal.17
So wait...your a cat? 18
Wii sleepover time yay. 19
People talk. 20
Interrogation. 21
The exes.22
So wanna go to the dance with me. 23
Homecoming part 1. 25
Homecoming part 2. 26
Quick authors note
Homecoming part 3. 28
Character Ask Part One. 29
Charecter ask part two.30
Running for my life. 31
Authors note and letter to readers
Let's save our boyfriends.33
Rescue Mission. 34
Home and cat fights.35
Please read!
Back to school.37

Another Hybrid. 24

345 24 10
By CamrynHemmings10

Harrys p.o.v

"So then I was like why did you spill paint on my picture? And then girl was like because I felt like it. So I punched her and now I'm suspended for three days". Spencer says on the phone.

"Okay I'll ditch for he rest of the day". I say.

"Won't your mum be mad"? She asks.

"Well yeah". I say. "But I want to see you babe".

"Okay I'll see you in a few". She says.

"I love you". I say.

"Love you too Harry". She hangs up and I can feel myself blushing. Four months we have been dating and I still get butterflies. I fix my hat and grab my things making sure no teachers see me. Just as I reach the door I hear someone say.

"Harry where are you going"?

"Oh hello Mr. Irwin". I say turning around. He has his arms crossed.

"Well". I say. "I was just going to go visit Spencer today. She got suspended for someone spilling paint".

"You know you shouldn't ditch". He says.

"Come on Mr. Irwin please. I mean just do me a solid. I have done a few for you". I say. He sighs.

"Okay. I think your sick". He says.

"Wait what"? I ask.

"I said I think your sick so go home and I'll tell the nurse I sent you". He says.

"Thank you". I say with a smile and I run out the door. I go to my car and start to drive to Spencer's place. Once I park I walk to the building.
Then all of a sudden I feel myself being yanked down an ally way by shirt color. I raise my fists to fight back.

"WOAH THERE TIGER"! She says. I see its a skinny blonde girl standing across from me. She has a bandana wrapped around her head.

"Why"? I ask.

"Because your a hybrid". She says.

"What are you talking about". I ask.

"I'm not stupid I know your a hybrid". She rips off my hat. "Called it".
I feel awkward and debate in running away but she has my hat.

"How did you know"? I ask.

"I say you the other day up there with out your hat on". She says. That was her who was watching. "Don't worry I am too".

"What"? I ask.

"I'm a hybrid too". She says. She pulls off the bandana to reveal dog ears on top of her head. I take a step back. I have never trusted or liked dogs.

"Taylor is my name". She says. "What's yours"?

"Harry. Harry Styles". I say.

"It's almost ironic Harry. Hairy. Funny". She says.

"Well I'm going to go now". I say.

"I need to talk with you". She says.

"Um I'm going to see my girlfriend so unless you want to come". I say.

"Oh I would love to see her". She says.

I open the door and see Spencer painting on a picture. She turn around and runs over to me giving me hug. She kisses my lips and I kiss her back lifting her up.

"How cute". Taylor says. Spencer pulls away and looks at the girl.

"Who's that"? She asks.

"I'm Taylor". She says. She walks over to Spencer and looks her up and down. "Well your interesting".

"Hey shes perfect. Now why are you here"? I ask pulling Spencer close to me.

"Well cat I need to tell you that the police force will be here in Florida anytime now. They'll be much more harsh then the people who came to your school". She says.

"How did you know about the ones that came to our school". Spencer asks.

"Stay out of this". Taylor hisses. Spencer clenches her fists but I take her hand.

"Spence how about you go finish your painting okay"? I whisper.

"Fine". She says walking over to it. She glares at Taylor quickly then continues painting.

"What do I need to do". I ask.

"Stay away from people like her". She whispers. I give her look of anger.

"Why"? I ask. "Why do people keep saying that".

"Do you know why her parents are away"? She asks getting closer to me.

"Some criminal chase or something". I say. "How do you know so much about us"?

"Because I keep my fellow hybrids safe". She says. "And the reason her parents are away is because they are hunting down hybrids".
I take in what she just said. I look back at Spencer and she is peacefully painting. I remember her telling me about this but I guess we both forgot.

"Harry you need to forget the humans. They may seem nice but they will just stab you in the back. Be with your own kind. I know two other hybrids we could travel together. Live our lives like animals". She says. "Be with people like me".
She brings her lips to mine. I push her away.

"No. I love Spencer". I say. Then I see Spencer sprint over and tackle Taylor. She throws a few punches but Spencer is honestly destroying her. I just stand there and watch them fight.

"DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN! IF YOU DO I WILL BURN YOU"! Spencer yells (a/n sherlock reference!! Anyone? Okay.)

"Okay okay okay". I say picking Spencer up and throwing her over my shoulder. "That's enough I think you broke her nose".

"SCREW YOU THEN I HOPE HER PARENTS CATCH YOU". Taylor says holding her bleeding nose. She puts her bandana on and storms out.

"OKAY BYE THEN"! Spencer yells and Taylor slams the door. I set Spencer down. I see she has claw marks on her arm from that psychopath.

"Oh no". I say seeing that they are bleeding. I grab a paper towel and wet it. I dab it on her arm.

"I hate her with a passion". She says.

"I know". I say. I take gauze and wrap it around her arm.

"What did she say about me"? She asks her hair falling in front of her face.

"She talked about how I should go live the life of a hybrid". I say.

"Okay anything else". She says while rolling her eyes. I smirk slightly but then look at her seriously.

"She talked about how your parents are hunting for hybrids and that I need to stay away from you". I mumble inaudibly.

"What"? She asks. I mumble it again.

"Harry dear speak up". She says smiling slightly. I say it again loud enough to hear. She looks surprised.

"I-I forgot about that". She says biting her lip. I pull my hat down feeling like a freak. Like usual. Then she looks angry. She stands up and rips my hat off.


"I'm fine love". I say.


"I'm a freak". I whisper.

"NO YOU'RE NOT". She yells. She realizes she is yelling and stops. I open my arms for a hug and she holds on to me tightly. "You're perfect Harry".

"You are too Spencer". I say.

"No matter what we have to keep each other safe okay"? I say putting my forehead to hers.

"Okay". She says.

"We are one weird couple". I say laughing.

"Well why be normal when you can be weird". She says. I bring my lips to hers and run my hand through her long red hair.

"I love you so much". I say.

"I love you too". She says. "No matter what".

( THE FEELS!!!!! But seriously I'm proud of this chapter!!! I made it long because 4k!!!! You guys are amazing! That's about it! LOVE Y'ALL)

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