Marked Claws (Mystic Bonds #2...

By SkylerChase29

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❝ Let's rule a Kingdom, shall we? ❞ •○• When human slave turned Fae Handmaiden, Cara Arnel found herself in t... More

Part I: The Knowledge
1. Cara
2. Cara
3. Lucien/Damien
4. Arion
5. Cara
6. Cara
7. Cara
9. Cara/Xander
10. Xander/Cara
11. Xander/Cara
12. Damien
13. Arion/Lucien
14. Lucien
15. Xander/Cara
16. Cara/Xander
17. Cara
18. Cara
19. Cara
20. Cara
21. Cara/Xander
Part II: Confrontations
22. Cara/Lucien
23. Cara/Lucien
24. Xander/Cara
25. Arion/Lucien
26. Cara
27. Cara
28. Britt
29. Cara
30. Cara
31. Lucien
32. Cara/Arion
33. Cara
34. Cara
Book 3 Announcment

8. Xander

1.9K 159 26
By SkylerChase29

I wanted to see Cara desperately. 

My wolf stirred within me, Mine.

Ours, I corrected.

It was a deep-seated yearning and the scent of lilacs and lemons constantly invaded my senses. I couldn't have been happier to have found my mate despite the way things turned out. She'd been on my mind for as long as a century and now I finally had her with me in reality.

My wolf had been restless too and I knew marking Cara had to be achieved sooner rather than later. I needed to solidify our bond. So far I was quite hyper aware of her and could feel her emotions through our bond.

But mind linking couldn't be established between us until she was fully mated to me, especially since she was human and lacked a wolf. I wondered more often than not whether she'd understand me since we were two different breeds altogether. But even those doubts couldn't make me take a step back.

Yes, I have my own issues.

Hell, a revolt could take place if Cara was made Luna and it was clear to everyone that she was human so it was bound to create problems. Considering the turbulent times, I knew my court and people would oppose despite my being Alpha King. I wouldn't have my position either if they don't agree with it. After all they're my people and I'm sworn to protect them at all costs.

Somehow though, I was hoping for a miracle so that Cara wouldn't have to witness the brutal side of our species so soon. There were some Alpha females who were dying for the position of Luna Queen and being my mate but even before I found Cara, I knew no one else would be accepted by me.

Still. It was protocol and if initiated, my fragile mate might have to confront Alpha females in battles. But for now, I'd concluded to keep these worries aside. Not like the decision was doing me much good because it was all people are talking about.

Even during my visits around the territory since Cara's arrival, I hadn't failed to hear her name being mentioned a few times and not for the most courteous purposes either.

If it was up to my wolf, he'd tear those people apart. 

If it was up to me.....well, I'd still do pretty much the same.

But the decorum of the Adaldan Alpha King that I had to maintain was a tiny hindrance I'd thought about crossing numerous times in the past two weeks.

"You can't be serious about making a human the Queen of Adalda, Your Majesty?"

One of my courtiers exclaimed as we entered the Palace grounds, back from our inspection of the main city and the capital Kabbet.

I clenched my jaw and stopped in my steps, turning to look the man in the eyes, "And why is it being opposed by you? Are you the King or the Alpha?" I barely held in a growl.

He had to submit, baring his neck to me and I didn't feel even an ounce of guilt at using my power and alpha status to protect the dignity of my mate.

I was prepared for oppositions. I had everything just under control. 

And there was no way Cara wouldn't be becoming my Queen and Adalda's Luna.

If it was about making her stronger, I could work on that. I didn't particularly care that she was human, all I did care about was that she was mine.

She might be flawed in someone's eyes, but everyone alive was.

The first time I saw Cara, all I'd wanted was for her to cross into my territory like she had planned. I was awed by the courage and bravery she showed by undertaking such n endeavour even when my wolf was mostly in control. She'd devised an escape from the gathering of the Vampires at the yearly slave auction.

But then that stinking Shifter General, Lucien caught her.

And she met the bloodsucking bastard Damien too.

If that wasn't enough, she'd even caught the eye of the Fae King Arion.

It made my blood boil to see her with anyone other than me and the rage was pure malicious. Wolves are territorial and Alpha wolves are even more so. When it comes to mates, possessiveness runs through us like blood and I was no exception.

With the few minsters assisting me now all spread out as we went our own ways, I felt myself drawing closer towards my mate's intoxicating scent that was starting to leave traces in the Palace.

I was about to head to my personal chambers in order to get information from a few of my spies in Valeryn but my Advisor cut my path.

"Your Majesty." With a bow, the old wolf greeted me and I nodded.

"Allistar." I addressed him, raising a brow.

"May I have a few words with you in private?"

I narrowed my eyes, already sensing the direction this conversation might take. "Alright." 

Taking my eyes off of him, I continued in the direction and he followed silently.

I'd known Allistar for a good five centuries. Though he had served during the time of my father's reign, now he was much older and thus wiser. While I listened to his opinions with high regards, he wasn't the one in charge. The wolf was now soon going to retire and I planned on giving the spot of my Advisor to a certain person already.

Once the doors closed to my royal chambers, I gestured to the empty seat while sitting on my desk myself.

Once we were settled, I started. "Speak, Advisor."

"Your Majesty," His voice was already strained.

Good. At least he knows having this conversation will be hard on him.

I'm a just ruler but wolves command absolute superiority and rank following. That's the way. My word is literally law here.

I simply rose a brow and Allistar gulped. 

"I've heard you found your mate-"

"Like the whole Kingdom has."

"-and that she's....human."

I opened a roll of paper and got an inked feather to proceed with writing the message to the Celeran Royals to ask about the situation there on the borders since the last few attacks couldn't have been possible without the Daeva crossing Celera.

It took a lot for me to not show my ire but I managed. "And?"

The feather is a little too weak, it might break with the way I'm holding it.

My wolf paced inside my mind, mirroring my inner turmoil in a cage of my own making.

Allistar continued, "Your Majesty, a human as the Luna of a werewolf Kingdom doesn't just sound absurd,  it is absurd!"

I stilled, a growl slipping free from my chest but dared not look at my Advisor for fear of my wolf taking over. 

You can say he and I are both in the extremely overprotective stage.

And that too when I know my mate is special. Oh, she's quite special. And despite what I might claim, the night I transformed after a century, only to stab her with her own dagger...

It's etched into my memory like stars in the inky sky. Except it's not a pretty scenery.

If I closed my eyes, it was not just her face I could visualize. It was those jade green eyes of hers that changed. Streaked with a strange silver after she came back from literally death's doorsteps, her eyes were even more entrancing now.

It was only a momentary lapse for Allistar because apparently he was willing to risk his neck today. "Either your mate proves herself or you make someone else our Luna. This is unacceptable."

The feather pen broke and along with it; the dam of my patience.

With my hand wrapped around his neck, I stared into Allistar's eyes. My canines elongated and I knew my eyes had to be glowing golden. My wolf was itching to escape his confines.

It had taken me mere seconds to use my enhanced strength and speed to be out if my seat and in front of him.

"The mere thought of someone else as the Luna shouldn't even be considered,  Advisor." My voice was mostly growl rather than baritone. I choked him a little more and his hands clawed at mine as I held him hostage.

Panic flooded his eyes and a darkness lit up mine.

"No matter what, I'm your Alpha and Cara is to be spoken of respectfully." Dropping my voice, I continued. "I'd appreciate it if you were to be considerate. Or my strength might become a little too much for you."

I let go of him and Allistar fell to the ground, gulping in lungfuls of air and coughing. 

I felt the edge I was dangling on and if I didn't let my wolf out, I might just end up killing someone. 

So without another word, I opened the door and all it took was one minute for me to arrive at my destination.


The mountain stood tall and sturdy, dotted with trees and flowers and most importantly—the rocks that made it up. Stones and debris lined the gauge of the streams flowing willy-nilly and the smaller animals scurried across the land they inhabited.

My wolf sniffed the air and then with a playful growl, focused on a rabbit running away at the sight of my beastly form.

The treeline began here. The forest was all kinds of magical with it's beauty that could entrap and the creatures that could harm or bless. 

Summer was almost over and fall was welcoming us with open arms. The slightly yellowed leaves fell once in a while, carried by the winds blowing in the open area. Sunlight streamed in from the canopies at will and the forest floor was still moist. Birds chirruped among themselves, flying in groups or into their nests or hunting for food all about.

A waterfall was somewhere within, the sounds of the gushing water lulling one into a sense of false vigour and peace. 

It was disarming, this forest. This mountain.

My ebony wolf crouched low and then it darted into the forest finally, savouring the various scents and the landscape as we ran free, fast and with no specific destination in mind.

All around, I went. My wolf was at the forefront of my mind and I let him take control. To blow off steam and regain equilibrium. The nature always calmed us.

We were a part of it after all.

I was trotting along the stream when the scent of lemons and lilacs wafted over to me, making my senses tune in to the direction instantly. My ears perked and with a slow gait I followed the scent of our mate.

Twigs crushed under the weight of my paws, the wind trickling through my fur as I finally saw her.

Sitting at the edge of a big rock, the water lapping at her feet greedily, my mate's onyx hair flew in the wind like it was being caressed. The birds swarmed around her and the trees seemed to be bending to her will. The tiara on her head gleamed, the silver embedded with the obsidian stone sparkled when the sun reflected off of it.

Cara must have been aware of my presence but she showed no signs of it.

Her hand extended forward to feel the drops of waters sprinkling due to the force of the waterfall. Cara's peach complexion was beautiful and her slender neck tilted upwards as the sunlight bathed her in it's golden warmth. The breeze picked up, carrying with it the scent of roses and jasmines and grass and wet mud and primroses alike.

I stilled, watching her ethereal beauty. It felt as if the nature was welcoming her, desperate to hold her in its embrace.

The serenity in the situation was conniving. Because my mate and nature alike could bring upon havoc if they so wished.

Despite her humanity, thoughts like these regarding Cara would wander into my mind unbidden and give m a strange sense of security.

I slowly approached her and once I was close enough, she stilled in her activities. Cara's eyes lifted to meet mine and there wasn't an ounce of fear in them.

The way it should always be.

Her jade eyes, streaked with silver kept mine in a hold as I got closer. I saw the red dress she was wearing. Wrapping itself around her as if it couldn't help getting so close and I wondered if it was possible to be envious of fabric.

I realized it was.

My wolf huffed and Cara's lips tilted up slightly.

I settled down on the rock next to her and she kept her gaze on my form. Her hand touched my head and my wolf nuzzled against it, making a sound of satisfaction.

"It's nice to meet your wolf properly, Xander."

Her voice made me aware of how it would feel if honey could talk.

It's strange indeed. Honey.

Cara chuckled as if she could hear my thoughts and I wondered again who she was and why she was chosen to be mine. 

My wolf apparently agreed with her because it got to licking her hand affectionately. Cara didn't pull back, instead her other hand smoothed over my back, petting and touching until I felt like I could combust.

She might not have realized but her touch did so much more to me than imaginable. My wolf was even more sensitive to her and all he had been telling me for the past few days spent in the same Palace right across from each other is to mate with her fully.

"I know you're getting desperate." Cara's words made me anxious because I didn't have much hope for her to agree to mating with me. 

From all of my time following her and observing her, I'd picked up on the fact that she was not one to make rash decisions. 

She planned ahead. Always.

I shook my head, and her hands left their touch over me as she folded them in her lap.

I looked up at her but her eyes were on the falling water.

I wondered more often than not about what exactly went on in her head. 

I'd been keeping my eyes on Cara for months and our encounters had been less than pleasant each time but I still wouldn't wish to turn back time. It was because I knew I had been there for her to hold on in few of her most wrecking moments. I was glad to be the one she relied upon for the comfort.

Even still.....

Thinking about the day I woke up with her in my arms, it made my heart squeeze with an emotion I couldn't pinpoint yet. It was a feeling of fulfilment. I wanted Cara and I to have a future like that where nights like those would be countless.

Except I could do without her crying after she barely escapes death by fighting against creatures deemed one of the hardest to kill.

But we had a lot of hurdles to cross before that day could come.

Since that night Cara cried for Seraphima, she'd been subdued in a twisted manner. It was almost unnatural yet not. Cara spent more time with Micah and my sister and she explored the Palace freely. Using the services provided to her, she'd been doing a good job of fitting in and adjusting.

To be honest, it seemed almost natural for her. 

They way she held herself, the way she conducted activities, the way she handled her maids and the other people in the castle....

As if she was fit for the role.

My doubts regarding her being a human had also been increasing.

Before the incident where misfortunes took place including Sera's death, I was sure Cara was human.

But now, knowing that she'd died but is alive right brings too many questions forth.

Neither Melida nor Micah were willing to speak and that irked me more than I let on but holding back is the mastery for an Alpha like me who's driven by primal instincts and power. I've learnt it.

But Cara and I talked more often now even though it's only been a few days, we spent time together and she....

She didn't hate me anymore, I could tell. It made me so happy to see her smile because of me after what happened.

My mate is a goddess for me and though she knows it, Cara doesn't act entitled and it makes me fall a bit more for her every time. 

"Time is running out, isn't it?"

Cara knew I couldn't reply but her words resonated with only truth.

It was strange how I could feel less of her emotions through the mate bond every day but I suspected that Micah and Melida were teaching her those things even if I hated it. For now I believed I didn't have the right to ask her to stop but I did voice out the fact that I disliked her closing off her emotions to me this way.

Cara had responded by saying, "I'm just preparing myself, teaching myself in case the need ever arises to use the block on our bond."

The implications of the need were ones I didn't like pondering over for long.

My wolf was calm enough now and I stood up before diving straight into the water.

Cara's gasp was nice to hear as the water splashed all over.

I transformed in the water, swimming upwards till I broke through and breathed in the forest air.

Now in human form I looked up at Cara whose wide eyes and flushed cheeks made my lips tilt up in a wolfish grin.

Her eyes slowly travelled down from my face to my naked chest and just to tease her, I swam closer to the edge so that I could come out more.

"Okay, stop, Xander, no!"

Cara covered her eyes and I chuckled deeply as she cleared her throat. I submerged the lower half of my body once more, floating easily as I enjoyed her flustered reaction.

"Alright, you can see now, love"

The onyx haired girl hesitantly lowered her hands and opened her eyes. I saw the struggle she underwent while trying to keep her eyes on me and not my naked, chiseled, wet torso. 

Must be as tempting for her as it was for me to see her with the scandalous red dress.

Serves her right, that little human.


"Uh?" I rose an amused brow, "That's all you can say when you see your mate?"

I could sense the change in her body, not just the flow of lust that carried over the mate bond.

She shook her head, looking into my eyes. "That's distracting, Xander."

I smiled, still not used to the way she said my name. "You should know how happy hearing that makes me, my love."

Cara blinked and then groaned. She narrowed her eyes at me and the blush staining her cheeks spread down to her chest. But the smirk on her features made me wary.

"If that's the case, you wouldn't mind if I jump into the water as well, right?"

My grin dropped and all amusement was blown away with the wind as I used my speed to come closer to the edge, still under water.

"Don't you dare, love." My low voice was laced with threat.

It seemed like it was Cara's turn to chuckle in mirth. "Oh? But it would even the playing field, don't you think so?"

My wolf was salivating for the opportunity.

I clenched my jaw. I could already smell her arousal, even the slightest bit. The red dress clinging onto her for dear life was already tantalizing enough. I wouldn't get out of the water without marking her if she jumped in and I knew she wasn't ready for that.

It was a test of utmost self-control for me and I believe I wouldn't come across something this hard ever again.

"Cara." I warned, my eyes holding her silver streaked ones hostage. It wasn't just a warning, it was a name wrapped in sin that would end up in destruction.

She swallowed thickly and then leaned forward from her spot on the rock. "Xander." Cara's voice was two octaves lower, mixed with the nature's dimming mood as if it was setting the spot for me to claim what was meant to be mine.

I closed my eyes, visuals of the ways she could say my name as I pleasured her, made love to her, cherished her. Those images assaulted me and my wolf growled and paced inside my head.

I exhaled harshly, rolling my shoulders before I opened my eyes.

The few moments seemed to have been enough because the heat in Cara's eyes had dimmed but a new kind of fire was raising flames now.

The atmosphere was still tense except for different reasons.

I locked my eyes with her, unwilling to break the contact as much as her.

"Xander." She started and I held my breath, hoping. She tilted her head, eyes softening. "I'm willing for us to start over."

It felt like my heart stopped beating right then and there.

She was forgiving me? Willing to overlook something that heinous? Starting with a clean slate? A second chance?

I swallowed thickly, staring at her and she slowly smiled.

"Are you.....really forgiving me?" My words were mere whispers.

But Cara heard them and she responded. "Always."

She probably didn't realize the meaning of her words but they tore the twisted, wrenched pieces of the cloth I felt like and stitched me back up into a beautiful, threaded tapestry. Made me feel like things could always turn for the better.

Her jade green eyes were sincere. And the silver streaks in them told me my mate was no ordinary one.

The more I stared into her eyes, the more I delved into the secrets she seemed to be hiding.

Yet I couldn't ask her to tell me all of them.

Slowly, we'd do it all slowly.

And just like she trusted me....

I'd take a chance a trust my special mate.



Thank you for so many reads and votes guys, I'm seriously happy! I'm actually on a small vacation so pretty busy and offline but yes well you all deserved this chapter.

I hope you enjoyed, it was the first glimpse into Xander's mind and for a while you'll get a lot of these so don't worry haha. What did you think?

Next chapter will be better I promise. I'm working on chapter 10, almost done in fact!

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment and share, I appreciate it! Take care and till next time then!


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