Shining Star//Dimming Light (...

By TheQuill2021

685K 15.3K 7.7K

Stray Kids (SKZ) BxB ONE-SHOTS Felix-centered! This will be a collection of one-shots with Felix-centric pair... More

Introduction Stage RE
"Secret" Relationship (JiLix)
Up All Night (SeungLix)
The Fire Inside (MinLix)
The Fire Inside (MinLix) [PART 2]
Breaking the Ice (OT8)
Breaking the Ice (OT8) [PART 2]
I Can't Leave You (ChanHyunLix) [PART 2]
Lovely Little (ChanMinLix)
Lovely Little (ChanMinLix) [PART 2]
The Warlord & the Fae Prince (ChanLix ft. SKZ)
The Warlord & the Fae Prince (ChanLix ft. SKZ) [PART 2]
The Warlord & the Fae Prince (ChanLix ft. SKZ) [PART 3]
Never Gonna Let You Down (OT8)
Never Gonna Let You Down (OT8) [PART 2]
Drag You Under (SanHwaLix)
Drag You Under (SanHwaLix) [PART 2]
Found Family (WooSanLix)
Found Family (WooSanLix) [PART 2]
Knight In Shining Armor (WooLix)
You Can Trust Me (SanLix)
You Can Trust Me (SanLix) [PART 2]
Happy Birthdays (JiLix)
Purest Love (HyunLix)
Bad Boy (OT8)
Coffee & Sweets (3RachaLix)
I Know You Do (ChanLix)
Beggars Can't Be Choosers (ATZLix)
Dance Monkey (OT8)
Dance Monkey (OT8) [PART 2]
Dance Monkey (OT8) [PART 3]
My Pretty Boy (JiLix)
My Pretty Boy (JiLix) [PART 2]
There's Something About Felix (ChangLix)
If You Love Me For Me (3rachaLix)
True Friend (OT8)
True Friend (?) [PART 2]
Don't Hurt Him (?)
Don't Hurt Him (JeongLix) [PART 2]
Lower (3RachaLix)
You'll Love Me At Once (HyunLix)
Part of Your World (HwaLix)
Part of Your World (HwaLix) [PART 2]
Little Lies (OT8)
Little Lies (OT8) [PART 2]
Littler Star (OT8)
Get Along (OT16)
Get Along (OT16) [PART 2]
Love Note (HyunLix)
Love Note (HyunLix) [PART 2]
To Play Hero (OT8)
Safe In Your Arms (ChanLix)
Prince of Hell (OT16)
Let Me Help You (HwaLix)
Let Me Help You (HwaLix) [PART 2]
No Matter What (OT16)
Gloating Rights (WooSangLix)
Little Minx (OT8)
Darkness Lies Beneath the Skin (OT8)
Happiness (HyunMinLix)
Treasure (ATZLix)
Treasure (ATZLix) [PART 2]
Treasure (ATZLix) [PART 3]
Treasure (ATZLix) [PART 4]
Falling Angel (SeungLix)
Boggarts & Bludgers (MinJiLix)
My Muse (HyunLix)
Ruined Surprise (OT16)
Minho's Cats (HyunMinJiLix)
Minho's Cats (HyunMinJiLix) [PART 2]
As Sweet As Sugar (JeongChanLix)
As Sweet As Sugar (JeongChanLix) [PART 2]
Chosen Coven (OT16)
Chosen Coven (OT16) [PART 2]
Never Let You Go (JiLix)
Icarus (ChangMinHyunLix)
Icarus (ChangMinHyunLix) [PART 2]
Can We Keep Him? (JeongLix)
A Little Bit of Jealousy (MinLix)
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (HwangPhilSep)
Take Me To the Moon (OT8)
Take Me To the Moon (OT8) [PART 2]
My Precious Pet (MinLix)
Just Hug Me! (JeongLix)
Killing Me Softly (?)
Killing Me Softly (?) [PART 2]
Lonely Together (HyunLix)
Playing House (OT8)
Heal Me (BokLix)
Stay With Me (ChanLix)
You Made A Mess (WooSanMinLix)
Care For You (HyukMinLix)
Care For You (HyukMinLix) [PART 2]
Sun & Moon (HyunLix)
Sun & Moon (HyunLix) [PART 2]
Sun & Moon (HyunLix) [PART 3]
You Can Do It! (JeongLix)
Give Me Your Love (MinLix)
Love From the Shadows (MingLix)
Love From the Shadows (MingLix) [PART 2]
Trouble In Kingdom (OT8)
Until Death Do Us Part (MinLix)
Until Death Do Us Part (MinLix) [PART 2]
Submit, Baby (OT8)
Submit, Baby (OT8) [PART 2]
A World Just For Us (ChanMinHyunLix)
A World Just For Us (ChanMinHyunLix) [PART 2]
The Next Journey (?)

I Can't Leave You (ChanHyunLix)

10.7K 193 197
By TheQuill2021

Pairing: Hyunjin & Felix & Chan

Genre: Supernatural AU

!!TW!! : angst, trickery, sexual advances, temptation, one non-con kiss, non-con voyeurism, non-graphic sexual content, inspired by HyunChan's "Red Light" teaser




Tears filled Felix's eyes as he ran down yet another hallway that looked exactly like all the others he'd crossed so far. He could hear the low growls and snarls of the hellhound that had picked up his scent and was now giving chase. The freckled boy had only caught glimpses of its monstrous hide, not daring to slow down for even a second.

The poor angel truly had fallen low.

It wasn't Felix's fault. He'd been tricked into getting closer to the magic portal that led to Hell and, as soon as he was close enough, someone had pushed him. Horror had filled him as he Fell, painfully aware it was a one-way trip to the most terrifying realm in existence – one filled with monsters and living nightmares and, most importantly, demons.

Felix had heard numerous stories of how angels who were unfortunate enough to Fall were condemned to a never-ending lifetime of misery. If they weren't killed by whatever hellish creature lived within the realm, then their bodies and souls were destined to rot little by little because of the miasma that was ever-present in Hell. 

He'd heard many horrifying stories about Hell, hence why he always steered clear of the portal – until today. He knew he wasn't exactly well-liked within the angel community, what with how much he stood out because of his appearance or his voice, and he'd been harassed a lot by his peers.

He never thought difference warranted such a terrible Fate, but it would seem some of his own kind disagreed.

And now here he was, running for dear life while still somehow holding onto hope that he'd be able to find an escape route, even if it was common knowledge that no one ever made it out of Hell. Felix didn't want to die, even less so to the merciless fangs of the hellish beast, and so he kept on running.

(It's not like the hellhound was the first to chase him around, either. Ever since Felix woke up in Hell, he'd been harassed and hunted by all sorts of creatures, the aura of his halo seemingly drawing them in like moths to a flame. It's not like he could turn the damn thing off or remove it, so Felix was forced to run.

The last few hours had been terrible and exhausting and mind-numbingly terrifying – the hellhound was just the worst – so far.)

Felix was running out of breath. His wings were heavy against his back, dragging on the carpeted floor that did nothing to muffle his hurried footsteps. He was panting hard, his lungs burning – he wasn't the most athletic angel around, and he internally swore to himself that if he somehow made it out of Hell, then he'd start running on the daily. 

He took an abrupt turn to the right, mostly listening to his instincts at that point. A scream ripped itself out of his throat as the hellhound's maws snapped shut mere centimeters away from his leg, and he almost fell to the ground in shock, but he managed to keep his balance and picked up the pace.

Just as he passed by one of the endless wooden doors that all looked exactly the same, however, it suddenly opened. Before Felix could even register that information, a hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed his arm before pulling him inside the room. The angel let out another scream, which was instantly muffled by another hand clamping over his mouth while he was dragged further away from the door, which slammed shut mere seconds later.

He tried to fight back, but his attacker instantly tightened his hold.

"Shh! Stop making a fuss or it'll find us!"

Felix instantly froze. The last thing he'd expected to hear was a normal voice with an accent he'd be able to place anywhere. He stopped struggling altogether, his muffled, ragged breath now the only noise to be heard – along with his heart that was beating wildly in his ears, of course. After a moment, he heard some thudding on the other side of the door. 

He held his breath, praying the hellhound would fall for the subterfuge... and he relaxed when he heard the telltale sound of paws hitting the ground fading in the distance. He stayed still for a while longer until, finally, his mysterious attacker – or savior? – released him.

A torch lit up on the wall to his left, blinding him for a bit, and he felt his savior stepping away from him. Spinning around, Felix's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped to the floor when he saw a very handsome man with large, white wings folded behind his back.

"You're... an angel..." he whispered, startled.

"So are you," replied the man with a small grin. "I'm Chan."

"Fe- Felix. But- but how? I thought surviving here was—"

"Impossible? Almost. Our kind isn't exactly made to survive in such a place," nodded Chan with a small shrug. "But once you figure out what makes Hell tick, it becomes easy enough. I'm glad I managed to get to you before one of the demons around, though."

Felix shivered a bit at that. "Are- are there a lot?"

"Not that many. We're in the upper levels right now, so only the most powerful demons reside in the area." Chan then offered him a small smile. "But it's alright, Felix. I know this place by heart by now – you'll be safe so long as you stick with me."

The freckled boy nodded slowly, offering a small smile back. Finally able to relax after so many terrible hours, Felix didn't hesitate in dropping on the nearest couch, his legs practically shaking from exhaustion as he did so. Chan was quick to fetch him a glass of water, which Felix gratefully accepted.

"So? How did you end up here?" asked Chan, curious. "I doubt you'd be the type to get condemned to Falling, of all things."

"How could you know that?" snorted Felix. "For all you know, I'm a terrible person."

"Call it a hunch. Also, I doubt there's a sinner under that pretty face of yours."

Felix flushed a bit at the compliment, lowering his eyes. "That's... You're lying. My face isn't... pretty. It's different. That's why- that's why I ended up here. The others didn't like me and pushed me through the portal."

Chan frowned at that. "That's ridiculous. You don't just forsake someone's soul for eternity just because you don't like how they look." He suddenly crouched before Felix, tilting his head up a bit so their eyes could meet, and he grinned. "If anything, I'm ready to bet they were actually jealous of you – there's no doubt in my mind that you are the prettiest angel around."

Felix flushed even more, somehow unable to look away. "You- you shouldn't lie—"

"Angels don't lie, beautiful."

Felix spluttered a bit, the tips of his ears burning at that point. Chan chuckled, letting go and rising back to his feet, seemingly taking pity on his flustered state.

"In any case, we shouldn't stay here for too long. With how bright your aura is, it won't be long before more creatures are drawn to us," reasoned Chan, extending his hand to him. "Come on. I know a place where we'll be safe, and where you'll be able to get some rest."

"Is there truly such a place in Hell?"

"If you know where to look, yes. Now let's go!"

Felix hesitated one last time before grabbing Chan's hand and letting the other angel pull him along. He felt the man's energy transfer over to his body and heal him of his current exhaustion, the lead filling his legs instantly melting away. Appreciating the gesture, Felix squeezed Chan's hand before following after him.

Felix was running again. This time around, though, he wasn't alone, and he felt a little less scared and hopeless than before.


"C- Chan...? Are you sure this is the right place?"

Hell was a maze of hallways and rooms that looked alike in every way, shape, and form – how Chan managed to find his way was a true miracle. Still, as Felix slowly took in the new room they were now in, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, they hadn't gotten a bit lost. 

The room was different, that much was obvious. It was a lot more spacious, for one, and it looked more like a penthouse than a cheap hotel room like what he'd seen so far. It was richly decorated, too, and surprisingly... surprisingly normal, really. Was this what became Chan's new home after he Fell?

The thought made Felix pause as he belatedly realized something.

I never asked him how he Fell...

Would it be rude? Well, he did ask Felix, so surely it wouldn't be out of place. But what if Felix didn't like the answer? Those who Fell were usually those who committed heinous enough crimes for their very souls to be forsaken... But no, Chan was too nice, there surely was another explanation similar to Felix's.

"Chan?" he called, turning around. "Can you tell me how... you... Chan?"

Felix trailed off as he belatedly noticed that his fellow angel wasn't anywhere to be seen, having seemingly vanished from existence. All of sudden, the room felt a lot colder, and Felix couldn't help but hunch a bit on himself, warily glancing around. He suddenly had a very bad feeling, and he couldn't place why.

"Chan?" he called again, his voice rising a bit. "Chan, this isn't funny! Please!"

"Oh? We haven't even started and you're already begging."

Felix stiffened as slender fingers trailed over his nape, tickling it a bit, the unfamiliar voice smooth in his ears. His heart rate picked up as he slowly turned around, only to find a man – he was taller than him, dressed in fitted white clothes that showed off a lot of skin, with his long, dark hair framing his beautiful face with elegant waves.

The man was smiling, his eyes crinkling a bit with mirth – but they were dark, full of promises Felix couldn't quite begin to grasp the meaning of.

"Who- who are you?" he stuttered out, taking a cautious step back. "Where's Chan?"

"I'm right here, beautiful. Sorry for the scare, I just wanted to change into something a little more comfortable."

Felix stiffened again as he glanced to his left, where Chan had suddenly reappeared – except that now, the brightness previously emanating from his halo had dimmed, and his white wings had turned to a luscious ebony black. He was dressed in an outfit similar to the other man's, too, but what really stood out was the strange mark adorning the side of his neck. Felix couldn't tell if it was a tatoo or a carving – a large "H" drawn stylishly, with tendrils of darkness stretching out in a web around it. Felix could see the dark aura emanating from it, almost completely swallowing Chan's bright one.

"Y- you're..." Felix felt his throat go dry, and he could only whisper. "What are you?"

"I'm an angel, like you," shrugged Chan, unbothered by his reaction. "But I'm also more – Hyunjin made it so."


"Hmm, my name sounds lovely falling from your lips." Felix froze as he felt the unknown man's arms slip around his waist, pulling him back against the man's chest. "I wonder if it'll sound even better once I make you scream it?"

"Let- let go!"

Felix somehow managed to escape the man's – Hyunjin's – grasp, and he stumbled away from the pair. His eyes kept on moving from one man to the other, unsure of what to do and distinctly feeling like he'd just walked into the wolves' den.

"Who are you?" he asked, trying his best to keep the tremble out of his voice. "And what- what do you want from me?"

"Well, as Channie told you, I'm Hyunjin," answered the man, smirking a bit before offering a dramatic bow. "But you probably know me better as Lust – it's lovely to meet you, little angel."

The freckled boy felt his blood run cold.


The man before him was a demon, but not just any demon – he was one of the Seven Deadly Sins, one who gained his powers straight from the sins committed by any other living creature. He was one of the most powerful demons that existed, just under Lucifer himself... and Felix was now face to face with him.

His fight-or-flight instincts almost instantly took over and, without thinking, Felix made a dash for the door, using his wings to propel himself. The moment he grabbed the handle, however, a searing pain flared in his palm, forcing him to pull away. He stumbled back with a pained hiss, cradling his hand to his chest...

"Now, that wasn't very nice, was it? I introduced myself – the least you could do is offer your name, little angel."

Felix yelped as he was once again pulled back against Hyunjin's chest – except this time around, the demon didn't seem willing to let him go. No matter how much the angel struggled despite how badly his hand hurt, Hyunjin simply held on tighter. And then, to make matters worse, Chan stepped in front of him and gripped his chin. Felix tried to pull out of his grasp, but Chan merely gripped him tighter and, eventually, Felix was forced to meet his gaze.

For a brief moment, the freckled boy naively thought that the sight of his tears would be enough to gain Chan's sympathy—

"You're even prettier when you cry," whispered Chan, almost reverently.

—but that was a foolish though, which he quickly shoved away. Just as he opened his mouth to openly curse him out for tricking him, however, Chan leaned forward and pressed their lips together. Almost instantly, a wave of dizziness washed over Felix as an intense exhaustion settled in his bones.

He passed out before he even had the chance to realize it.


"I was condemned to Fall for loving wrongly, or so they said. I was cursed to suffer for all eternity because the way I loved didn't fit their criteria. Just like you, they considered me different – and just like you, they casted me out in the most merciless way because of it."

Felix looked away, unwilling to show Chan any sort of compassion, no matter how much his words resonated in his chest and pulled at his heartstrings. Ever since he'd woken up chained down like some sort of unruly pet, he'd refused to say a single word to his fellow angel, the bitter taste of betrayal still making him sick. 

But Chan was terribly patient, and also incredibly determined. He'd been trying to win Felix over with sweet words and empty promises for the past few hours until, eventually, he shifted to a different tactic.

"When I woke up here, I truly thought I was going to die. I was so angry and hurt... I don't really know what kept me going at this point. But, not long after, I found Hyunjin – or rather, Hyunjin found me." Chan sighed dreamily at the memory. "He's still just as beautiful as the first day we met... I might have Fallen for my alleged sins, but I Fell for him even harder. And, when Hyunjin showed he could love me in his own way, I couldn't say no to him."

Felix couldn't help but spare a quick glance for the mark adorning Chan's neck, which the older angel instantly noticed. He pulled a bit on the leather collar adorning his neck, showing off the stylized "H" in its full, dubious glory.

"In allowing him to claim me, our souls became linked. My soul now belongs to him and, in exchange, his powers keep me alive. And ever since we struck that deal, we've both been very happy together—"

"And that's what you want me to do? Sign my soul away and completely give up any chance of freedom?" huffed Felix.

"There's no going back to Heaven, Felix. And, even if there was, what would be the point? Our peers would only find another way to get rid of you again. Can't you see?" Felix flinched as Chan suddenly loomed over him. "They don't want you there. It's not your home – it's a place filled with filthy, envious, almighty bastards who think themselves better than everyone else and won't hesitate to hurt those who don't fit their criteria for perfection. Why would you want to go back to a place like that?"

"And why would I want to stay here?" retorted Felix, trying to ignore just how much Chan's words pained him. "In a place so dark and scary, filled with creatures who want nothing more than to kill me or hurt me, and forsake my soul for all eternity? How is Hell any better than Heaven?"

"If neither place is good enough, at least pick the one where you have a shot at surviving, then. If you agree to Hyunjin's terms, then you'll be safe – no creature would dare harm you once you bear his mark. And you..." Chan gently cradled his cheeks, wiping away the few stray tears that had escaped him. "You could be loved, Felix. So, so loved—"

"Demons can't love," hissed the freckled boy.

Chan simply smiled, a tad wryly. "Just because they love differently doesn't mean they can't love at all. In a sense, aren't demons forsaken because they love too much?"

That admittedly made Felix pause a bit. Before he could think of a retort, however, none other than Hyunjin entered the room, and Felix instantly curled up on himself, backing himself into the corner and trying to appear as small as possible. Hyunjin hummed, seemingly amused, and he wrapped his arms around Chan's neck as he kissed the man's mark.

"So? Any progress with our little angel?"

"There was before you decided to interrupt," huffed Chan, though there was no bite to his tone.

"Ah, my apologies," drawled the demon. "You were just taking too long for my liking."

"That's because you're incredibly impatient, love – and also a brat."

Hyunjin grinned at the accusation. "You love it when you have to tame that brat, though."

"Hmm, damn right I do."

And then they started kissing, their embrace hot and heavy, and Felix instantly felt the tension in the room grow tenfold, practically suffocating him. He scrunched up his nose at the exchange, only to freeze when they started tearing off each other's' clothes.

"What- what are you doing!?" he protested, flushing a deep red.

Hyunjin simply offered him a shameless smile. "Giving you a show, little angel. Maybe you'll understand better what I can offer then."


Felix whimpered as he shut his eyes tighter, squirming against the chains and shackles that weighted heavily on his limbs. Even though he looked away, he could still hear Chan's groans and curses and Hyunjin's sensuous moans echoing mere meters away, the pair tangled hotly in the sheets and putting up a show for their freckled guest. 

Felix didn't want to see or hear any of it, but there wasn't much he could do when he was literally chained to the wall in front of the bed, his wings a crumpled, useless weight he couldn't lift because of Hyunjin's powers restraining him. He knew this was meant as a temptation, but knowing didn't make it any easier.

Felix absolutely hated it. And yet, he was starting to feel a little heady, a strange numbness filling his head as warmth spread through his entire body, forcing it to go lax and pliant. His head felt fuzzy, a sweet smell filling his nose and completely making him lose focus...

"Aww, look at him. He looks so cute when he's so out of it. I bet that's the kind of faces he'd make after being fucked dumb."

"I think you went a little strong with your pheromones, love."

"He's just more affected because he's a cute little virgin~." Warm, large hands cradled Felix's face, grounding him a bit. "You're too high up in the clouds, little angel. Come back down before you get lost."

Felix felt dizzy, and confused. His mind was sluggish, barely able to register anything that was being said to him. When he eventually understood what Hyunjin was telling him, he couldn't make any sense of it. Clouds? He wasn't stuck in the clouds, he was down there... in chains... or was he...?

"There, that's it, little angel. Come back to us."

After a few minutes of struggling, Felix eventually managed to snap out of his daze. He blearily took in his surroundings, and it took him a moment to realize that he was no longer on the floor, nor was he chained up – he was now on the bed (which was somehow perfectly clean despite its previous use) with Hyunjin holding him almost tenderly, the demon nuzzling his hair and pressing small kisses all over his face.

Hyunjin smiled when their eyes met, his own crinkling a bit. "Had a nice high, angel?"

"What- what happened...?"

"We got a bit carried away, is all," answered Chan, leaning in to press a glass of water to his lips. "Drink up a bit, it'll help clear your head."

Still too out of it, Felix did as told without much protest. After gulping most of the water down, he did feel a little more clear-headed, but his entire body still felt heavy and unresponsive, for a reason he couldn't place. Seemingly sensing his confusion, Hyunjin chuckled a bit.

"I can release special pheromones that will help entice my partners," he explained, pressing a kiss to his nose. "I won't bore you with the details, but it's basically a very strong aphrodisiac. Channie has grown a bit of a resistance to it over time, but you... Hmm, you're still such a pure little angel, so you were affected quite a bit." He playfully bit down on Felix's ear. "A cute little virgin, aren't you?"

"Why- why did you do that...?" asked Felix, still too out of it to be truly embarrassed by Hyunjin's words.

"Because I wanted to show you that I, too, can love in my own way," murmured the demon, tilting his head up so their gazes could meet. "I may not be able to feel some emotions in the same way Channie and you do, but just because I was born a demon doesn't mean I was born loveless. It doesn't mean that I feel any less, either – just differently. That's why we're all in hell after all, isn't it? Because we're different."

It was just... too much. Felix was exhausted and still scared and he loathed how much Hyunjin's words were starting to make sense. In the end, he just stopped fighting entirely and let himself drift off to an hopefully dreamless sleep.




Upon seeing the teaser, I OBVIOUSLY had to write something xD Please look forward to P2 for tomorrow!

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