𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉...

By --mananwriter--

35.9K 4.3K 1.2K

(Completed) She was kind but he was a bully. She was caring but he was a jerk. She is intelligent but he is a... More

------» Hijabi and Annoying Atheist «------
1. Nandini And Her Friends
2. Apology from Manik
3. God, my sister!
4. Annoyed Nandu
5. The jerk
6. Who is she?
7. Follow request
8. Uncomfortable Nandini
9. Call me your Savior
10. Dad
11. Jealous Alya
12. College Trip
13. Manik out
14. Broken Manik
15. End of Trip
16. Unknown Feelings
17. Dad is in hospital
19. Unexpected!
20. Attacked
21. Don't touch me Harshad
22. Dreamed!
23. Please Don't Kill Me
24. I love you
25. You are changed
26. Leave Me!
27. In Trouble
28. I want to see you
29. Grounded
30. Changed Mukti
31. Let me Go
32. How Dare You
33. You Missed Me
34. People Like Me Have Brains
35. Holding Her Hand
36. Hiding the book
37. You promised me a date
38. On Periods!
39. Her Old friends
40. Sid's Confession
41. You coughed blood
42. First kiss
43. Manik kissed me
44. Cancer is back!
45. Jerk is back!
46. Revelation
47. I still love you
48. Can we talk!
49. Am I committing suicide
50. She knows
51. He needs your support
52. I'm here love [Last Chapter]
Bonus Chapter?

18.Harshad Threat

635 90 29
By --mananwriter--


I sat in the reception chair, thinking about what had just happened. While I'm in a relationship, I was going to kiss another girl. I was on the verge of betraying Alya.

"Hey, you!" screamed a masculine voice.

When I turned back, I noticed a man standing behind me, pointing at me with his index finger.

I took a step forward and faced him.

"Just stay away from Nandini," he said furiously.

Who the hell is he, anyway?

"Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do?" I asked while taking a step forward, and he followed suit.

"Her future husband," he grumbled.

I was so pissed off by his attitude. Every single person in the room was staring at us.

"Ahh, you're Harshad, aren't you?" I chuckled.

Every time I answered back, I could see his eyes were filled with rage and getting angrier by the minute.

Harshad threatened me with his index finger, saying, "Don't you come near her again."

Seriously, he's threatening me.

"Or what?" I yelled

"You're a jerk, you son of a bitch. To her, you're nothing but a scumbag," he said, his hand on my collar.

I heard the nurses' call for security, and I don't want to get into a fight right now after dad passed away.

I smirked and pretended to whisper by placing my hand on the side of my mouth and saying, "We'll see who she wants, but I'll let you in on a little secret: she likes me more than you."

That's when I felt my cheek burn.

I lost all tolerance as I glanced at him. I responded with a harder punch directly to his jaw, and he lost control and fell to the ground. When two men rushed in between us and separated us when that piece of shit stood up and was about to punch again.

I rode the elevator back to the top floor. That jerk needs to learn to control his temper. My jaw hurt, but I liked the way I punched him back.

Mukti was still crying as I reached for the floor, where mom was filling out the forms. I approached her and hugged her.

I tried to console her by saying, "Dad wouldn't want you to cry so much."

We left the hospital as soon as things had settled down. We were traveling home, and the entire journey was deafeningly quiet.


When my phone beeped, I was at home, laying in bed, thinking about the hospital event.

Harshad texted me to say he wanted to meet up with me at the park.

I'm hoping he didn't see me in the hospital with Manik.

I chose to walk to the park because it was close by. When I got to the park, I noticed Harshad seated on a bench, browsing through his phone.

I exclaimed, "Hey, Harshad," and he instantly put his phone away.

"Ohh hi," he said with a smile.

"So, what do you want to discuss?" I asked as I stood in front of him.

"Do you have any sort of relationship with the guy from school?" he asked, raising himself from the bench he was seated on with a serious expression.

"Who? Manik? Of course not, right? What are you trying to say with that? " I wondered why he was speaking in this manner.

Then it struck me that he must have seen us in the hospital.

"Don't lie, Nandini! I saw you two together at the hospital today, and it looked like you were pretty close with that guy! " He yelled, and it was so sudden that I was taken aback by the voice. I wasn't expecting this.

His eyes were red with rage, and his hands were clenched into fists. I was terrified. What if he...

No way, he'd never touch me, would he?

I was scared since he was so close to my face. I took a step back to give him room to exit my personal space.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He said, his face returning to normal. Is he bipolar or something?

He kept his cool and asked, "You know I wouldn't touch you, right?"

I didn't say anything but nodded because I didn't want to anger him.

He was just about to continue, "I-I just like you, Nandini, and when I saw you with that bastard," when I interrupted him.

"Stop using abusive language," I responded, a little rudely.

Nandini, great move, but why the heck did you open your mouth?

"I'm sorry, but I just got jealous. I'm sorry that I yelled at you. You're not scared of me, are you? " He asked, relaxing his hand.

"YES!" screamed my mind.

"No, of course not, and I'm sorry you saw me with Manik; his father passed away recently. I have no feelings or anything for him. I lied over and over again.

He said, "OK, c'mon, I'll take you home."

I told him I'd go on my own, but he insisted, so I agreed and we drove home.

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