Opposite Attract (The Freaky...

By MissneonKst

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Things are about to go haywire when Heath falls in love with his opposite element-a new ghoul has arrived at... More

Chapter 1 : New student and love at first sight
Chapter 2 : Keep away and love at first sight
Chapter 3 : Mates (Part 1)
Chapter 4 : Mates (Part 2)
Chapter 5 : The date (the asking)
Chapter 6 : The date (The preparation)
Chapter 7 : The date (Starting)
Chapter 8 : Date fail to gaming date
Chapter 9: Monster hotel
Chapter 10: Monster Hotel (Part 2)
Chapter 11: Last night and good morning
Chapter 12: Royal Locker
Chapter 13 : Royal Lounge
Chapter 14: Jaundice brothers and Substitute Creature
Chapter 15: Home Ink and New student
Chapter 16: Catacombs

Chapter 17: Training Library

1.5K 47 6
By MissneonKst

(3P POV)
Heath could feel his burning heart extinguish, he yelled her name as his mate was pulled through the wall to who know where.

Without much though, he ran towards where he saw her disappear only to be held back by his head mistress.

"Wait Heath!" She yelled

"That thing took her!" He yelled, never taking his worried gaze off from where he last saw his mate.

"That thing is no doubt the entrance to the royal training room so I'm more than sure that the princess is fine." She hesitated to release him of her hold once realizing he had calmed down slightly. "But it appears the door can only be accessed by the next king and queen. If you and Star are able to get in, there should be no one to question your virtue. It was confirmed by the queen herself that time works differently in there, hours in there should be a few minutes here." She motioned him toward the wall like entrance which he was all too eager to approach. "Star had gotten through so its now your turn."

Quickly placed his hand on the wall, only to be greatly disappointed seconds later. If the door did not open for him then that mean, Star, who was already inside, was not his mate. That thought alone broke his heart.

"Why is it not.." He was silenced by a slight glow of what appears to be an outline of a door then felt a pulling force dragging his arm through the wall.

The last thing he heard was his head mistress calling him impatient and told him that she would be waiting for them.

Heath was shocked at massive library with a huge tree on the other side but that didn't last long as he immediately started looking unconsciously for his mate and wasted no time to ran to her and pulled her into his arms.

"Heath!" Star yelled as her mate pulled her closer. He then proceeded to check her over for any cuts or bruises while firing off questions after questions. She place a kiss on his lip to relax his worried face. "Heath, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He searched her face for any form of hesitation.

"Yes. I'm sorry for scarring you." She said giving him a smile. "What we came through was just the door way. And this-" She pointed at a minuture elf like male with a long nose, dark grey and a permanent frown upon his face, gripping on some pair of keys. "Is Azmith."

Standing in front of them was a short male human like creatures with a long nose and long ear. His height had barely reached Heath's knee. In his butler like outfit with tailcoat, red and black striped pants and with electrifying that stood up.

"Welcome young royals to the royal training room but it can also be known as the first royal library." He said, giving them a little bow.

The room was very large and circular with book shelves on the walls. The floor was lined with bricks except for a hole in the center of the room that was left for a tree to grow in dirt. A distance away was the hole were book shelves that where layed out in a circular way to fit the room. The tree was what stood out in the room. It was very large that it grew passed the book shelves and over most of the roof like a ceiling. The roots popped out of the hole and scattered around the room, surprisingly maneuvering around shelves, not damaging anything. The roots alone made the couple feel like they've entered a jungle.

"My name is Azmith. I am one of five elves tending to this place who you will meet on a later date." He continued, "and you've already seen the guardian of the room." He pointed to the large tree. "We call her bitsy."

The tree in question extended two vines for the couple to shake.

"Bitsy?" Heath asked, judging the tree's large size.

"Yes believe it or not, she was such a little thing when she first sprouted but was given a blessing by a form royal earth elemental user." Asmitn said while looking over their new clothes. "I see the room has already provided you with your much need training attire."

(A/N) Do you have any idea how are it is to edit these without a laptop)

The couple where shocked they never noticed the change in their outfits but finally taking notice, they saw that their hair had also changed.

"Yow these new thread and on fire." Heath yelled, as his hair and eye lit on fire then turned his attention þ Star, pulling her closer to him. "And you look7 hot too baby."

"Heath stop." She giggled when he kissed her on her cheek.

Cleaning his throat to interrupted the two, "now then," Azmith and the other elves are species that live centuries so they have experience new found elemental mates who can't keep their hands to themselves. "As I assume you were informed that time moves differently here. An hour here is a minute out there. Their are 4 other elves here and you will be learning from each of them including myself. The teacher decides the lesson but all of it should center around getting you ready for royal life. Now I would believe," vine grow to open the exit doors. Stand outside was their head mistress waiting for them but it was as if they were seeing her through a one way mirror. She had a calm yet far off eye as if as if she saw nothing and was thinking about something else. " it would be rude to keep your teacher waiting any later."

"Right." Star said pulling Heath towards the door. "Thank you Azmith. We will see you in class tomorrow."

With another bow, he said, "and it is an honor to be of service to the royals again." And with that the doors closed.


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