Winter Wolf

By AmazeGreenie

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-Book One in the Winter Wolf Series- Amelia Winters had a normal life. Parents who loved her, a home, friend... More

RavenHills: Chap 1
First Day at Raven High: Chap 2
Full Moon Party: Chap 3
Who Are You Really: Chap 5
Training: Chap 6
Bitten: Chap 7
Football Match: Chap 8
Lunar Eclipse: Chap 9
Gasoline Really?: Chap 10
Vampire King: Chap 11
Lots of Fire and Melting Ice: Chap 12
Family Reunion: Chap 13
Control: Chap 14
Ressurection: Chap 15
Guilt and Redemption: Chap 16
When the Darkness Seeps In: Chap 17
Cracking Bones and Breaking Hearts: Chap 18
Yin and Yang: Chap 19
The Battle on the Horizon: Chap 20
Ceremony of the Dead: Chap 21

Confusion: Chap 4

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By AmazeGreenie

Sebastian's POV

My vision was red as I bit down onto Quin's shoulder. I was so angry, so filled with rage. I was going to kill him for trying to hurt her. The taste of his blood filled my mouth and covered my nozzle. He whimpered in submission as he sunk to the floor, defeated. My focus then snapped from his body to the girl who was pressed against the back wall.

I could hear the rapid rhythm of her heart as she stared at me with wide eyes. Attack was my instinct, make her bleed. She is human. Make her suffer. "SEBASTIAN!" I stopped in my tracks. This human called out my name, Amelia. My vision cleared and I backed away quickly. I was going to hurt her, but when the twins attacked I had no choice but to shift. With a thud her beautiful figure collapsed on the floor. I gained control of my wolf and shifted into my human form before I approached her unconscious body. Quinn growled making me turn my head.

Hearing the cracking of bones he shifted back into his human form as well. "The alpha will not be pleased with this." He muttered looking at Amelia's body, eyes full of regret. He stood up and looked out the window, "Sebastian, I know it's wrong. To turn innocent people. But it worked for us, we became faster, better. What do you think it would do to her?" I shook my head pulling her into my arms. I was naked yes, but I didn't care.

"There's a war coming Quinn." He looked back towards me, his eyes still had a tint of yellow inside them. The moonlight from the window highlighted his entire naked body, "Our alpha stole this territory from her family." I said gesturing to Amelia, "They are calling the family down." I said looking at him.

"Backup." Quinn muttered under his breath. 

"That's all we are to him. Warriors, soldiers. We are nothing to him." he shook his head and pointed at himself. 

"I was nothing before he turned me. My werewolf genes dormant. I couldn't do anything, my father was disappointed in me because I didn't turn when I turned sixteen. The alpha made me better, made all of us better."

"But your father is part of the Winters' pack and you are part of another. Can you really fight and kill him when the time comes?" He opened his jaw and closed it quickly.

"We can stop this war from happening." he commented finally finding the words.

"No you can't. It won't stop until she gets bitten." I stood up pulling Amelia with me. The phone she had been using was crushed into tiny pieces on the floor. I laid her on the bed and searched for something that I could put on.

Quinn moved closer to her causing a growl to erupt from within my chest. "Relax, I'm not going to touch her. There's just something about her, she smells human and yet she does not. Do you know when her 17th birthday is?" I shook my head, "It's in December. I will protect her because I trust you more than the alpha. But you know that I can't disobey orders." I nodded watching the wound on his shoulder slowly heal.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for her and her family. My family." After he said those words he jumped out the window and joined the twins.

I walked into Megan's brothers room and stole a pair jeans and a plain black t-shirt before walking back to Amelia. She was still unconscious, splayed out on the bed. I still didn't trust Quinn, he said that he was on our side but I didn't believe a word he said. Looking out the window I caught sight of the bright blue eyes of the alpha. He shifted into his human form and I could see the smirk on his face. Whatever he planned had worked, I had done everything he wanted me to do. The question was, what did he do?

A weird nervous sensation crawled across my skin making me shiver. Whatever he did it was bad. Scooping Amelia into my arms I walked down the stairs to see Megan staring at me wide eyed. "Sebastian you promised no wolf business! How am I going to explain all that to people!?" She closed her eyes tightly and breathed. "Just because you saved my ass, does not mean I owe my entire life to you and your werewolf douches!" I nodded.

"I know I know, Megan I'm sorry. But I need your help." she groaned.

"I am not my mother, I'm still in training! I haven't learned all the witches 101 yet, so if you need magic don't come to me." I shook my head.

"I need your help keeping her safe." Megan looked towards Amelia and smiled.

"She's your mate isn't she?" Was I? I looked down at her unconscious face, my heart pounded in my chest at the thought. 

"She's a winter wolf, she needs protection from my alpha." She looked confused.

"A winter wolf? I'll look it up in my moms archives, and yes I'll look for a protection spell." I nodded.

"Thank you." She moved closer to me and pushed the bangs away from Amelia's face.

"Ever since she got here, I don't know how to explain it, but I knew there was something special, powerful about her. I'll protect her, it's my duty as their next family witch." she looked back towards the backyard, the music still blaring. "You should go." I nodded.

"Megan," I said as she turned around, "Can you also find anything on spirits, like wolf spirits?" she raised an eyebrow but nodded.

I didn't take any time to run out the front door. I would have to find the quickest and the safest route back to her house. She would be safe there, with her family. I would be faster in wolf form, but with her unconscious she couldn't climb on my back, let alone hang on. A car would be nice, I thought. My prayers were answered as a car pulled up to the side on the road.

"Get in." Amelia's grandmother demanded. I didn't hesitate to put Amelia in the back.

"You don't have to-" I started but I was cut off with a rough,

"Get in. Now."

I jumped into the passenger seat before she slammed her foot on the gas. "The pack is following us." she commented. "Amelia is our greatest hope. We can't risk losing her too." I stared out the windshield before asking.

"Why are you taking me along? Isn't it better for me to run off?" She shook her head.

"She is going to want answers when she wakes up. We could make up a story, about her getting too drunk." I shook my head.

"Don't you have more of the herb you could give her?" I asked.

"Sadly, no. It's very hard to grow in this season. Here," she said holding out her cell phone. "call Megan's mother and have her come to the family cabin. She's the only one that is close enough who can give us some answers and of course, a little bit of magic." I took the phone from her hands and dialled Megan's home phone number.

I looked at the clock to see it was well passed midnight. "ARGH!" I yelled dropping the phone.

"Whats wrong?!" She asked looking back and forth between the road and I.

"The. Moon... its..."I groaned.

"Oh!! Sebastian I forgot. I'm sorry." I wanted to ask her what for but she already answered by handcuffing me to the door with sliver cuffs. The familiar burn of my wrists brought me slowly back from the moons influence. I breathed in deeply through my nose savouring as much of Amelia's scent that I could.

"You're going to have to call Megan's mother." I stated looking at the phone. She reached down quickly swerving the car making me hit the door. When she looked up again she jerked the car back into a straight line.

"What's the number?" I slowly spit out the ten digits through gritted teeth, feeling the irritating itch crawl over my skin causing me to twitch and sweat.

"Hello? Megan? This is Mrs. Winters, I'm looking for your mother. I know it's late-" she was then silent. "She's training you? Oh! Well we need her help with..." She glanced at me. "complications. We are going to need her skills. Sebastian? Yes he's here." I closed my eyes trying to focus on my breathing. "Sebastian? Are you with me?" It took all I had to give a quick nod. "Megan said she found something on werewolf spirits. Okay Megan you know where the family cottage is? Good, good. Bring your mom and yourself. Okay bye."

I bit my lip splitting it open as my fangs extended. My claws lengthened and a growl erupted from within my chest. Amelia's grandmother looked at me then back at Amelia. "Hang in there Sebastian. We are almost there." I pulled against the cuff's hearing the sizzling sound of my own flesh. With one quick motion I pulled again causing the cuffs to break. I crawled into the back seat and buried my face into Amelia's hair. I inhaled deeply calming my nerves. 

"Drive." I demanded but it sounded more like a growl.

I held her in my arms the entire drive. My claws and fangs had vanished along with the irritating skin crawling itch. When we stopped driving part of me never wanted to let go but I did, letting Mrs. Winters cuff me again. I scanned the territory for any unwelcome scents but only caught Amelia's parents and Quinn's father. They emerged from the trees in their wolf forms.

They watched me carefully as Mrs. Winters led me inside the cabin. She hand cuffed me to the couch before she began turning on lights. "Do you really think these will hold me?" I asked raising my hand.

"No, but if you resist the urge we won't have to deal with you." I nodded understanding before Steven entered the room carrying Amelia.

I almost whimpered at the sight of her. She was hurt because of me. "What happened?" Her dad asked in a calm but angry tone. I tried not to shrink back from him.

"I was chained up when the alpha told me about the fact that Quinn and the twins were going to attend Megan's party... I broke out and almost didn't get there in time." Amelia's mother sat down on the couch beside Amelia and stroked her hair. "She passed out after she saw me attack Quinn." I finished still watching them.

"So she saw everything?" He asked making me nod.

"You don't have any more of that herb?" He asked changing his focus to her grandmother. She shook her head before there was a knock on the door. I sniffed the air.


"Wait!" I shouted before Steven made a move. "It's one of my friends. Mia, from my pack. She wouldn't come looking for me, let alone break out of the pack basement, unless it was crucially important." Steven nodded and approached the door with caution. After a moment Steven walked back in the living room with Mia handcuffed with sliver cuffs. He sat her beside me and cuffed her to the couch as well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked staring at her mostly yellow eyes. She swallowed looking at Steven as if asking for permission to speak. He nodded before she breathed in deeply.

"The alpha is on his way here. He has backup... and he... and he took Megan and her mother. Pulled them from their car after they wreaked it." Steven was clenching and unclenching his hands as he paced.

"Amelia, it's okay, it's okay." her mother cooed stroking her hair.

"Mom what's going on?" She asked her voice sounding rough.

"You passed out, but you're safe now." Amelia sat up and caught my eye immediately.

"Bash? Mia? What is going on?" She asked looking at her parents then her grandmother.

Her eyes then shifted to the cuffs on mine and Mia's wrists. "Wait... Please don't tell me you guys are secretly serial killers..." if this was at any other time then now I'm sure they would of laughed.

"We aren't serial killers." Her dad stated pushing back the curtain to peer outside. "You aren't going to understand anything we tell you, you aren't ready." He said looking back at her, I swear our lives are like one giant drama show.

"How do you know I'm not ready?" She asked standing up ignore her mother's protests. "I know you've been hiding something from me all this time. I just thought you trusted me enough to tell me." she stated obviously hurt.

"You're in danger sweetheart." Her grandmother said causing her sea green eyes to shift in her grandmothers direction.

"In danger from what?" She asked crossing her arms.

"We will explain everything to you, but not here, not now." Her grandmother said looking nervously out the window.

"Why are they handcuffed to the sofa?" She asked looking at me. She gasped looking at Mia's yellow eyes.

"You're one of them..." She whispered but our sensitive hearing caught every word. "What are you?" She asked as she began to hyperventilate.

"Amelia breathe," her mother said softly. "Breathe." But it was too late. Amelia's knees buckled beneath her and she collapsed into her father's arms.

"We need to move now." He said lifting her up.

"What are we going to do about Megan and her mother?" I asked looking around the group.

"There is no we." He growled before leaving the room. Amelia's grandmother gave me a sad look as her mother followed her father. She came over and un-cuffed us. I rubbed my wrists and stood up looking her in the eyes.

"Are you just going to leave us here? We could help." I stated watching Steven carry Amelia to the car.

"Right now, all you can do is distract the alpha while we cross into Dirty Paws territory." She said making me turn to look at her.

"You're leaving?" Mia asked.

Mrs. Winters nodded. "Just until we can figure out what to do she won't be gone for long. We will be here, but Amelia will be under the protection of another pack." I whimpered at the thought of Amelia being away.

"Let me go with her." I pleaded.

"Bash, this is good for her. She'll be safe." Mia said trying to comfort me.

"But what happens if the alpha asks us for information? We will spill everything if he asks, ruining your plan." I commented hearing the alpha's howl in the distance. Mia nodded.

"You could take us as prisoners and get a trade off. Sebastian and I for Megan and her mother." Mia added.

"I think he has much more planned." Mrs. Winters said before leaving through the front door.

I followed behind staring at Amelia in the back of Steven's car. Steven took a step towards me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"If anything happens, call me." He gave me a card before he shifted running off towards the forest.

"Sebastian, let's go." Amelia's mom said getting into her car. Mia grabbed my arm.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked. "The alpha will de-ball you!" I looked back towards the car, towards Amelia.

"She'll be safer without me." Amelia's mom nodded before starting up the car. Part of me broke as they sped down the driveway.

I looked towards the horizon seeing the sun slowly come up. Mia was still fighting for control, I could see the sweat on her skin as the sun hit it. I however, had finally learned control. Amelia. She was my anchor. I didn't know how long she would be away or where she was going and that hurt something inside me. Mia grabbed my hand as a twig snapped.

I sniffed the air grabbing the alpha's scent. His black wolf came through the trees standing tall and intimidating. "SHIFT!" He demanded through the mind link making Mia fall to her knees. But I stood tall and smirked.

"I'd rather not." Mia's bones cracked and slid into place before she was on all fours. She shook out her fur dramatically before looking at me with pleading eyes.

"SHIFT!" He demanded again, louder this time, making me wince.

My wolf tried to do as he said knowing we would be punished if I didn't. I fell to my knees trying to fight the shift. "Ahh!" But it was too late. My bones began to crack and shifted together to form the skeleton of wolf. The process was never painful until this moment, when I tried to fight what I was.

I shook out my fur and stood on all fours. I didn't back up or back down as the alpha approached. "Show me some respect, boy. I told you if you pulled something like this again, I would kill you. I'm not sure if I have to stay true to my word. Do I Sebastian?" I swallowed before I shook my head, bowing down to the ground.

"Where is the girl?" I looked at Mia pleading her not to say anything but she just smiled.

"They're taking her to another pack, the family is on their way there as we speak."

"NO!" I shouted getting ready to pounce on her but the alpha stepped between us.

"Continue Mia." he said sweetly. I almost puked in my mouth.

"Amelia doesn't know what she is, they've hid it from her this whole time. They said that she would shift on her 17th birthday and that their family would be there." The alpha laughed.

"They want a war?" He chuckled. "Then I'll give him one." His eyes then shot to me. "You stink like silver." He huffed breathing in my scent, "You also smell like her. You'll help us track her down. SHIFT!" He ordered making my bones slid back into place. I was now lying on the ground completely defeated. This is all my fault.

I pushed myself off the ground and looked into Mia's yellow eyes. She looked proud about what she had done. But after looking at my face it shifted to something I didn't recognize. Tyler and Quinn grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me. "You are going to be punished for your actions." The alpha said after shifting. "Take him to the pack house and chain him up. Mia darling, you have school to get to."

Amelia's POV

I opened my eyes to the brilliant sunrise. I sat up to realize that I was in our car. My head hurt as I looked towards the front seat. "Mom, Grandma? What's going on?" I asked looking out the windows. We were no longer in RavenHills. The landscape was filled with huge rock walls and vast expanses of trees and plants.

"Where are we going?" I asked choking on my words as tears came down my cheeks.

"We are heading to see some family sweetheart and we promise we will answer all your questions when we get there." My mom said trying to stay focused on the road.

"What are they? Mia and Quinn? Why do their eyes glow?" I asked biting on my thumbnail. I pulled my knees close to myself as I stared at them, but I only got silence. "Where's dad?"

"He had some business to take care of. You'll see him again soon." My mother answered but I knew she wasn't telling me everything.

"Don't lie to me, mother." I spit with venom. I never called her mother unless I was angry with her and she knew it.

"It's better for you to be mad at us, you'll be safer that way." She whispered.

"Safe from what?" I threw my hands up in frustration before leaning back in my seat. Secrets, I hate them. What happened to my family being so open with each other. "You use to say that we would never keep secrets from each other. I guess that that was a lie too." Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom cringe. My immediate instinct was to apologize but I bit my tongue and continued to watch the sun rise.

"What about Sebastian? Is he alright?" I asked not bothering to look at them.

"He's safe at home." My grandmother said after a few moments of silence. We finally got off the curvy road and we were now on a straight gravel road, "We're almost there."

After about fifteen minutes we pulled into a driveway of a huge house. There were tons of people running around outside. One person caught my attention. He was shirtless playing football with other boys. How are they shirtless! It's freezing! When we got closer their heads all turned to us. I shrunk back into my seat pulling the hood of my sweater over my head. I looked at the boy again. He had sandy coloured hair and was quite ripped. I was glad our windows were tinted. My mom shifted the car into park before turning off the engine.

"This house belongs to Derek Oaklen. He will take care of you for the next week." My mom explained.

"The NEXT WEEK!?" I exclaimed getting angrier by the second. My mom was silent. "So what will you be doing for the next week huh? That's a week of school missed!" I clenched my jaw shut and balled my hands into fists.

"All your questions will be answered. But you have to show Derek respect. He is their leader, and he is offering sanctuary. To keep you safe from harms way. We need to take care of something before you return home." I shook my head.

"Will you answer my questions? I don't even know this guy... I don't want to be away for this long." Tears started falling down my face as I bit my index finger.

"We can't... we need to help your father..." Grandma said opening her door. She opened mine and I could see the regret in her eyes. "You belong to a group of creatures that shouldn't exist. You are stronger and faster than any human alive. This is a pack, Derek is their alpha." I was so confused as she continued.

"Like wolves?" I asked making her nod.

"We don't want to leave you here but if we don't go back your father and Megan could be in serious danger." I swallowed.

"What about my stuff?" I asked. "We didn't bring any clothes."

"The alpha Derek has a sister that you can borrow from. Now come on, we don't have time to waste." I stepped out of the car and I saw that everyone was still watching us. I looked at the sandy haired boy and I watched him swallow before he gave me a small smirk. I might like it here after all. The door to the large house opened and out stepped a man about my moms age with a red haired beard. He was quite intimidating.

"Amelia it is such an honour to meet you. I'm Derek Oaklen, leader of the Dirty Paws pack. This is Scott Hudson," he said gesturing to his right. "Beta of the pack." I raised my hand in the air.

"Wait a second, like a pack, a pack of wolves?" I asked looking back at my mother. She nodded and I looked around scared.

"There's no need to be scared Amelia, I will explain everything to you." Derek said with a smile and a thick Scottish accent.

I turned towards my mother. "Go, dad needs you." She took a step forward making me step back. "You are not going to be forgiven that easily. You lied to me, for 16 years. Go, I'll be fine here." My mother was on the verge of tears as she got into the car. I looked at my grandmother through the windshield. I could tell they didn't want to leave me here but I knew that they had no choice. I turned back towards Derek. "Will you answer all my questions?" I asked. He nodded.

"Why don't you come inside and we'll talk." I walked up the steps and followed him inside but before I walked into the doorway my nose caught a weird scent.

I turned back and made eye contact with the Sandy haired boy. The scent was coming from him. It smelled like honey and a rainy forest. I shook my head, it couldn't be him, he's meters away. "Amelia?" My focus shot to Derek and I followed him into the rest of the house.

Sebastian's POV

I was dragged to the pack house by Tyler and Quinn's hard grip. I had stopped fighting them miles back simply from exhaustion. The alpha was leading us in his wolf form towards the pack house. The twins Jakob and Jackson had joined us a while back as well. I could tell they were tired, everyone usually was after the full moon was over. The alpha shifted pulling on some shorts and handed some to the rest of us.

I was free from the grip less than a minute to put some shorts on before they grabbed me again. "Put him in the basement. Chain him up and watch him. I need to make a phone call. Jack and Jake get to school or go home. Mia you do the same." He opened the door and I was dragged inside and down the stairs to the basement.

Tyler held me against the wall as Quinn wrapped the silver shackles around my ankles and wrists. Tyler let me go and they both backed away to the far wall. Both of their faces were sad and they shifted back and forth on their feet nervously. I hung my head, I knew what was in store for me. Torture was his way of getting to us, getting information. Tyler and Quinn knew it too and they were going to be forced to watch. The door to the basement opened and his footsteps were loud on the stairs in the silence of the basement.

I didn't lift my head as he approached. "Look at me." I forced my head to look up before he punched my cheek. I breathed roughly through my nose as I turned to face him again but he took another swing. The air was knocked out of me as his fist connected with my abdomen. "Now look at me," he grabbed my face and turned it to face him, "tell me where they are going."

I shook my head. "I-I don't know."

"Wrong answer." He punch my face again hearing the sickening crack of my nose. Blood started to pour down my face, "Why are you protecting her?" He asked grabbing my face again.

"I don't know."

"Wrong answer." But this time I was telling the truth, I didn't know the main reason why I was protecting her. He let my face go and I looked towards Tyler and Quinn. Tyler was looking elsewhere while Quinn gave me a 'hang in there' look.

The alpha took a metal rod and dipped it into a bucket of something before he held it against my skin. I screamed in agony as my skin sizzled.


"Tell me why you are protecting her." He growled.

"I DON'T KNOW!! AGHH!" He touched my skin again making me struggle against the chains. My fangs lengthened and my claws shot out as I pulled against the chains. He chuckled.

"It's an instinct... Protecting her... I can't fight it. My body just tells me that it's my priority to protect her." I spit my blood onto the floor before he touched my skin again, "AHHHH!" I pulled against the chains until I heard a crack. I pulled out one of the chains making his eyes widen.

I swung the chain in his direction hitting him in the face before Quinn and Tyler pinned me down. I fought against them flinging Tyler to the floor. Quinn held on tight, fighting against me with everything he had, but with one pull my foot came loose allowing me to knee him the the ribs. The alpha was up again before he grabbed ahold of me.

"ENOUGH!" I didn't stop struggling until he jabbed a syringe into my arm.

It burned as he pushed down. "What is that?!" Tyler asked holding his own arm close to him.

"A form of Wolfsbane." He grinned. My veins felt like they were on fire as my body tried to fight it off. I gasped for air and began twitching. The alpha chuckled. "It won't kill him but it'll hurt like hell. Bring Megan and her mother in from the other room."

My eyes widened as I stared at Tyler and Quinn dragging in Megan and her mother. "Let them go." I said through clenched teeth. Tyler and Quinn chained them to the wall to my right. They were both covered in bruises. "AHHHHH!" I yelled as my veins burned.

"BASH!" Megan yelled with tears down her cheeks.

"I'm okay..." I managed to get out.

"Your arm..." she said quietly. I looked down to see black veins had began crawling across under my skin.

The alpha pressed the sliver to my skin again making me scream. Megan flinched but her eyes widened when she looked to his face. "Surprised Megan?" He asked before walking towards her mother. "It's nice to see you again Matilda." Megan's mom spit towards him.

"Go to hell Zeverus..." He chuckled.

"Only if you come down with me." He leaned in real close and smelled her hair. He whispered something in her ear that was too quiet for me to hear.

"I'll do it if you let her go." She answered.

He grinned again. "Deal."

The alpha unlocked her chains and dragged her up the stairs. "MOM!" Megan yelled pulling against the chains. Tyler sat down on the ground and put his head in his hands while Quinn leaned against the wall opposite of me. I clenched my jaw tightly before the world tilted side to side. My vision darkened and I tried to find a balance point. I then threw up everything in my stomach. My esophagus burned as I kept throwing up a black chunky liquid.

I started shaking and my muscles ached. The sliver shackles continuing to burn my skin. "Bash?" Megan called but her voice sounded so far away. "Bash?" I could hear my heartbeat slow down dramatically as someone lifted my chin. My vision wouldn't focus on the face in front of me and the world began to tilt again. A cold liquid was pressed against my lips. "Drink." I parted my lips and let the bitter liquid slide down my throat.

I coughed but the dizziness began to slowly go away. My vision cleared to see Mia standing in front of me. I flinched away from her touch before she backed away from me. "You're welcome." she said rolling her eyes.

"What are you doing here Mia?" I asked as she held the cup to Megan's lips.

"I wanted to apologize..."

I scoffed. "Because that's going to change anything."

"I'm doing this for the good of our pack! I didn't tell him where they are taking her!" She yelled snarling, "It's one girl! Get over yourself." I growled pulling against my chains. "Tyler and I are going to track her down. We will bring her back to have her bitten."

"NO!" I yelled. Mia sighed and looked at me with sad eyes.

"You can't change this." I hung my head and felt anger serge through my body. I growled making Mia step back. With one quick tug the chains broke from the wall. I pinned Mia to the wall and growled deeply.

"If you harm a single hair on her head, I'll kill you." Her eyes widened and I pushed her deeper into the wall before I back off. I ripped Megan's shackles off and led her towards the door. Tyler and Quinn stepped in front of me.

"Be careful." Tyler said before he stepped out of the way. My skin still ached from the silver but I was slowly healing as we made our way up the steps.

Megan opened the basement door and we made our way outside. "Lets get you home." I said slowly.

"But my mother..." she looked back towards the house.

"She's a strong witch, she can handle herself." I said trying to comfort her, "I need you to tell me about the wolf spirits."


Megan made some tea before she forced me to sit on the counter. She dabbed at my wounds making me wince and grit my teeth together. "Stay still." Megan said getting the needle and thread, "I'm going to have to stitch this one closed." She said touching the outside of the wound on my abdomen. She cleaned it making me groan in pain, and clench my hands around the counter. "Okay I'm going to stitch it."

I watched as she put the tread through the needle head. "This is going to hurt. Your body isn't healing against the silver." I nodded as she gave me a wooden spoon to bite on. I yelled into the wood as she pierced my skin. I closed my eyes breathing heavily as she pulled the last stitch shut.

She bandaged the wound before she handed me a glass of water and some pain killers. "Thank you." She nodded before she took off her shirt showing her pink lacy bra. I swallowed loudly trying not to look at her breasts.

"My turn." She said pushing her hair out of the way. I winced looking at all her bruises. I set the glass on the counter before I walked towards her.

I ran my finger tips along her arms before bringing them back up again. I travelled down her back making her gasp. "Bash..." I moved in closer pressing my chest to her back. I breathed in Megan's scent, it wasn't as amazing as Amelia's but the distraction would be worth it. I pressed my lips to her neck softly before she turned around.

"We can't..." she said quietly as she backed away. "This isn't what you want." I chuckled.

"I could use the distraction..." I said pleadingly stepping closer.

"Well um I could tell about wolf spirits... like you um asked..." she said pulling away from me again. I watched as she turned and grabbed a book from the kitchen table. "It took me a while but I found something." She placed it on the counter and pointed to the picture on the page. I looked to the rest of the page it was written in another language. "It says here that wolf spirits are worshiped by many tribes as a symbol of the Moon Goddess. In born wolves their wolf spirit is separated from them until they come of age."

"Until they're 16 or 17." I guessed making her nod.

"But not always, there are cases when born wolves turn sooner and cases when they turn later. Now here, it says that a wolf aura may reveal itself to the person they chose before they come of age. It may appear in the time of need." Megan walked away and I pulled the book over to me. Megan got two mugs out of the cupboard and poured tea into both. "What do you take in your tea?"

"Um 2 sugar." I answered reading the text again. She placed the mug in front of me and I sipped it quickly.

"It makes sense. Amelia met her aura when we were eight. Did you find anything on winter wolves?" I asked taking another sip from my mug. She shook her head leaning against the counter opposite of me.

"If it's from the Winters family they should have some sort of record for it." I sighed.

"I'm sorry for dragging you and your mom into this." She chuckled.

"You didn't drag us into this, we were already in this deep. My family has served as their advisor, their family witch, for generations. We help them when they need us and in return we get protection and money. It's not that bad.... it just sucks sometimes."

"I hope she's okay..." I sighed. "I don't know how long she will be away..." There was a sudden knock at the door causing us both to jump. I sniffed the air grabbing Megan's arm. I shook my head and approached the door slowly. I could smell the alpha's scent... and I could smell Matilda's.

I swung the door open and stared at the alpha who was holding a black knife to Megan's mothers neck. "Megan I think it's best if you let me in." He sneered. I looked back towards Megan's frightened eyes.

"Sweetheart, remember what I taught you." Megan regained her composure.

"Move." Megan ordered. I moved away fast enough to see the alpha and her mother fling backwards.

Lightening cracked overhead as Megan stepped through the doorway. "Get away from my mother." My alpha smirked before he shifted. He looked into my eyes with his deadly glare before he turned and ran away. The storm overhead dispersed before Megan collapsed on the ground.

"Megan!" I ran towards her and caught her head before it hit the now muddy ground.

"Sebastian get out of the way." I moved away from her as her mother started mumbling things.

"Now leave, all you bring is destruction." I hesitated but nodded before I shifted running off towards my home.

Amelia's POV

I sat down in a green arm chair before we were served tea. Derek sat down in a chair behind a large wooden desk. "Alrighty then. Now you may ask away." I nodded sipping from my cup.

"First of all where are we?" He chuckled taking a cookie off the plate beside him.

"You are in Dirty Paw territory which is close to Thunder Bay." I nodded taking another sip from my tea.

"Why did my parents have to bring me here?" I asked as he took a bite of his cookie in his hands.

"You're in danger because of another pack. The alpha wants you to be a part of his pack. Your father and your mother don't want that to happen. You have been sent here because Caine's pack has an agreement with mine. We have sworn to protect you under any cost." I nodded.

"Why am I so special to this alpha?" He chuckled again.

"You are something that happens to one person each generation. You were chosen by the Moon Goddess to be your packs saviour." I swallowed.

"I'm not a saviour..." He smiled.

"But you will be." He said with his thick Scottish accent.

"What am I?" He smiled kindly and set his cup and cookie down.

"You're a werewolf darling. Like the rest of us."

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