Fix You (Percy Jackson Fanfic...

By MaybeKindaFresh

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There are some things that even Leo can't fix. Leo/Nico boyxboy More

Unscathed? Not a Chance.
The Best Distraction
It Wasn't Pretty
Not a Machine
Good as New
Percy's Plan
Braver than Me
With You
You Want Fun?
The Last Bus
As Per Usual
Your Presence Is Requested
I Bring News
Technically Not a Quest
I Need You
I Remember
Gutting the Bus
Love Saved Them
Aslan-Godzilla-Billy Goat
I Spy
Ghost King
It Hurts
Where's My Angel
But Is He Safe?
A Terrible Idea
He's Mine
A Monologue from Leo
The Saddest Kiss
Sleep. Seduce. Sulk.
Tea with Nana
Son of Hephaestus
Train Ride
Let's Be Honest - Filler Chapter XD
Brilliant Minds
You Need to Chill
I Love Him
Catching Up
Greatest Blanket Fort Known To Man
Sentry Duty
Not Fair
I Am Loved


383 23 10
By MaybeKindaFresh

Nobody wants to see a friend or loved one hurt. That's a given. But naturally when you grow up as a demigod constantly faced with uncertain death and pain, the wounds of those around you become less shocking. Nico can't remember the last time he felt such a deep level of shock. When he'd found Leo after his captivity, there was horror and rage, but not shock. Yet this was graphic. He had to catch his breath before he could even take action.

You see, Nico turned the corner and found a Minotaur literally feasting on Kellen. He clearly hadn't been satisfied with knocking the boy unconscious, but rather like in the tales of old, this Minotaur had an affinity for flesh.

Sickened, Nico drew his sword. This creature would suffer. As silently as he could manage, Nico charged ahead. The beast lifted his head, blood dripping from its mangy jaws and dropped the boy like a rag doll. It kicked back twice with his right leg and then charged at his newest toy.

Thankfully the moon was quite near to full and the woods were shadowed. At the last second Nico stepped into the shadow of a tree and out of the shadow just behind the creature. He plunged his sword into its hide. It roared, but spun on the demigod, injured but not deterred.

Once more the beast roared, kicking back its right leg twice before charging. Once more Nico stepped into the shadows at the last minute. But the creature apparently had more intelligence than it let on because it had learned the trick. Digging its foot into the earth the creature whipped in a circle so that when Nico reappeared he came face to face with the blood drenched jaws.

The Minotaur was ready. It whipped its massive head to the left the moment Nico appeared and caught the boy in the gut with his one of his horns. The son of Hades launched backwards unhaltingly until his back slammed into a tree. Groaning he tried to get his bearings as the Minotaur prepared for what it believed to be his final charge.

The large beast hunched forward in anticipation, kicking his right leg back twice and then practically flew at the downed boy. Since he'd hit the floor Nico had been straining desperately to get up, get out, and escape. If he wasn't drained enough from the two jumps, his spinning head and burning back were definitely keeping him down.

Heaving and groaning, Nico pressed his hands to the earth in concentration. Skeletons began to climb from the earth sensing the threat to their master. The beast didn't hesitate to plow into them leaving piles of bones in his wake, but as more and more assembled he began to focus on them rather than his intended target.

Slowly Nico crawled towards his wounded friend, terrified at what he'd find. His mind ran a hundred miles an hour, but in circles. He honestly couldn't think up a solution to this situation. He didn't have the power to escape with Kellen, yet he also wouldn't be able to keep this army of skeletons active for long. Beyond that, Kellen was far too damaged to even think of running off with him.

That's when Nico saw the horn. He'd remembered Kellen mentioning it before. He didn't think they'd use it, but it was for emergencies. An alert in case of attack. Had he not even had time to use it before? Had he been so caught off guard? Either way, Nico picked it up and crawled to the gingers side. Taking a deep breath he blew into the horn. The sound echoed into the night and not a moment later he heard shouts from a distance.

The problem of course was that the horn had efficiently attracted the attention of the Minotaur once more. Nico knew the skeletons couldn't kill it. So he released them and immediately felt the strain on his energy ease. Taking a deep breath he raised his sword once more. "You're going to pay you foul creature," he growled. The beast just snorted in response and prepared to attack once more.

Nico knew he couldn't best this Minotaur. He knew this last charge would have him on the ground, another feast for its vile tastes. As it charged, Nico stood wearily with his sword outstretched waiting for death. Time stretched out and he found himself wondering if he'd told Leo he loved him today. He wondered if he'd turned his life around enough to warrant Elysium. His heart simultaneously warmed at the thought of seeing Bianca and froze at the thought of Leo left behind.

In a flash, none of these thoughts mattered. Nico refocused to see the beast rear back, skull embedded with arrows. He glanced over to see a drove of Roman soldiers charging at the creature. Dropping to his knees he took in a few deep breaths before his eyes dragged over to Kellen.

The ginger lay at an awkward and painful angle, just where the Minotaur had dropped him. His chest was a mass of blood and open wounds. Nico could see two ribs poking through the mess, but his chest was still rising and falling. Leaning forward Nico gingerly pulled the broken boy into his lap. Running his fingers through the mess of ginger locks he hummed an ancient tune he'd learned. Early Greeks would sing it over their armies for those walking into the afterlife to go with peace and blessing.

Nico could feel Kellen's life slowly slipping away. He glanced down when a groan left Kellen's lips and he laid a hand on the boy's cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles to sooth him. "Hey Kellen you're okay," he whispered. You're okay." Dark lashes fluttered on the rapidly paling cheeks when Nico was suddenly looking down into deep green eyes.

"Thank you," Kellen groaned and Nico just shook his head. "I shouldn't have left you alone Kell. This could've easily been me." The ginger whimpered and pulled himself closer to Nico. "No you have to take care of Leo okay? You have a job. Don't leave him. Don't leave him. Me," he gasped shakily for air. "I'm loved. I feel loved Nico. You made me feel that. Thank you."

He paused and continued to strain more and more to catch a breath. Nico pulled him in and could feel tears beginning to pool in his eyes. "Find my sister Bianca in Elysium, okay Kellen? She'd like you. I'm sure of it."

Before he even finished his sentence Kellen's spirit faded away. Left with the corpse of a friend in his arms Nico finally allowed a cry of anguish to escape his lips.

AN: // Wow. That was so freaking tragic. :o Please Review!

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