My First Kiss

By pookey

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My First Kiss
Chapter 1: Suprise
Chapter 2: Concert of my life time
Chapter 3: Okay
Chapter 4: Crap
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 7: Pool time
Chapter 8: The date
Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny
Chapter 10: Twins and hospital?
Chapter 11: Well crap!
Chapter 12: a bit of love HATE
Chapter 13: All Hate
Chapter 14: Last night of the boys
Chapter 14: True couples emerge
Chapter 15: Bye-bye girls, we love you still
Chapter 16: Is this a dream???
Chapter 17: Wishes come true, promises kept
Chapter 18:Jenny's Wedding
Chapter 19: Lex's Wedding
Chapter 20:Epilogue

Chapter 6: Disasters and Suprises

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By pookey

Next Chapter

*Harry's P.O.V.*

    I was confused when Zayn asked me to stay back, coming up with the bull reason that we don't hang out enough. So I came up with a bull excuse to stay back. After everyone has left and He is done kissing Katrina i finally ask him, “Why do you want me to stay behind. we hang out all the time?” I ask. ”He just stands there fixing his hair. “ZAYN!! why the hell did you make up a bullshit reason for me to stay behind with you??” still no respond from him. “DID YOU AND KATRINA HAVE SEX LAST NIGHT CAUSE IF YOU DID I’M GOING TO TELL LIAM AND JENNY AND LEX AND IM PRETTY SURE THEY WILL BE PISSED!!” “WHAT THE HELL HARRY WE DIDN’T HAVE SEX!!” zayn screams back. “im sorry bro im just not in the mood to deal with people today.” i almost whisper. “I know that we are guys but do you wanna talk about something because you have been acting strange around Jenny since this morning after you guys run?” “Well, i think I saw something that I wasnt suppose to and I dont know if i actually saw it or if my eyes were playing tricks on me.” i say as i walk to the couch and just fall on to it.”What do  you think you saw Harry? If you believe it was true you should tell Jenny,  but I know her story so tell me and I can stand by as the reference. “At Starbucks when she elbowed me I think i saw cuts, scars, and bruises on her left arm. Do you think she is getting abused by her boyfriend, Trevor, or whatever his name was? Or is she getting abused by her family?”“Harry you need to think for a minute. The scars, cuts, and bruises are only on her left arm.”he says and then pauses for me to make the connect. it does.. “Oh My God!!!” I scream. “Did she do this to herself??”he just nods his head ”But why? she is such a beautiful, amazing, funny, smart girl!!” “I know that Harry you know that. We only knew her for a short time, lets get to know her more along with the rest of the girls before we make any more assumptions. Now that that chat is over what do you want to do, they probably won't be back for at least an hour, sooooo.”  “lets play Call of Duty” i say thinking it will take my mind of of everything that was just revealed to me.

*3rd Person POV*

    As Jenny, Liam, Lex,Louis,Niall, Rachel and Katrina get into the van to take them to McDonalds Jenny feels like someone is watching her. Eric is standing by the hotel’s door and notices Jenny and her friends with three guys. He follows them to the nearby McDonalds. When they get inside He sees Jenny and the brown haired one talking and she is smiling and laughing. Eric walks in but Jenny sees him and starts to get closer to the boy. Lex looks over and sees Jenny and Liam getting really close. then her phone vibrates a  text from Jenny


Lex looks towards the door and here he is. He was walking super fast to Jenny and Liam and his hands were in a fist. She tried to warn jenny and Liam but it was too late. Eric’s fist contacted with Liam’s face. Jenny screamed. Niall and Louis came walking over fast because Eric was about to hit Liam again. Liam pushed Jenny out of the way and she ran to Lex, Rachel, and Katrina and she started to cry into Lex’s shoulder. Louis grabbed Eric’s arm and told him to get lost but not before he screamed, “Jenny why the fuck were you flirting with this guy?? I love you still and I cant live without you!! Please take me back!! Is he your little fuck buddy!! I bet he is!! You are such a fucking whore!! A selfish Bitch!!!” Niall was holding Liam back becuase Liam wanted to kill Eric. After Louis got Eric to leave they grabbed their food and Jenny was still crying as they left McDonalds and got into the car.

*Liam’s POV*

When we got to McDonalds Jenny was talking to me and i said a joke which made her laugh. Her laugh was so cute... wait she has a boyfriend. The something in her eyes changed when she looked towards the door. She then took out her phone and texted someone. I leaned in and whispered into her ear, “Everything ok?” before she could answer I felt someone’s fist on my face. what the fuck? I could hear Jenny screaming so i pushed her towards Lex and the girls hoping she wouldn’t get hurt. The I see the guy who punched me. Niall grabbed my arms and whispered in my ear, “Don’t hit him.. Jenny is really upset, you don’t want her more upset do you?” Louis was holding the guy’s armand before Lou could walk him out of the restaurant He screamed to Jenny, “Jenny why the fuck were you flirting with this guy?? I love you still and I cant live without you!! Please take me back!! Is he your little fuck buddy!! I bet he is!! You are such a fucking whore!! A selfish Bitch!!!”  I wanted so badly to punch him not Niall still had my arms. Lou looked pissed that he said that to her but we calmy walked him outside and came back in. Jenny was crying into Lex’s shoulder and Lex was rubbing her back. We grabbed our food and left. Jenny was still crying. Once we got into the van, Louis, Niall and I were confused but the girls didnt talk to us. Rachel asked, “Do you want me to calll Trevor??” jenny just nodded her head. great I will get to see the man who is dating the girl that stole my heart. Rachel grabs jenny’s phone and calls trevor. “Hey meet us at the hotel please eric showed up and had a fight and she is crying. She needs you now!” Rachel says into the phone then hangs up. “He is on his way now he will meet us in the lobby.” When we get to the hotel Katrina screams, “TREVOR!!!! OVER HERE!!” Trevor is a tall man with short brown hair and brown eyes. He looks like he could be 28 years old. Trevor walked over to us but didn’t say hi or anything. He picked Jenny up bridal style and she cuddled into his chest. I wish that was me holding her.  Louis says, “Hi I’m Louis and follow us we will go to our room.” Trevor just nodded his head. We all got into the elevator and we get got to the floor we filed out and Louis walked to our room and unlocked the door. Harry and Zayn yelled in unison, “Heyy!! Did you get us food?” Niall walked in after Trevor and Harry saw Trevor and said, “WHo are you??” then he must have seen Jenny somewhat sleeping in Trevor’s arms, “What happened to Jenny?”. I wish Jenny would fall asleep in my arms

*Harry’s POV*

Zayn beat me at Call of Duty so we decided to just watch tv. then after about 10 minutes of that I heard the door open and i saw Lou walk in, “Heyy!! Did you get us food?” me and zayn said in unison. Then some guy walking in after Lex and i asked, “Who are you?” and then i saw Jenny somewhat sleeping him in arms, “What happened to Jenny?” i said with a concerned tone. I wish i had gone with them and I wish Jenny would be in my arms instead of this guy’s. “I’m Trevor” said the guy holding Jenny. Oh he is her boyfriend. “I need some sweatpants and some ice cream” he said to Lex. She just nodded her head and went to her room to find sweatpants. Rachel handed Trevor a McFlurry and said, “This is the only ice cream we have.” “It’s fine Rachel thank you.” Trevor said. Lex walks back in and says, “She didnt pack any and mine wont fit her.” “She can borrow mine” Niall said as he walked to his room . I should have said something about her wearing my sweatpants. he came back with a pair but they weren’t his they were mine. I let him borrow them one day and he never gave them back. So yay she was going to wear my sweatpants. Trevor put her down on the couch and he quietly spoke to her, “Hey baby girl wake up... You need to out these sweats on and then we can talk over some ice cream.” When he called her baby girl i was so jealous.She slowly got up and walked toward the bathroom with Lex closely behind her. I wonder why. The Jenny comes out with MY sweatpants on and Lex’s hoodie. she sitting cross legged on the couch almost on Trevor’s lap.

*Jenny’s POV*

I can’t stop hearing his voice screaming those horrible things to me. Why can’t he just leave me alone. I hope Liam isn’t hurt. I fell asleep in Trevor’s arms and was woken up my Trevor’s sweet voice, “Hey baby girl wake up... You need to out these sweats on and then we can talk over some ice cream” I got up and grabbed the sweats and walked to the bathroom with Lex behind me. I know why she is following me. To make sure I don’t cut. I walk out of the bathroom in the sweats and lex’s hoodie. I sit cross legged on the couch. Almost on Trevor’s lap. I missed my cousin a lot. Me and Trevor moved in almost a year ago because my parents couldn’t handle my depression. He moved down here and bought an apartment which we now share. “Ok what happened Jenny?” Trevor asked as i ate the McFlurry someone gave to me. “Eric just showed up at the McDonalds and I texted Lex warning her and then..”I started but Lex continued ”I saw the text and then I looked up and saw Eric heading towards Jenny and Liam with his hands in fists like he was ready to fight...” I continueds, “The he punch Liam in the face and I screamed and then Louis grabbed Eric’s arm and Niall was holding Liam back and calming him down and then Liam gently pushed me towards the girls and I went over there and i hear Eric scream at me, “Jenny why the fuck were you flirting with this guy?? I love you still and I cant live without you!! Please take me back!! Is he your little fuck buddy!! I bet he is!! You are such a fucking whore!! A selfish Bitch!!!” he told me he was going out of town for a week and was leaving the day before Lex’s birthday. “ The boys all asked in unison, “Whose Eric??” Rachel and Trevor both said, “Her psycho ex boyfriend from like almost a year ago!” i start to eat the ice cream faster and then i get a brainfreeze. i sigh and hug Trevor, “Thank you for coming I know that you have other stuff to do today.” I look over at Liam and notice his cheek is bleeding, “OH my gosh Liam I’m so sorry that you got punched, Here let me clean that cut. It doesn’t look deep.” I get up and walk over to the sink and get a towel wet and start to clean the blood off his face and he winces, “Jenny, you don’t have. It’s not your fault.” Liam says as he pushes my hand away lightly.  I ignore his whining and comments and continue to clean up the cut. “GIrls can one of you guys get my a band-aid or two for his cheek?” I ask. Rachel and KAtrina run to our room and come back this a black and red bag that I keep all of my stuff i need for cleaning cuts. I look through it and grab two purple and black band-aids and put them on Liam’s cheek, “Hope you like the colors purple and black.” I say with a weak smile.  Kissing his cheek over  the band-aid I say “Hope that makes it feel better. Hey Trevor can we talk now and get it over with.”  Nodding his head I led him to my room where we could talk alone.

Sitting on the bed and Trevor sits across from me to see my face. Taking a deep breathe I ask “Do you think he is stalking me??!!” I almost yell.

“He might but he is so weird and sometime he is a bit bipolar.” Trevor says.

“I thought I saw him before we left the hotel like outside the front doors watching me. Do you think he killed my car battery??” I ask.

“He might have so get back at you for breaking up with him and not taking him back.” “That was almost a year ago Trev, right after I moved in with you.”

“Do you want to call the police and file a restraining order?” “Maybe i think that would be good. Will you come with me though?”

“I kinda have to baby cousin cause you are under the age and I am typically your legal guardian. ”

“Oh don’t rub it in that im the baby of the family.” I really needed that talk with Trevor. ‘“Lets go back out to tell the boys and the girls that we are going to the police station. ok Jenny?” Trevor asked as he picked me up and threw me over his back.

“Put me down Trevor!!!”I say as i beat on his back with my fists. he knows i hate being carried like this.  It makes me feel like I am a damsel in distress, when I am not one.  He doesn't listen to me and keeps carrying me back out to the living room to find everyone watching Toy Story, i didn't have to think about whose choice it was, most likely Liams. Finally trevor puts me down and i hit in the arm and i sit down on the couch in between harry and Liam. I love Toy Story so much.  I was tired from the experience so I leaned my head against Liam’s shoulder.i soon was in dreamland.

*Lex’s POV*

    Today was an interesting day for everyone. It started off kinda good til Harry and Jenny got onto in a fight and then they made up. Then me and Niall got to hang out before we went to get some food. Niall was hungry the whole ride to McDonalds. With everything going on, we all went to order before Niall. The cashier told us it would be about 25 to 45 minutes since we had ordered so much.  I was pissed when the cashier tried hitting on  Niall, then she also had the nerve to try and flirt with Louis also, dang she is a slut.

    We couldn't find enough seats to fit all of us so we lean against the wall facing the cashier. Niall and I are going on about my kindle and how much I am obsessed with it, and how I need to try to live the books not read them. He is crazy is he sees some of the books I read. Any how  I look up to see Jenny with a scared face and Liam whispering something in her ear. She pulls her phone out, quickly texting somebody. Soon my phone starts playing  whats make you beautiful, on the lowest possible setting luckily. I knew Niall heard it, because he smirked at me. Shaking my head I open the text from Jenny saying “-SOS!!ERIC @ THE DOOR!!!” ~Oh shit this is not good. I look toward the  door and see Eric making his way over to us with his hands in a fist. His eyes holding a tight glare that could kill anybody.  All of a sudden he comes up to Liam anad punches him square in the cheek. Liam pushes Jenny toward Rachel and Katrina, running over to them I allow Niall to take care of the issue, while I make sure Jenny doesn't crack like she does in these situations.  I watch as Niall holds back a now pissed Liam, which I have never seen, and Louis is tugging Eric away from us.  Before Louis could drag him all the way out Eric yells at Jenny “Jenny why the fuck were you flirting with this guy?? I love you still and I cant live without you!! Please take me back!! Is he your little fuck buddy!! I bet he is!! You are such a fucking whore!! A selfish Bitch!!!”  ~Oh great that did it.

     As soon as Eric left the food was called. The boys grab it as the rest of us girls drag Jenny into the car. Louis drives with Niall up front. Katrina and Rachel in the very back. In the middle row is Liam, Jenny, and I, with Jenny in the middle being comforted by all of us.  Rachel calles Trevor for help, since he is the only one to break Jenny out of this state. She Trevor is Jenny's cousin and they are really close, he is 28 and loves her like a baby sister.  When we get to the hotel, Jenny is leaning aganist me. As soon as we reach the lobby Rachel sees Trevor and we yell out to him. Turning he runs passed us to Jenny scooping her up bridal style. We know she is tired and in the state that only Trevor can break because she leans her head on his shoulder and lightly falls asleep. Quietly we make our way to the elevator, all in their own thought. I am squished in the corner with Niall. Laying my head on his chest I try to calm myself down.

    Once we hear the click of the door being open we hear Zayn and Harry asks where the food was.  Once they saw Jenny in Trevors arms they shut up about the food.   Trevor asks for some sweats and ice cream.  I went back to look and Niall followed me. I look through her draw and suitcase and couldn't find any sweatpants in her suitcase so I look in mine thinking maybe she put them there. No luck. Mine will be too big for Jenny to wear cause she is super skinny. “Jenny didn't pack any with her, and mine will be too big for her.” I yell out to Trevor, before Niall yells out after me. “She can borrow a pair of mine.” Before he runs past me into the hall and to his room to get the sweat.

    Coming back we get Jenny to change and she takes Trevor into the other room to talk and eat her ice cream. After they leave Liam says, “Lets watch Toy Story while we wait.” it sounds like a good idea it gives me a reason to cuddle with Niall. Niall sits down in the sofa chair and I sit next to him and lean back on him. I can feel my face rise with a blush as my hair sweeps over my face to cover it.  He wraps his arm around my shoulder as I snuggle against him. Louis and Rachel are on the floor using the back of the sofa as a back. Zayn and Katrina are on the loveseat Katrina's head on his lap, where he plays with her hair. Liam and Harry are on the huge sofa with the middle open.   The movie plays for a while until one of the back room doors open and and Jenny is yelling at Trevor. He comes into the room with Jenny over his shoulder. He places her in the  middle of Harry and Liam.  Trevor walks past us and lays out on the floor in front of Jenny. I hear and shift and look up to find jenny with her head on Liam's lap and her feet on Harrys.

    ~Not the smartest idea Jenny!~ I thought before Harry starts to tickle  her feet. This  was not going to turn out well.  “Harry you better stop or our going to be kicked in the...” ~Too late.~  “Ugh, OH MY GOD!” I hear Harry groan as he holds his nuts and bending over.  Everyone burst out laughing, but we know he is in pain. Trevor’s laughing wakes Jenny up and she is confused at why we all are laughing at, “What’s so funny??” she asks with a confused expression on her face. We just bust out laughing even harder., Jenny gets mad that we didnt tell her so she gets up and walks out of the hotel room and we all look at the door that she just slammed shut in amazement. Trevor just sighs and sits there playing with his phone. “Should we go after her?” Rachel asks quietly. “if but her phone is going off” WE all hear One Night by Ed Sheeran blare from Jenny;s phone. An unknown number is calling her so Katrina answers the phone “Hello?” “No this isn’t Jennifer.” “Yes I will tell her.” “Ok bye” “Who was that and what was it about?” Zayn asks. “Oh just a photographer who wants Jenny to take pictures of a famous band that is in town for a magazine. ” I jump up and run to get Jenny. She is in our room listening to Ed Sheeran “You just got a job with a photographer to take pics of a famous band for a magazine!!!” I yell and jump around. “OH MY GOD!!!!” Jenny screamed jumping up and down with me. We run over to the boy;s room and Trevor says, “Congrats Jenny i’m proud of you. I have to go bye love ya, Nice meeting you.” he says turning to the boys even though he only knows Louis’ name. “Love you see you later text me when you get back to the apartment please..” Jenny says standing on her tippy toes to kiss Trevor’s cheek. I notice Harry’s and Liam’s face expression change as soon as they say their goodbyes. “Lex, I’m gonna see if you and the girls can help me with the shoot so be ready to help me.” Jenny says to me and I freak out because Jenny just invited us to help with the famous band’s photo shoot.~This will be exciting!~ I thought. Now only cover everything and figure out this group.

*3rd P.O.V*

    Now here is where the chapter will end. Everyone is happy. Louis and Rachel have gotten closer along with Katrina and Zayn. Lex and Niall are almost dating. Niall just hasn’t been able to figure out how he is gonna ask her out. Then Jenny is alone, but we all know Liam and Harry both like her, it is just about who will get the girl first. Only the girls know that Trevor is Jenny’s older cousin. Will they tell the boys that he is not her boyfriend? Or will this who mixup create catastrophe for the group. Thanksgiving break is soon to end and the girls will have to go back to school,what will happen then?

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