Camp Camp One-Shots

By The_Pannest_Cake

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I have found that there aren't many Camp Camp one shots books on here so I decided to make one. (Little note... More

The one time they saw Max blush...
I'd rather be me
I know
Unrequited Love
Dadvid but different
It's alright. It's okay.
Camp Kids™
Stare up at the stars
Ered has a talk
Fly me to the moon
"I kinda like you"
Alone in the dark
Night in
"Why would you help him?"
Dear Diary
Hug all ur friends
Just do it
Harrison Backstage
some things are better left uknown
Tick tock
Fair enough
ha. well. fuck.
"Will Smith...the rapper?"
Domino, my beloved
can't go back

the party

370 4 3
By The_Pannest_Cake

Y'all remember that Danvid shit I made that I liked well yeah there's more cus I just need backstory.

If y'all wanna know what happens after then read the on-shot like like a few chapters before this

TW: crying, some dude being an asshole, kissing(irdk girlies) tell me if I missed anything.

Ship sailing: none rn technically


David didn't want to be at this party.

David had said he did and had acted super pumped to do so but he did not want to be at this party.

It's Saturday night, tomorrow would be Monday and it would also be Daniels birthday and David was really hoping Daniel would just sleepover and they could cuddle and talk and swap secrets and-

Yeah, nope. That needs to stop, that was getting into really gay territory.

God, David was whipped.

He glanced around the crowded space from where he was in a random corner. He didn't know which room he was in and he didn't know what song was playing. He didn't know much, actually.

He knew this was Kevin's house. He knew this was Kevin's party. He knew Daniel wanted to be here and had begged David to join him. Had said that he couldn’t go without him because he wouldn’t know what to do. He needed David to guide him through his first house party.

But now Daniel is gone, nowhere to be found.

He couldn't hear anything over the loud music and blaring lights. He idly wondered whether or not the authorities would be called. Would he run? Would Daniel run? Would they call Daniels parents?

Someone tapped him, roughly, on his shoulder. He glanced around before angling his head down a bit.

Ah, Gwen.

"Hey Gwen!" He said, almost a yell with how loud the music was. She twisted her face and grabbed him by his forearm, tugging him through the mass pile of bodies.

They walked and walked and walked until they finally made it to the kitchen, which was a lot less crowded. Still the same bright lights and blaring music but only a few small groups milling around, eating and talking. Gwen dragged him through the back door and out onto the large back lawn.

Sometimes David forgot just how loaded Kevin was.

She let the door close behind her before letting go of David's arm. He brought it to his chest, rubbing his wrist from how tight she had grabbed him.

"You seemed panicked." Was all she offered, sitting down where she stood and patting the space next to her. David shrugged and plopped down.

They sat for a while, not saying anything. The muffled music filtering through the air, moving along with the breeze.

"Have you seen Daniel?" He finally asked. Gwen snorted.

"Goodness, even when on the edge of a panic attack you still think about him." She chuckled, shaking her head.

David made a confused hum, tilting his head in her direction. She rolled her eyes.

"I could see you in there. You looked….not good. You were hyperventilating a bit."

David...didn't know he'd been doing that. Huh.

"Thanks, Gwen," he hummed, lying back on his hands and stretching out his legs. Gwen did the same.

"Anytime. I haven't seen Daniel, by the way. Last I saw him, Jen and him were playing some random drinking game with the debate team."

Daniel huffed out a laugh, picturing it in his head.

"Yeah, sounds about right."

"Daniels's been going crazy, he alright?" She asked. David nodded, looking off to the side.

"Yeah he...he was really excited for this party. He'd never been to one and wanted to go all crazy like the kids in the Heathers do."

"Ah, Heathers. A cult classic,"

David gave her a light punch in the shoulder for that joke.

"Shut up," he laughed. "He's not in a cult! He-"

"Is just being raised in one! Yeah, I know, Davey," she laughed, letting out a wheeze when he went red. How often did he say that?

"Do I really say that a lot?"

"Yeah, you're super protective of him. It's cute,"

"It's not cute!"

"Is too!"

They went back and forth for a few more minutes, arguing about whether or not David's overprotectiveness would be considered cute.

Gwen won. He was burning with how hot his face felt.

"Okay, maybe it's cute but you're the exact same way with Jen!"

Gwen didn't argue with that. She just went red and turned her face away, grumbling something under her breath.

"You hate parties." She finally said after recovering. "Why'd you agree to come?"

"Well Daniel-"

"He could've gone by himself. Kevin and Jasper love these things, they would've looked after him. And Jen would be here to look after them."

"And you'd be there to look after her, I know." He sighed.

"I just...I knew he wouldn't have gone if I didn't agree. He trusts you guys but...he's not used to doing normal stuff without me."

"That doesn't seem healthy-"

"We're working on it. Promise."

She hummed but didn't say anything. David tried not to let that get to him.

"Look, this is out of his comfort zone," he explained. "And he was super excited when Kevin offered to throw this party for his birthday! He's been wanting to go to a highschool party since we saw that movie four years ago but he knew he could never have them and I didn't want to have one and Kevin always went all out for these things and sure, I mean, if I just said no we'd be at my house cuddling in my bed and I want that more than anything but-"

He cut himself off, not liking how much he had just spilled.

It was no secret, at least to David, that he had feelings for Daniel. Ever since he realized what love was he knew that he loved Daniel, in a way that wasn't like any other love he'd ever felt.

Doesn't mean he'd ever admit it out loud.

People picked up hints, like his mom and Gwen, but he didn't want to get his hopes up and saying this stuff out loud just made it all the more real. Gwen sucked her teeth.


A loud crash. A yell. People began to run out of the house from the back, tripping over each other like crabs in a bucket and David and Gwen jumped to their feet, moving out of the way of the onslaught of sweaty, dirty, teenagers. David wanted to ask what was going on but no one was slowing down long enough for David to do so.

Just then, he saw Jasper squeeze out of the backdoor. David ran to him, grabbing him by his shoulder.

"Jasper! What the gosh-darn-fuck is going on here?"

Jasper startled at the sudden hand but relaxed when he saw David. He turned, placing a hand on David's arm.

"Oh!" He was practically yelling over the noise of everyone else. "Someone started a fight in there but then one guy pulled a knife so we booked it and then I think something caught on fire and I don't really know what happened after that but-"

"Yeah, uh-huh. Okay. Where's Daniel?"

"Still inside."


David sighed, nodded to Gwen and started for the back door. Kids were still pouring out but David pushed through the kids, grunting when he finally got into the house. Once he made it out of the kitchen it was easy to get around.

There was a lot of trash and some broken glass. A few blood stains but no fire. He shrugged, moving through each room, searching for that familiar head of bleach blonde hair.

When he had checked the entire downstairs, with no luck, he decided to check upstairs. He knew what usually happened upstairs but he hoped that Daniel was just smoking in a bathroom somewhere or taking a nap.

Or maybe he'd already left. Maybe he was outside waiting for David, thinking he had been abandoned by the one person who promised he wouldn't abandon.

He searched all the bathrooms first with no luck. A few kids smoking in two of them and some kids having some really private and emotional heart-to-heart but nothing crazy.

Then he started on the bedrooms.

He didn't just barge into every bedroom. He'd put his head against the doors and if he heard any noise he'd keep moving but if he didn't hear anything then he'd check. So far, after searching three already, he hadn't found anything.

Then he got to Kevin's room.

It was much more private. The biggest besides the master downstairs and all the way at the end of the hall. It was closed off and labeled, so everyone knew who it belonged to and to not go in but high schoolers were rebellious, no matter the authority figure.

He leaned in, pressed his ear gently against the door and didn't hear anything.

Then there was a shuffle. A squeak and a chuckle that sounded very familiar.

David breathed in. Breathed out.

He opened the door.

Daniel was there.

Daniel was there kissing someone.

Daniel was there kissing some guy.

Daniel was sitting on the bed, his legs crossed and his hair a mess, hands buried in some random brunette's hair, the brunette's hands slightly running under his shirt.

Their lips were locked.

David felt his heart stop for just a second.

For a solid second he was as frozen as an eggo waffle in the morning, stuck to his place on the pristine lavender carpet.

Then he felt his heart shatter. Break into a thousand tiny pieces then ground into dust and snorted by some trickster god that really needed a pick-me-up.

He was hollow and he was devastated and he really just wanted to go home and cry into his mother's shoulder. Have her hold him like she did all those years ago and ease him through his first heartbreak.

Because that's what this was. Heartbreak. Seeing the boy of his dreams, the boy he's loved since he truly knew what that meant, in another guy's arms. With another guy's lips on his.

This was his first kiss.

David shouldn't be upset. He is but he shouldn't they're not dating, they're not together in any way shape or form and maybe there was a chance because this confirmed that he liked guys but really it hurt even worse.

He liked guys. There was a chance he could like David but he just didn't because…

Because he was him. And Daniel was so amazing. He deserved the world and maybe he wasn't looking for it in this guy but he was searching and he never even thought to look in David's way.

The second he heard the door slam open Daniel jumped away from the guy's face, turning his head to stare, wide-eyed and in fear, at David. The guy, more annoyed than anything, turned to shoot a pointed glare instead.

"Do you need something?" The brunette drawled. "We're kinda busy here."

David felt something in him sizzle and bubble deep inside the chasm of his heart. He felt something fiery, red and hot, flow through his veins and through his head. It settled in his glare and hardened on his tongue.

"Danny, what the fuck are you doing?" He muttered, tone icy and cold. He was surprised when he didn't see icicles drop from his chin and frost overtake the room.

That didn't stop a chill from running through Daniels' spine.

The guy, some kid he may have recognized if he cared enough, detached himself from Daniel, rising from the bed with a sneer.

"What? Angry at something?" He snipped, raising a single brow. David glared at him.

"Yeah, I am. Why the fuck are you kissing him?"

And he knew that this was not what he was supposed to do. This was gonna make things worse and he should really stop right now but he couldn't because he knew if he did he might break down on the spot.

"I'm not kissing him. We're kissing each other. You got a problem with that, fucking strawberry twink?"

That insult was kinda weak but David just rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you go back to your low budget porno set and let me and Daniel leave."

"Nah," the guy smirked, looking back at Daniel. "I think Dan's doing great right here with me, isn't that right?" He shot him a wink.

And Davids blood boiled to levels humanly impossible as Daniel proceeded to blush, a bright crimson.

The guy smirked. David frowned. He shot one more look at Daniel who just stared at him. No words were said.

David gave a silent nod and turned away to leave. He didn't look back, just grabbed the door and slammed it behind him as loud as he possibly could.

And with that slam went all his anger. The fiery hot cynicism that had been pumping, so harshly, through his veins was completely gone. Vanished with a flick of his wrist, not to be seen for a long long time.

He jogged down the stairs and back outside through the back door. A lot of people had already filtered back into the house, continuing where they had left off, but quite a few were also outside. He found Gwen, Jen, Jasper and Kevin all hanging around a large tree in the backyard, casually chatting.

He rushed up to Jasper, grasping onto his arm just a little too tight. Jasper winced and the group turned to David who couldn't do anything but look down.

"I want to go." He mumbled, tears gathering in his eyes. Gwen asked him to repeat himself and he sighed, internally, not wanting to do anything but cry right now.

"I said," he raised his head, staring directly in Gwen's eyes. His vision blurred as tears began to spill from his eyes. "I want to leave. Now, please."

His voice cracked and it took everything in him not to collapse to the ground. Or so he thought but when he had finally cleared his eyes a little bit he saw that he was on his knees. His friends crouched around him, staring at him with worried eyes.

"Davey, what's going on? Wh-where is Danny?"

"H-he's upstairs. He's fine. C-can we p-p-please just go h-..home." he wheezed, forcing out every word through his tear filled stutters.

Gwen frowned. "Are you sure you wanna go now? Do you want us to go get him or-"

"H-he's kinda b-b-busy locking li-lips with some f-ucking," he trailed off, rubbing his eyes and nose. His head was starting to hurt and he knew the headaches he'd get after this would be wicked.

He could feel the air shift. It went from worry to something akin to pity and it made David cry harder.

They all knew. They all knew the real reason he was crying. The real reason he just wanted to leave Daniel here and just go home. He hadn't, willingly, left Daniel alone since he was eight.

"Oh...David, man that sucks," he heard Kevin mumble, offering him an arm to help him stand up. He took it, rising to his feet and willing his tears to stop, at least until he could get home and cry properly.

"It's f-fine. I don't even care-"

"You're crying."

"Thanks, Jen. I had no idea." He snapped, shooting her a glare. She wilted and he immediately felt bad. It's not her fault, she's always been really blunt. He knows she's just trying to help in the only way she knows how.

"Sorry. Sorry, that was rude I just...I just want to go home and cry into my pillow or something. Maybe listen to some sad songs and cry myself to sleep,"

"You want us to bring some ice cream?" Kevin asked. David shook his head, offering him a small smile.

And then he heard it. From across the lawn he could hear a familiar voice calling out his name. It grew closer and closer and the atmosphere grew more and more tense.

Or maybe it was just David. Could just be him. It was probably just him.

He rushed up to the group, grabbing onto Kevin's arms and staring, wildly, at David.

"D! I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-to do any of that I just- I dont-"

"It's fine." He said. "Let's go." He told Gwen. Daniel squirmed, looking between Kevin and him.

"Uhm...I'm supposed to stay with...with you. Uhm, it's fine I can just go home I-"

"No. You're not going home. You can stay with me," Kevin offered a strained smile. "It's fine, you know I have the space and my parents are gone again."

There was a pause in the group. A heavy silence as they all understood what exactly he meant when he said that, so offhandedly.

"How long are they staying away for this time?" Jen asked, subconsciously  leaning in towards Gwen. Gwen wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling the other girl against her body.

Kevin shrugged. Jasper winced, placing a gentle hand on his back.

"Uhm," Daniel glanced at David, biting the inside of his lip. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, I-I'll stay here." David nodded, already turning around to speed-walk to Gwen's car. He sniffled, letting the tears finally fall freely, making no move to wipe them away.

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