My First Kiss

By pookey

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My First Kiss
Chapter 1: Suprise
Chapter 2: Concert of my life time
Chapter 3: Okay
Chapter 4: Crap
Chapter 6: Disasters and Suprises
Chapter 7: Pool time
Chapter 8: The date
Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny
Chapter 10: Twins and hospital?
Chapter 11: Well crap!
Chapter 12: a bit of love HATE
Chapter 13: All Hate
Chapter 14: Last night of the boys
Chapter 14: True couples emerge
Chapter 15: Bye-bye girls, we love you still
Chapter 16: Is this a dream???
Chapter 17: Wishes come true, promises kept
Chapter 18:Jenny's Wedding
Chapter 19: Lex's Wedding
Chapter 20:Epilogue

Chapter 5: Secrets

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By pookey

Next Chapter

*Harry’s POV*

           Maybe hugging Jenny from behind wasn’t such a good idea. Usually with girls I can get them to fall for me with one of my award winning smiles. Why can’t I get Jenny to fall for me? Then when she elbowed me I saw something that I think I shouldn't have. Scars, cuts, bruises, that I couldn't have counted on being there.

When Jenny comes out of the bathroom in only a towel I could only stare. Luckily Louis smacks me on the back of my head knocking some sense back into me. I couldn't see all of the scars because she was using her left arm to cover it, and I knew they were on that one for sure.  I was too nervous to look closer because it would be considered inappropriate in everyone’s mind since her arm was on her chest area.  I do wonder where she got those cuts from. Liam walks past me and hands her a bathrobe, his bathrobe to cover her up more to go to the next room to get her clothes.

“Well guys I am also going to go shower since I stink and need one, I will also wake up Niall and send him over.” Lex yells over her shoulder.  

A few minutes later Jenny walks back in wearing a short light purple sundress. She has a bunch of bracelets on her left arm and 2 or three on her right. I’m guessing to hide the scars, cuts and bruises. I look at her and start to let my eyes wander down to her legs. God they were long and tan as I stared I started t bit my lower lip. She had on a pair of purple high top converses. Then she looks at me and sees me biting my lower lip so I stop but its too late. “HARRY!!! QUIT BITING YOUR LOWER LIP!”she yells at me. Everyone in the room turns to look at her and then me.  I was either about to get yelled at or called a  pervert, but I know that I was wrong, and I needed to stop my urges to be near and close to her, she wouldn't go for a guy like me anyway.

*Jenny’s POV*


Liam and harry’s mouths were wide open I tried not to laugh because I was so pissed. Lex walks up to me and says, “Hey go take a shower and cool off before something bad happens.” I didn’t need to respond because I knew I needed a shower. I go to the room where my stuff was and slam the door shut. God what the hell was Harry’s problem. I saw him or at least someone who looked like him following me while I was on my run. Then him putting his arms around my waist pissed me off. I hate when people do that i feel like i’m pregnant or something. I walk out of the room and slam it shut and walk into the bathroom and slam that door shut. I forgot to grab something to play music so i took a quick shower. I got out and then it dawned on me that i forgot a towel so I yell, “LEX!!!! GRAB ME A TOWEL!!!” she laughs and says, “How do you forget to grab a towel?” I don’t respond because I was too cold too. She throws the towel in and I wrap myself in it. Then I walk out of the bathroom and notice everyone in the room staring at me. I hear a smack and saw Louis smacking Harry in the head. Liam walks over to me with a bathrobe so i put in on over the towel. Did Harry see my scars? I hope not. I think to myself as I was to my room to get my clothes. My favorite purple sundress was the first thing I saw so I grab it and a matching purple bra and panty set. i slip into the dress and is about to leave the room when i remember i need some bracelets to cover up the scars. I put a bunch on my left arm and a few on my right. I quickly grab my purple high tops and put those on before I go into the boy’s room. As soon as I walk in it gets really quiet and I notice Harry biting his lower lip. I was still somewhat upset with him so I yell, “HARRY!!! QUIT BITING YOUR LOWER LIP!” and everyone looks at me and then him. His face turned red so fast and he got up and walked over to me but I turned on my heels and walked away towards Niall, who just walked in. “Hey Niall!!! How are you?” I say to him as i play with my hair. Harry gets the message that I dont wanna talk to him. I hope Lex doesnt think im flirting with Niall even though this is the way I flirt with some guys. Niall just says, “Morning Jenny, you gave Liam a scare this morning.” “I did?? well i’m sorry Liam”, i turn to Liam and see that his cheeks are a bit red.”I swear I left a note saying i went for a run.” Harry finally speaks, “I took the note with me when I saw it i’m sorry Jenny please forgive me. I was stupid and i should have never hugged you like that. It probably scared you.” “I wasn’t scared Harry I just dont like being hugged like that with a guy that I barely know.” Rachel and Katrina walk in with my phone and hand it to me.

“Hey Jenny how was the concert?” Trevor, my cousin asks over the phone.

“Great I swear someone had to give Lex kissing advice or something because it looked like she knew what she was doing.” I said “I did not!” I hear in the background from Lex.

no one could hear his side of the conversation because I didnt put in on speaker phone.

“Well i gotta go, love ya see you in a few days.” he says

“Byee love you too!” i say as i hang up the phone Rachel and Katrina say at the same time “Who was that Jenny ;)” “Trevor!!” I say smiling because I really like my cousin he is so laid back and lets me do almost anything I want.

Liam and Harry just look at me with a frown growing on their faces.  Liam eyes showed more sadness while Harry's held more of a jealous type.

*Liam’s POV*

Jenny walks into the room with a short sundress on. It was purple just like her high tops and bracelets. I’m just guessing here but I think her favorite color is purple. That is so funny because mine is purple too. She yells at Harry, “HARRY!!! QUIT BITING YOUR LOWER LIP!” I guess he was checking her out because most of her legs are showing and her dress top was quite revealing. We all look at Harry and then her. He gets up and walks towards her. I start to take a step towards him but she walks away and starts talking to Niall. She turns to me and smiles and says something about leaving a note behind. I could focus on what she was saying because I was focusing on how beautiful she looked. Finally Jenny lets Harry speak to her. He says,”I took the note with me when I saw it i’m sorry Jenny please forgive me. I was stupid and i should have never hugged you like that. It probably scared you.” “I wasn’t scared harry I just don't like being hugged like that with a guy that I barely know.” Jenny said which made me frown a bit. The Rachel and Katrina walk in with a phone that has purple duck tape on it and Jenny starts talking on it to some guy. I could kinda hear his voice. “Great I swear someone had to give Lex kissing advice or something because it looked like she knew what she was doing.” Jenny says. We turn to Lex and we see a blush creeping on her cheeks before yelling “I did not!” Im guessing he asked her about the concert. then she says “Byee love you too!” that broke my heart she probably has a boyfriend it wont surprise me. When Rachel and Katrina ask who it was my worst fears was becoming a reality. She said “Trevor!!”With so much enthusiasm. I knew then that was her boyfriend and that I had no chance with her. I look at the ground frowning. It felt like my heart was in Payne, get it Payne, because I am Liam Payne.

*Rachel’s POV*

I woke up to Jenny yelling and cussing. Oh great this day is going ot fun!! Then I walk out of my room and she is slamming doors. So I say, “What’s Jenny pissed about?” I wasn’t really wanting an answer but Harry starts talking about following her when she went on her run and hugging her from behind. I guess we didn’t tell them not to put their arms around her stomach from behind. Throughout the yelling I hear Jenny's phone going off so I head to our room where I grab it. I  run into Katrina on the way out. I answer it “Hello, this is Jenny's phone, Rachel speaking how may I help you?”  I a snort before a mans voice comes on and says “This is Trevor, put Jenny on.” With that I do as he asks and had the phone the Jenny. I watch everyones face as they talk, Harry eyes were murderous, Liam was pain, get it Payne, because I am Liam Payne.  Sorry I am a little kid at heart.  The boys were all watching Jenny as she said “Love you too” me and Katrina said “Who was that?” Jenny shakes her head before jumping up and down  and saying “Trevor!!” I noticed how Liam and Harry looked different but I just shrugged it off for nothing. then Jenny and Katrina come walking over to me and say something about how Jenny wants to tell us something. i dont want to go until Jenny whispers in my ear “It has to deal with my scars” my mouth opened then closed and we walked to bathroom where Lex was taking her shower. Jenny knocks on the door and says, “Its us we got a problem.” We all walk in as Lex is finishing her shower jenny starts talking, “I think Harry might have seen my scars this morning in Starbucks!” she blurts out.We all look at her  “ Are you ok with that?” I ask. “I dont know because I dont want him to think im always like that and im not sure if he is the type of person that should know.”  Jenny states. “Hey can one of you guys hand me a towel since  you decided to interrupt my calming shower with a stressful family meeting?” Lex yells “Sure sweety” Jenny replied and ran out of the bathroom to return a few seconds later with a towel and her bathrobe.  We wait a minute for her to dry off and pull the robe on before we continue. Now she sits on the side of the tube. Katrina on the counter Jenny is sitting on the toilet seat, and I am sitting on the floor. “I need to know if he saw or not?” Jenny starts again. “Maybe we could ask one of the boys to kinda ask him” Lex says.

         “Louis would  help if we asked.” I started to bring in an option. Jenny and Lex shake their head, “Rachel we need a serious one, like Liam or Zayn. Zayn would be best though since we know Jenny and her little crush.” We hear a faint knock and then the jiggle on the door handle before Zayn steps in. “Zayn!! how did you get in here I thought I locked the door??”Jenny and Lex almost  screamed in unison, “Just like Jenny got in, I picked the lock.” He stated calmly. “Did you hear what we were saying??” Rachel asks nervously while rubbing her hands together like they were cold. Zayn hops onto the counter next to Katrina and says .”i only heard my name. so what do you  need to tell me??” He asks with a cocky grin looking at Katrina. ~Oh, what did they do last night that I don't know about?~ I thought.

*Zayn’s POV*

    I walk by the bathroom to hear the girls talking and then i was about to keep walking but stopped when I heard my name. I just  had to see what they were talking about. So i knocked then picked the lock and they freaked out. It was quite funny actually. I sat next to Katrina on the sink counter and turned toward Lex who was speaking to me about how the door was locked and Jenny needed my help. 'Well this will be interesting I thought.'”Should I tell him?” Jenny asks as she started to pace the tiny bathroom. “You can trust him Jenny. I promise you.” Katrina said to her with a reassuring tone. “Ok here it goes.. Ok here it goes...”  Jenny started. I wonder what they are trying to tell me.”Just spit it out Jenny” Rachel says with a roll of her eyes. Jenny looked pissed of a second but just shrugged it off. “I think... umm.. well you see Zayn im not who i act like. Yes i am Jenny but you only know the happy Jenny there is a different side to me. I am depressed and suicidal. I have so many cuts, scars, and bruises on my arm i lost count.” My mouth was wide open and Katrina looked at me as if she was doubting if I could handle this. Jenny stops and looks at me and sighs so I close my mouth and wait for her to continue. “Well you all know that Harry surprised me this morning and I have been thinking about it and I think he saw my cuts and scars,” “Well there is only one way to find out. I will talk to Harry about it, without the boys in the room, so how about you and the  guys go get food and me and Harry will stay here and talk.  Tell Liam to get me whatever.” I am about to walk out of the door when Jenny pulls me back and kisses my cheek and messes up my “beautiful” hair, why? “Thank you so much Zayn for not treating me differently!!!” Jenny says after she is done messing with my hair. She turns to Katrina and puts red lipstick on her, with that the girls leaving giggling before I grab Katrina’s hand and we walk out together. When I come in the room the boys look at me, Louis wiggles his eyebrows and I am confused until I remember what Jenny did. I run back into the bathroom and I notice the lipstick on my cheek is about the same color as the one Jenny is wearing and what she put on Katrina's lips. Washing it off I walk back out while Lex, the cruise director for her group tells the guys the idea. All agreeing I yell “I am gonna stay here. Harry you mind staying here with me so we can hang out since we have hung out in a while?” Harry says, “Sure I don’t feel like changing into new clothes.”

    With that the group heads out. I catch Katrina on the way out and kiss her on the cheek before she blushes and runs to meet up with the group who are already in the elevator.Harry asks, “Why did you want me to stay we hang out all the time?”

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