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By king_mjj

22.9K 1.1K 1K

While Sam and Dean Winchester continue hunting down the demon that killed their mother, Mary, all those years... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six

Thirty Two

156 15 39
By king_mjj

"Aw, are you kidding me? Hey, dick move, pigeon!"

"Screw you, asshat."

"Wait a minute. Can I hear all animals?"

"Yep. Animals have a universal language- like Esperanto. But this one actually caught on."

"And I'm just getting started, too. Brewing a real big one. Ha. Bet your ride's gonna look sweet in white."

"What's he saying?"

"You- he's being a douchebag!"

"Who you calling "douchebag," douchebag?"

"Oh, shut it, you winged rat!"

"Dude. Hey. Just calm down. Just get in the car."

"Ha ha. That's right, Sally. Go cry to mama."

"Oh, that's it, you son of a bitch!"

"Dean! Get in the car."

Zoey laughed for a week straight when Sam called her and dished on a recent hunt that ended up with Dean being able to communicate with animals and even acting like a dog. She remembers trying to hold back her laughter when Sam called with Dean yelling at him in the background as he fought his little brother for the phone. When she did talk to Dean about it, he completely denied it all and claimed Sam's tales were all exaggerated lies.

She heard from Dean that Cas was currently working at a Gas-N-Sip in Idaho.

The next time she heard from them, Dean was taking a stroll down memory lane while helping the owner of a boys school that he once attended.

"So, what was that all about, 'Dee-dawg'?"

"You remember when we were kids that spring in upstate New York? Dad was on a rugaru hunt. We, uh- we crashed at the, uh ... the bungalow colony with the ping-pong table?"

"Yeah. Uh, y-you disappeared. Dad came back. You were gone. He shipped me off to Bobby's for a couple months and went and... found you. You were lost on a hunt or something."

"That's what we told you."

"I'm sorry? That's what you told me?"

"Truth is, uh… I lost the food money that Dad left for us in a card game. I knew you'd get hungry, so... I tried taking the five-finger discount at the local market and got busted. I wasn't on a hunt. They sent me to a boys' home."

"A boys' home, like a … reform school?"

"Yeah, more or less. It was a farm, and the guy who ran it- Sonny- he, uh, you know, he looked after me."

"Wait. Does Sonny know what we do?"

"Yeah. He's good people. I gave him the number to the Bat Phone, and sounds like he's got something in our wheelhouse. So... Hey- you gonna be cool to do this, or are you too tired?"

"Uh, no. Yeah, I'm just, uh... I'll be fine."

"And everybody's okay with… heading out to the Catskills?"

"I am everybody."

"Yeah. Right. All right. Grab your stuff, and we'll head out."

"Hey, Dean... I mean, why didn't you just tell me you went to a boys' home?"

"I don't know. Uh, it was Dad's idea. And then it just- you know, the story became the story. I was 16."


As Dean prepares for the school dance, Sonny comes in and tells him that John is outside. Sonny tries to explain that it was Dean's big night, but John said that Dean had a job. Dean looks at the photo of himself and Robin together, while Sonny says that the farm gave him a second chance. He offers to fight for him to stay, but John honks the horn outside and Dean looks out. he sees Sam sitting in the car, playing with a toy, and thanks Sonny for everything.

"Oh, look at you. You clean up good!"

"Thank you. You know, uh... I've never actually been to one of these school dances before."

"Yeah. Look, about that, Dean, your old man's outside…. and, man, he's really something. I tried to tell him what a big night it was for you, Dean, and ask him if he could come back later, but he just said to tell you he had a job, said you'd know what that means. You know, after I got out of jail, this place gave me a second chance, and it's done the same for you, too. So if you want, I'll stick my neck out for you, and I'll fight for you to stay."

"Sonny... thank you- for everything. But I have to go."


"Hey, Dean. Jody Mills."

"Hang on. Sam's here, too."

"Hey, Jody."

"Hey, Sam. Uh...I got a bit of an oddball to pitch your direction. A small town I cover outside of Sioux Falls- only crime to speak of being the occasional cow tipping. Then last week... four people go missing."

"All right, so, what makes you think this is our kind of weird?"

"I've got a witness who says he saw someone lift an S.U.V. to nab a girl last night."

The Impala pulls up to Casey's Great Plains Diner and parks next to Sheriff Mills truck. The boys get out and both hug her.

"Sheriff." Dean greets, "Laying off the blind dates, I hope."

"Yeah. You bite your tongue, boy."

"Hey. So?" Sam says.

"So. Car was right over there, ass over teakettle. Now, normally, if somebody would tell me that one guy lifted an S.U.V., I'd tell him to take a flying leap, but after what I've seen..."

"Nothing's impossible." Sam says.

"And this matches up with the other missing how?" Dean asks.

"Well, four abductions, strong evidence left at every scene- literally."

"So, first vic was a pastor?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Door of his study was punched in. And then, the next two- an engaged couple."

The sound of the bell ringing above the diner door is heard as Jody explains what's been going on to them. Footsteps approach them as Sam says, "Okay, so, we have, uh, missing church folk and super strength. Maybe angels harvesting vessels? Could be a Buddy Boyle type thing."

"Wh-" Jody's shocked, "Angels? You're joking."

"Don't get your pants on fire." Dean says, "They suck."

Zoey walks up, unable to keep the smile off of her face, as Sam notices her, "Zoey. Hey. Didn't know you'd be here."

"Sam," Zoey hugs him, "You're looking better. How's Kevin?"

"Dealing with Crowley." Dean answers.

"Yeah." Sam rolls his eyes.

"Hey." Zoey greets him, grinning stupidly as he raises his eyebrows at her and pulls her into his arms.

"Hey yourself." Dean grins, seeing Jody and Sam talking next to her truck, "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you." She's honest, nodding towards the diner, "And I was hoping we could grab something to eat together before you go investigate for this case."

Sam interrupts them and says he's riding with Jody to take a look around the church before meeting back up with Dean. After they say their goodbyes, Dean nods, "I'd say, my schedule just cleared up. And I could always go for a burger, especially with my favorite girl."

Zoey blushes and shakes her head. She takes a deep breath, feeling his hand on her back as he opens the door for her. She stops at the enterance and grabs Dean's hand while he scans the room, tensing when he notices the booth in the corner. She squeezes his hand, whispering, "It's okay. It's okay, Dean. Come on."

Dean follows her as she tugs him towards the booth. He freezes, eyes connected with his daughter's, as they glaze over with fresh tears. He takes a deep breath and his eyes soften at the terrified look in hers. The blonde haired amazon looks around the room before staring down at the table.

"Emma." Zoey says, smiling even though the girl isn't looking, "Dean's gonna eat with us."

Dean's throat hurts, his chest is tight, and he forces himself to awkwardly take a seat across from Emma. It's then he notices that Zoey's already ordered for them.

Even though it seems like the first time in forever since she's seen those green eyes, Emma can almost remember them staring at her from above her crib with kindness and a soft smile on his face. Emma didn't know him then and had asked her mother, only to be told that he was her father and therefore her target, was supposed to be her first kill. None of the other girls had met their fathers. It was such a simple thing. His "Hi, Emma," nothing more than that, but it stuck with her and she didn't know why. There wasn't kindness in his eyes at this moment, just an unreadable amount of emotions as he glanced around. She reminded herself that she was just a stranger and he was a hunter. Of course he was suspicious. And yet, the hurt that she suddenly felt was familiar… and surprising. He didn't know her, nor did he trust her.

"Hi, Emma." Those two familiar words had tears quickly spilling down her face as she sobbed and tried to hide them in her hands.

Dean's reaction was quick. He came around the table and sat next to her. A hesitant hand was placed on her shoulder and he squeezed his eyes tightly as Emma wrapped her arms around him. She rested her head against his chest and Dean softly cupped her head. If she felt his tears in her hair, as he rested his head on top of hers, neither of them said anything. The intensity of her grip on his shirt, like he'd vanish into thin air or push her away, had Dean's heart break even more. When he looked down at her, he didn't see the monster that everyone else saw, he didn't see the monster with rapid aging or super strength, he didn't see the yellowish-red eyes that were hidden by her human emerald ones identical to his own, no, he saw a piece of him. His little girl, a scared child who went against her natural instincts, stood for what she thought was right, refusing to kill him... the girl that saw something worth saving in her fully human father.

Half human or not, she was alive. And, whether or not he'd actual voice it, deep down he believed that Zoey brought her back for a reason. Emma was back for a reason. Maybe something out there, supernatural or otherwise, simply brought her back for him. Atleast, that's what he'd like to imagine.

It's hard to call himself a father because he doesn't think of himself as one. He's a son, brother, friend, a hunter. Deep down, Dean knows, he's always been more than just a brother... he's always been a mother and father. It's different with Emma because she actually is his, she came from him, shares his DNA. As he holds her in his arms, he vows to do everything in his power to give her everything he never had- everything John couldn't give him.

He rubs her back and watches Zoey wipe away her own tears, quietly shushing Emma, "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here."

His eyes connect with Zoey's across the table and he hopes they say everything he cannot.

One thing is more abundantly clearer now; they're his family and he'll love them until his last breath.


Sitting in Good Faith Church, between Dean and Sam, Zoey watches Bonnie take a seat behind the desk and hopes she can help after they asked her to tag along.

"We hope you enjoyed the tour. Any questions before we get you guys registered?" Bonnie smiles at the three, hands clasped in front of her.

"Bonnie." Sam clears his throat, "Okay, um, we... love the church. We do. But... Well, we've heard that a few members have gone missing, and, to be honest... that kind of scares us."

"Let me assure you, with our increased security, Good Faith has never been safer. And those people who have gone missing, well, they are front and center in our prayers."

"What a relief." Dean says, "Now, you must have been, uh, close to them."

"Well, we do share the A.P.U. bond."

"The APU?" Dean asks.

"Our chastity group... "Abstinence Purifies Us.""

"Oh. W-wow. You mind if we sit in on that, maybe see if it's for us?" Sam clears his throat again while Zoey scratches the back of her head awkwardly and refuses to meet any of their gazes.

"I'm afraid it's members only. I'm sorry, but it can get pretty personal." Bonnie informs them.

"Then count us in." Sam looks at his brother.

"Well. I'll be a squirrel in a skirt. I'll be back in a jiff with the papers." Bonnie exits the group and Dean keeps his voice low, "A chastity group?"

"Dean, listen, if all the members were in APU, then maybe whatever took them is stalking virgins."

"And that Slim guy said he thought he saw fire. So, what are you thinking, dragons?" Dean's glances at Zoey. He's now concerned about her being here, but wouldn't dare voice that thought out loud.

"All righty." Bonnie hands the three of them clipboards, "You can just sign there, and your purification can begin."

"Purity pledge?" Sam reads.

"It's a commitment to your virginity."

"I don't think we can really un-ring that bell. You know what I mean?" Dean chuckles and eyes Zoey with a wink while watching her face turn bright red with a smirk.

"Oh. I see. Well... If you just ask for God's forgiveness for your sins and make a new vow of chastity, well, then, you'll be born again as a virgin in his eyes."

"So, you just hit the "virginity do-over" button, and all is good with the man upstairs?" Dean asks, genuinely curious.

"It's not a button. And... this isn't just a piece of paper. I mean, this is your clean slate, your chance to be a virgin until marriage."

"Well, you had me at clean slate. Let's do this." Dean signs the form, then Sam, and then Zoey who looks down at her lap.

"Congratulations, Zoey Jones, Sam and Dean Winchester. You are all virgins." Bonnie grins and Zoey thinks, 'Thanks, but I already was.'

After Bonnie exits the room, Zoey swallows and turns to Dean, "You asked me to help... with... this?"

"I didn't, uh, I didn't know that-" Dean stutters through his reply, "That all the vics were... y'know."

"Maybe being here..." Sam doesn't meet either of their faces, "Maybe it's not the best idea..." For Zoey, goes unsaid.

"I get it." Zoey nods, "Whatever's killing these people, I'm just bait... and I just walked into... it's feasting grounds, or whatever you wanna call it."

"Hey, we're not gonna let anything happen to you." Dean promises.

The door's opened again and Bonnie appears, telling them about an APU meeting which is about to start.


"I wrote a new piece of verse. It's called "sex is a racket, and God's ball is in your court."" Zoey holds back her laughter at Tammy's comment. She quickly bites her lip and looks down as Suzy questions Sam, "And we would love to hear that, Tammy- later. Why don't we hear from our new friends? Sam, what brought you here to reclaim your virginity?"

"Well, I guess because every woman I've... ever... had relations with, uh... it... hasn't ended well."

"He ain't lying." Dean actually chuckles.

"Thank you for being here, Sam." Suzy says, "Stay strong. Stay pure."

All the women repeated the saying before Suzy questioned Zoey who immediately blushed as Dean caught her eye and the cocky son of a bitch even winked at her.

"Um..." Zoey's voice was barely a whisper, "I... did this... hoping to help someo- I mean, help myself. Uh, save myself... religious reasons... and, yeah."

"Good. Thank you for being here, Zoey. Stay strong. Stay pure." Suzy waits after the chant to turn her attention to Dean, "And you, Dean? What set you on the path away from sin?"

"Uh, hard to say, exactly. Yeah. sex has always felt- I don't know- good, you know? I mean, really, really good. Uh... But, uh... Sometimes, it just makes you feel bad, you know? You're drunk. You shack up." Dean smiles, "Then, it's the whole morning thing. You know, "Hey, that was fun." And then, "adios," you know? Always the "adios." But, you know, when you get down to it, what's the big deal, right? I mean, sure, there's the touching and the feeling all of each other, my hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body, the two of us moving together, pressing and pulling... Grinding."

Zoey glares at him from across the room as he looks up at her from behind his eyelashes in the middle of his speech, holding back a smirk, "Then you hit that sweet spot, and everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just..."

He makes a exploding noise, "Yeah. Uh... But the whole thing was just a little too, uh... sticky. So, uh, I got my V card back. The end."

After the meeting, Sam and Zoey talk to the women in the church while Dean makes up an excuse to check around outside. Zoey notices Suzy following him, and when she goes outside, she finds them gone. Before she can panic, Sam gets a call from Dean who says he's interviewing Suzy at her home, looking for clues. They all later meet up at a motel where Jody shows up and helps with their research. She mentions Emma and Zoey decides to bail on the hunt, not wanting the girl to be at home alone.


"Vics were virgins who broke their vows." Jody tells Zoey while arriving home after the hunt, bruised and bloody, insisting she's fine.

She hears the car door shut out front and looks back at the door, "They're out front and they want you to go home with them."

Zoey looks at Emma. Jody nods, "Both of you. I appreciate all your help around here, and I'm not kicking either of you out, but you can only hide out here for so long."

"Emma," Zoey says, "Go pack your stuff. We're going back to the bunker."

When Emma disappears into her room, there's a knock at the door and Jody answers. It's Dean.

"Kevin will be happy." Dean says, "Crowley's been his only company."

"I forgot about Crowley." Zoey scowls.

"Trust me, I don't like it any more than you." Dean looks down the hall, "Need help packing?"

"Sure." Zoey leads him into the guest room where Emma's waiting with a backpack and suitcase, items acquired by the two older women.

"Let me." Dean takes her bags, smiling at her, "Come on, sweetheart."

Zoey continues packing her things quickly while Emma follows her father outside. She's silent, quickly shuffling towards Baby when she sees her Uncle leaning against the passenger front door. Dean pats Sam on the shoulder as he passes before unlocking the trunk to put Emma's bags away.

When Emma sees his face, she's suddenly reminded of the sheer panic and pure terror she felt staring at the barrel of the gun in his hands. Not many words were exchanged between him and her father before he pulled the trigger, she saw his cold, dark eyes, and felt an unimaginable pain like no other. Dying was painful, that she knew. Though, now, she notices the difference in his eyes... as he softly says her name, as if not to frighten her, he sounds... regretful? Almost as if he was the one in pain.

"Emma, I know there's nothing I can possibly say to make what I did okay..."

Dean gives them some privacy and walks towards Jody's house when the door opens and Zoey steps outside with her bags. Unable to stop himself, Dean walks right up to her and cups her face, kissing her.

"Thank you." He says, his lips brushing against hers because of how close they are.

"For what?" She asks, his body pressed against hers.

"For coming back to me. For everything." Is all he can say. There's too many things he wants to say, but no time.

"Oh-kayyy." She shakes her head, "How's Emma?"

"Emma's perfect." He kisses her again and takes her bags to the Impala with a skip in his step.

Zoey helps Emma into the backseat and slids in right after her. They wave goodbye to Jody before Dean starts the car, the engine purring to life, a genuine smile on his face. Before he pops one of his classic cassettes in, he looks back at Emma, "This is real music, Emma!"

Loud rock music fills the car as Dean uses the steering wheel as drums, even Sam's unable to keep the smile off of his face. Zoey shakes her head at them, making Emma laugh, before grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

Everything's gonna be okay, it says.

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