The rise of N-Dubz

By Katie25_

11.5K 133 28

See how N-Dubz rise to fame and the challenges they face along the way, both in the studio and in their perso... More

The rise of N-Dubz
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30 - Conclusion

Chapter 14.

414 5 4
By Katie25_

WARNING: The last part may be unsuitable for younger readers.

Later on the next evening, Tulisa and Fazer had been in the studio with Dappy all day and were now at home. Tulisa keeps complaining that her back's hurting. Fazer wound her up at first and said it's because she's getting old. The pain is getting worse and worse and he can see that she's in pain. She's in the kitchen getting a drink when he hears her scream out in pain. 

Tulisa: Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Fazer goes in the kitchen and takes her hand. He takes her into the living room and puts her on the sofa. He wants to try and help her so he's going to rub her back to see if that helps.

Fazer: Right, you sit forward a bit, and I'll sit behind you. I'll try and rub your back and see if that helps?

Tulisa: OK.

She sat forward a bit, with Fazer behind her. He rubbed her back for about five minutes and the pain seemed to be going away.

Fazer: Is that a bit better?

Tulisa: Yeah.

Fazer: Do you want me to keep rubbing it for a bit?

Tulisa: Yeah please.

Fazer: Alright.

Tulisa: Faze?

Fazer: Yeah?

Tulisa: Thanks.

Fazer: What for?

Tulisa: Everything, you're amazing.

Fazer: *laughs* I wouldn't go that far.

Tulisa: *turning round to face him* Well I would. I've never told anyone what I told you a few days ago. The fact I could tell you, says a lot about you.

Fazer: Aw T, well, I'm always here if you need me, you know that.

Tulisa: I know and thank you.

Fazer: You're welcome baby. Is your back feeling better?

Tulisa: Yeah it's loads better. I think you must have the magic touch.

Fazer: Right I was thinking, take-away,  a bit of TV and bed?

Tulisa: Sounds like a plan!

Fazer: Good, well I'll get the takeaway menus and you can pick one?

Tulisa: OK and you can pick what we watch on TV.

Fazer: Cool.

Tulisa: Fazer?

Fazer: Yes Tulisa?

Tulisa: I love you.

Fazer: I love you too.

Fazer went off to get the take-away leaflets and they decided on Chinese. They ordered it and it came 45 minutes later. They settled down to eat it, they watched something on TV and Tulisa fell asleep. Fazer carried her off to bed and got in beside her.

The next morning, They were up early, they got ready and were in the studio. Tulisa picked up her phone and saw a text from Ny. They'd fallen out again because Ny promised Tulisa that she could go to the next baby scan and she went without her.

From Ny:

Look T, I'm sorry.

To Ny:

Sorry doesn't cut it! I came to you and sorted things out between us! I put my stupid pride to one side and came to see you to sort things! You promised I could be involved in your baby's life. You even said I could go the next baby scan and you went without me! I tried to sort things between us. We've been mates for years, Ny!

From Ny:

Like I said, I'm sorry. Lewis thought it should be just me and him. He said, it's not her fucking baby, it's not even related to her so why the fuck should she come along? I wanted you to be there. You're my best friend, T, please?

To Ny:

I've heard enough of your pathetic excuses and I don't wanna hear any more! 

She threw her phone across the studio and stormed off. Dappy and Fazer looked at each other puzzled and Fazer picked her phone up, made sure it wasn't broken and saw the messages T had sent to Ny. He wasn't checking up on her, it was just how she'd thrown the phone.

Dappy: What the hell's up with her?

Fazer: Here duks. Her and Ny again.

Dappy: What's happened now?

Fazer: I think Ny's left her out of the baby scan that she promised T could go to.

Dappy: Why does she always fucking let her down?

Fazer: I dunno mate, I'm gonna go see if she's OK anyway.

Dappy: OK mate.

Fazer grabbed his spare hoodie that he always left in the studio and he ran outside and saw Tulisa sat on the step crying. He walked up to her and put his arms around her. He put his spare hoodie on her to keep her warm.

Fazer: Listen T, when you threw your phone, you left it on the messages so me and Dappy know what she's done.

Tulisa: Why does she always do this to me? She knows I wanted to go!

Fazer: I don't know babe. How about me and you go to Costa and get some coffees?

Tulisa: Yeah cool. We should see if Dappy wants one too?

Fazer: Yeah you go wait in my car, I'll go and ask him.

Tulisa: OK.

Fazer goes back into the studio to ask if Dappy wants a coffee. 

Fazer: Daps man, me and T's off to Costa, do you want anything?

Dappy: Nah, I'm good mate. Is she alright?

Fazer: Yeah she's just upset.

Dappy: Alright, well take as long as you want yeah?

Fazer: Cool mate, see you in a bit.

Dappy: Yeah see you.

Fazer goes back out to his car and sees Tulisa wrapped up in his little blanket that he always left in the back of the car. He smiles and gets in beside her.

Fazer: You nice and warm down there?

Tulisa: Yeah.

Fazer: Good, Dappy doesn't want anything so he said we can take as long as we like.

Tulisa: Cool.

Fazer: Right then, I suppose we better get to Costa then, eh?

Tulisa: Yeah.

Tulisa doesn't say anything for the whole journey. It takes them about 20 minutes because of the traffic. Fazer parks the car and sits with Tulisa in the car for a bit.

Fazer: T?

Tulisa: What?

Fazer: Are you OK?

Tulisa: Yeah fine why?

Fazer: You know you can come and talk to me don't you?

Tulisa: Yeah course.

Fazer: Are you wanting to wait here or come in with me?

Tulisa: I'll wait here.

Fazer: OK, what do you want me to get you?

Tulisa: One of them caramel drinks.

Fazer: OK, well I'll be back soon.

Tulisa: OK.

Fazer gives her a kiss and then leaves the car to get the drinks. Tulisa decides to try and go for a little sleep. She can't sleep though and just ends up crying. A few minutes after, she spots Ny and Lewis going into Costa. Fazer comes back 10 minutes later. He spots Tulisa crying. He puts the drinks down and cuddles her.

Fazer: Oh T. Talk to me darling, what's wrong?

Tulisa: I saw Ny and Lewis going in there.

Fazer: I know, Ny tried to get me to tell you she was sorry. I told her it's unfair how she keeps leaving you out. She promised you could go to that scan and left you out, as fucking usual. I just told her you were upset and she said she wanted to see you. I told her to leave it for now because I knew you'd end up ripping her head off.

Tulisa: Good. Can we go back now?

Fazer: Yeah come on then.

Just then, Ny comes over to the car. She hasn't got Lewis with her, which is a first. She tries to get Tulisa to talk to her, but she's obviously not interested.

Tulisa: Faze, drive, now.

Fazer: You sure?

Tulisa: Yes, just go. I don't wanna look at her face.

Fazer: OK, you're the boss!

Tulisa: Yep, the female boss!

Fazer: Don't start that shit on me, it doesn't work!

Tulisa: You sure?

Fazer: Yep. You happy now we're away from her?

Tulisa: Yep, very.

Fazer: Good!

They drove back to the studio but Dappy said they could go and spend the afternoon doing whatever they wanted. They decided to go home. They had separate houses but Fazer practically lived with Tulisa so she was thinking about letting him move in permanently. She asked him when they were home.

Tulisa: Faze?

Fazer: Yeah?

Tulisa: Do you fancy moving in here?

Fazer: What, like properly?

Tulisa: Yeah.

Fazer: Are you sure?

Tulisa: Yeah, we've been best mates for years, you spend more time here than you do in your own house, plus, we're in a relationship so it makes sense, doesn't it?

Fazer: Yeah of course it does! I'd love to move in here with you!

Tulisa: Good, that's settled then.

Fazer: I love you T.

Tulisa: I love you too Fazey.

A short while later, they were sat on the sofa together. Fazer's hands wandered up Tulisa's top. She did nothing to stop him. She didn't want to. He climbed on top of her and kissed her, with his hands slowly moving down her body towards her underwear. Tulisa broke the kiss.

Tulisa: Erm, if you're going to do this, I've got a bed upstairs.

Fazer: Can we not just do it here?

Tulisa: No. I've got a bed upstairs. I'm not someone you can shag on the sofa.

Fazer: Alright fine.

Fazer carried her up to bed, He took her top off and unclasped her bra. He gently pushed her on the bed. She took his top off and he climbed on top of her. He removed her tracksuit bottoms and she did the same to him. All the time, never breaking the kiss they were sharing. Fazer picked her up from the bed and layed her under the duvet. He climbed on top of her and his hands trailed inside her underwear. He threw her underwear off and it landed on the floor. He rubbed the inside of her legs with both his thumbs, earning quiet moans from her. Suddenly he thrust one of his thumbs into (you can guess where!) and Tulisa let out a massive scream. Fazer kissed her neck to stop her screaming and she calmed down a bit. All the time, he hadn't realised what she was doing inside his boxers.

Fazer: T, why's your hand on my dick for?

Tulisa: The same reason one of your thumbs is down there. Two can play that game, Mr!

Fazer: Oh really?

Tulisa: Yeah, anyway just shut your face and kiss me.

Fazer: Oooh bossy!

Tulisa: Yeah and don't you forget it!

After a while they'd had sex and were layed in bed cuddling. Tulisa looked up at Fazer with the biggest smile in the world on her face.

Tulisa: Fazer, that was amazing.

Fazer: I know, I've wanted that for so long!

Tulisa: I know we haven't been dating long, but I really want this to work.

Fazer: Me too and it will.

Tulisa: I hope so.

Fazer: It will. How about we lay in bed for a bit and we can get some food after?

Tulisa: OK.

They layed in bed for a while and Tulisa fell asleep on Fazer's chest. He realised just how lucky he was. He'd just had sex with the most amazing girl on the planet and she was now layed in his arms fast asleep. He always vowed to look after her and he meant it when he said he would do.

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