The rise of a Pokémon master

By KingSnooze09

3.3K 10 23

Ash Ketchum a ten year old boy ready for his Pokémon journey.Along his side is a electric rodent with that wa... More

I choose you
I choose you part 2
A Fresh Start
Journey Through Viridian Forest part 1
Move sets.
Viridian Forest Part 2
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter city
Show down in Pewter City part two
Move sets part 2
The Journey of a coordinator
Clefairy and the moon stone
The Water flowers of cerulean City
You win some, you lose some
The school of hard knocks
Bulbasaur and the hidden village
Charmander the first flame of aura
Here comes the Squirtle squad
Mystery at the light house
Electric shock show down
A shocking new move!(Yes I know it's a bad pun, deal with it)
A battling shipwreck
Move sets part 3
A vacation and relaxation
A Cruel Vacation
A frightful evolution
Not exactly love at first sight
A sweet smelling Showdown
A sweet smelling showdown part 2
A sweet smelling showdown part 3
A sweet smelling showdown part 4
The trials of a coordinator
The trials of a coordinator part 2
A breediful evolution(I know, bad pun deal with it.)
Breediful battles
Breediful battles part 2
Team Rocket take over.
The takeover
The bad, the good, and both
Move Sets part 4
The Calvary has arrived!
It's finally over
Setting off
Mankey goes bananas
A mind breaking showdown
A troubling tournament
A rockin evolution!(I know it's cheesy)
The end of a rockin rematch!
The end of a way to long tournament
Leaving the big city
The familiar smell of lavender
breakin out!
Don't get between a momma Ursarang and her cub
A battle of parenting
Learning about the past
Training all day and training all night.
Move sets part 5
Child hunting
Hypno's nap time
Another day, another city
The not so gringey city
The not so Gringey city part 2
Dose dang Digletts!
Digging up a new team member
Move sets part 6
A blazing battle

A contagiously good battle

19 0 1
By KingSnooze09

"Alright then, time to finally get to training."Jessie says rubbing her hands as everyone cheers.

Butterfree learns Tailwind, Marowak learns Thrash, Bulbasaur learns Giga Drain, Charmeleon learns Flamethrower, Squirtle learns Aqua Jet, Krabby learns Razor Shell, Dratini masters Thunder Wave, and Grimer learns Mega Drain.Growlie learns Flamethrower, Carnivine learns Giga Drain, Weepinbell learns Giga Drain, Gyarados learns Aqua Tail, Mime Jr. learns Mimic, and Drowzee learns Psybeam.Ekans learns Sucker Punch, Fearow learns Rest, Beedrill learns Drill Run, Ditto's practicing, Mankey learns Brick Break, and Scamp learns Rock Throw.Goldeen learns dig, Staryu learns Minimize, Gyarados Dragon Dance from Dratini, Gloom learns Sludge Bomb, Horsea also learns Dragon Dance, Eevee learns Double Team, Psyduck is practicing Watergun with little progress.Onix learns Dragon Dance, Graveler learns Thunder Punch, Ryhorn learns Heavy Slam, Golbat learns Mega Drain, Vulpix learns Will-O-Wisp, Pinsir learns X-Scissor, and Magnemite learns Metal Sound.

"Alright, we'd like to make an announcement, we have come up with new names for our two Gyarados cause things can get confusing!"James tells his friends with Misty beside him."Yep, my Gyarados' name new name is Riptide cause when she was a Magikarp she loved to splash around and riptide means to make strong currents in the water, also because her water attacks are super strong!"Misty says patting her Gyarados on the nose."And mine's name is Noodle cause he really likes spaghetti."James says proudly as Gyarados rubs his head on James.Meowth then burst out laughing at Noodle's name."I don't know what's so funny?He likes Spaghetti, which has noodles and he's shaped like a noodle.Perfect name if you ask me."Ash says as everyone agrees."I feel extremely concerned for your understanding of comedy."Meowth replies.

"Finally, now how about we get to the get to the gym!"Ash says."Okay, well I'm gonna transfer over Mime Jr. for Meowth."James says."Why?He's gotten a lot stronger?"Jessie ask."I know, but I don't want him to get to hurt.He's still five."James says."Even if they don't grow faster in mine most of the time, Pokémon still grow very quickly."Brock says."Well he still needs training.He hasn't had a gym leader battle before."James says."Fine, then."Jessie says as they get to the Pokémon center.

"Okay then, let's go then."Ash says as they walk to a large purple building."I think recently there was a new gym leader."Brock says."Yeah, two months ago.I guess Koga fully decided to retire as a gym leader since he was both an elite four member and gym leader.Guess he was tired of trainers getting cocky if they beat him not knowing he uses power pads."Brock says."Power pads?"Ash and James wonder."Power pads.Gym leaders use them if they're to strong for normal trainers so power pads is able to take away how strong a Pokémon is.Only gym leaders are allowed to use them.Me and Misty definitely didn't need them cause we were very new.I was just lucky that mostly new trainers only challenged.And Misty's parents were on vacation."Brock says."Yeah, no offense Misty but I don't think your sisters would be good long term gym leaders."Jessie says."No offense in any way shape or form."Misty replies."Well let's go then."Ash says as the go inside the gym."Hello?We're here for a gym battle!?"Ash ask walking forward but face plants into a  invisible wall."Ow!My actually decently proportioned head!"Ash yells holding his head due to the pain as someone laughs."Wow, ya think you're really smart huh?I can only guess how bad your life is to just sit in this giant building waiting for someone to bump into a wall and that's the highlight of your day-"Ash is about to continue but four shurikens are thrown at him barely missing."Ash!"Everyone screams surprised of what happened."I hope you learned your lesson."A young girl not much older than Ash and Misty in ninja clothing."Yeah that you have anger issues."Ash replies."What are you doing here?"She ask."We're here to have a gym battle."James replies."Well you're in the right place, cause I'm the gym leader."She replies."Well I'm not to surprised because Misty was a gym leader."Jessie says."So, which one of you are battling me?"The young girl ask."Both of us."Ash replies pointing at James."Then who will be first?"She ask."You can go first."James says and Ash nods."So what's your name anyway?"Ash ask."Janine, yours?"Janine ask."Ash, he replies and steps onto the battlefield as Janine calls over a referee."This will be a three on three battle between the gym leader Janine and Ash Ketchum the challenger."Venomoth, throw them your power."Janine says releasing a purple moth like Pokémon."Alright then, go get them Butterfree!"Ash says releasing his own bug type."Use Toxic Spikes!"Janine says as poisonous spikes are spread all over the floor starting to turn invisible."Butterfree, use Silver Wind on the floor!"Ash says as the poisonous spikes are swept up from the floor."Venomoth, use Screech!"Janine says as the moth screeches disorientating Butterfree."Now, set up Toxic Spikes again!"Janine commands as there floor is covered in spikes once again."Well if they're gonna set up, so are we!Butterfree, we Tailwind!"Ash says as wind blows from behind Butterfree."Now, use Acrobatics!"Ash says and Butterfree dashes forward towards Venomoth covered in light blue energy striking Venomoth.

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