Does it really matter?

By 917brat

39.6K 1.1K 71

All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

2.3K 78 7
By 917brat

Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

A.n- I need help I really can't get the way Merle should be acting right. I guess it could be in this chapter he is trying to figure things out and that's why he is like this, but I have no idea how to have him act after and he wouldn't be Merle if he wasn't at least a little offense so any ideas?

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the walking dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them

Chapter four

Harry watched the scene in front of her with a little disbelieve visible on her face. They had managed to get out of the store and get out of Atlanta. They had even managed to finally make it back to the camp where the others were waiting.

Hell, Harry had even managed to grab the bags they had been getting supplies in as they ran out, so the whole trip wouldn't turn out to be a complete bust. Bag that everyone else had dropped or left behind earlier and hadn't thought to pick them back up in the panic of their escape.

An escape that went rather smoothly, as all it really took, was her to finally loose her temper, snapping at nearly everyone that had been in the group, to get them all too finally work together to make a plan of escape that would work.

A plan which luckily hadn't required Harry to inform the others of her magic to make work, and at the same time had got Glenn back a lot of her respect. Not to mention a little disbelieve when she found out he had been a pizza delivery guy with no military background. As she had believed he had to have been at least from a military background or family with everything he had been doing for everyone else.

Not to mention, now she didn't have an as negative view of Rick, that she had had before. She had even apologized for punching him in the first place. Something which was further helped by the fact that he did seem to generally regret cuffing Merle to the roof in the first place and didn't hold the fact she had punched him against her; at least right now it seemed he didn't.

Though that could be because of what was currently happening, more than anything else. Since, as soon as they had managed to get back to camp, and after they finally got the car alarm to stop blaring. They all found out that the Rick with them, was the Rick that had been husband to Lori, a father to Carl and a supposed brother figure to Shane. All of which had apparently believed him to be dead. This had led to a very emotional reunion among them.

Well, an emotion reunion between husband, wife, and son. Harry noticed that Shane actually looked to pretty upset about Rick coming back; if the glare he was giving him meant anything. Even if, Harry noticed Shane was trying to hide it when Rick or any of the others looked his way.

Harry was used to watching, used to observing other and catching a lot of the things that most people missed. So, she could tell with just the look on Shane's face when he saw Lori hugging her husband. That there was going to be trouble soon.

How much exactly Harry wasn't sure about, as she didn't know just how bad Shane could get when he lost it, but she did know one thing for sure. Which was that she hadn't like Shane in the least bit before this all happened, and she got the feeling she was going to outright loath him real soon.

Which again, made Harry happy that she had managed to hide the fact she was female, the fact she was a powerful witch, and the fact she had a safe house that no one but her had accessibility to from him. As well as quite a few other members of the group he had been the leader of.

After all, she knew that if he had known all that, he would find some way to hold it against her, and having a person you loath, and you very magic couldn't stand, having something to hold against you wasn't a good thing. Especially when said person was just a few hairs short of going insane.

Promising to keep an eye on Shane, and keep him away from her, Harry turned away from the rather touching scene of the family reunion and instead began paying attention to the others of the group.

Swallowing heavily as she did so, trying not to think of the fact that she would never get that as her whole family, even little Teddy, were all died; and not in the way Rick had been assumed dead either.

It was by doing this, and suppressing her emotions the best she could, Harry saw that they were all watching Rick, Lori, and Carl. But none of them seemed to notice the glare hidden on Shane's face... wait no Harry had to correct herself there it seemed that Merle noticed it and had noticed that she had noticed as well because he was watching both her and Shane. Though his look when he was looking at her seemed to like he was trying to figure something out, instead of the untrusting look he was giving Shane.

Seeing this, and seeing that Daryl was still out hunting, Harry licked her lips nervous and headed over to where Merle was. Hoping like hell he wasn't still mad at her. Sure, she could take a punch, but it didn't mean she would welcome one or that she wouldn't curse him in retaliation for hitting her; others there be damned.

However, it seemed luck was on her side this time, or maybe on Merle side considering the curses she had been planning to use if he had hit her, because instead of striking out at her; like Harry had expected him to. He simple moved aside and handed her one of the nearby rabbits, that had been set aside to be skinned for dinner, by Daryl before he had gone out hunting for more; seeing as two rabbits weren't enough to feed the whole group.

Sighing at this, Harry took out one of her own blades and got to work on the rabbit, wondering mentally all the while how the others in the wizarding world would react to her if they saw her doing this. Harry was interrupted from her, rather hilarious mental images of how certain people would react to what she was doing, by Merle's voice.

"That hit back there, it's the only free hit you'll ever get on Merle. You hear me, girly boy. I was thinking on hitting you back for it, but old Merle had a time to think about it and maybe at the time you were right about knocking some sense into old Merle's head." Hear Merle stopped and rubbed his bruised still aching jaw, before continuing on.

"It was a good hit I give you that. Not only that but you were right about what you said, and I know if my brother was there, we would have been scrapping now for what I did. I know if it had been anyone else up there doing what I had been doing, then I would have done something like putting a bullet in their head for putting me and mine in danger."

Harry hearing the unspoken, and never would be spoken, thanks nodded her head before placing the skin of the rabbit she was working with beside the one Merle had set up. Only to freeze before she could go back to the rabbit as Merle continued speaking.

"But I got to say there is something odd about you. Something I saw when you were screaming at me and everyone else that just didn't make since. I don't know what but, whatever it was just gave me the feeling that you are hidden something from everyone. Something rather big at that."

Hearing this, Harry went wide eyes and was about to say something back when she was stop by what sounded like children screaming. Hearing this Harry dropped the rabbit she had been holding and took off running to where the screaming was coming from; Merle right at her heels as she did so.

They were soon joined in by the rest of the group and as they all reached where the screaming was coming from. They all saw that it was both Sophia and Carl that had been screaming. Having been both shocked and rightfully terrified by the sight of a Walker not far from the eating a deer.

Seeing this, Harry helped get the kids further from the walker and was about to hit said walker in the head with one of her daggers but before she could an arrow went flying knocking the walker down.

Seeing this and recognizing the arrow Harry didn't tense as much as the others when Daryl came out from the forest cursing up a storm. Hearing this cursing and now seeing the arrows that were in the deer Harry got a good idea just what Daryl was cursing about.

She'd be pretty ticked off as well, if she had been stalking a deer all day, and had managed to get in down, only to find something else had gotten to it before she could.

Especially when you think of just how much a single deer would feed in this camp. Still it was rather amusing watching Daryl kick the walker a couple of time, though that amusement fade and was replaced by mild disgust when Daryl turned and asked them.

"Do you think we could still eat it if we cut around the part the walker been eating?"

Harry could understand where Daryl was coming from, even if it did disgust her, but she honestly didn't think it was possible and Merle seemed to be of the same mind because it was him that answered his brother.

"Don't think so Daryl. Not a good idea, it could infect us all. After all you don't munch on a creature that's been diseased and you shouldn't eat one that's been bitten by one either." Daryl didn't reply to this, he only loaded another arrow and shot the walker from before in the head, before pulling said arrow out.

"You guys got to hit these guys in the head, a head-shots the only way to kill off these fuckers. And I guess your right about that Merle, good thing I managed to catch this bunch of squirrels then. Though we should get to skinning them if we want any food tonight."

Hearing this Harry cursed slightly and, after making sure both the kids were alright, took off to where the rabbits had been. Hopefully they weren't too damaged from when they had been dropped.

Cursing behind her, told her Merle just had the same thought, as he too took off towards his camp. An amused, though slightly confused, Daryl following behind them. Looking curiously at the new member of their group but trusting that his brother would explain it to him later.

As it turned out the rabbits had been fine, having not even landed on the ground but some of the plastic that had been set up before hand, so that was good. Which meant that those rabbits, combined with the squirrels that Daryl had hunted down, and that the three of them had skinned down, had been enough feed all the group.

Not only that but because it had all been made into a sort of meat stew, there should also be enough left over to have the next day; at least for breakfast that is. Unfortunately, it turned out they couldn't even enjoy a good meal in either silence or peace because while they were eating. Rick had decided to set his bowl down and speak up.

"We need to go back there, those guns I had. They could be what we need to save us, and I want to take several of us here to go back in get them so that we can be better defended."

Hearing this Harry froze her spoon midway to her mouth before she dropped said spoon and looked incredulously at Rick. A look that was shared by several of the others in the group. Rick seeing these looks shifted slightly before speaking again.

"Look, I know it sounds rather insane. But I don't want to leave those guns there for someone else to find; who knows what they would do with them... Not to mention if we had them here, then if more Walkers come attacking us. We would have a better chance of fighting them off. A less chance that someone could be killed during an attack like that."

After Rick said this last bit a lot of the protest seemed to leave the majority of the group. After all, they all knew that they did need better protection, and that those guns would bring it. Still this didn't stop Harry from asking.

"You speak as if you already made up your mind about going. That means you already know just who you want to go with you. So, who do you want to go with you....and why didn't you mention those guns earlier? We could have attempted to work away to get them before we first left Atlanta. It'd saved us a trip, a risky one at that!'

This didn't seem to go over well for Lori, why Harry had no idea, as she thought she had asked a rather good question. But Lori apparently didn't, because she started screaming at Harry for what she said; some of what she was saying raising eyebrows from the others as she did so.

"Watch what you are saying, boy! You have no right to question my husband when all he is trying to do is keep all of us safe! He's willing to risk his life to do so, so you should show him a little more respect, because if not for him I doubt you would even be here right now!"

Now this, last little bit, didn't go over well with Harry and she let Lori now just that. Her tone a low whisper, that unlike Lori's screeching didn't echo around the clearing. But at the same it did somehow sound a lot louder, and threatening, then Lori's ever could.

"I asked a simple question. One your 'husband' here, looked ready to answer before you budded in. A question several others wanted to know as well. As for not having a right to ask, who made you god? Who made it so I don't have a right to speak? Especially, when I too have been working on keeping the people here safe? A lot longer then you dear Rick has." Here Harry paused and gave a glare that froze Loir in her steps before she could interrupt her before continuing on; her tone getting just a bit more biting as she did so.

"And yes, I do agree with you he is risking his life to get those guns... along with the lives of several others, that he wants to go with him. So, I feel they deserve the right to now as well! And finally, I don't have to show him respect until he gives me a reason to want to, and so far from what I've seen he hasn't shown me that yet!"

This said, Lori began to puff up and looked like she was about to get started on another rant. One that most likely would have Harry tearing her to verbal shreds, when Rick spoke up. Having already faced Harry's temper and not wanting his wife to face the same. Especially when he knew that Harry was right about what she asked.

"Harry's right about that dear, the others would want to know as well. Especially if I wanted them to come along with me. Though he could have worded it differently."

Here Rick tried to give Harry a look but had to stop and look away when Harry gave him a scathing glare in return. Harry wouldn't be cowed by a look, especially not one given to her by someone she didn't respect or even trust yet.

Rick seeing the look he gave wasn't working the way he wanted continued speaking. Trying to ignore the fact that Harry's glare had reminded him of a wild trapped animal on the verge of attacking as he did so.

"Okay, now this trip while it would be a dangerous one, I really feel like it is a necessary one at the same time. That in mind I would like Glenn, Harry, and Daryl to be the ones to come with me. It'd be a small group so we could get in and out fast. Glenn because from what I have seen he knows the city better than anyone else, not to mention he's quick on his feet. Harry because he had a level head, a no-nonsense attitude and one of the fasting guys I have ever seen. One that even in a full out run, can turn on dime. Not to mention really handy with those all those blades of his. And then Daryl because from what I've been told about him, he is quite and has a long-range weapon that is silent and could really come in handy with any walker we might run into."

Of course, after he finished saying all of this, several of the group protested it. None louder the Lori, Shane and surprising, or given who Rick wanting in the group unsurprisingly, Merle.

"Rick, I don't think this is a good idea. We could need those members here, to protect the group if any walkers come. As much as I hate to admit it, two of those are some of our better fighters.... In fact, I honestly don't think those guns are worth it. You shouldn't even go out there in the first place."

This came from Shane, who surprisingly Harry could see made a lot of sense and was actually a rather smart choice. Even if she could see Shane didn't actually believe what he was saying and was only saying it to undermine any authority Rick might have. Wanting to keep his position of leadership, that Harry could already see Rick was beginning to take over. As the people in the group seemed to gravitate more towards him, than they ever had Shane.

"Why do you want those two to come with you in the first place? I wouldn't put it past one of them to shoot you in the back, or something like that, to get the guns. Can't you, chose someone else to go with you? Someone better? I don't see how those two could be helpful to you anyway, their more like deadweight than anything else!?"

Was the shrill protest that Lori let loose, as she glared and even pointed at both Harry and Daryl; letting everyone know just who she was talking about as she did so. Which had the effect of having Harry's eye to start twitching again, at being called deadweight by the queen of deadweights herself. And then finally the last protest coming from Merle; which was less of a pretest and more of a demand anyway.

"There is no way in hell, I'm letting you take my brother to that walker overrun city without me. I wouldn't put it past you to try the same thing you did with me there to him, and this time girly-boy might not be able to stop you. You want my brother with you, your taking me along as well!"

Harry hearing this winced. She knew somehow what Merle just said was going to be blown way out of proportion and that in one way or another the whole story about that happened was going to be brought out in the opening. Harry's thoughts were proven right when she heard someone ask.

"What does he mean?"

Only it wasn't the person Harry would have thought would have demanded to know. Harry thought Lori would be the first one to demand an explanation, only it was the usually quite Daryl that asked instead.

Perhaps it was because of this that the rest of the camp went quiet and waited for an explanation as well. Seeing this and seeing that it was Rick who was going to explain, instead of interrupting and telling it herself as would have when she was younger. Harry simply sat back and went back to eating.

Let Rick tell his version of how things went, she honestly didn't care. After all she already knew what happened and if some tried to get in her face about what she had done, she would set them straight. But for now, she was hungry, and the food wasn't as good cold as it was warm.

A shout of rage and feeling someone heading in her direction caused Harry to look up in enough time to dodge the smack that Lori had aimed at her. Whatever look that was on her face after she dodged this hit froze Lori in her place and actually caused Rick to stand up in worry about what was going to happen. But he didn't need to worry, at least not yet and not that much, because instead of lashing back out Harry instead settled for glaring at Lori before telling her.

"I get the feeling you didn't like what you heard. Guess what, I don't care, and if you try to hit me again, you'll find out just how much I don't care. Because honestly, I was raised to believe that males and females are equal, and several of the women I knew could kick a guy's ass several ways to Sunday without breaking a sweat."

Here Harry was counting herself amount those women; along with Luna. But didn't show this as she finished off. Her tone taking an even more biting edge as she snapped out.

"Knowing this, you should also know that if comes down to it I'll hit a bitch and not feel bad about it; especially if the bitch in question keeps getting in my face trying to hit me."

This said Harry put her empty bowl down, grabbed her bags and headed to the truck. All the while adding another reason why she really didn't like Lori and why there was no way in hell she was going to let that bitch in her home.

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