Smile Again 🪄 Taekook ff (Ta...


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"Naturally, millions of stars fall in love with the moon. Yes.. stars fall for the moon. Because it's the n... More

Before Reading.....
✨Chapter 01✨
✨Chapter 02✨
✨Chapter 03✨
✨Chapter 04✨
✨Chapter 05✨
✨Chapter 06✨
✨Chapter 08✨
✨Chapter 09✨
✨Chapter 10✨
✨Chapter 11✨
✨Chapter 12✨
✨Chapter 13✨
✨Chapter 14✨
✨Chapter 15✨
✨Chapter 16✨
✨Chapter 17✨
✨Chapter 18✨
✨Chapter 19✨
✨Chapter 20✨
✨Chapter 21✨
✨Chapter 22✨
✨Chapter 23✨
✨Chapter 24✨
✨Chapter 25✨
✨Chapter 26✨

✨Chapter 07✨

873 36 15

How can I replace someone for jungkook?

Jin woke up early in the morning and had a bath. He saw his loving joonie is still sleeping. He didn't bother him and went outside from the room.

He saw Suga and Hobi are already talking about something in the living room.

"Good morning guys" he greeted them.

"hyung, what are we going to eat?" hobi asked.

"Oh! Let's make kimchi fried rice" jin replied without thinking twice.

"Whaaaaa... You are amazing hyung. Let's cook, I will help you." Hobi said while clapping.

Jin, Hobi and Suga went to the kitchen to make their all time favourite kimchi fried rice.

"I will call the members to eat" Hobi left the kitchen after they finished their cooking.

He went to the floating house and awoke jungkook and bogum.

After awaking them he went back to the main house. He also awoke Namjoon, Taehyung and jimin.

"Whaaa those guys are still dreaming" Hobi mumbled.

After having their meal they decided to start their work. Namjoon and Hobi agreed to visit outside of the vacation house with some production members.

Suga and Jimin decided to visit inside the three houses and make a plan.

Also Jin agreed to visit the lake side area with others.

They left for their scheduled work after a few discussions with the other members.

Namjoon and Hobi went for a hike at a nearby mountain because the director wanted to shoot some hiking events for DTS.

So they wanted to see the feasibility and safety of the mountain.

Suga and Jimin visited all three parts of the house and decided to make a plan for the tv show.

They discussed a lot of things regarding the project.

"hyung" suddenly jimin called yoongi and sat on his lap.

"Mmm.. ''What is it chimmy?" Yoongi asked while hugging jimin.

"Do you love me right?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi smiled softly but didn't answer. Maybe, Yoongi got shy as always. He looked down and chuckled.

"Hyung, can you kiss me? There is no anyone here" jimin whispered to yoongi.

He looked at Jimin with his widened eyes and placed a soft kiss on Jimin's lips.

"I don't know how much I dreamed about this chimmy" Yoongi said.

"I'm sorry hyung. I didn't realize my feelings. But after that day you carried me home after I got drunk. I couldn't control myself. I realized that I can't live without you anymore."

Jimin replied with teary eyes. They cuddled each other softly.

"Hyung, I also want to see tae and Kookie together. Can't we help them hyung? I know Tae very well. He has deep feelings towards jungkook." Jimin said with his pout face.

"I know it very well, chimmy. Not only me but also everyone knows it. And also Jungkook has had feelings for Tae for a very long time now. But he knew that he had to face an arranged marriage because of his parents. Since they are not Jungkook's real parents but they raised him very well so he can't go against them. Please don't hate him and try to understand him" yoongi sighed.

"Can't we explain these things to his parents hyung? Jungkook is not happy with his marriage. If they really love Kookie they will understand him." Jimin said.

"No chimmy, it's different. Because they decided everything due to their business. They arranged this marriage because of the company value and imagine. That's all. Jungkook didn't want to destroy it because he felt indebted for his parents." Yoongi replied while hugging his chimmy again.

He knows Jimin can't see his friends suffering. This cute guy is too kind.

"He deserves more." Yoongi thought and placed a soft kiss on his cheeks.

Jin and others went to the lake side. The view was insane.

Taehyung wanted to take a boat ride.

"I will come with you hyung" jungkook cried.

"No, I will go with bogum." Tae replied without looking back to jungkook.

He sighed.

Bogum was going crazy after hearing that.

"He really chose me" he thought.

He saw Taehyung for the first time at the university. He still can remember that moment. He froze after seeing cute Taehyung at the lecture hall.

"He is handsome and cute at the same time," bogum thought.

He tried to get noticed by Taehyung but he couldn't go to university for a long time because of his sudden illness. He had to miss that batch and re-enter university after a few years. But as a miracle he met him again.

"This time I will never let you go Taehyung," Bogum thought.

"Okay let's go with me tae" Bogum held tae's hand and went to the boat.

Actually Taehyung wanted to ride the boat with Jin hyung since he didn't want to ride it with jungkook.

But he couldn't choose jin hyung because he couldn't jungkook and bogum left alone.

"What if they fight again?? " He thought.

Because of that he chose bogum over jungkook to ride the boat.

Jungkook saw the smirk on bogum's face.

"Look at Jungkook, he chose me over you" his expression was like that.

Jungkook looked down and sighed deeply. He can't bear the pain anymore. He wanted to scream his feelings so loudly.

"I love you my bear"

he really wanted to tell that feeling.

Anyone can see clearly the dark clouds on the younger's handsome face.

Jin put his arms around the younger's shoulders and pulled Jungkook closer to him.

"It's okay kookie," Jin mumbled.


Jungkook couldn't bear it anymore. He ran towards Taehyung and dragged Tae closer to him by holding his wrist.

"If you really can't ride it with me then please be safe and careful Tae. If something happen to you, I won't handle myself anymore and it will make me crazy. So please... For God sake be careful. I'm begging you baby" he cried.

Taehyung froze right there. He was shocked after hearing it. His eyes became wider. He kept staring at Jungkook all along. Tears were ready to flow. But Tae tried hard himself back because he really didn't want to become weak in front of jungkook.

"Why do you care about me jungkook? He screamed loudly.

"B-because you j..just.. special to me" jungkook just made an answer for tae's reasonable question.

"Special what jungkook? What the hell? Don't bother me anymore. Please jungkook. I don't want your attention or your caring anymore. I don't want it. I hate you jungkook!!"

Taehyung just released his heavy feelings in front of jungkook.

Younger got more shocked after hearing tae's loud reply.

Finally He let his tears flow down from his eyes. He let them flow freely as much as he want.

Jin came and hugged jungkook.

Taehyung held bogum's hand and got on to the boat. They rode the boat silently. Taehyung was crying so badly.

He also let his tears flow down after screaming his heavy feelings to the younger.

"Am I too rude to him?" He thought and cried.

Bogum rode the boat more carefully since Taehyung is also with him. He has to protect Taehyung at all costs.

Bogum didn't ask anything from Taehyung, he just rode it silently.

"Cry as much as you want and come to me tae. I will protect you, I will love you more than anyone" he thought.

Jungkook and Jin visited the garden and discussed some plans for their project.

But he always kept his eyes on the boat. It was riding toward the middle of the lake.

He saw Bogum ride the boat while staring at Taehyung.

He sighed.

Jin noticed that the younger one gave attention not for the discussion but only for the boat.

"He will be fine, Kookie. You are worrying for nothing" older tried to comfort Jungkook while tapping on his shoulders.

Bogum stopped the rowing boat in the middle of the lake and he was staring at Taehyung.

He is still in deep meditation with his teary face.


Taehyung noticed that the boat was not moving anymore. He looked at bogum. He is still staring at tae.

"I'm sorry bogum" Tae mumbled.

"What are you sorry for tae??" Bogum asked.

"It's nothing.. just sorry" tae replied and looked down.

"Do you like jungkook?" Tae froze for a moment after hearing bogum's sudden question.

"No, not anymore" tae said without looking at him.

"I heard he is going to get married. Right?"

But this time tae didn't reply.

"Do you want to forget him?"

Tae nodded.

"Use me Taehyung," Bogum said straightly and clearly.


Tae's eyes became wider.

"I had eyes on you ever since I was at the university. As a miracle I met you again. I think I like you tae" bogum confessed his true feelings to Taehyung.

It was a romantic evening in the middle of the lake with a soft wind which was a perfect match for the proposal. Bogum used this amazing moment to confess his feelings towards Taehyung.

Taehyung was still shocked. He couldn't believe his ears.

"Can I forget Jungkook using bogum?" He thought.

He remembered the younger.

"How can I replace someone for jungkook?"

Actually, Tae didn't notice that he was crying already.

"I don't want an answer Tae. You can take your time. But I still want to protect you. Please don't cry Tae. It makes me go crazy. So please stop crying tae" bogum screamed.

He tried to stand up and walk toward Taehyung.



They lost their balance!!! 😲

The boat capsized suddenly while tae and bogum fell in the lake!!!

Taehyung couldn't even think about anything he fell into the lake


He heard a voice from afar.


He heard that voice he cherished the most. He heard that voice he wanted to hear always. He heard that voice of his survivor.

"Jungkookie" Taehyung closed his eyes tightly.

Tae wanted go away from everything after hearing jungkook's sudden marriage.


the time has come...he thought.

Jungkook saw the boat was capsizing. He screamed loudly. He was shocked for a moment and suddenly he jumped into the lake without thinking twice.

"Jungkook!!!" Jin screamed.

"Help us.. please h-hel..llpp..." Jin screamed and ran toward the security team.

Namjoon and Hobi just came back to the vacation house. All the members heard the screams of the older. They ran towards the sound.

"What happened? " Jimin screamed.

"The boat capsized with tae and bogum" jin screamed back.

"what?? No!!!!" Jimin started to cry.

Security team was trying to save them. And also Jungkook was still finding Taehyung.

"They will be fine, chimmy please relax" Yoongi hugged jimin to calm him.


jungkook found Taehyung and took him into his back. Jungkook tried to swim towards the security team with Taehyung. He has to protect his baby at all costs.

"Even if I die, you have to live baby" he thought while swimming. After swimming a few minutes, the security team took them both into the boat.

"Where is bogum??" Jungkook screamed.

"We saved him" one of them answered while pointing at bogum.

"Ahh what a relief" jungkook sighed.


Taehyung didn't open his eyes yet. So Jungkook started to give him CPR by pushing his chest. But Taehyung didn't respond. Tears started to flow down from the jungkook's eyes.

"Hyung" he cried.

But he didn't give up. He closed tae's nose with his hand and placed his lips on tae's mouth. He tried to give him breath.


Taehyung started to breathe!!

The boat arrived on land and Jungkook carried Taehyung as bridal style and took him inside.

Doctor checked on Taehyung and gave treatments. But...Tae is still unconscious.

"His situation is normal now. Nothing to worry about" the doctor said.

But Jungkook couldn't control himself yet. He is still crying. Others tried to comfort him.

"You did a great job Kookie" members appreciated younger's braveness.

Others also cared about bogum. He is totally fine now.

"I'm sorry" he cried a lot.

But members tried to comfort their new member as much as they could.

"It's okay. It was not your fault" they said.

Bogum wanted to visit Taehyung so badly. But he saw Jungkook staying by his side always even without moving for a second.

"Jungkook, go and rest for a while. I will take care of tae. You didn't even eat anything so please take a rest" jimin came to the tae's room.

"No chimmy, I will stay by his side until he wake up." Jungkook said.

"He will wake up soon, Kookie. I can take care of him. you know it right? So don't worry kookie. Otherwise you will get sick. So please kookie. I can't see you both suffering like this anymore" jimin cried.

"O-okay chimmy. I will take a nape. But please make sure to stay by his side, chimmy don't go anywhere even for a second. Please, I'm begging you." Jungkook said with his teary eyes.

"I'm not going to go anywhere Kookie. I promise. Then go and rest"

Jungkook went to his room and tried to sleep. Because of the pain and tiredness he fell asleep easily.

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