I'll Wait Forever

twisted_transistor द्वारा

33.1K 2.1K 2.9K

Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... अधिक

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
-21 guns/pilots-

Chapter 11...

955 60 182
twisted_transistor द्वारा

Any suggestions for the story..?


"Frank! Are you home?" I heard my mothers voice call from somewhere downstairs. Fuck. I did not feel like dealing with her right now. Especially with what's on my face...

"Yeah! I'm upstairs!" I called back to her. I'd be fine as long as she didn't come and see me. I could skip dinner and just stay in my room and she won't ever know. But, of course, I heard her heels clicking up the stairs and towards my room.

"Oh, alright. Do you want to eat out tonight? I honestly don't feel like cooking... And how was your first day?" She stopped outside my door. Shit.

"Uh.. It was... Good. Really good. And I'm really not hungry-"

"You? Not hungry? C'mon, you're always up for pizza or something." I heard her hand on the doorknob. Shit shit shit.

"Uh don't come in! I'm... Uh- naked! I'm very naked! And you do not want to see it!" It was a shitty excuse at best, but hopefully she'd buy it.

"Frank... I'm your mom. I've seen you naked hundreds of times. Hell, I've caught you jacking off before. And also, I can tell when you're lying to me. What's going on?" And with that, she opened the door. I looked at my lap quickly to hide my face behind my hair. "Frank, look at me." Her voice was soft and serious. I guess she'd have to find out eventually.

"Fine." And with that, I met her gaze. Her mouth dropped open and she stumbled over beside me.

"Frank! What the hell happened to you!? Who did this?!" I could feel the fury radiating off her. I hated seeing her upset- especially at my expense.

"I'm fine, mom, just some kids at school. I'm okay, trust me."

She gave me one last look to make sure I wasn't lying before she sighed, "Okay. I believe you. But something has to be wrong with those kids to be able to hurt someone like that. Especially someone they don't even know!"

"I agree, mom. They're messed up people. The kids aren't alright. But we can't change that." I tried to calm her down a bit, "c'mon. I'll throw some clean clothes on and we can go to dinner. Is dad coming?"

"Ok. Yeah, just come downstairs when you're ready and we'll go." She gave me a sad smile before leaving my room- with the door open. Seriously, haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?! Oh well.

I got up and shut my door before grabbing an Iron Maiden shirt from my closet along with some dark grey skinnies. I threw off my old shirt and pulled the clean one over my head before stripping off my pants and getting into the grey ones. Actually, I think these were a friend's old pants that I 'accidentally' stole... Well, it wouldn't be the first time I got in their pants. Let's face it, I've worn the pants at least twice, you dirty minded people.

After getting dressed, I met my parents downstairs and we were off to Johnny's Pizzeria. I love Italian, and not just because I am Italian.

The hostess led us to our seats and took our orders- vegetarian pizza for me, meat-lovers for my dad, and pepperoni for my mom. They respected my choice to be a vegetarian, but they themselves love meat far too much to even consider giving it up. I wonder if Gerard likes eating meat...

"So Frank... Did you make any friends today..?" My mother asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, actually. I made 3- Brendon, Ryan, and pattycak- I mean Patrick." I laughed at myself before taking a sip from my water.

"Chat up any ladies, huh?" My dad chimed in. I was glad that he chose to overlook the obvious bruises adorning my face, but girls was almost an even worse topic for me. My dad didn't know that I was gay yet, and, as far as I know, my mom doesn't know either. So when I blushed a deep shade of red, they both assumed I had met 'the one', or I would soon 'bring a girl home to meet the folks'. In reality, I was laughing my ass off in my head because the two of them were utterly clueless.

"Can't say that I did, dad." I said with a small smile.

"He's blushing! Of course he did Linda, he's just shy. C'mon, tell us about her son."

"Seriously. There's no girl. Please, just drop it, ok?" I probably sounded weird, but this conversation was making me a bit uncomfortable. I didn't want to let anything accidentally slip out, either.

"Come on, Frank! We're just curious as to what kind of girl you're into. What color hair does she have? Pretty eyes? Nice smile..?" My dad was seriously pissing me off at this point. Why doesn't he know when to stop?

"I said just drop it, ok?"

"Just tell us about the girl-" I cut him off. I couldn't take it anymore.

"There is no fucking girl!" I stood up, probably causing a scene, but I didn't care, "I told you! Okay? I don't even like girls! That's right, I'm gay." I honestly just didn't give a fuck anymore. "I like dicks, not chicks!" I shouted before leaving the restaurant just as our pizza arrived.

I left. I didn't have a single fucking clue where I was going, but I left. I walked. I walked away from their bullshit. Away from their shocked faces. Away from the disgusted people in the restaurant- in all honesty, I'm surprised my dad didn't start a gunfight, right then and there in the middle of the restaurant. But oh damn well. Too late now.

Without even thinking I took out my phone and called the only person I could- Gerard.

*ring* *ring* I picked up my walking pace. *ring* *ring*

"Hello..?" He answered. Thank god. "Frankie?"

"Gerard! Hey! Um, this is a lot to ask, but, um, could I maybe come over to your house for a while? I just had a... Bad... Conversation with my parents and I can't face them right now..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, sure thing. Where are you, sugar? I'll pick you up."

"I'm actually not sure... Somewhere near Johnny's Pizzeria... Thank you so much, Gerard."

"No problem. I'll be there in about 15 minutes... Don't move a muscle." And with that, he hung up. And left me to wait outside alone for some guy I'd known for less than 3 days to come pick me up because I just came out to my parents in the middle of a restaurant and ran away. I honestly never thought I would be in this situation... Oh well. What's the worst that could happen?


Holy shit. I figured I would've given up on writing by now... I just wanna say thank you sooooo much to whoever is reading this- you are amazing and I love you all!! Stay fabulous, killjoys.

Merci pour le venin...

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