BloodLust - MHA

By TrainerCaptain

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(This is a Boku no Hero crossover with Characters from Both Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Jujutsu Kaisen and e... More

Prologue Chapter
Bio Chapter
Chapter 1: Gojo The Invader
Chapter 2: The Unlucky-Four (P. 1)
Chapter 3: The Unlucky-Four (P. 2)
Chapter 4: Trouble in USJ (P. 1)
Chapter 5: Trouble in USJ (P. 2)
Chapter 6: Trouble in USJ (P. 3)
Chapter 7: Trouble in USJ (P. 4)
Chapter 8: After The Storm
Chapter 9: New Challenges
Chapter 10: Start The Festival
Chapter 12: Hammer & Anvil
Chapter 13: Reveal The Past
Chapter 14: Strength in Battle (P. 1)
Chapter 15: Strength in Battle (P. 2)
Chapter 16: Gojo The Invading Intern
Chapter 17: All Work, No Pay
Chapter 18: City in Flames
Chapter 19: Keiko Unleashed
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chatper 21: The MidTerms
Chapter 22: Test Results and Shopping
Chapter 23: Incoming Conflict
Chapter 24: Conflict at The Doorsteps
Chapter 25: Conflict at It's peak
Chapter 26: After Life, Before Death
Chatper 27: Search, Rescue and Destroy
Chapter 28: Killer's Past & The Rematch
Chapter 29: Final Blow
Chapter 30: Permanent Scars & Possible End?
Chapter 31: Return of The King
(IMPORTANT) Big News, And some Random Info
Chapter 32: The Licenses
Chapter 33: Versus Match
Chatper 34: Drugs and Actors
Chapter 35: Shiny Cards
Chapter 36: Rebel Teens
Chapter 37: Keiko vs High-End
Chapter 38: Keiko Re-Unleashed
Chapter 39: 3-A meets 1-A
Chapter 40: Ambush
Chapter 41: Fall From Grace
Chapter 42: Keiko's Strike Team
Chapter 43: The Rescue
Chapter 44: Crashing Down
(IMPORTANT) Gojo's Post Rescue Character Bio
Chapter 45: Aimless & Wandering
Chapter 46: Rebuilding
Chapter 47: Acceptance
Chapter 48: Day of Music
Chapter 49: Heroes' Choice Awards
Chapter 50: Joint Training
Chapter 51: Royal Road
Chapter 52: Niwashi King
Chapter 53: Human-LE
Chapter 54: The Clash
Chapter 55: The Honoured One

Chapter 11: Running Man

355 8 7
By TrainerCaptain


Present-Mic: "BEGIN!!!" *The sirens wailed, Fireworks popping off into the sky. Audience cheering, legs raising off from the ground, The first challenge has now started*

Gojo: 'Don't disappoint Me now!!' *As the run started, Todoroki Immediately took no time Screwing over everybody else. Todoroki had blasted the floor with ice, causing anyone near Him to be frozen stuck on the ground*

-Many of the students at the front and middle of the crowd had been immobilized by the ice and thus, Todoroki single handedly handicapped more than half of the competition already but Many from 1-A and 1-B were ready for This

Kirishima: "You'll have to try harder than that!!" *Kirishima leapt from the crowd and started running like the wind, managing to barely avoid Todoroki's ice*

Bakugo: "WE WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY THAT EASY, TWO FACE!!!" *Bakugo blasted through the air, having little to no regard for Who get's hit with His explosion's back blast*

-In fact, many of 1-A actually managed to dodge Todoroki's attack. Yaoyarozu using a pole from Her quirk, Aoyama using his naval laser, Mina melting the ice with Her Acid, Shinso using meat shields

Todoroki: "Well obviously some of You in My class were going to make it past, but I didn't expect this much of You to pass" *He ignored His classmates and kept running but sooner or later, His classmates would catch up. Specifically Midoriya and Mineta right behind Him*

Mineta: "I ain't buying Your stupid double-bluff Todoroki!!" *He started to pick some Balls from His head* "Now, Why don't yah eat this!! KILLER MOVE "GRAPE- Aacckkk!!!" "Mineta's super 'scary' attack was stopped when a large robotic hand bitch slapped Mineta into the ground*



Midoriya: "Woah!! Mineta!!"

???: "Multiple Hostiles Detected" *A large robotic giant that towered over the tracks, slowly marched itself to The oncoming students with it's threatening red glare*

Midoriya: "The robots from The Entrance Exams!!"

Present-Mic: "NOW EVERYONE!! I'D LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE FIRST OBSTACLE OF THE COURSE!! THE METAl-MARCH!!!!" *The robots collective expelled steam as They stomped closer and closer to the students* "IT'S THE VERY SAME 0-POINTER ROBOTS IN THE ENTRANCE EXAMS!!!" *Many of the students from the lower classes stopped to admire and fear the robots that blocked their path to success. But for those Who took the Hero Course's entrance exam. This didn't unnerve them one bit*



Todoroki: "My shitty old man's watching... I'll win with My mother's side..." *He placed His ice side on the dirt and quickly layered on a thin sheet of ice all over the robot's legs* "Ice Age!" *He called this move*

Student#11: "Hey, He stopped them all. We have a clear path!!!" *They all trickled into the valley of ice but The stuck robots started to shake*

Todoroki: "Don't even try. They're all in a precarious position..." *Like He predicted, The frozen robots cracked and collapsed under They're own weight and onto the path. Effectively blocking everyone from passing through*

-Camera cuts to the booth where Present-Mic and unfortunately Aizawa was conducting their announcements from

Present-Mic: "The first round's under way!! And the goal of this course is to run one lap around this specially designed course!! Now the rules are simple yet Savage!!! Basically ANYTHING GOES!! No rules are restricting You to use Your quirk in this environment!! There are also multiple cam bots all assigned to each and every student in the course. So, You better do Your best and not embarrass Yourselves!! Cuz Your clips might just end up in The internet!!!" *Back at the course. The students were stopped by Todoroki's makeshift barrier of fallen robots. Many of them struggling to find a way out*

Student#3: "Oh-Oh My god!! Someone is under there!!!"

Shiozaki: "Is He... Dead!? People can die in this event!!" *The runners heard metal being moved and torn apart as Kirishims ripped open a metal sheet to set Himself free*

Kirishima: "LIKE I'D DIE!!!" *Kirishima's voice muffled through the metal, and burrowed through the metal with His quirk active* "I swear to God Todoroki, You're trying to Kill someone!!! What if it wasn't Me under all of that!!" *At the same time, Kirishima heard some bidding beneath the metal as well*



TetsuTetsu: "LIKE I'D DIE!!" *He had His steel quirk activated and managed to avoid being crushed by The Robot's remains* "I swear to God, That 1-A stuck-up!!! WHAT IF IT WASN'T ME UNDER ALL THAT!!!" *The two boys lock eyes and stare at each other before Kirishima yelled first*

Kirishima: "As if I have to contest with My own classmates to stand out, I have a literal copy in 1-B!!" *He cried and continued to run, like He wasn't just crushed under all that metal*

TetsuTetsu: "COPY!?!? YOU'RE THE ONE COPYING ME!!!" *He ran after Kirishima. Also ignoring the rubble they both were in a second ago*

Kaminari: "Man!! I'm so jealous of them two!! Not having to worry about being hurt!!"

Hiryu Rin (From 1-B): "... 1-A, for Now let's join combine our efforts, We could pass this obstacle!!" *The class man with the scale quirk proposed, His class and 1-A looked at Him like He was crazy, but They did have to help each other if they wanted to pass*

Bakugo: "LIKE HELL I NEED HELP FROM ALL OF YOU EXTRAS!!" *Bakugo blasted through the skies with His explosion quirk, but Sero and Tokoyami took advantage of Bakugo destroying the bots for them. And soon 1-A and 1-B managed to clear the path and advance*


-In the V.I.P room where most of The Top 10s watched the race unfold

Best Jeanist: "Hmmm, Seems like Students in the lead are as expected, The two classes of The Heroics Department" *He sat inside The VIP Room, sipping tea as He and the others Top 10s examined how The students are performing and how They are engaging the problems*

All-Might: "As 1-A should be, I can't blame 1-B and the other classes on being up to snuff with what 1-A have been through... After all, They have been met face to face with death not so long ago. 1-A have coped with it and moved on!!"

Ryuku: "And with that experience, They have become their own sources of Encouragement!!. Their drowning out their doubt, fear, hesitation. 1-B and the others classes still have that doubt clouding Their decisions and judgement"

All-Might: "Back at the Hero Entrance Exams. Many of these kids would have ran-away at the sight of these Zero-Pointers. But now They're only seeing them as Scrap Metal for the grinder. The chinks in their armour are opened in plain view!!"

-While Erina and Jonathan kept talking to themselves, finding where Gojo is. Hawks slithered closer and closer to Keiko's seat"

Hawks: "So... About That Ramen-Shop date, You didn't answer Me there... Wanna go on date with Me? Nothing serious of course, Just a date as friends" *He crossed His fingers. Hoping She'd say yes. He mad eit His dream to make Her smile and feel emotion, because He'd seen a glimpse of Keiko smiling so rarely. He knew He had to make Her smile again*

Keiko: "Is there Coffee Jelly?" *She asked, Her stomach rumbling for the caffeine*

Hawks: "Of course! Only the best for a Goddess as powerful as You!" *He answered Her question with a straight face*

Keiko: "Okay... As long as You buy Me coffee jelly, it's okay..." *Her blunt and plain voice answered Hawks, But Keiko read into Hawks' mind*

Hawks: 'Sheesh, Stone faced as always. That quirk of Her's is pretty demanding. But I do have one shot at making this date as perfect as I can for Her'



-Back at the course. A majority of the students have met their next obstacle in the course

Present-Mic: "THE FALLLLLL!!!!!!" *This was a large area with spiraling structure that created platforms, all were which connected with wires to the other side

Tsuyu: "This is nothing but a glorified Tightrope walk, My chance to fully use My frog quirk" *She jumped onto the rope and quickly crossed the wall with Her quirk gripping on the ropes*

???: "Hehe, Now it's My time to Shine!!!" *A girl with pink hair and weird machination stepped up* "It's time for My support items to bask in the limelight!!" *The girl started to click some buttons on Her boots* "Lo and Behold Tech Companies!!! 'The Wire Arrow & Hover Soles' ... ... Which is loosely based on a Pre-Quirk Era show called AoT"

Uraraka: "The Department of Support?!"

Mina: "What!! You can take items and gear into The race?!"

???: "You Heroics Course kids get to train Your quirks and bodies regularly, The school allows Us support classes to use The tech They made by Their own hands to push Themselves to victory! You know, to make it fair for anyone fighting against You future heroes" *She pushed a button and a wire fired out from Her suit and She swinged on it like Tarzan. Reaching The side in record time*

Uraraka: "Amazing!! She can't lose here" *She left Mina there, using Her quirk to float Herself across*

Mina: "DAMMIT!! darn You equality!!" *She and a few other students Who can't do anything with Their quirks in the obstacle were left at the edge*

Present-Mic: "It's true right? They're encouraged to take the bulls by The horns in any other way! Right Mr. Eraser-Head!!"

Aizawa: "Hmmm... What are those idiots doing, just standing around"

-Camera cuts to The front where Todoroki just reached the other side

Bakugo: 'THAT SHITTY- !! Huh?! He really picked up The pace!! Guess He's a slow starter... But why do I feel like I'm forgetting someone'

Iida: "... It's probably safe to say My brother is watching... Well!! I CAN'T LET HIM DOWN WITH SOMETHING SO LAME!!" *He crossed the fall by sliding across the tripwire like He was on a skateboard while poor Midoriya had to cling to the shaking wire to avoid falling*

-Many of the Heroes on the side watching were now talking about The 'current' first lead. Many of them complementing Shoto's quirk and abilities while to others talked about His douche-father

Aizawa: "The players in the lead are separated from those bunched-up behind them. But I won't say how many are pulling ahead, so Don't get complacent and keep moving"




-Camera cuts to Midoriya Who had just reached the other side of the fall and was getting His bearings together

Midoriya: 'Eh!?! They already reached the final obstacle!! C'mon Midoriya, THINK!!!' *LIGHTBULB* 'IDEA!!' *Midoriya using His metal plating He got from the robots like a shovel. Carefully picking the mines off the ground*

Todoroki: "Those bastards are in it for entertainment watching Children get brutally hurt!! This course was designed to give The lead a disadvantage" *He had drastically reduced the pace He was in. Almost the pace of speed-walking*

"HEY, ICE DISPENSER!!" *Someone yelled from behind Todoroki, explosion accompanying it*

Todoroki: "Huh?!" *Todoroki turned around and saw Bakugo flying towards Him at barreling speeds*

Bakugo: "YOU DECLARED WAR ON THE WRONG BUNCH, ICICLE FOR BRAINS!!!! I'LL FUCKING FLY PAST YOU!! THIS OBSTACLE IS WALKIN THE PARK FOR ME!!!" *The two started to fight each for top spot. Todoroki grabbed ahold of Bakugo's arm and froze it to try and stop Bakugo and distract Him*



-It worked and Bakugo was now standing off against Todoroki, but everyone in the course stopped when Present-Mic announced

Present-Mic: "UNBELIEVABLE!!!!" *Present-Mic said with almost a flabbergasted and beyond surprised voice* "FIRST PLACE GOES TO.... ... ... ... GOJO JOESTAR!!!!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, WE NEVER SAW HIM PASS TODOROKI... NOW THAT I THINK OF IT! WE NEVER SAW HIM IN THE COURSE EVER!!!!!"

Midoriya: 'What...'

Todoroki: 'The...'

Bakugo: 'Hold on' *Bakugo took a very deep breath* "FFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!"

-Both Todoroki & Bakugo unanimously agreed and abandoned their little fight and rushed to the end to at least reach 2nd place after Gojo's stunning entry. But Bakugo quickly dropped the agreement and thought it was just better to beat Todoroki here and now to fully secure 2nd Place.



Bakugo&Todoroki: 'What is it now!?!?' *They both turned around and Saw Midoriya flying away from the large blast, Midoriya was gaining speed, enough to actually reach and pass both Todoroki & Bakugo*

Bakugo: "First that ghost-fucker magically reaches first place. NOW THAT USELESS DEKU IS REACHING 2ND PLACE!!!" *He pushed His quirk harder than before, The skin on His hands threatening to fall off. Exposing the burned and charred muscle under*

-While Midoriya gained impressive ground with that trick, He was losing speed and altitude fast. Todoroki and Bakugo actually managed to reach Him and was under a 3 way battle to reach 2nd Place

-As The metal plate Midoriya rode on hit the ground, it hit a conveniently placed mine below and gave Him a second boost in speed forward. Midoriya skipped along and sled across The dirt with His improvised board towards The finish line, Making Him the second place winner

Midoriya: "I-i did it... I DID IT!!!" *He dropped to the dirt in victory, The fatigue and adrenaline affecting His body at once*

???: "Second place, Nice going there Midoriya!!" *Midoriya recognized that smug voice anywhere and stood back up to see Gojo sitting on a throne, sipping on some Soda* "I was expecting You to reach 10th or maybe 16th place but '2nd' Way to go bud!" *Gojo closed the book in His hand and stood up to congratulate Midoriya personally*

-The crowd went wild, They never expected a scrawny looking kid to reach 2nd and they never saw Gojo coming 1st as well. Were they all too focused on Todoroki and the others to even see Gojo reach the finish line

Midoriya: "B-But How!! How did You pass Me and everyone else!! Even The cam bots couldn't find You!! HOW!!" *Midoriya Shaked Gojo's shoulders* "Was it Your powerful quirk?! Tell Me!!"

Gojo: "Okay Okay, Down Boy!! I'll tell You Broccoli! So quiet down!!... Okay so..."

Flashback time

Present-Mic: "BEGIN!!!" *The sirens wailing as Fireworks popped off the air. The students all collectively took off and squeezed themselves through the claustrophobic tunnels. Gojo saw this confusion and chaos and said*

Gojo: "Nope, Made in Heaven. Increase My speed!!" *His stand appeared (Long story short. Made in Heaven can increase and decrease the speed on anything it touches or even The area but it takes a lot of energy)*

-With this incredible and impossible speed given by Made in Heaven, Gojo walked away from the starting line and into The food hall

Gojo: 'Now where is that fabled coffee vendor!' *Gojo wandered the Food hall in search of His coffee. To Him, everyone was super slow but to Everyone else. He wasn't even appearing in Their naked eyes* 'There it is!!!... The coffee corner is selling coffee and other snacks!!!!' "Okay, Made in Heaven. Stop Your effects!" *Gojo finally went back to regular speed, appearing in front of The Coffee Corner vendor*

Sandy: "Ahh!! ... Gojo!!!! What are You doing here!! Aren't You supposed to be in The race!!!" (She's the waitress of the coffee corner  in The Prologue Chapter) *She was beyond shocked to see Her worst nightmare 'Gojo' appear right before Her very eyes*

Gojo: "Hey Hey Sandy!! I'd like the usual coffee please!!" *His smile gleamed*

Sandy: "Sure thing. But promise Me this Gojo... You don't go crazy when You drink the coffee"

Gojo: "Say wwhat!!! I'd never!!" *He tried to defend Himself but Sandy did not buy this one bit*

Sandy: "Not taking any chances, remember what happened a month ago?"

Gojo: "Yeah! When I was still wild and free none of this "School" bullshit tying Me down!!"

Sandy: "I feel You. You've been visiting The Coffee Corner way less frequently than You should Be!! Me and The Manager actually got worried for Your well-being. Surprisingly!!"

Gojo: "Say what now! You and Mr. Eugene, worried for Me!?!? What world is this!! Now gimme THEM COFFEES!!"

Sandy: "Alright Alright Alright!!! Here's the damn coffee Gojo!!" *She begrudgingly handed Him the large cup of coffee, knowing She will 100% regret it* "Just already know You're going to cause trouble!!" *So for some time, He travelled around the Hallways, buying food from The Food-Vendors and taking His sweet ass time. He only actually decided to return to the course due to Sandy slapping the top of His head and telling Him to move His ass or He'll lose His coffee privileges*

-Camera cuts to Gojo walking back to the starting line, only to see it still covered in ice and with a lot of students stuck and frozen

Student#21: "This Sucks! Didn't even get the chance to move!!" *Many of them wept, but they felt a warmth radiating nearby*

Gojo: "Magician's Red!!" *A muscle bound bird man appeared besides Gojo, The stand was surrounded by small flames and wisps of flames* "You're savior is here!!"


[Magician's Red: StarDust Crusaders]

-Resembles that of Bird and Man, with the head of a Eagle and the body of a man. It is a very destructive and wild stand. Like in The manga, Magician's Red can create and control flames to Gojo's and The Stand's will.


-Gojo went to each and every stuck student and melted the ice around Their legs way carefully, but thanks to Magician's Red being able to control The fire to who it burns or how hot or long it burns. The students practically felt nothing of the flame that was in contact with their pants and legs

Student#40: "Huh?! Aren't You a 1-A student!! Why are You helping Us "Lower" Beings!!"

Student#31: "Yeah!! You'd just come here to gloat and boast off about You and helping Us win!!"

Gojo: "Hmmm... Well... I did say in My speech that everyone should show us and Me that We were wrong and You all would process to Us that You can stand side by side with Class 1-A!! That won't happen if everyone gets caught here and basically get disqualified!!" *He had melted all the ice that was stuck to the students and they were all free again* "now" *Clap Clap* "Better get going!! I want to see some of You pass to the next challenge!! Now... Magician's Red, Return!! Made in Heaven, Increase the speed of Me and this cup of Coffee!!"

Students#39: "Wait! We just want to-" *In a blink, Gojo disappeared. Leaving a trail of dust leading towards the path* "... Apologize..."

-Camera cuts to Gojo deactivating Made in Heaven's ability, He was met with The Fall! There in the falls, lied the students Who couldn't cross, due to Fear or ability to not do it

Student#40: "How does the school expect Us to cross this!!"

Gojo: "Made in Heaven return. The World, Stop time!!"

Student#40: "Huh??" *Blink* "HUH?! NANI!! HOW DID WE ALL CROSS THE FALL!!" *The students had to take a breather on the dirt due to the quick and immediate movements THeir bodies just experienced"

Gojo: "Simple, I just picked You all up and placed You on this other side!! *He had used The World and picked up all the students, even the ones that were frozen at the starting line were here* "Now! Off You go!! And make Your families proud! I always keep My promises. So try Your best and get transferred into The Hero Course!! Made in Heaven!" *Once again, Gojo went 100% faster and walked towards The finish line. Passing through Many of His classmates and 1-B, pass through Midoriya Who was collecting mines, Through Kirishima and TetsuTetsu. Both were being very careful with their steps, and lastly passing through Bakugo and Todoroki Who were fighting* "Hmmm... !!" *He gave Bakugo two middle fingers and one middle finger to Todoroki: "Haha, Suck it You two!" *He continued forward. Until He was just a few steps to the Finish Line*

-While traveling through the mines, His mind has been at war. He was debating whether step on all the bombs and detonate them all or just leave them alone, But none the less. He chose to leave the mines alone

Gojo: "Thanks to this large cup of Coffee, I have been able to use Made on Heaven without any setback at all!!! Coffee is THE BEST!!" *He screamed into the ceiling of the tunnel* "Okay, Return Made in Heaven and give Me and My coffee's speed back" *Once He felt His body and coffee return to the world. He took the final steps to the Finish line, finally coming out of the Tunnel, causing everybody to look at Him*

-On the booths, Aizawa saw Gojo come out of the tunnel while Present-Mic focused on the cams that showed The students in the course

Aizawa: "Yamada, I think You'd like to see this..." *He said to Present-Mic as He remained wide eyed*

Present-Mic: "what is it My friend?... UNBELIEVABLE!!!!" *Present-Mic said with almost a flabbergasted and beyond surprised voice* "FIRST PLACE GOES TO.... ... ... ... GOJO JOESTAR!!!!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, WE NEVER SAW HIM PASS TODOROKI... NOW THAT I THINK OF IT! WE NEVER SAW HIM IN THE COURSE EVER!!!!!"

-The whole stadium went into a frenzy as They saw indeed. Gojo Joestar made it first place, They never even saw Him in the cams or course

Gojo: "Hahaha!! BEHOLD!!! THE FUTURE NUMBER ONE!!" *He posed for the many flashing cameras, many News Reporters and Journalist were writing down just what had happened now, in particular. One Journalist was furiously writing away at Her Book*

Katherine: "AMAZING!!! HOW DID GOJO AVOID ALL THE CAMERAS AND STUDENTS!!! SURELY THE CAM BOTS THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT MUST HAVE CAPTURED HIM IN THE COURSE!!" *She enthusiastically wrote on Her notepad. Writing and describing every little detail She could cram into The single page*

Elspeth: "Yo Katherine calm down a bit, The kid ain't going no where!"

Katherine: "I CAN ALREADY SEE THE HEADLINES POP-UP!! 'Famous Vogue Model reveals He is A Joestar!!' Or 'Teen has captured the attention of every hero in the stadium'!!"

-Camera now cuts to Gojo, He had used The World to quickly get a throne, a book in hand it was a book with Ben 10 + My Hero crossover book tags written at the front, The name 'SuperSodaPie' written at the back

(You should check out Her Ben 10 cross over book with MHA. It's a very great book, The author Themselves draw some art and costume scenes for the book. It's just all-round a great book in Wattpad)

-While Gojo read His book. He was seriously wondering when The others would arrived

Gojo: 'I've Done all of this and I still haven't gotten through half of My coffee! Brown Coffee is the best!!' *Gojo was about to take a sip but He heard a very large explosion fire off from within The tunnel* 'Huh? What was that??' *After a few more seconds. Midoriya flew out of the tunnel and Got His face dragged into The ground as He slid into the finish line, officially placing Himself as The 2nd placer*

Midoriya: "I-i DID IT!!!!" *He said between heavy breathes, as He lied there on the ground. Tired and dirty*

Gojo: "Second place, Nice going there Midoriya!!" *Gojo's smug voice echoed,Midoriya immediately raised His head to see Who was infront of Him. There Gojo was on a throne* "I was expecting You to reach 10th or maybe 16th place but "2nd"!!! Way to go bud!"

Flashback Time Ends

Gojo: "So yeah, That's the whole story!!" *He explained to the overheating brain of Midoriya. Gojo could have Basically won in an instant but chose to stay back and help others have a shot in winning*

Midoriya: "So coffee really does give You the boost of power!! Well not surprising since Coffee is known to wake up and stimulate minds to work sharper and faster! So You must have a mental type quirk!!" *He muttered* "Does that mean Your mother also drinks coffee to boost?"

Gojo: "Well No The thing is, She only has one stand-quirk. As suppose to Me who has a who a hundreds to choose from! Though coffee will give Erina a boost, it is not a necessity like Mine where I have to consume at least one to make My stands work to their fullest. Plus when I manifested My quirk, it was basically hell for Me everyday until I learned how to control it!! Because I couldn't control it nor did I have the mental strength required to wield them!"

Midoriya: "I see... I suppose it's wrong of Me to assume people born with... 'Strong' as I say quirks to have it easy... They do have their short comings as well..."

Gojo: "Yes, like that "StockPile Quirk" of Yours" *Gojo quoted when He said StockPile Quirk, causing Midoriya to sweat even more than He already was. He guessed that Gojo does know of One-For-All*

"YOUR DEAD GHOST-FUCKER!!!" *Someone shouted from the tunnel*

Midoriya: "Huh?" *Midoriya turned to face the tunnel*

Gojo: "As Expected. Here comes The Cancer-Child!"


-Camera cuts to the secret hideout of The villain league, Shigaraki was there on the counter. Watching the U.A. sports festival happen

Shigaraki: 'That Blindfolded teen...' "RUINED EVERYTHING!!!" *He smashed His fist onto the counter. Dabi, Toga and a few other new faces watched the festival as well*

Kurogiri: "Master" *Kurogiri warped into the room* "Master all-For-One wants to see You... In person"

-Shigaraki's eyes bulged as out as He heard what Kurogiri said

-Camera cuts to Kurogiri warping into a room, filled with Lab equipment, specimen tubes and files

Shigaraki: "I have never seen Master's lab before..." *He said, very unnerved as Walk about. His stumbled upon some Specimen Tube filled with weird mutated creatures. But He knew, this weren't Nomus. He read out a few names of the contained specimens*

"Project: 15 Angels"

"Subject#3: Gaghiel..."
"Subject#10: Iruel..."
"Subject#4: Ramiel..."
"Subject#1: Sachiel..."

Shigaraki: "What is all of this... I thought The Nomu's were His only project!!" *He passed by a document on a desk, He picked it up and read the contents* "Project... SUKUNA!!!! KUROGIRI WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!" *He frantically asked Kurogiri as He read through The folder's file* "Body is speculated to Be hidden by the Government in a facility located at a undisclosed location in The ocean floor... Must complete The Chaos Emerald to resurrect Sukuna, The Maker of The Chaos Marks... Use the Chaos Emerald to control Sukuna..."

All-For-One: "Young-Shigaraki... Come here My disciple..." *He said, every word laced in His voice laced in A dominating Aura* "I guess there's no point in Hiding it... Kurogiri, go find and recruit Stain to Our ranks. I wish to speak to Him... Alone..."

Kurogiri: "Yes, Master" *Kurogiri turned to a spiral of smoke and teleported out of the isolated room. Leaving Shiragaki with His mentor, Kurogiri most possibly going back to His bar counter to clean glass cups*

All-For-One: "Now that You have seen them... I do have other... 'Side' projects I am personally working on. I not only plan on raising an army of Nomus... But a army that could control THE WORLD"



Hey Hey Hey!!

-Hello readers, I am back and back again so soon!! So The racing course has started and ended on the same chapter. I would have wanted to Extend it to one more chapter but I realized that it would have dragged along forever, plus the actual Obstacle Course in The manga wasn't that long.

-Same will also go for The Cavalry Battle, it will only happen in one chapter. But I promise the actual 1v1 battles will not be 1 chapter long. It be bad and a insult since The 1v1s were a big Character Developing arc for some many of the 1-A students. And cramming it all into one chapter is a bad idea

- I WILL ALSO BE ADDING SUKUNA into the story, All be it. Very later on, and also added THE ANGELS FROM EVANGELION. The angels will appear one by one soon along the story unlike Sukuna. Don't know when the first angel will rise and terrorize Japan but it will somewhere in the near future. Maybe The Hosu incident

-And lastly, Did You guys like My spin on The Obstacle Course, I originally went with Midoriya being 1st place but I thought, 'Gojo: 'Bitch this is My story not Your broccoli looking ass'
But I want to hear Your thoughts on How Gojo won the race, by basically using time stop and time manipulation.

-So anyway, until next chapter. See You!!


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Started: May 7th 2022 Ended: June 10th 2022 [I lost complete interest for this story, i messed it up and it's not the story for this oc and fat anymo...
78.9K 3.3K 48
𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀 𝐱 𝐉𝐉𝐁𝐀! 𝐅! 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ------β™‘------ (Y/N) never thought she would see the day people would look at her with eyes of affection and am...
1.3M 34.2K 163
FIRSTLY THERE ARE LEMONS! (If you don't want to read lemons...I will mark them but be warned I think there will be a fair few.) It will also include...
308K 9.4K 95
*I have aged the charecters up for this story. * "In the world eighty percent of the population has access to some form of supernatural ability, kno...