Chapter 53: Human-LE

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-As Both Teams headed out for Round Four, Team 1-A having Sato, Sero, Jiro, and Bakugo fighting against Team 1-B Who has Togaru, Setsuna, Awase, and Bondo. The Eyes were certainly at Bakugo as many would have predicted that He'd win especially after His string of defeats of against Midoriya and Gojo

-The teams were relieved They were facing Shinso and not the overwhelming Gojo something that irked Bakugo to no end but little did He know

Aizawa: "Falling for the same tricks to times in a row... I guess Vlad is apparently just a better teacher than Me..." *He fumed and cut down His entire class while Vlad-King took The two vigilantes to the sidelines and briefed Them on what They were going to do*

Vlad-King: "Give Them Hell" *The two vigilantes nod* "I want to drill into Their skulls that a Vigilante is still dangerous! The last two matches with Gojo didn't go as planned, They still treated You two as classmates and as factors like They could reliably plan out Your moves. After two minutes have passed. We'll be releasing You both out there!"

-Out there on the Battlefield, Bakugo as expected. Immediately wrecked havoc across the entire area, Using His quirk to destroy any traps and walls Bondo tried to set up with His Cemedine quirk. Togaru went up high and slashed at any Pipes and Railings He could see to fall down onto 1-A's team

Vlad-King: "That should do it" *He urged Them and The two vigilantes walked on towards The battlefield much to the shock of both spectating classes. Many of Them knew it was over for todays match with These two entering the fray*

Sato: "Damn it!! This is too much!" *He ate some more sugar cubes and tried to muscle out of Kojiro's quick drying Cement but it was too viscous for The Sugar Hero to do anything*

Bakugo: "Damn Weaklings!!" *He blasted a hole into the pool of cement which let Sato run free* "You bastards! I tried to cooperate but Our plan is falling apart-"

Setsuna: "Is this all that You can muster? I thought the great and powerful Bakugo liked it hard and fast~ Sounds like the rumors were really true. Your just Joestar's Bottom Bitch!"

Bakugo: "... You Damn Lizard Skin!!-" *He turned around to face what He though was Setsuna taunting Him but His mind went blank and empty the moment He spoke*

Shinso: "Gotcha!" *He smirked as He deactivated His mask and stepped out of the shadows*


Jiro: "Shinso's released early!!" *She unplugged Her cord from the wall and urgently warned Sero, The two were separated during the chaos of 1-B opening attacks and were inside a Hallway*

Sero: "What?! We haven't reached ten minutes let alone five minutes!" *He looked around and kept His gaze at Jiro so He knew if She was the one talking or if it were Shinso using His voice changer* "Whatever You do, We both must look to each other or at least raise Our hand when We speak! Shinso was a terror in that first round!"

Jiro: "Right!" *Jiro nods before sticking Her Ear Plugs back into the wall to listen to where Shinso would have been* "Wait... I hear footsteps... Their coming just ahead of the hall!"

Sato: "Guys!" *Sato appeared from the darkness and saw The two of Them* "Oh thank Goodness You two were alright!! 1-B really hit Us hard!" *Sero rejoiced in seeing another friendly face but Jiro has His suspicions*

Jiro: 'Those footsteps... They're too light and shallow to be of Sato's footsteps...' *She kept Herself quiet as She focused Her entire hearing sense to feeling out what was wrong with 'Rikido Sato'* 'This is odd, Last I saw Him, He was with Bakugo and suck in Bondo's trap...'

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