Chapter 51: Royal Road

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-With Their group starting, Everyone was getting pumped up seeing The results of The first match, 1-A celebrating Team Tsuyu's victory while Monoma seethed having His classmates beaten by These upstarts as He calls Them but the next match would be vastly different now that Gojo's going to be The vigilante.

Kendo: "Guys" *Kendo urged Her teammates to group together* "What should We do against The man?"

Kinoko: "Joestar?"

Kendo: "Yes! He has far too much power and influence. While Shinso acted to inconvenience and isolate Us one by one, Gojo won't hesitate to Fight Us all on His own!"

Shihai: "We also run into the problem of The enemy Team! While Both teams can't bet on having connections with both classes. Gojo might harbour Bias and attack Us to let 1-A bag Us with no effort!"

Kendo: "No... From the few times I've Talked to Gojo, He's way above doing such things. If He sees it, He'll take the opportunity to screw over His own Classmates for the heck of it so any Bias can be thrown out of it!"

Kinoko: "What about His ghost friends? Doesn't He like to have an infinite amount of Them all perfect for any situation He gets into?"

Kendo: "That won't be an issue! I've been great friends with Yaoyarozu and She shared the fact that Gojo lost nearly all of His stands during Our second internships!"

Fukidashi: "What if that's a muse? A lie to lower Our guard?"

Kendo: "Yaoyarozu's not that type of girl, She speaks too honestly and... Is a little obsessive over Him like when given the chance, All She'd talk about is Gojo..."

Shihai: "Then, What's the plan?"

Kendo: "Like what We've discussed earlier. Kinoko would incapacitate, Shihai Your in charge of striking fast and leaving just as quickly! Your Our trump card against Tokoyami!" *Shihai and Kinoko nod at The recap of Their plans* "Fukidashi, Use Your comic quirk to provide Crowd Support and Control! I'll deal with our team's dueling prowess!" *Manga turns His speech bubble into a thumbs up emoji*

Fukidashi: "😀👍, Consider it done Kendo!" *While everyone had Their roles figured out, Team 1-A was in complete panic mode over the fact that Gojo's Their Vigilante*

Aizawa: "Alright Everyone! The Ten Minutes are Up! Head to Your stations!!" *Team 1-A depressingly marched to Their place knowing They could do nothing to Gojo while Team 1-B were more optimistic, They knew nothing of Gojo's Infinity* "Start!!!"

Kendo: "Alright everyone! Be careful! Even if We have a solid grasp of Their abilities, It has been a few good months since We've last seen 1-A! They already have ultimate moves and trained Their quirks, so it's not a stretch to say Gojo has something up His sleeve!"

Momo: "Be careful of Kinoko! We could all be silenced by Her in one fell swoop! Manga Fukidashi could do untold amounts of damage so best avoid direct confrontation with Him!"

-The early stages of The match had swung to 1-B's favour as Shihai had snuck in with Dark Shadow and caused confusion among Their ranks. He could have taken away Aoyama but Tokoyami flew in and saved Him, Yuuga shit His navel lasers which brought Shihai out of the shadows but Kinoko was there to get Him out of there

-Team 1-A were immediately in the backfoot with trying to find Kuroiro in the mass of mushrooms that have grown to overtake Team 1-A's position. The mushrooms worked to reveal Hagakure as well but a large wall of words rammed through the walls and caused more havoc, That was where Kendo struck and fought Momo

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