By waffleluver38

798 63 10

Nathan is forced to do labor when he has neither a home or moral compass. He passes a bees nest and faces the... More

Stung Part 1
Stung Part 2
Stung Part 3
Stung Part 4
Stung Part 5
Stung Part 6
Stung Part 7
Stung Part 8
Stung Part 9
Stung Part 10
Stung Part 11
Stung part 12
Stung Part 13
Stung Part 14
Stung Part 15
Stung Part 16
Stung Part 17
Stung Part 18
Stung Part 19
Stung Part 20
Stung Part 22
Stung Part 23
Stung Part 24
Authors note

Stung Part 21

77 2 0
By waffleluver38

I put her head down and put my jacket over her. I got up and saw Amber and Zayn flirting. I rolled my eyes. I looked away. I looked over and saw the car halfway out of the bush. I looked inside and it was locked. I opened a trunk and there was a blanket that covered up the blade. I took it out and closed the trunk. I looked over at Amber and Zayn and there were mid-kiss. I looked away disgusted and put the blanket next to Hallie. I got on the ground and laid next to her. I wrapped the blanket up against her. "Goodnight." I whispered in her ear. I kissed her cheek and started to fall asleep. "Wake up! Wake up Nathan!!!" I opened my eyes and woke up to Zayn screaming from s long distance. I looked straightaway and there was men surrounding me and Hallie. I pretended to fall asleep but it kept one eye a little open. Hallie was just starting to wake up and she had a confused look on her face. She looked over at me and mouthed the word "what do we do?" I mouthed back and said. "follow my lead" I opened my eyes and started to slowly get up. All of the men tightened there grips on there guns. "Good morning men." I said to them in a nice tone. "Tell us what you did with our leader." They announced. "Oh your leader is what your looking for? I thought you would take us away as hostage and ask us questions..?" Hallie then got up. "Umm Ya I mean we know a lot of stuff." I can see Zayn with a worried look on his face not knowing what's going on. "Fine we'll take you in. Castro and Pollux go tie them up." They bowed to their senses and walked over to us. I jumped up and kicked both of them in the face. "You want a dance?" I asked them. They started to shoot and Hallie grabbed her blade and hit every bullet over to them. It rickishayed and hit a lot of men. One man got hit seven times. Now we were dialed down to me and the senses. Hallie stood by me loyally. Me and the senses started to circle each other. We were all at attack point. The senses hit me in the leg. I jumped and he took this moment to grab Hallie. He put her at gun point. Oh this again.... I sighed. Hallie was shaking her head. "Just let me die Nathan. Spare your life. I'm done with the game. I don't want to live anymore... But I still want to stay." She spoke the last part under her breath. I still heard her though. "What's holding you back then?" I asked her. She grabbed the senses arm and fling him over her shoulder. "You." She smiled and gave me a hug. "There will be more don't think this is the end." The senses yelled at us and then ran away. Me and Hallie had a long hug. She looked me in the eye. She leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and we were so wrapped up we didn't notice Zayn cough. *cough cough* we unhooked our passionate kiss and looked over at him in annoyance. "We need to find Amber she's gone." Zayn told us in a worried tone. "What?!" I told him. "How could she be gone?" Hallie asked. "I woke up and she wasn't by my side. Then I rushed to the forest and saw the sense take her. Then I saw them surround you guys and yelled at you." "we have to find her." I said confidently. "We can't." Zayn replied. "Why not?" Hallie asked. "she told me not to find her." He stuttered through his words and tears welled in his eyes. He really loved her. And he was hurt. I had to find Amber. Even if the possibilities could be impossible.

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