✍🏻 Little Matchmaker

Autorstwa Emmy_Lovelace

26.8K 1.1K 2.1K

A story about two people whose lives are quite out of the ordinary and both have significant trusting issues... Więcej

1 - Scheming
2 - According to Plan
3 - Checking Out
5 - Reading
6 - Enough
7 - Auction
8 - The Things We Do for Charity
9 - Knock on the Door
10 - Right.
11 - Dark Past and Bright Future
12 - For Better or Worse
13 - No Worries
14 - Three Suitors
15 - Christmas 🎄
16 - Christmas Morning
17 - Christmas Day
18 - The Little Prince and the Fox
19 - Wrecking Ball
20 - Sweet Dreams
21 - The Big Surprise
22 - A History Lesson
23 - Love and Hate
24 - A New Friend
25 - The New Year
26 - 1st Day of School
27 - Mr. Right
28 - Dark Screen
29 - The Slap
30 - Misunderstood
31 - Contradicting
32 - The One
33 - More to Talk About
34 - That Night
35 - That Day
36 - Lost
37 - Saranghae
38 - The Monday Curse
39 - Coming Up The Surface
40 - Helpless

4 - Levi

729 34 30
Autorstwa Emmy_Lovelace

For the next two weeks, they ended up chatting together on daily basis.
Usually just when Sophie was watching Akira at the barrier to take a break from her writing, Yuzuru would skate over and made her company for those several minutes.

And sometimes it did happen that the conversation might have been forced, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was voluntarily forced from both sides.
Both of them trying to find a way how to talk with each other without sharing anything personal.
So they talked mostly about Akira's skating, the current skaters on the competitive scene, and what they think of them, as well as about politics and news from the region.
Sophie was especially glad about the news because that would give them conversational material every single day. And she caught herself several times hurrying home to catch the evening news, so she would be up to date the next day for a chat with Yuzuru.
Though the only thing she wished he would actually open up about were books. That would have given her endless hours of subject matter. But when she brought that topic up, he did dodge it, not even willing to share what his favorite books were.

Nevertheless, she still found it as a small price to pay for actually having a friend. She always avoided talking about anything private with anyone and since that was the main criteria of how one makes friends, her life has become pretty lonely over the years.
Unfortunately, people and technologies were getting smarter and there were already several people who figured out who she was and had to be paid off to keep quiet.
So becoming a friend with somebody who was not only okay with, but actually prefer just a shallow chit-chat was surprisingly refreshing for her.
And she was hoping that it is equally enjoyable for him. But considering it was usually him who skated over to her every single day to talk, she assumed he did enjoy it too.

Now it was yet another Monday and while Akira was getting ready, she was having her breakfast and decided to switch the channel from her usual Netflix TV show to a world-news channel, wondering if maybe she could widen the topics with Yuzuru from local news to the world ones.
She was usually trying to stay up to date with everything, but considering her busy schedule it wasn't that easy.
Oh! A vote for the independence of North of Ireland!
Sophie turned up the volume and got more excited about the topic than she expected.
Because she did do quite a detailed research on the relationship between UK and Ireland to draw inspiration for some of the political conflicts in her book.
Therefore if Yuzuru would be interested in it too, that would give them something to talk about for hours on end.

She finished her breakfast and as always, perfectly on time, Akira ran down the stairs, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, somebody slept well today!" She said with a smile and his grin even widened as he produced a wrapped, soft package from behind his back. "What is that?"

"Well.....you gave me the book last night for Yuki. So I thought I would give you a present."
He said proudly and handed her the package with both of his hands as if it would be something sacred.

Sophie ruffled his hair and took it over, unwrapping the bow, ripping the wrapping paper, and revealing.....

"Jeans?" She said confused and extended her hands to see the pair of jeans fully. "You got me....jeans?"

"Yeah!" Akira said with obvious pride in his voice. "It's for the pants you ruined with the chewing gum last year".

"Oh.....thanks?" Sophie wasn't sure what to say. She was used to getting hand-drawn pictures, or scarfs or vases. Those were Akira's usual go-to gifts, but jeans? Where did he even get her size?

"Please try them on! Could you maybe were them already today?"

He began to jump up and down and Sophie was still too perplexed to produce any coherent questions so she just nodded and went to her bedroom, putting the jeans on.

Well, he must have checked the size of her other jeans, because they did fit absolutely perfectly.
She turned around, now noticing in the mirror the LEVI brand on the back.
That must have cost him most of his savings from his allowance! Why on earth would he give her jeans of all things?
And then her eyes dropped even lower, noticing how her bottom looked in it.

Okay, those are without a doubt my new favorite jeans from now on.

She thought, checking herself out in the mirror and surprised how much a simple pair of jeans enhanced her figure and made her feel really good about the way she looked.
It made her wonder if her butt looked so good in it due to all the hours she spent in the gym or because of the cut of the jeans itself. Either case, she loved it.
Sophie ran her hand through her hair, made one last final spin in front of the mirror, and then confidently walked back to the living room with a wide smile.

"I have no idea how you did it, Aki". She said as she grabbed her bag and Akira handed her car keys. "But those jeans are absolutely amazing! Thank you!"

He happily clapped in response and Sophie wondered if he ever stops surprising her.

They spent most of the car drive with Akira contemplating if Yuki will have a heart attack once he gives her the book and Sophie making sure that he really highlights to her that until the book is released, she cannot mention anything to anyone and even once it's out, she needs to keep it for herself that she had the book earlier.

"By the way, why didn't you tell me you sent her money?" Akira suddenly interrupted his own theory if Yuki will be screaming or crying when he hands her the book and asked with a serious tone. "Usually you tell me these things."

"It wasn't my story to tell, Aki."

"But she did tell me about her brother."

"Before she got the money?"

Akira didn't answer for a moment and then he just confirmed that she indeed told him about it all only after.

"See, it was her privacy, I even wasn't supposed to hear it." She said softly, hoping he will understand her point of view, and checked the mirror, seeing that Akira seemed lost in thought as he stared from the window.

"I think she likes me because I remind her of the brother." He muttered absent-mindlessly and Sophie blinked few times, amazed that he thinks that too. "Because all the other girls at the rink in her age don't talk to me much. But she does. Do you think that's possible?"

Sophie took a moment to think it over, trying to give him as honest answer as possible.
"Well Aki, I think that one's heart and feelings are the most complicated thing to understand."
She said cautiously and saw that he is still staring from the window. "I think, that maybe unlike the other girls at the rink, she did have a younger brother so she knew how to talk to somebody younger and maybe understand you better than the others do."

"Hmm...I guess. I really like her."

"I like her too. Especially after I heard how she spoke with her mother. I like that she has a very positive outlook on everything. Always seeing the bright side of things." Sophie said with a smile, thinking that she herself could have a lot to learn from that girl.
Because she herself always only saw the worst possible outcome of everything, constantly worried that something bad will happen.

"Do you think she could come to visit us in Canada sometimes?"

"Of course!" Sophie immediately said, now finally guessing that his strange mood was probably because he was afraid of losing his friend. "She can come whenever she likes. And I am sure she could even train at that Cricket Club while she is there."

"Really?!!" Akira exclaimed and grinned so widely that one would never guess he was upset just a few seconds ago.

"Yes, really." Sophie smiled back at him just as she was parking the car and Akira darted out, obviously too excited about giving Yuki the book as well as letting her know she could come and visit them in Toronto.

Sophie just shook her head at how little he needed for happiness and casually followed after him into the rink.

She sat down on her usual bench diving properly to writing the ending of a chapter she started a few days ago. She was really struggling with that one, trying to create the right build-up to an important revelation for the readers but was worried that she is either revealing too much already or too little. Afraid that she can't see the right balance. And she so hated when she got it wrong and had to rework already finished chapters months later.
At least it was now just before a release of the latest volume which was giving her plenty of time to write the next one.
But as usual, the time will just fly by like nothing and suddenly there will be deadlines. First, the ones that she can miss, then those she should not miss, and then those, that she should not miss no matter what but will miss them anyway.

She stared at the last paragraph she has written and wondered what would it be like to have at least one day without any worries at all. No worries that the new volume she is writing just sucks, or that Aki will run down the stairs from his room too fast, slip and hurt himself.
Or that another creepy stalker will figure out who she is and blackmail her for money, or worse, not even attempt to blackmail and just reveal her identity and deprive Aki of a normal childhood. Or try to harm them in a physical way. She will really need to make sure that their new apartment in Canada will have the same or higher security level as their current one. She has seen way too many celebrity documentaries about how far some so-called fans were able to take their obsessions. Breaking into homes, threatening, shooting....

Sophie quickly closed the laptop and ran her hand through her hair, thinking that this afternoon she will definitely need the gym time. Believing that maybe if she had more of a positive outlook on things like Yuki had, she may not have to sweat out all the stress almost every evening.
And then she heard high pitch laughter that completely shut down all of those worries for a moment.
She raised her head and saw Akira on the ice laughing at something with Yuzuru. They were both holding their stomachs and even though she had no idea what they were laughing at, she smiled as well watching the scene.
Yuzuru was most of the time just having the usual polite smile that he used anytime he felt it was expected of him. But whenever he was around Akira or any of the other kids at the rink, his laughter was always as honest as it could get.
She did sometimes make him laugh honestly as well, or rather just chuckle, but anytime she did, she felt a strange feeling of pride that she managed that.
Sophie couldn't stop wondering from time to time what it is that makes him keep so much distance from everyone. Letting his guard down only around the kids.
As much as she didn't want to share anything personal with him or anyone else, she couldn't help wanting to get to know him better.

Having enough of her dark, almost paranoid thoughts, she took her break and went down to the barrier. Both Akira and Yuzuru noticed it and were just about to skate to her when Yuzuru raised his eyes above her head and as she turned around, she saw Brian waving at him.
Yuzuru looked almost disappointed, making her feel kind of nice that he was looking forward to the chat as much as she was.
But duty called first, so as Akira skated to her with his drink bottle to take a break, Yuzuru instead put on his skate guards and walked around the rink, going up to Brian.

"Oh, Sophie!" Akira exclaimed the second he stopped at the barrier and she noticed he began to use the same show-off hockey break like Yuzuru. "He is so funny!"

"Of course he is." Sophie let out with a sigh and suppressed rolling her eyes. "And I told you not to call me Sophie".

The moment she said that Akira's eyes quickly glanced over her head and she turned around, seeing now Brian and Yuzuru discussing something on the bench a few rows above them. Yuzuru was still looking at both of them as he talked to Brian and Sophie quickly turned back to Akira.

"Please do not tell me that you told him I am your sister!" She now realized that over the two weeks she was chatting with Yuzuru she actually never specifically mentioned that Akira is her son, only talking about him as 'Aki'.

"I---I have to go...." Akira pushed himself off the barrier but she quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back and knocking down his water bottle.

"Do not move". She grunted through her teeth as she bent over for the bottle and put it back on the barrier, noticing that Akira was again glancing at Yuzuru, for some reason smiling, but this time she didn't turn anymore and kept piercing Akira's eyes.
"So? Did you or did you not tell him I am your sister?"

"I--I....you look really good today". He blurted out and any other time she would have laughed at his lame attempt of trying to save his neck, but right now she was truly pissed off.
"Aki, I am proud you are my son, I am not ashamed of it and I do not care what other people think. Do you get it?"

"Y-Yes". He stammered out and pulled her into a hug over the barrier, knocking the bottle down once more.
Sophie pulled away, frowning at him and wondering why is he suddenly not trying to fight with her anymore, and accepted her speech so quickly.
He dodged her gaze and again glanced behind her shoulder, probably being more interested in his idol than what she was trying to make him understand.
She bent down for the bottle again and when she stood up, she heard somebody nervously clearing their throat behind her.
She turned around, just to see Yuzuru standing two steps above her and for some reason....blushing.

He came over while Akira snatched the bottle from her hand and skated away without saying a word.

"You okay, Hanyu-san?" She asked as she looked at his red face and then leaned against the barrier, watching Akira who was now whispering something to Yuki on the other side of the rink.

"Um, yeah. Sorry." He said as he cleared his throat again and leaned against the barrier as well.

Sophie turned on her side, still supporting herself on her elbow but having now a proper view of Yuzuru and trying to decipher his strange expression. But he just kept looking at the people skating around and the blush was slowly fading.
Sophie kind of regretted it, because he was usually so pale, that the blush made him look more lively. She often caught herself just making fun of him for the sole purpose of watching him blush, realizing now that it might have become one of her favorite activities.

After several seconds she gave up guessing what has caused the initial blush, probably something he was discussing with Brian, and rather moved on to clarify any possible misunderstanding that Akira has caused.

"Just FYI, Akira is my son, not my brother." She said plainly, but still scanning his face to see his reaction. "He sometimes tells other people that I am his sister".

"I know." He said as plainly as she did and there was indeed no sign of surprise on his face.

"You do?" She asked slightly taken aback. "It seemed he thought---"

"I do know from day one when we decided to have him join our team. When you did the paperwork with Brian, I went over it with him and saw that you were in the field for mother's name."

He simply explained and kept looking ahead, but after a moment when he didn't hear any reaction from her, he turned on his side as well and looked at her.

"Is that not okay that I saw it? I didn't want to be checking your private information, but it is my job to help out with the paperwork and----"

"No, no. That's not it." She quickly reassured him, still with a curious look. "It's just I usually get a negative reaction to it here, in Japan."

He let out a quiet sigh and turned his back completely to the rink, hands in pockets and resting against the barrier. He tilted his head to her and gave her one of his typical solemn looks before he spoke.

"I am sorry that there is so much prejudice. That your....lifestyle....is not accepted well here."

As sincerely as he must have meant it, it still made Sophie chuckle a little. "Well, I am not sure if I would call having tattoos and getting knocked-up at seventeen a 'lifestyle' as you say."

She hoped for him to chuckle as well considering she did say it to lighten the mood but his expression stayed serious.

"No, I mean it Sophie-san. I barely know you, but I can still tell that you are one of the least prejudiced people I've ever met."

Sophie frowned a little, wondering what got into him that he was suddenly not only so solemn but also so honest. Usually, they did talk only about general topics but this conversation was suddenly becoming way more personal.

"Thank you, I guess." She replied as she also leaned against the barrier with her back and put her hands in her pockets. But unlike Yuzuru, she didn't look back at him and stared into the distance in front of her. Having somewhat a problem to withstand his current analyzing expression.
Usually, he was giving her this exact same look of deep interest anytime she was talking about a topic that she knew more about than him, like some specific political issues. That was the look he used when he solely focused on the information received and trying to memorize it.
But now he was looking at her like that, not because of what she was saying but because of what she kept for herself.
Sophie could suddenly feel that he was just attempting to read her from the way she looked at him or behaved.
So she chose to hide her hands in her pockets to limit the non-verbal cues and rather stared in front of herself, not to let him look in her eyes.

"May I just ask...in the paperwork...the field for father was....left blank." He said with such extreme caution, that it couldn't have been any clearer that he knows he is overstepping their silent agreement of not asking about anything personal.
And would it be anyone else, Sophie would have dodged the question without hesitation, but right now she actually did entertain the idea for a moment. But mostly for selfish reasons because answering could have been her ticket to ask him something personal in return.
She bit her lip and in the end, her reason won and she wondered how to politely decline to answer but Yuzuru beat her to it.

"I think that once everything is finalized and Aki starts properly training at TCC we can actually give it a try and begin to teach him a triple jump. Specifically a Toe Loop." He said as if they were already in the middle of discussing that topic and turned back to the ice.
Sophie nodded, silently grateful that he did read what was on her mind, and turned around as well, answering in the same manner.

"Wouldn't it be too soon for a triple jump?"

"Nah, I think he will learn that one quickly. It is the easiest jump and he already has all the predispositions needed".

"Alright, if you say so. You are the coach, you have my trust".

As soon as she said that, he let out a humorless chuckle and pushed himself off the barrier. For a long second, he just looked into her confused eyes and then just excused himself, going back around the rink and on the ice.

And later that night when Sophie lied in bed and wondered what that dark chuckle was supposed to mean, she finally came to the conclusion it must have been the word 'trust' that ticked him off.
Both of them obviously having issues trusting anyone and she knew very well that if she would have been the one who asked the personal question that day, he would have reacted exactly the same way she did.
That he wasn't mad at her for not answering, but mad at the situation that they were both the same.
So she wrapped her arms around the largest pillow she got and thought if maybe she should give it a try and do the first step. To at least share a little bit about herself, because that guy actually seemed to be worth it.

She wondered what would his reaction be and if he would then give her a little bit of his trust as well too.
But in the end, she didn't get a chance to find out because he didn't show up the next day.
And when he did come to the rink the day after, he didn't skate over to her for a break anymore. And Sophie saw that he made a choice as well. A different one than she did.

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