By Celia_alyana

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โ๐–ค๐—๐–พ๐—‹๐—’๐—ˆ๐—‡๐–พ ๐—๐–บ๐—‡๐—๐—Œ ๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐—†๐–พ๐—ˆ๐—‡๐–พ ๐—†๐–บ๐—€๐—‚๐–ผ๐–บ๐—… ๐—‚๐—‡๐—๐—ˆ ๐—๐—๐–พ๐—‚๐—‹ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐—Œ๐—ˆ ๐—๐—๐–บ๐— ๐—๐—๐–พ๏ฟฝ... More

Author noteโ€ข
Author noteโ€ข


272 124 55
By Celia_alyana

«13_Your Eyes Tell»

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

He smiled and I feel his light fill my soul

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Your POV

Someone was shaking you and telling you to wake up but your sloth ass was busy in sleeping.

"y/nahhh, wake up, or we might be late on work, get up!!"

You heard nayeon yelling,you slowly opened your eyes.

"sorry nayeon, I don't know why I was so deep in sleep" You said in your morning tone

"it's okay, now get up we are going to castle" she said

End of your pov

We are standing right in front of the big castle gate, guards open the huge door for both of us.


It felt like you're a queen for whom they are opening the gate for.

The feeling you only heard in the story books, like big iron gate with gold planting on them, you can't believe you're exploring a castle.

"Y/n you need to prepare yourself to face the king" nayeon said.

"What do you mean by need to prepare ?"

You asked with a confused look on your face

"Aish, I meant you need to prepare your heart to meet him" She said in a teasing manner.

"Can you tell me how is he by his nature?"you asked this question expecting that you get a reply that give you relief but nothing like this happened.

"He is cold by nature that everyone fears to even do an eye contact with him because-"

She replied and that's when you felt your heart shattered into pieces, thinking how will you live here. This was the answer you was scared to hear.

"He is mighty and powerful, that if he want he can destroy this whole world just in one blow" nayeon finished and now you feel like being on edge of crying.

Her words make you down in fear, how will you find that mirror ? if you can't find it what would happen then?

"Don't worry yn we will find that mirror,
I will try my best" she said.

Aish, she again read my mind.

"Nayeon how would I go infront of him , I'm scared after what you said , how can I face him" saying this your voice cracked and heartbeat fastened.

"I know yn, he is so cruel, people say his heart is made of stone because they have never seen a person this cruel but no problem I will keep you safe, just remember not to disobeying him. she replied with a concern smile.

You both were walking towards the throne where the ruler of this nation was siting. As you can feel your heartbeat is getting faster and faster by time.

You put your hand on your chest, as you start breathing heavily, you hold nayeon's hand as she looked at you and sweats covered forhead.

she held your hands tightly as she understood your fear.

You down your head as you feel you both were close to throne, you both stopped walking.

The sound of both of you's sandals stopped making the sudden silence filled the hall,only your breath can be heard.

"Your magesty meet her, she is yn, she is my friend and she also wants to work here, I will be thankful if you let her work and we even have less workers here, so it would be good if she works her-"

"Made her my personal maid"

Nayeon was finishing her words but she got cut off by a husky deep voice, which filled the whole hall.

Hearing his words made you shock, why did he told her to make you his personal maid?

You wanted to stay away from him but what will happen now, you were so tensed, as you take a little courage and raise your eyes to look up and face the devil.

You saw him staring at you and suddenly seeing him like this made you flinch & you started getting goosebumps.

You felt your whole world upside down when those dark black orbs of his met your chocolaty ones. You felt as if everything had stopped, the tickling of the clock, the air, the surrounding and maybe your heart too.

His eyes were holding a gaze that made you wonder just how many lifes he has taken before and his grin made you realise that he probably lost count.

Both of yours eyes were locked with each other when you finally get the taste of colours.

Oh my goodness, what was happening?

it feels like the withered flower of your heart got the chance to blossom again.

Nayeon was confused and shocked seeing her king like this for the first time.

she shakes your hand to make you come back into your sense.

You looked down as a cherished blush appeared on your face, you were busy thinking about what just happened when your thoughts got interrupted by a soft voice.

"We should leave now, your majesty"

Nayeon said and the king nodded, as she started dragging you with her. But you don't know why you looked back because what you saw was unexpected,  you found him smiling. Yes, he was smiling at you.

You couldn't help but smile back.

What's wrong with me ?

Naeyon dragged you with her, to a room where many workers were doing there work.

"Girl what the hell just happened??" Naeyon said with widened eyes, you didn't replied her as you were lost in your own thoughts.

Even though you don't know what just happened and You can even see colours but how?.

It's weird to see colours all of a sudden but you realised how beautiful the world is. Really the people who have never suffered by colour blindness cannot sense this difference and weird feeling you're having while seeing real colours.

Honestly this world is extremely beautiful, you're so happy, that much that you can't express.

But why you only were able to see colour in a world where darkness is the ruler, you don't know what life's state you're going through, all this can't be a coincidence.


The darkness isn't wrong.

It's a part of life, a backdrop for the stars at night, the space between what you know.

Darkness has a way of reminding you of the light you've been given on all those other days.

You don't need to drown the darkness with light.

You don't need to replace negativity with positivity.

You bring the darkness to the light, Like an offering.

That means you honor what is first, before you try to change it.

You meet yourself where you're at, before moving forward.

Then you can even bring light to the places and situations where there's barely any left.

You can give someone love even though they're not acting with love.

You can light another candle.

You can handle hard things.
Don't forget stars only shine in the darkness.


"What happened y/n, say something" Nayeon asked, shaking you.

should I tell her that I can see colour now ?

"Nothing nayeon , I was thinking as if I always have to be with him because he has made me his personal maid, this thought is really scaring me "

You decided not to tell her about it because who knows how will she react, you will tell her when you will go home.

"yeah!! well this is surprising that in just one meet he made you his personal maid. I mean he don't know the way you would work, I have a fear that you might do some mistakes. "

"I don't want trouble for you but I'm hopeless, I'm so sorry yn I thought it would be very easy to keep you in castle because I will be always their by your side but here is everything reversed" she replied while lowing her head down.

"Nayeon please don't apologise, it's not your fault, you have already helped me enough, I don't know how to thankyou for what you did, and it's okay I will try my best not to make any trouble for myself " you said while giving her a light smile

"Okay yn since you are new here so I will guide you today dear, and if something weird happened,do not give it too much,
I know it would take time for you to understand this place and maybe you wouldn't be normalise forever, but do not fear and I shall not be with you always so take care of yourself " she said

"Okay, so the whole day I have to be with him, right!. There is a little fear but I can manage it and if not that I have to learn because we don't know by when we would find the mirror and I have no idea of what thing I might face or suffer until then" you replied

"Don't worry yn we will find the mirror soon, okay now let's go to our work" nayeon said as I nodded and start walking, but suddenly she pulled me by my hands.

"Wait yn I forgot to ask you something" she said giggling

"yes ask me, what is it?" You said while forwarding my eyebrows

"Umm! why Mr.Greek god is looking at you like that, like seriously whole time he was staring at you" she said with a playful smile

"I don't know nayeon, but his smile is pretty good" you replied with a confusion look on my faceu.

"Girl when did you saw him smiling?" She asked with a shock look on her face.

"When you were dragging me from throne, it was then when I saw him smiling and maybe if I shouldn't have done but I smiled back" you said with a smile.

"Unbelievable! what's wrong with him today, did he hit his head somewhere today?" She said laughing .

"The way he acted today made you shock, I wonder what he would react as in other days" you said while laughing.

"Guess you never know,okay let's go now " she said.

Right now you two were standing in front of big shining door of King's chamber, as nayeon opened the door reveling a beautiful Royal chamber.

It's so luxury, you both steped into the room and she told you everything about the work , you have done cleaning his half room, nayeon helped you in this too.

Oh god I don't know what I have don't without you nayeon, I thought.

You were cleaning paintings which were hanging on the white shining wall.

"Nayeon is this the king and queen with their son?" You asked her, pointing towards the painting which frames are made of gold.

"Yes, yn you are right" she replied

"Oh it looks so beautiful" You said softly touching the painting.

"Be careful y/n, it's very precious to him just like his love for his parents" she warned you.

"Okay I will, by the way where are they now?" You asked her while she took a sigh and said.

"They are no more, I still remember the day when the king cried last time, he was so week to let them go perhaps they were not his real parents, but even then, he loved them more than his life"

"Were his parents not his parents ?" You asked

"I'm not sure yn but there is a rumor, people say they are not his real parents, there is a royal dark secret in between this big walls of the palace which is hidden that even the king maybe don't have idea about-"

you were listening her carefully when a voice interrupted both of you.

"Hey you both should go from here the king would here anytime" he said

"oh okay" we were leaving the room when a well built man stopped me he was wearing a black shield and his eyes were red, made him look so scary.

"wait who are you? I never saw you here? and how can you come in kings chamber, not everyone is allowed here" he said.

"She is yn, she is new here & king has made her his personal maid, so I take her with me to tell her everything she has to do" nayeon replied from your side.

"Oh okay! hi yn, I'm jungkook, I'm royal assistant" he said.

You can see that the value of King's maid here is not even that low.

"Hi, I'm yn" you said and now, then you leave the room with nayeon you two were walking on corridor, as you saw someone is coming and few gaurds are all around him.

You lowered your head because nayeon told you after some times he went to his chamber, he didn't even took a glance at you both before leaving, as like you both didn't exist, more like he ignored you two.

Where you live it is called being rude if someone behaves like this, anyways leave it, why you're even thinking it.


You and nayeon were preparing to go back home, today was not too much of work, you mean you didn't had so much work but nayeon had to do so much work.

After being kings perosnal maid, you noticed that this post has not too much work so you used your time in searching for the mirror and so you're tired of it.

"Yn you are ready to go home?" nayeon asked

"Yes " you said as you both start leaving for home but a girl stopped you both

"Nayeon yn can't go home as she is the king's personal maid she has to stay in night too.

This is his order, he has ordered me to not let you go home yn" a girl said

"No I can't"

You spoke and your eyes widened as you start panicking, you held naeyon's hand and start begging her to take you home.

You know if you stay here at night, you will feel so unsafe and also you have trouble in sleeping foreign places.

"What would happen now nayeon, I don't want to stay here alone at night, I'm not from here, oh god I'm so scared, pls take me to your home" you pleaded

"Yn I'm sorry, I can't take you home, I can't disobey him, this is not good for both of us, pls don't be scared mina will take care of you, I trust her, she will take care of you" nayeon said, trying to calm you

"Yeah, I will take care of you, ynahh, don't be scared, you won't be get eaten by someone " the girl said with a cute smile and nayeon hit her hand.

"Hey Stop it and remember to take care of her " Nayeon said & Mina replied "Yeah okay"

Mina face you & said " yn trust me, I will take care of you and even I am here so you don't have to be alone here. I too have works at nights but see I'm brave"

mina was saying as like you're a little girl whom she is telling to be brave

"O-okay"! You replied hesitantly while playing with your fingers, and she give you a warm smile as you did the same.

"Yn it's geting late now I should leave, take care, mina will show you your room, sleep well good night" nayeon said and hugged you.

you hugged her tightly and feel her warmness and both of you broke the hug, she told you the last bye and left

"Let's go yn, I'll show you your room and some cloths to wear" Mina said and you nodded, she take you to a beautiful & cozy room.

You noticed that your room was near the king's room.

"Yn you can change into this" mina said handing you a comfortable night gown.

"Thank you Mina"  you said

"Yes, now I'm leaving the room, if you want something else you can ask me, my room comes just after two rooms from here, good night & sleep tight" she greeted

"Okay good night" you greeted her back

And she left the room, after sometime you changed yourself into that gown and slammed your body on the huge bed as you thought about how your life suddenly changed this much.

-Do you really have a realisation about how pretty you are in my eyes?

-Your charmness is just too bright for this dark heart of mine.

-Do you even know how much impact you have on me by just with those sparkling eyes of yours.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

To be continue•

A/N : sometimes you met a person on your darkest time & they light up your world with there brightness, they came as a shining moon in you life & turn your gloomy world into dazzling one.

Hey guy's your author is here with a new update, please don't forget to vote & comment. ☺️

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