Surrounded by Bad Boys

By KellyWeb

7.8M 195K 116K

I was pushed onto the side of the car roughly. I gasped at the impact. "Oh, you hate me?" He asked as we both... More

Surrounded by Bad Boys
You again...
Bring it Around town
The Escape
Idiots & a Trip to the mall
Guess Who!
"Well that was Interesting..."
A/N Story Trailer
New News vs. Old News
Game On.
Unwanted vs. Wanted Moments
Truth of the 'Fox'
Cue the Meltdown
Lana's Words
Jealousy is Not a Good Color
A Night to Remember-HSM had it wrong-
We Can't Forget
Clean Slate
Commotion and Devotion
Speaking Up
I'm Jamie F*%#ing Jamison!
Disapointments and Broken Promises
Learning New Things
"It's Official Now"
Wrong Number
Day of Surprises
No More Secrets
Deal Making
Moving Clock
The Winter Ball
He's Not Here
"I think I'm on my Period"
The Day I Marked (Preview) Not an Update
It's Because I Care
A Quiet Day
Starting Winter Break
Don't Tell Eric
Playing With Your Head
Birthday Part 1
Birthday Part 2
It's Our Secret
New Paths
Why Are You Here
Welcome Back
Open Your Eyes
Long Live the King
The Choice

Road Trip

109K 2.6K 941
By KellyWeb

Road Trip-Image of Jamie and Ian

        “Alright so are you going to tell me what you figured out or just eye that waitress?” I snapped angrily. We had been sitting in this diner outside of town for at least twenty minutes and he has told me nothing of what I was hoping to hear.

                “Someone’s grumpy.” He smirked while he took a sip of his drink.

                “Ian!” I growled. “I’m serious.” He sighed and leaned back in his seat. He shook his head and pulled out a folder. I don’t even know where that came from, he didn’t have a bag.

                “This is what I have so far.” He grumbled. “A buddy of mine spotted them about three days ago a couple of states over and I’ve been able to track their movements. He opened the folder and inside was a map. He unfolded the map onto the table and I raised my eyebrows in disbelief at the effort shown on the map. Places had been circles and marked. Notes were taken and pictures were organized.

                “I’m impressed.” I said.

                “What’s that supposed to me?” Ian glared at me as a smirk found its way onto my face.

                “I didn’t know you could do all of this. You know-with your low IQ and all.” I motioned towards the map. “Nice work, looks good.” I smiled sweetly.

                “Shut up.” He snapped rudely. “Anyway, it looks like they are going in like a pattern. This is the first place they were, North Carolina,” he points to the map, “And this is the most recent. The places marked in blue are places they went in between. So are you noticing the pattern?” He asked. My eyebrows furrowed and I turned the map slightly.

                “They’re heading south.” I mumbled.

                “Bingo!” He cheered sarcastically. “And that means where are they going next? Come on Jamie. You can do it.” He mimicked a teacher trying to urge a child to announce the answer. My foot automatically flew out and kicked him in the leg. “Ow!” The pain clearly shown on his face. I grinned with triumph and looked back at the map.

                “They’re going to Georgia.” I muttered to myself. Ian returned to normal and snatched the map away from me.

                “Exactly.” He sighed. I looked at the pictures taped to the map and one in specific caught my attention. It was of Damon. His arm was folded as he scratched his hair. His face was scrunched up but he still looked handsome as ever. He wore all black and on his arm there was a bandage.

                “Can I have this?” I asked Ian. He looked at the photo I was talking about and silently nodded. I peeled of the tape gently, hoping not to rip the map. Once it was off I examined the photo more.

                “You really like this guy don’t you?” Ian suddenly asked. I was shocked by the gentleness in his voice. It wasn’t like Ian to speak to me so kindly.

                “Don’t go soft on me now Ian.” I chuckled. He rolled his eyes and grinned but then looked back at me. His shoulders slumped and I leaned back in my seat and smiled tightly at him.

                “I used to hate you so much…” He trailed off. “I still do kind of. I mean I hate you less than I did before.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Sean was so caught up on you-still is. I didn’t like that back then-you know? I thought he just wanted to have sex with you and to get under his brother’s skin but no…he actually wanted you.”

                “If you’re trying to compliment me, you failed. And if you’re trying to hook me up with your friend, you have zero chance.” I said blankly.

                “He treated you differently from everyone else Jamie.” Ian said in all seriousness. His eyes went dark all of a sudden and his whole demeanor changed. He was no longer being a nice Ian, no his bitchy side was on full mode. His body went stiff as he spoke.

                “I know.” I whispered uncomfortably.

                “He has it in his mind that you guys are bound to be together. I think it’s bullshit.” He said straightforwardly. “He doesn’t believe you really like this Damien kid,”

                “Damon.” I tried to correct him but he continued to ignore me and speak.

                “He thinks that you used him as a sort of distraction because you were so hurt.” Ian studied me as I shuffled in my seat. “All I’m saying is…if you really care for this boy, then I suggest when the time comes…you leave with Sean.” I froze in my seat in openly stared at Ian. Ian had his hands folded onto the table as he leaned in to speak. I wasn’t even sure how to respond so I just averted my attention elsewhere.

                The diner was an old looking one. The seats had tears in them and the lights were dimly lit. I was pretty sure Ian and I plus the waitress were the youngest people in this place. I played with my fingers under the table and looked back at Ian who still said nothing else.

                “Anyway, I met with you tonight to tell you that I’m going to Georgia tomorrow. I’ll call you if anything happens, but I should be fine.” Ian folds up the map.

                “Wait-what do you mean you’ll call me?” I asked confused. “I’m coming with you.” Ian chuckled and shook his head at me as if I were telling a brilliant joke.

                “No you’re not.” He laughed some more. He stood up from his spot and threw some money on the table. I quickly picked up my jacket and slid out the booth just as he exited the diner. I put my jacket on and built up my speed. I pushed the door open and quickly ran to catch up with Ian who was taking long strides to the car.

                “Ian!” I shout. I reach out for his arm and pull him back. “I’m going with you.” I say firmly.

                “Just stay home Jamie. You will only hold me back.” He shook his head.

                “I’m going there for someone too Ian! I want him to come home. Please!” I scream in his face. “Please?” I say more softly and watch him let out a frustrated sigh while gripping his nose. He looks at me and I try my best to put on a sad look.

                “You know your brother would never let you go.”

                “Leave that to me.” I’ll just have to make up a lie or something. I was going with Ian no matter what. Ian muttered a “whatever” and unlocked the car. I got in the car before he could leave-because you know he would and we drove off.

                It wasn’t long before Ian had reached my block. He gave me strict directions as to what time to be packed and ready for tomorrow. When I walked to my house I could see the guys were still awake because the basement lights were on. I lazily went to the front door and searched for my key in my pocket. Once I was inside I trudged to my bedroom and flopped onto the bed. As I peeled off my shoes I glanced at the box that was poking out from under my bed. I still had not figured out who sent the phone, but that was for me to worry about another time. I fell onto my pillows and drifted off into a beautiful sleep. I’m going to see Damon tomorrow…

                As soon as I woke up I began to pack an overnight bag. I knew that we wouldn’t be there long so I was not going to pack excessively. I hid the bag in my closet and walked downstairs to get breakfast. Mom was whipping up something nice when I walked into the kitchen.

                “Hey.” She smiled.

                “Morning.” I grabbed a glass and filled it with juice and sat at the counter. She put a plate of food in front of me and I immediately dove into the delicious food.

                “So what’s been going on with you? Haven’t seen you a lot.” I said while trying to keep my food in my mouth.

                “I know…” She frowned. “I don’t see my kids anymore.” She grumbled. “I’ve been working a lot.”

                I nodded and went back to eating. Eric walked through the front door and kissed mom on the cheek and then ruffled my hair and took a seat next to me. “Good Morning my beautiful family!” He exclaimed brightly. I eyed him weirdly and he gave me an innocent look.

                “Why are you so chirpy?” He was acting way too excited to see his family. He either got laid or was high as shit right now. I’m guessing the first one but for the sake of my imagination I’m hoping for the later.

                “I’m just so happy to see my two favorite girls.” He cooed.

                “Mmmm-right. What do you want Eric?” Mom questioned knowingly.

                “Nothing! Can’t I just be nice?” He whined.

                “No.” Mom and I said simultaneously.

                “Fine. Be that way.” Eric mumbled. He started poking at his breakfast that mom placed in front of him and his sad demeanor quickly changed. “So what are we doing today?” This sounded like a good time to start my lie and tell them I had plans.

                “We can go to the movies.” Mom offered.

                “Actually I’m leaving soon.” I say not looking up from my plate. “I’m going to have a girl’s day out with Lexi…probably a sleep over.” I shrug.

                “Oh…” Mom trailed off. “Well that’s nice. I haven’t met any of your girl friends yet. I was starting to think you didn’t have any.”

                “Oh-whatever!” I waved her off.

                “What are you guys going to do?” Eric asked. I shrugged and went back to eating.

                After breakfast I went up to my room and changed into some casual clothes and grabbed a jean jacket. I placed my bag on the dresser ready to go. As I was putting my hair in a ponytail something hit my window. I turned and looked at Trevor who was waving at me like a five year old. I opened my window and tilted my head to the side.

                “Ugh…hey.” I chuckled awkwardly.

                “Hi.” He smiled. He was dressed and his hair was brushed perfectly. He looked like he was about to go out. Our friendship-if that’s what we even call it…was weird. I hated him yet there were times where things were just calm between us. I had no idea what went on in his head either. Maybe he saw us as friends-but I don’t know some of the things he does is just disgusting.

                His eyes fixated behind me and I followed his gaze. “You going somewhere?”

                “Oh, yeah.” My phone went off and Ian was calling. I turned my back to Trevor and answered. “Hey.” I greeted sounding out of breath.

                “I’m outside.” He said and hung up. Talk about polite…

                 “Well I’m going to go. Bye.” I smile firmly. Before he could speak I closed my window and locked it. I wrap myself in my jacket and quickly grabbed my duffle bag and picked up any loose things I may need like my phone charger and headphones. I skipped stairs as I rushed to the door. “Bye mom!” I shout and rush out the door slamming it behind me. I speed walk down the driveway and walk a little down the sidewalk where I see Ian’s car. I open the backdoor and toss my bag on the seat before I climb into the passenger seat.

                “Hi.” I greet as he pulls off. He grunts in response and continues to drive. He looks tired. He’s probably not used to waking up so early. “Wow. You and me on a road trip together.” I laugh slightly. He spares me a side glance and I can see a centimeter of a curve on the side of his mouth.

                “Yeah we have a long way. Try to keep your mouth shut.” He grumbled.  

                “Only if you keep yours shut.” I mumble. I knew he heard me when he slammed on the brakes making the car lurch forward and me hit my head. “Ouch!” He continued to drive like it was nothing and his face held a triumphant smirk. I cursed under my breath as I grabbed the buckle of my seatbelt and clicked it. “That wasn’t funny.”

                “Yes it was.”

                “Yes it was.” I mimic. Please give me strength during this car ride!

                We had been nonstop driving for hours. Lucky for me Ian had packed snacks so he didn’t have to stop and get us food. He kept his word and didn’t speak much so that meant I spent a lot of my time on my phone. I messaged Lexi earlier asking her to play along with my lie. She asked questions but I promised her I would answer them later. Ian hasn’t said much about a plan. All I know is that we are going to a race tonight and that they should be there.

                “Don’t you think you should stop for gas?” I question out loud. Like I said we have been nonstop driving and it’s night now and I’m sure we are running low. The last thing we need is for the car to break down in the middle of nowhere.

                “Don’t you think you should shut up?”

                “Stop being mean.” I snap at him.

                “Stop being a baby.” He turns on the right blinker and we exit off the highway into a gas station. Ha! Guess I was right. I smiled with victory as Ian rolled his eyes at me probably reading my thoughts. “Stay in the car.” He orders. I groan with disapproval but listen nonetheless.

                “Hurry up!” I honk the horn making Ian spin around and glare at me. He finishes up and closes the tank before getting into the car.

                “I liked you better when you feared me.”

                “Aw” I cooed and turned the radio up.

                “We’re almost there…” He said lowly. I turned down the radio and we drove in silence. 

                “Are you sure they’re here?”


                I silently nod my head as we drive to our destination. It feels like home again being back here in the state of Georgia. I should call Rick…I haven’t seen that brat in a long time…It’s around 10 o’clock at night. The city lights illuminate everything around us. Ian receives a message I guess saying the location of tonight’s races and he accelerates us off. We pull up to a building and it’s clear there’s a party going on.

                “Are the races behind the building or something?” I ask clearly confused.

                “No. Apparently no races tonight. But they are here.” Ian responds his voice neutral nothing to be revealed from his tone. I reach for the handle but jump at the sound of Ian’s booming voice. “Stay in the car. If they see you in there all hell will break loose.”

                “What!?” I gasp with disbelief. “I came for a reason! I’m not staying in the car!”

                “Jamie. You said you would do everything I say…I’ll be right back I just have to check something. Don’t move, okay?”

                I sigh remembering I did tell him I would obey his rules. With the nod of my head he was off. I sat in the car and wrapped my arms around me. I listened to the roaring music and laughter coming outside. People were coming in and out. The whole area was dark and run down. The only real light was a flickering yellow looking light above the door where a guard was standing opening and closing the door. My palms were itching to pull on the door handle and just go in. I know he’s in there…and what if Ian is distracted by something else.

                After debating with myself for countless minutes I swung the door open and made my way to the entrance. Each step I took made me more and more anxious. I walked up to the door and the man paused keeping an intimidating face but opened the door nonetheless. As soon as I walked in the hot temperature hit me full on. Jumping bodies and strobe lights were next to invade my senses.

                I pushed myself further through the smelly hell hole and made my way to the bar. I turned so my back pressed against the wooden counter while I examined the area. He has to be in here somewhere…

                “Hey.” A girl’s voice said. I looked to my left and stood up straighter.


                “You’re that girl… Jamie. Right?” She questioned. I furrowed my brows and examined her face oddly. “I used to watch you do races, but then you disappeared!” She laughed. Her blonde hair stuck to her damp face and her eyes were bright, screaming drunk.

                “Ugh-yeah. Hi.” I say politely. “Would you excuse me?” I smile moving past her. I walked more into the crowd and hope that no one else here might notice me. If someone bad finds out I’m here-I’m in deep shit. I moved around the dance floor slowly taking in everyone’s face. My heart was thumping with the idea of running into Damon. I whipped around and tried a new direction. I saw a few men in black walking into a room to the side and something told me this is where I needed to go. I bit my lip and walked towards the door. There was a long hallway on the other side of the door. I took slow and quiet steps eyeing each of the doors in the hall. One door stuck out to me. The door was slightly cracked and inside the room I saw multiple men sitting on couches. My eyes scanned each of their faces hoping to see my curly haired boy. Just when I gave up I heard his voice. He’s in here…my heart squeezed wanting to just run inside and grab him. I wrapped my hand around the knob and was ready to open it a little more when I was grabbed from behind.

                My captor placed a hand over my mouth and my waist as I punched and kicked. Fuck! This was a bad idea. Ian is going to kill me if this guy doesn’t do the job first! I could tell it was a male handling me by the form of his hands. He pulled me out the door I had come in back into the room of dancing people. Not one person in the crowd paid attention to me as I tried to fight off this person. They dragged me down a hallway and brought us into a room that looked like a closet. The instant they let go of me I went to charge at my male captor. But he turned on the light in the closet and I froze.  

Sean’s P.O.V.

                “You shouldn’t have come Ian…” I sighed in a low whisper. I had guided Ian and me to a secluded area on the roof. I was not surprised to see him, I knew it was only a matter of time before he tried something like this. His eyes held tiredness and his hair was sticking up in different places. I myself resembled my friend standing across from me.

                “I’m not just going to leave my best friend. Did you honestly think I would not come? I told you I have a plan.” He spoke angrily.

                “What plan Ian!?” I shout. “What plan!? I keep hearing about this plan! But nothing good is coming out of this plan so far! You’re not telling me anything!” I was letting my anger get the best of me but it was the truth! Every time something bad happened Ian would just say he had a plan! This plan was making no progress! I had to listen to Milani. I have no choice, and until this plan starts working I will have to fend for myself.

                “It takes time Sean…don’t you see I’m trying to help you?” He groaned. “I’m here to ask you where you guys are going-what does he plan to do? We have to finish him. And when I mean finish, I mean his whole empire must come down.” The venom in his voice did not go unnoticed.

                “The asshole doesn’t tell me shit. All I know is he is using us as drivers. We win him races, we win him money, and we stay put. That’s it. He has no plan in letting us go any time soon.” Ian gripped his hair in frustration and walked to the edge of the building. “Daniel is being a pain in the ass…” I grumble.

                “Did he tell you what happened that night?” He crossed his arms curiously. I shook my head in response not bothering to speak. “We both checked! It’s not possible. I could have sworn he was-,”

                “I know. Me too.” I grunt before he could finish his statement.

                We had met Daniel when we began racing against Milani in Europe. We all became good friends until the whole situation with Milani’s brother came up. A gun war had begun and Daniel had been shot and we thought he died…we checked…yet here he is. I can’t blame him for hating me-he feels like we left him there on that roof to die. We honestly thought he was gone. And I was sadden by the thought of losing him on that roof because I did see him as a third brother in a short period of time.

                These past few weeks have been annoyingly painful. Damon and I had been doing nonstop races-never against one another though. I could tell that Damon felt out of place and angry but he kept it well hidden by showing no emotions at all. He barely even spoke. He just did his job and kept quiet. A few time when Milani would mention Jamie it would spark something inside of him which would result in Daniel and him fighting. I wanted to tell the kid to not react to her name, or to the mention of her. It would show his weakness too easily and they would always hold the upper hand against him. But he and I never really spoke…we both loved the same girl. We both were waiting to go to the same girl in the end so a friendship was not in the picture.

                “How’s the kid holding up?” Ian asked.

                “He’s…alright I guess.” I shrugged. He nodded his head and looked down as if thinking about something.

                “How is Jamie…?” I asked feeling a slight shiver as I said her name. Ian didn’t speak for moment still lost in thought until he looked back at me.

                “She’s…just trying to make time go faster.” He smiled sadly. His phone starting ringing breaking us both out of our silence. He cursed under his breath and looked at me quickly before answering the call. “What the fuck do you mean?” He growled into the phone. “Where are you!? I told you to stay in the car!” He released his anger on the phone. My face scrunched up in confusion as I listened in on his conversation. Slowly my face returned to its natural form and I kept a straight face revealing no emotion. He ended the call and I spoke knowing this was the only time I had.

                “Jamie’s here?” I said my voice battling between anger and desperation.

                “She insisted.” He sighed.

                “She came for him?” I asked lowly my voice trying to hide the sadness. I could see the little pained look in Ian’s eyes already knowing my answer.

                “I have to go man. Jamie is being Jamie.”

                “Well…where is she? Where’d you park?” I asked trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of her.

                “I have to go find her.” Ian grumbled.

                “What do you mean find her?” I snarled angrily. Anger submerged my body at the thought of Milani’s men especially Daniel finding Jamie. I turned on my foot and pulled open the roof door quickly moving my feet down the stairs. If they find her here they will hurt her just for fun. I hear Ian’s keys rattling in his pocket as he races down the steps alongside me. Once we reentered the party and everything became dark again I turned towards Ian. “Where did she say she was on the phone?” I asked impatiently.

                “A closet or something.” He said. I gave a stiff nod and walked to the other side of the room knowing doors were lined up over there. I opened the first one and it was a bathroom. The next room was occupied with sexual activities and finally I came upon the only door left on this side. I sighed knowing that she was behind this door and that when I opened the door I would see her face. “Oh I should have mentioned.” Ian rushed out quickly. I wrapped my hand around the knob not really caring about what he was about to say. “She’s not-,” I pulled the door open and…”She’s not alone…” Ian grumbled.

                “What the fuck!?”


TADAAAAA AN UPDATE. i get your messages guys and thank you so much. I try my best.

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