Devi Lakshmi: The Legacy of W...

By Bianca_diangelo_36

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Lakshmi was known as the Goddess of Wealth. But she is so much more than that. She is the guiding light of th... More

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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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By Bianca_diangelo_36

Lakshmi was lost in thought, as her lotus-like hands gently pressed Vishnu's feet.

"What's in your mind?" he asked suddenly, startling her.

"Nothing. It's just..." she hesitated, refusing to meet her eyes. "Remember when you promised I would be a mother?"

Vishnu smiled.

"Of course, how could I forget? What about it?"

Well, it's just with Ganesh here yesterday and all... I..."

"Let me guess. The desire to experience motherhood grew?" he asked.

Lakshmi blushed and bit her lip, nodding her head. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, letting his fingers linger for a bit.

"Do you know who most people generally pray to for the blessing of children?" he questioned, brushing his lips against her knuckles.

Lakshmi tilted her head, unsure as to where he was going with this.


"Yes, but Devi Parvati as well. Perhaps if you did penance to her, she could grant your wish."

The stars in Lakshmi's eyes seemed to glow brighter, glittering with a new light.

"That's brilliant! I'll get to it right away. If it's alright with you of course."

He waved her off, enjoying the pure happiness on her face.

Lakshmi immediately ran to the statue of Parvati they kept beside the Shiva Lingam, and sat in front of it with her legs crossed. Pressing her palms together, she opened her mouth to begin the chant.

"Om Shakthi Om. Om Shakthi Om. Om Shakthi Om. Om Shakthi Om." she repeated, until they were the only sounds resounding in her mind.

She felt as though every detail of the universe had been revealed to her as she allowed the words to course through her being.

Unaware of how long she did this, she remained with a serene smile on her divine face.

"Lakshmi," a voice said, causing her lashes to flutter open.

Parvati stood in front of her in her complete glory. Many arms extended behind her, and she was dressed in various shades of red, jewelry layering her body. One hand was raised in blessing.

"I am highly pleased with the level of devotion you took to attain my blessing. Now come, tell me what you wish for."

Tears surfaced in Lakshmi's eyes as she rose to her feet.

"I have but one wish, Maheshwari. All I ask is that you bless my husband and I with children to love and cherish. Please, Didi, could you give me this?"

Parvati smiled.

"Without a doubt, Lakshmi. You both deserve it. I bless you to have a boy every bit as righteous and virtuous as his father. A young man whose very existence will be crucial for earth. His birth is nearing quickly."

"Furthermore," the wife of Shiva continued. "You will be blessed with a daughter shortly before Lord Vishnu's fifth avatar. Pure and lovely as fresh drops of rain.  And by the end of your husband's fifth Avatar, you will gain two daughters, both the epitome of love and devotion. Tathastu."

Lakshmi fell at her feet, her blessing filling her with newfound energy.

Parvati smiled before vanishing from the room.

Lakshmi hurried to where her husband was, longing and bliss filling every fiber in her being.

"Well?" he asked, upon seeing her rush in. "Was it successful?"

Lakshmi nodded, throwing her arms around him.

"It was, it really was! Oh my gods, I can't even contain my joy right now!"

Vishnu found her elation quite contagious and found himself grinning despite his best efforts not to.

"I'm so excited, are you?" she asked.

"If you are, why wouldn't I be? I missed you though, penances take so long." he complained.

"Aw, you poor thing." Lakshmi said, ruffling his hair.

He swatted her hand away.

"Not the hair! I spent hours on that this morning!"

Lakshmi laughed, resuming her position by his feet. Now that she knew her wish would be fulfilled, she craved it more than ever.


A few months later, Lakshmi and Vishnu sat outside their house, when the former saw Revanta, the son of Surya and Lord of Horses, ride by.

Looking upon his horse, she was reminded strongly of Uchchaihshravas, the seven-headed horse who had been claimed by Indra during Samudra Manthan. Fondly, she thought about how her brother would let her ride him whenever she wanted, and how Lakshmi would always sneak in apples and sugarcubes to thank him.

She was so caught up in nostalgia, she didn't even realize Vishnu had been trying to catch her attention.

She felt something like fire emerge in her heart and spread through her body. It suddenly dawned on her that he must have gotten angry when she didn't respond to him.

"Fine, if you're really so captivated by a horse and its rider, then I curse you to be born a mare!" he said angrily. "And don't you dare even think of returning to your position as my wife. How could you even look at another man when you have a husband? The only way to break this curse would be to bear my son, which you will not be able to achieve, even through the most difficult fasts or penances."

By now his anger had melted away to reveal raw heartbreak. Lakshmi's eyes widened as she realized he had misunderstood her longing looks.

"Swami, no, that's not true at all! The horse which he rode on just reminded me of my brother, that's it. How could I ever think of another man in that way?"

Vishnu looked stunned and slightly guilty at her response.

"Lakshmi... I'm so sorry, I thought..."

Lakshmi shook her head.

"It's alright, I know how that must have looked. Just tell me how I can return to you." she pleaded.

"Did you not hear?" Vishnu said, eyes welling up with tears. "I would have to grant you a son, which I said I will not agree to no matter how much you beg or worship me."

Lakshmi felt her whole world shatter around her. The setting sun reminded her of the life she just lost, the crimson dusk making it look as though the sky was streaked with blood.

"Does that mean there's no way for us to reunite this time?"

Vishnu hung his head, refusing to meet her eyes, neither willing nor able to see the despair in them.

"I'm sorry."

A/N I told you we'd get back to the heavy stuff. So yes, our Vishnu and Lakshmi have been seperated, YET AGAIN... And after Lakshmi was so happy too...

What do you think? Slight overreaction on Vishnu's part? Can't blame him though, he was just jealous.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I'm going to bet you have a few concerns.

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