Always & Forever (Choni)

By NeireeWrites

162K 4K 3.7K

When Toni agrees to show her best friend Betty Cooper's cousin, Cheryl Blossom, around the school, she's imme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 67

1.1K 33 20
By NeireeWrites

2 months later

"Have kids!" they say. "It'll be fun!"...they say. Not for the couple right now. They completely thought they had everything under control for their plane ride for Aliana's birthday/ vacation getaway in their hometown.

But right now, Cheryl had a headache, and Toni was trying to calm a frustrated 11 in a half-month-old, a restless three and a half-year-old, and her wife, who was so tempted to scream at the crying boy beside her.

"Hey, Hunter, baby, here." Toni whisper as she held Aliana's bottles in the other.

Hunter stopped crying and accepted the iPad that was being placed in his lap. Cheryl let out a relaxed sigh and Toni reached over to rub her back comfortably.

"Only 3 hours to go, love," she whispered.

Cheryl only nodded and rested her wife's shoulder.

Aliana slept through the 2 hours of the flight, filling both mothers with relief. She was the fussiest since Hunter calmed down after he received his iPad.

Aliana restlessly squirmed in Toni's arms. The small girl wasn't too excited about sitting in one place for more than an hour.

"Ali," Toni whispered/warned.

"Mama mama." she groaned, reaching for Cheryl.

The redhead picked her head up and gently pulled her daughter out of her wife's lap. Aliana cuddled up to Cheryl and the redhead pulled the blanket over her, gently telling her to take a nap.

When they finally landed, Toni gathered their stuff while Cheryl made sure their kids got off safely.

Aliana's little legs thudding against the floor as she held on tight to her momma's hand. A tired Hunter walked with his head hung low and the iPad in his hand.

It was 2 am in Riverdale, it was way past his bedtime so he wasn't used to being up this late.

"Hunter, bub, look up so you don't trip." Cheryl states.

Hunter looked up to see Toni getting their luggage and bag.

"I'll go get us a rental. Wait here." Toni pecked Cheryl's cheek before quickly making her way over to the booth.

"Mommy, I tired." Hunter pouts.

Cheryl looked down at him, "Alright, baby. We're going to head to grandma's house, kay?"

The small boy nodded tiredly and Aliana wanted to run off towards Toni as the brunette made her way back over to her family.

"Alright, let's go," Toni stated, picking up Hunter and placing him on the rolling suitcase, and picked up Aliana.

"You got one with car seats?" Cheryl asked, helping her wife with their bags.

"Yep. Two." Toni nodded.

Once they made it to the car, Toni buckled Hunter in first since the boy was half asleep.

Aliana was wide awake, so now the couple regretted letting her sleep on the plane.

"How are we gonna get her down?" Toni mumbled to her wife as she watched their daughter kick her feet from where she was buckled in her car seat.

She was staring out the window, babbling nonsense. Any other time they'd coo at how adorable she is but they were apprehensive about how they were gonna get her to sleep through the rest of the night.


The family got to Penelope's house around 3 am. Aliana was having a 'conversation' with Cheryl the whole ride there, Cheryl hoping that it'll tire her out just a little.

Toni picked up Hunter who was now asleep. Car rides always lulled him to sleep.

"I'll go put him down then come back to help you," Toni whispered and Cheryl nodded, unbuckling Aliana.

"Eat. Eat." the young girl pointed to her mouth.

"Give me one minute, kay? We gotta get in the house." Cheryl told her gently.

Penelope opened the door for the couple before they landed so Toni just walked in.

She went to lay Hunter down in Cheryl's old bedroom before going back downstairs to help her wife pull their bags and suitcases in.

"She's hungry." the lawyer mumbled tiredly.

Toni nodded and took Aliana from her wife, letting Cheryl carry the bags instead.

Cheryl went and put the bags in her old bedroom. Hunter laid out cold on the newly brought bedspread that Penelope brought while getting the room ready for them a week prior.

Cheryl took his shoes off and shirt since she knew that he hated wearing shirts to bed unless he had to.

Back downstairs, Toni was feeding Aliana her milk. Penelope was also in the kitchen.

"What are you doing up so late?" Cheryl asked, hugging her mother tight.

"Just came down to get a glass of water. Getting old comes with a dry throat." she sighed.

"Alright. Goodnight, mom." Cheryl waved off when the woman announced she was off to bed again.

Cheryl moved to get her bottled water and let out a sigh when the cold liquid slipped down her throat.

"Cher, " Toni whispered. Cheryl closed the now empty water bottle and looked at her wife with a smile. Aliana was on her way into a slumber, hopefully, one that would last until the afternoon.

The small girl latched onto the bottle Toni was holding. The milk she was drinking slowly becoming forgotten to the small Topaz girl.

"Let's hope she sleeps at least till noon," Cheryl whispered, resting her head on her wife's shoulder.

Toni nodded, looking over her shoulder to peck Cheryl's lips softly. The redhead accepted the soft kiss before pulling away.

"The bed is ready so when she's asleep, come on up."

Toni nodded and closed her eyes when Cheryl leaned over to peck her forehead gently before leaving the kitchen.

When the brunette's eyes fluttered open, the bottle was let loose when Aliana's mouth drooped in her sleep. Toni was silently thanking the gods above.

Gently setting the bottle down on the counter, she stood up and yawned softly, being sure to sway gently just to keep Alia in her slumber.

She made her way upstairs after shutting the lights off on the lower level. Walking down this very hall gave her a sense of nostalgia. The first time she walked down it, the same day she gave Cheryl something of hers for the first time.

Letting out a small but quiet laugh, Toni opened the door to Cheryl's bedroom and gently laid Aliana down next to her brother.

She heard the shower running in the connected bathroom and her question of where her wife could be was answered.

Toni smiled when she saw Cheryl's figure. She was always rendered silent at how beautiful her wife truly is.

She quietly entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind her quietly.

Cheryl didn't even flinch when she felt her wife's soft lingering touch. "You're so beautiful." the brunette whispered, her lips gently grazing her neck.

Cheryl smiled as her face heated up in a blush. "So, so perfect," Toni adds, her fingers coming up squeeze her bare hips.

"You never say those words about yourself, baby." Cheryl's soft whisper filled the air. The bathroom was now steamy due to the hot water running in the shower.

Cheryl turned to face her wife and smiled at her. The same love-struck smile they've been giving each other since the day they met. The same one that made Toni fall in love with her so deeply.

Toni kissed her softly, smiling against her lips when the redhead did the same.

"You will never know how much I love you, baby." the lawyer mumbled against Toni's lips as they started to sway slightly.

Toni chuckled and shook her head. "You will never know how much I love you. But I'll let you have this one." Toni giggled at her topless wife, spinning her.

Cheryl smiled wildly and giggled when Toni brought her back in.

"Who dances to no music?" Cheryl giggled.

"Apparently we do." Toni smirked.

"Mmm, " she rested her forehead on the brunette's, "I guess we do."


When morning rolled around, Aliana was the first one up despite the mothers wishes of her staying in bed.

So Penelope wasn't surprised when she peeked her head in the opened bedroom door to see Aliana sitting up with messy curly auburn locks everywhere.

"Oh, come here, mini T," she says lowly, being sure to gently pick her up out of the bed.

Successfully picking up the young girl, Penelope then made her way to the door once more, only to be stopped by her grandson who called out for her gently.

"You wanna come down with us?" she asked above a whisper, careful not to wake the sleeping mothers.

"Mhm." he hummed and slid off of the bed. His face was evident with sleep and his bushy curls were everywhere making Penelope chuckle at how much he remained her of tiny Cheryl.

He grasped onto his grandmother's hand and followed her downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Where's your shirt, bud?" she asked after placing him on the counter along with his sister. Aliana knew better than to try to jump down, but Penelope made sure to keep near just in case.

"I don't know." came a reply in a mumble.

Penelope let out a small chuckle and left it alone. "Make sure Alia doesn't try and jump down. I going to get the stuff for breakfast." his grandmother said.

Hunter reached over and pulled the smaller girl against him and she accepted his embrace, leaning against him.

Penelope cooed quietly at the sight. She and Alice got along like that when they were younger. She may have been Clifford's sister but Alice was always made her feel included whenever she went over. And they're still close to this day.

Then when Cheryl and Betty came around, the two mothers were excited to watch them grow close to each other, just like they did.

"Grammy, I want pancwakes." Hunter said, playing with his sister's curly hair.

"Yes, I'm making pancakes with eggs and sausages."

Hearing that, Hunter smiled excitedly. Breakfast was his favorite time of the day. Including lunch and dinner, basically, the boy just loves to eat.

"Someone is gonna be 1 tomorrow." Penelope smiled as she turned to face her grandchildren.

Aliana was too busy cuddling with her brother to pay her any mind. "Oh, that is so cute." she cooed again.

"I need a picture! One second." she went into the other room quickly. Once she returned with her phone, she held it up in front of them.

"Smile!" she stated.


Toni and Cheryl slept in. Which felt amazing to them because they never get to do so at home.

Cheryl was the first to wake up out of the couple. She felt energized and well-rested, something she hadn't felt since having Hunter.

She picked up her phone and her eyes widened at the time. It was almost 3 in the afternoon.

She looked over at her peacefully sleeping wife and smile softly when she saw how adorable the woman looked at the moment.

Her hair was in messy curls on top of her pillow and she had a small pout-like smile on her face while smile breaths exited through her nose.

Cheryl took a quick picture, wanting to capture this moment forever. She posted it on her Instagram story, captioning it; love to wake up to this sight every morning🥺🌞

The couple barely used social media, despite their fame. Toni didn't seem to find interest in posting her kids or anything about herself on social media.

Cheryl used it only to stay up to date with her sister or to be up to time with everyone and everything.

Shutting her phone off, Cheryl reached over to move some of Toni's hair from her face. She started pressing soft kisses from her jawline to her nose and in between her eyes.

Toni stirred with a quiet laugh making Cheryl smile against her skin, "Good afternoon, beautiful." the redhead whispered.

Toni kept her eyes closed and scrunched her face up when Cheryl kissed her nose.

"We have to get up," whispered her ginger-haired wife.

"What time is it?" Toni mumbled, never opening her eyes. She felt Cheryl reach over her to grab her phone.

"It's 3:25," Cheryl said, smiling at Toni's lock screen. It was a picture of herself, Hunter, and Aliana smiling at each other. Cheryl didn't even notice that Toni took that picture.

"Oh wow." the soccer player chuckled and opened her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm guessing my mother took the kids and let us sleep."

"Always thankful for momma P." Toni sighed and sat up.

"Mmm." Cheryl hummed when the brunette leaned forward to kiss her.

"Let get ready so we can get Alia's birthday ready," Toni said once they pulled away.

After they were done getting ready and did their routine, the couple made their way downstairs.

They could hear Aliana and Hunter's giggles as they got closer to the living room.

"What are my favorite people laughing at, huh?" Cheryl said, grabbing their attention.

Aliana's face lit up when she saw Cheryl and she got up from her spot on the floor to hug her legs.

"Hey, my gorgeous girl!" the redhead greeted and picked her up. She covered her face with kisses and Aliana just took it all in.

"You two finally woke up. I thought I would've had to wake you up myself." Penelope chuckled, cleaning the messy toys.

"It's the longest we've slept in a while." Toni sighed.

"I'm glad you two are rested." the woman smiled, "What are you planning to do for Aliana's birthday?"

"We're having a gathering at the funhouse an hour from here," Cheryl replied, texting Betty, Madison, and Emily back. Her sister and Emily flew out with them, just different flights.

"Oh! She's going to love it there!" Penelope giggled.

"You spoke to Jason? So he can bring Daniel over," she added.

"Yeah, I spoke to him. Amber is having cramps due to her big pregnancy belly so he said he's going to drop him off so he can take care of her." the lawyer informed.

"Looks like he's ready to come soon." Toni chuckled.

"They're going to have two boys soon. I honestly feel bad for them." Cheryl sighed, "Hunter was a mess at 6 months. Imagine him and Daniel together."

Penelope nodded in agreement, "Jason was just as bad. So like father like son."


I caught covid, which was shocking because I'm never outside but my family always goes out so they must've carried it in and I caught it I'm gonna get vaxxed (I'm excited but nervous at the same time) and I already was gonna get it before I caught it (I was down to get it because I have elder people in my family and I wanted to be safe) but that happened so yeah. But, I've been staying at home and resting and I'm much better now. (thank god) and I'm staying home until I have to go out which is when school starts so all good here.

These two weeks have never felt so long lmao😭  I wanted to write and stuff for you guys but I was feeling so sick to the point where all I did was sleep, sleep, sleep. I missed you guys terribly so that wasn't a good combo😭

I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH. AND PLEASE STAY SAFE, WEAR A MASK AND IF YOU CAN, PLEASE GET VACCINATED.  I'm gonna write the second part, which is Aliana's birthday soon so stay tuned!

Again, I love you all. Hope you guys are doing so much better than me and are healthy❤️

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