Neon Tears

KattraKnit द्वारा

17.7K 722 678

The story of the unstable verse and the new destroyer post exudes. Fresh 404 is learning what it takes to do... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

362 19 15
KattraKnit द्वारा

-FlowerFell #0 Ruins-

Don G looked around as he stepped through the portal surprised to find himself in the courtyard in front of Toriel's house.  "Huh not where I expected to arrive but the kid does pretty much put his portals wherever he wants."

"That he does so you must be the council tagalong for the day.  Somehow I am not surprised he finds those of us from rougher AU less annoying or so he tells me.  Personally I think it is because we are the ones who would have ended up the villains if the there weren't worse AU. By comparison to someone who broke and killed everyone to make the resets stop fell monsters or the mob life doesn't look so bad.  Until you remember fell monsters are normally assholes and killers from plain meanness and fear.  And mobsters kill for money, power, and pride.  We were never any better than any of the so-called bad guys, they at least had a good reason."  Golden steps out of the shadow of the dead tree watching Don G.

Fresh 404 steps through the portal closing it.  "Good afternoon Golden, how is Sunshine?"

Golden smiles at the mention of his sweetheart.  "Good she is just spending some time with Toriel before we go."

Fresh 404 smiles, "How are you holding up we know you had a long stretch alone?"

Don G stands back and listens thinking about what Golden said.  He wasn't wrong about Nightmare's gang or them.

"Not quite, Toriel let me into the ruins once I quit the council we kept each other company till Sunshine reset.  I am actually worried about leaving her here alone."  Golden picks up a backpack from by the tree.

Fresh 404 nods looking thoughtful. "Good point Golden, what do you think of our teaching her to get to the omega timeline."

Golden sighed in relief, "that would be great, she could get out and have some company and come back if it got too overwhelming for her!"

"Why would it be overwhelming, Toriel is the toughest lady I have ever known."  Don G frowns confused.

"Large groups of people can be overwhelming after spending long periods of time in isolation."  Fresh 404 hums a soft tune thinking. "Do you think your Toriel could help the one from HorrorTale # 15 adjust enough to be accepted in the omega timeline? This AU isn't going to be reset for a long time."

"I don't know, like Don G said Toriel is tough but she is also protective of the other monsters in the ruins.  I guess it would depend on how far gone she is mentally."  Golden frowns, "I wish the answer could be simpler. HorrorTale monsters are not evil but what they have been through has broken them."

Fresh 404 nods, "we can not argue that somethings just can't be taken back or undone by a reset there are consequences."  Signing he looks over at the house, "the reasons for never accepting refugees from some of the darker AU are not invalid just cruel.  We will have to consider more on what can be done."

Golden shakes his head, "kid make the council do it. You have enough on your plate without trying to solve all the problems in the multiverse on your own.  Try and you will burn out."

There was an awkward silence while they all just stood there and waited for someone else to start a conversation or Sunshine to come out of the house.  Don G finally broke it with a question.  "So what did you find out about the new arrivals you didn't give much in the way of detail?"

Fresh 404 sighs, "We don't have much in the way of details, and we shared what we have with the council other than Static acting wary about accepting food.  We hope he doesn't have an eating disorder."

"Wait wait wait! What new arrivals? Who is Static?" Golden looks at them confused.

"We had just started today's meeting when a portal opened in the middle of the meeting hall.  An out fell a couple of unconscious Sanses one of them looked like mom only shorter maybe an inch or two taller than us.  The other was, our height looked like Uncle Dream wearing a ragged purple suit and bones that glow like pearls in moonlight.  Turns out they are our parents counterparts from another multiverse.  Both are badly damaged physically and pregnant.  At least one deity, probably more were involved in getting them here.  Their names are Static and Bane."  Fresh 404 shrugs, "we are choosing to view them as uncles, and a blessing we really don't have the right magic to be the destroyer.  Maybe if the multiverse was balanced and it was just removing badly damaged AU on a rare occasion we could keep up but it isn't."

Fresh 404's phone starts blasting Castle of Glass and they quickly take it out, grateful Fresh had not set an embarrassing ringtone this time they quickly answered on speaker phone .  "Hello?"

"Why kid, just why? I thought you were more mature than this?"  Classic was almost drowned out by loud Whoopie cushion noises and the occasional loud bang, angry Papyrus sounds and Inky's squealing with laughter.

"Classic what are you talking about? What is going on? Is that Inky in the background? Is he okay?" Fresh 404 frowns at his phone.

"Inky is fine.  I brought him home to hang out with Papy and cook, but as soon as he had greeted Papyrus I couldn't touch anything without getting loud whoopie cushion noises.  That includes setting, standing, walking, trying to pick another up, dialing the phone everything.  On top of that every time Papyrus gets frustrated and stamps a glitter bomb goes off." Classic actually sounded embarrassed.

"Huh, who have you pranked lately and how did they set that up?"  Fresh 404 stared at his phone with growing amusement.  Glancing at Golden and Don G he opened a one-way portal so they could watch.

"What no I haven't, I don't know? You mean you didn't?" Classic looks behind him at more booms and a blizzard of glitter.

"No Classic we have not had time.  If it is still going on tomorrow we will see about fixing it.  Collect some of the glitter and we will check it for a magical signature.  Talk to you later, Classic."  Hanging up Fresh 404 laughs watching the portal.  "Fox this is too good I wonder who else he set up?"

Golden smiles seeing the harmless little explosions of glitter. "You know who did this don't you kid?"

"Let's just say that the colors remind us of someone who makes the best cookies ever."  Chuckling Fresh 404 closes the portal.

Golden looks amused, "are you going to tell Classic who pranked him that hard."

"Probably on the condition he doesn't tell anyone else we wouldn't want to mess up any other pranks they have in place."  Fresh 404 shrugs with a smile.

Don G chuckles, "you sound like you are looking forward to any pranks this person pulls?"

"We are, we have to be mature and responsible. That doesn't mean we don't enjoy blind judges being made to look foolish."  Fresh 404's smile turns sharp. "You are not expecting us to protect anyone from harmless pranks are you?"

Golden shakes his head laughing, "no I am not foolish enough to expect you to protect us at all."

Don G shrugs, "I don't know you well enough to expect you to do more than tolerate us.  Though you do seem to have an odd affection for Inky, and fell, Sanses."

"They are more honest with themselves and need someone who cares in a healthy way in their lives."  Fresh 404 shrugs and starts walking towards the door.

Golden shoulders his backpack following not wanting to talk about the awkward subject anymore.  "How are Powder and Rose doing?"

Don G follows them, surprised Golden asked about the DustTale brothers.  "Fresh 404 has them assigned to Dream as bodyguards and caretakers because of how fragile his health has been.  They seem to be good at it.  G dared to question it and the kid spooked him good."

Golden laughs while Fresh 404 knocks on the door.  "G probably deserves it he alway did have a way of putting those around him down."

Don G nods, "we may both be Gaster Sanses but I don't like his attitude either. He acts laid back, walks around half dressed, and flirts with everyone when he has a Frisk at home, I just don't get him."

Golden nods even as the door swings open and Toriel peeks out at them.

Fresh 404 smiles at her, "hello majesty we are here to pick up Golden and Sunshine, but we would like to teach you how to reach the Omega Timeline first if that meets with your approval.  It would make it easier for the two of you to go out to lunch or shopping without her being under pressure to finish the run or reset."

Toriel claps her paws together and beams, "that is a wonderful idea thank you so much."

"Actually Sans thought of it.  He was concerned for you being stuck here alone." Fresh 404 smiles as Toriel snatches Golden up in a hug glancing off to the side to see a relieved looking Sunshine.

Don G chuckles, "I guess she likes the idea."   He couldn't hide his amusement to see a giddy bouncy fell Toriel.

"Most Toriel don't get the chance to get out much."  Fresh 404's eyelight flickers for a moment.  "We should see about opening the omega timeline to all of the aware."

"You sound like you have a whole list of projects in mind now that Static is in the multiverse?"  G watches Fresh 404's expression.

"He won't be able to function at full capacity while carrying and directly after.  We take that as a sign that what we have done with Inky can hold long enough or be done often enough to hold.  In the long run the three of us will have to make a plan on how to maintain a healthy balance.  The multiverse does grow, Inky just creates faster than it grows.  Maybe limit the number of copies it takes him longer to do originals.  Limit the originals to a set number a year.  We don't know what balance will look like in the future." Fresh 404 shrugs.

Sunshine giggles watching as Toriel finally lets Golden go.  "Mom, maybe you can finally go to teaching school!"

Golden nods, "she could or maybe a tutor so she can set her own hours and do one on one teaching."

Once everyone is inside Fresh 404 closes the door.  "It is our understanding that you think about the omega timeline and open a door to get there.  If that's doesn't work we will get Core Frisk. She looks after the omega timeline and collects survivors there."

After half an hour she gets the knack of it and can open a door to the omega timeline consistently.  "I did it, I learned to open a door to the omega timeline!"  Toriel claps happily.

"That is so cool mom!" Sunshine smiles at Toriel giving her a hug.  "I knew you could do it!"

Golden stands back grinning watching.  "Never doubted you could do it, Toriel."

Don G hangs out in a corner used to having to be patient while working.

Fresh 404 leans back on a wall near Don G. "So you have a thing for Medic huh?"

"Ya got a problem with that?" Don G glances at Fresh 404 remembering his display of protectiveness both when he first brought Medic to a meeting and with his uncles earlier.

"Na just don't break his soul he has a lot of courage, kindness, and integrity.  We would hate to see him hurt."  Fresh 404 smiles while texting someone.

"So would I. That is why I am not going to make a move until he does.  He deserves better than a mobster unless that is what he wants."  Don G watched as Golden glanced their way and suggested it was time to go.

Fresh 404 pushes off the wall and bows to Toriel.  "We are sorry majesty Sans is right it is time we were going, but please do call and visit soon we know Sunshine and Golden would not smile nearly as much without your charming company."

Toriel gives a flustered giggle, "such a charming child I wish Asgore had even half your manners."

Sighing softly he shakes his head,  "you know under all of the pain, rage, guilt, grief, and stress he is still the male you chose all those years ago.  Not a diplomat,  just a monster that had to watch his people and children die."

Toriel looked away, unable to meet his sockets.  "I know and I could forgive him eventually if he had just been open and talked to me.  We were both hurt by his refusal to share with me and treat me as his partner. No relationship can last like that."

Sunshine hugs Toriel and pulls a handkerchief out of her sleeve.  "It is okay mom, he is just worried about you."

"We are sorry majesty we did not intend to upset you so much."  Fresh 404 stepped back looking apologetic.

Don G watched seeing the satisfaction gleam in the kid's eyelight before he hid it.  The kid was up to something and it involved Toriel and Asgore.

"We are sorry we hadn't realized the two of you hadn't gotten grief counseling dad said mom dragging him to counseling years ago was part of what saved their marriage after our older brother died.  We had not realized that wasn't standard practice."  Fresh 404 wasn't a great actor but he could pull off confusion really well.

Toriel burst into tears and snatched Fresh 404 into a hug.  "No, no, child you couldn't have known."

Fresh 404 hissed at the sudden contact but endured without complaints though the loud static was its own kind of complaint.

"Toriel I don't think sudden hugs are good for Fresh 404."  Golden gently patted her arm trying to get her to let go.

Toriel gasps and lets him go, "oh I am so sorry are you like Error?"

"We are sorry majesty, sudden touch is not good for us.  We should have warned you." Fresh 404 backs away rubbing his arms.

Golden and Sunshine calm Toriel down, walking her to the other side of the room to say their goodbyes.

"You okay kids, that didn't sound pleasant at all."  Don G takes an old fashioned candy stick from his pocket and unwraps it, popping it between his teeth like a cigarette.

"Unpleasant but bearable for a short time."  Fresh 404 rolls his shoulders as if shrugging off his discomfort and opens a portal.

Golden walks over to join them, "sorry about that as you probably guessed Toriel is a sweet affectionate person she doesn't mean any harm."

"We know she balances out Asgore's grumpy brooding when they are together.  It is a good thing she is safe in the ruins until the end of the pacifist run.  We have placed the portal in the entrance hall and texted ahead someone will meet you to guide you to your rooms or the others if you want.  We have another task before heading home."  Fresh 404 watches Sunshine run over with her own backpack waving at Toriel.

"Thanks for giving us a way out of our AU for a while Mr. Fresh 404!"  Sunshine beams at them.

Fresh 404 smiled at the eighteen year old Frisk, "you are more than welcome cousin.  You and Golden are doing us a favor keeping the council from pestering us."

Sunshine smiled, taking Golden's hand, "thank you."  She led him through the portal.

Once they were through, Fresh 404 closed the portal, opening another as he bows to Toriel again. "Thank you for being good to them majesty."

"You don't have to thank me for being good to my family.  Take care of them for me."  Toriel smiles at him.

"Of course we will.  Farewell majesty." Fresh 404 nods to her and steps through the portal.

Don G nods to her.  "Take care, Miss Toriel." He gives a little wave and follows Fresh 404 the portal closing behind him.

-UnderSwap #83792-

Stepping through his portal Fresh 404 moved to the side and opened a code panel to check the status of the AU.  "Three still alive and at the skeleton house?"

Don G stepped through in time to hear their comment.  "You didn't expect survivors?"

"We expected him to have had trouble finding a few not to deliberately keep them.  Then again we did tell him we wanted him sane so that may be why.  Rose helped Powder keep it together, all these resets."  Fresh 404 shrugs.

"Well I guess we will find out when we meet them." Don G shifts his stick candy to the other side of his mouth.

Closing the panel Fresh 404 nods, and glances at the opened ruins door before turning to walk to Snowdin with a thoughtful hum not seeming to notice the soft static in the background or the trees starting to glitch.  "Do watch your step. This AU really is ready to go, we may even need to repair Glitter and his survivors."

"This place really wouldn't survive would it?"  Don G almost steps on a visible patch of glitching code only to be yanked aside by rainbow strings.

"Part of why Cerulean was chosen to move to UnderSwap #0.  Knowing his AU was dead with or without him made it a less stressful transition." Fresh 404 picked up his pace a little keeping their strings on Don G in case of an accident.

"Makes sense so this is what the AU that are going to glitch themselves out of existence look like?" Don G looks around as they pass the Snowdin sign.

"Sometimes, this is a rather slow one or it would be much more dangerous to be here." Fresh 404 walks up the steps of the skeleton household and knocks.

Don G nearly choked on his stick of candy when a swap Papyrus opened the door looking like his bones had been glitter coated. Only his teeth and sockets remained clear of glitter.

Glitter stood in the door watching them.  "How is my bro?"

"He appears to be doing well. He was at the meeting earlier and we invited him to dinner.  We thought you would want to see for yourself." Fresh 404 steps forward making Glitter back out of the doorway or be bumped into.

Don G followed them in wondering if he wanted to know about the glitter or not.  "Speaking of, can I stick around to escort Medic home after?"

"Are you asking our blessing to date him?  Don G we haven't adopted him, we are just a little protective."  Fresh 404 gave him an amused glance.  "Even if we had, we would not stand in your way so long as you respect him and make him happy."

Glitter frowns somewhat uncomfortable, not really sure what they are talking about.  "I have Asgore and Chara here. I didn't know if it would automatically reset if I killed Chara.  Asgore agreed to help watch them."

"Very good planning Glitter we are pleased you took control of the situation when you encountered a problem." Fresh 404 shot Glitter a smile while scanning the room and letting his eyelight rest on Chara and Asgore huddled on the couch.

Don G nods to Glitter holding out a hand to shake.  "Hi Glitter, I am Don G, today's council tag along, nice to meet you."

While Don G introduced himself to a disinterested Glitter.  Fresh 404 walked over and sat on the coffee table facing the couch giving Chara and Asgore a smile.  "Hello little cousins.  Our name is Fresh 404.  As you already know your AU is badly glitched and going to collapse.  We can't save it but we can make sure it doesn't hurt others."  He leans forward a little towards Chara.

Glitter turns to watch the kid do their thing, not sure how he felt about any of this, but his bro agreed to go somewhere safe because of it.  So he would go along with it.

"We can offer you a few choices, we can deactivate your ability to reset and send you to an AU on the surface.  If we do that you will be just a regular human kid on your own.  We can deactivate your reset and send you to the omega timeline.  You would get to live with monsters there but if you hurt them there would be major consequences.  Or we can help you move on to whatever is next for you in the cycle of life and death."  Fresh 404 ignores Asgore's growling for now.

"What do you mean whatever is next you're talking about killing them not sending them to school."  Asgore holds Chara closer.

"Asgore you must understand they have been caught up in the resets as much as anyone else they have died many times over it would be natural to want to be allowed to move on.  It would not be my choice for them but I won't force them into a path they don't want."  Fresh 404 looks to the side.  "They have more choices than Frisk."

"I.. can I stay with dad?" Chara looks up at them completely unfazed by the idea that Fresh 404 had just offered to help them die.

Fresh 404 flashes a bright blue grin clearly pleased.  "Well we don't know Asgore do you want to stick with Chara and head over to the omega timeline?"

"Of course I would never dream of letting them go alone!" Asgore visibly relaxes, unsure if he loved or hated how Fresh 404 was handling this.  He was right that Chara had faced life and death choices before and they should respect that but they had never been permanent before and Chara was a child.

Fresh 404 turned to the empty seeming spot beside Chara.  "Frisk has very similar choices, we are afraid. We can edit their codes to make them visible, but they will still be a ghost.  They could then go to the omega timeline but it probably won't be friendly.  Yes the multiverse has been told about the balance Chara and Frisk keep but everyone has been made to accept a lot of changes very fast. The first fallen make an easy target for anger and frustration from those who are slower to adapt.  There is also the support system, or Reaper if you are ready."

Don G winced at how accurate the kids description was of the likely situation he had seen it, in MafiaTale when rapid change happened there was always a backlash.

Glitter frowns when watching Fresh 404 nod to the air looking a little sad.  Before opening a code panel and going to work.  "Okay cousin you can come with us. He and uncle Geno are visiting today."

Chara sighs when he closes the panel without Frisk appearing.  "How will we find our way around the omega timeline?"

"We will place the portal at the visitors center and they will help you with orientation."  Fresh 404 opens a portal. "We wish we could spend some time with you and help with this transition but it is not safe to remain here."

Asgore stands glancing at the visibly glitching door.  "Understood, thank you for taking the time you have with us."

Chara bounces to her feet and hugs Fresh 404 before running through the portal followed by Asgore.

Once the portal closes Fresh 404 looks at Glitter. "You are all packed including you and your brother's keepsakes?"

"Yes there wasn't much Sans took his clothes I just packed up mine and the keepsakes."  Glitter shrugs, "photo albums, a box of baby stuff from his closet, some books, his favorite soup pot.  I stuffed it all in an item box and put that in my inventory."

Fresh 404 nodded, taking out his phone and sending a text while opening a portal.  "Go, someone will show up to guide you to your suite."

Glitter grumbles but walks through the portal a little confused. The kid seemed softer the last time he saw them.

Don G watched the portal close and another one open.  "Do you not like him or is the AU going down faster than planned?"

Fresh 404 stands going through the motions of picking someone small up.  "We like his brother and hope we will like him.  This AU is indeed falling fast and we still need to collect something before we go."

Don G nods, "Frisk's soul right?"  Walks through the portal after seeing Fresh 404's nod.

Fresh 404 looks down at Frisk when they rest their head on his shoulder. "Are you sure cousin we can still take you to the support system?"

"I want to move on to whatever is next.  I have been here a long long time.  It is time every ending is a new beginning."  Frisk smiles, giving them a hug.

Reluctantly Fresh 404 nods and steps through the portal in front of the piano puzzle following the steps while Don G watched it only took him a few minutes to get the legendary item and open a portal to the castle.  "After this we will be going shopping. It is not work so you can hangout with Medic if you want."

Don G stepped closer to the portal watching the kid put the legendary item in his pocket and open a code panel with a delete button.  He hadn't missed the quickly raising stress level the kid was showing.  "I think I will stick with you. Medic will be busy with Static and Bane."

Fresh 404 frowns slightly but pushes the delete button and rushes to push Don G through the portal and close it behind them.

-Balance Castle Outside the Clinic-

Not prepared to be shoved through the portal Don G stumbled and almost went down with Fresh 404 who didn't even try not to fall instead catching himself with a web of rainbow strings before he hit the floor.  "What the heck kid?"

"It was too far gone to set a timer. We had to be gone as soon as we hit the button." Fresh 404 said and stood before offering someone Don G couldn't see a hand up.

"Next time just say so I imagine your council escort will be willing to go through the portal so you don't have to push them." Don G looks around wondering where they are now.

Fresh 404 lightly knocks on the door to the clinic.  "That would make things easier.  Are you sure you don't want to stay here with Medic."

Before he could answer the door opens and a bunny monster in a lavender suit peeks out.  "M'lord wonderful timing I think they are not going to put up with healers much longer.  What should we do?"

"Thank you Milly, we will see what we can do.  Please find Reaper for us and let him know we need to talk about business.  After that we will be shopping so please expect things to be showing up in the throne room. It should be sufficiently out of the way to take time getting things sorted."  Fresh 404 gave her a mildly strained smile.  "Also if they are done with the healers for now please have someone available to guide them to their rooms they are likely tired."

Milly nods, coming out and leaving the door ajar.  "Right away M'lord." She hesitates, glancing back.  "I am worried for them. I know they are not his majesty and lord Error but seeing them injured hurts like they are."

Fresh 404 sighs and steps forward pulling Milly into a brief one armed hug.  "Milly you have a loyal and kind soul.  Please don't stress yourself about this.  We are going to take care of them.  They might not be our Nightmare and Error but they are still family.  Feel free to follow your soul, but remember there may be differences in how they will react so proceed with care."

Milly backs up and discreetly wipes her eyes.  "Thank you Lord 404 I will see to the arrangements you requested." With a last little bow she hurried off down the hall.

Don G glances from Milly's retreating figure to Fresh 404 standing looking confident and sure till she is out of sight only to slump and take a few shaky breaths before pulling himself up straight once more.  "You really are carrying the weight of this AU and their legacy well."

"We have to they are our people."  Pulling the door open they walk into the clinic.

Don G follows slowly wondering if any of his people believed in him enough to lay it out for him like that and know that if he said they would be taken care of they would.

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