The 5th Ackermann

By Fluffy_Sword

909K 33.4K 33.6K

(AOT/SNK boys x reader) Y/n Ackermann. A young girl who lives in the deadly underground with nothing but a... More

Author's Note not required but encouraged
1-The Underground
2- Converse
3- Recuperation
4- What Are Handles?
5- The Newcomer's Test
7-The Promises of Birds
8- Silly, Kid
9-Arms, Prizes, and Memories
11- Another Promise and La~
12- An Offer for Freedom
13- That Egoistical Squad Leader
14-Pursuit and Getting Captured!
15- Cake
16-The First Day
17- Proof
18- Live
20- Depart!
23- A New Sound Wave and Downpour
24- Splitting Up and the Result
26- Jaeger!
27- The Fall
28- Caught
29- The Operation to Retake Wall Maria
30- Meeting Some Brats
31- Checkup
32- The Emerged Soldier
33- More Brats?
34- ODM Assessment
35- A...Cook-off?
36- Annie's Techinique
37- A Camp!
38- Another Wall Down!
39- Being Grounded (not a oneshot, actual chapter)
40- The Hearing
41- Existence of an Insider
42- Bite
43- Detection of the Two
44- Losers
45- The Female Titan's Identity
46- Hole in the Wall
47- The Secret Vessel
48- Abducted!
49- The Two
50- Redemption
51- Titan
52- An Unlikely Alliance
53- Homicide
54- Battle
55- Frenetic Frenzy
56- Crowned
57- The Latest Hope
58- Pre-Battle
59- Foray in Shiganshina
60- Offer All
61- The Grave Choice
62- The World
63- Dreams End
64- 852-853
65- Undercover
66- Warriors
67- Vain
68- Front Lines
69- In Her Stead
70- How Much More?
71- "Filthy" Diversity
72- Competition
73- Jamboree!
74- Incursion
75- Comeuppance
77- Negligence
78- Tit for Tat
79- Chew the Fat
80- The Big Kick Off
81- Cataclysm
82- Recrudesce
83- Tense Rapprochement
84- Jolly Reminiscence!
85- Nightmare
86- Construction
87- Ambition
88- Let's Just Talk
Quick Important Note, My Readers
89- Finale
Tea of Dreams Open for Business!
Armin Ending!
Jean Ending!
Reiner Ending!
Bertholdt Ending!
Zeke Ending!
Moblit Ending!
Eren Ending!

76- Consternation

4.1K 190 293
By Fluffy_Sword

Written: 7/12 & 20 & 27 /21

Published: 7/28/21

(How are you all doing?)

Gabi cocked her sniper again, oblivious to the fact that Falco was climbing aboard the ship, as well. She was aiming straight at Jean. "JEAN!!" Y/n cried. Overwhelm by anger, rage, vengeance, protection, and more, Y/n, without hesitation, pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger. Gabi and Jean had done the same. The only reason no one had ended up dead was because Falco tackled Gabi away, tampering with all three shots. The bullets just barely missed Gabi and Jean. Both of them would have died that moment.

Y/n gaped. Wait- what did I just do? What kind of captain and soldier am I? Firing at a kid... A kid who doesn't really think for herself. Tch. Think about it later.

The pair of children groaned as they opened their eyes to see the unfamiliar soldiers coming at them. Blow after blow, the Eldians punched and kicked the two children. Meanwhile, Y/n, Connie, and Jean had gone to Sasha's side.

"SASHA!" Jean cried.

"OI!! SASHA!" Connie yelled. "HANG IN THERE!"

Y/n instantly was on her feet, sprinting to the medic bag. She grabbed the things she believed she needed. (I've done research, but I'm not sure if this will be correct.)

"Jean, Connie. I need you to talk to her. Don't let her slip away from us." She ordered. The two were immediately talking to her. Y/n turned her on her side and immediately began wrapping her stomach and chest area tight. Breaking anything would be extremely problematic for this situation. She just had to put a halt to the blood flow. "Someone get Moblit, please!"

"Right away!"

"Y-Y/n..! She's not responding!!" Jean cried.

"You have to get her to!" Y/n ordered back. If she goes unconscious, there will be absolutely no way we can tell if her brain has gone dead. If that happens, there's no hope. I don't know if we can save her... She was clearly shot through the heart. She bled from her back. What was she shot with?

"Here's the gun and bullet, Y/n!" Ida said, holding the objects in front of her. Y/n quickly scanned over it. The bloody bullet and lethal rifle in front of her. The bullet was long, slim, and sharp. The gun looked extremely powerful.

It looks like a clip bullet and Mauser Gewehr 98. Tch. With all that firepower... Of course it tore right through her body.

Y/n put her fingers under Sasha's nose and over her mouth. Faint air grazed Y/n's fingers. She's still breathing. She needs it desperately, though by the looks of it.

"Oxygen!" The captain ordered. "We also need to give her some blood."

"It's so noisy..." Sasha muttered quietly. "Is it... already time... to eat..?"

"Yeah, that's right, Sasha!" Y/n said while still tending to her. "We still have to eat some of Niccolo's delicious food!" Sasha did not respond. "Oi, don't disobey my order! Survive, you potato gannet!"

Connie ran back with an oxygen tank. "I found this in the storage! I'm not sure how much it has!" He slipped the mask over her face and began giving the air.

"Here, Y/n! There's no pack, though!" Jean told. He handed her an IV. Y/n practically swiped it out of his hands. At this time, who had time for manners? I read in the reports that we have the same blood type. Thank you, God.

"Sasha, make it to the island, please!" Connie continued to talk to her.

The h/c haired captain instantly took the IV and stabbed it in her arm. It was not proper at all. She could get infected, nerve damage, or even die. But time was running out and fast. She put the other end into the fatally wounded girl. The blood may not even get to her in time. For now, they just had to focus on keeping Sasha awake and not brain dead.

"Hey, Sasha!" Y/n called loudly. "Don't go to sleep, now! We still have so many things we need to do!"


Dauper village, Wall Rose, South District. Sasha Braus! A steamed potato, sir! I happened to see them in the kitchen and couldn't help myself! ...They lose their taste when their cold... So I thought it best to eat it right now. Are you asking me why humans eat potatoes, ma'am? There will be lots of tasty food to eat! P-Potato Girl!? I thought everyone had forgotten about that... Don't call me names! Is that it? Jean! How much do you even know about cooking? Jean, my boy, I will teach you the true art of cooking. Squad Leader Y/n! We're going into the forest to hunt the big boar! Will you help us kill the beast? Yeah! Join us and not this horse-face! Boar meat! Boar steak! Boar sausages! Smoked! Boiled! Roasted! So many ways to cook it! The best foodstuffs in the world!" She jumped off the boar. I'M TALKING ABOUT... M-E-A-T! Meat is meat! I was such a fool! I bet they're preparing a nice and big feast for us! Yum... Definitely not a piece of bread. Interesting, right? Ahh! Ar- I mean. Krista and Eren!! They've been kidnapped again! It's Mikasa's fault for taking her eye off the prey! Yeah. FANTASTIC!!! THAT'S A FANTASTIC CONDITION, CAPTAIN! That's gunfire!! There!! Multiple shots! Still, what else can we do but fly through and hope for the best?! Everyone's safe thanks to you! But to be honest, that moment when you leaped forward bawling and running all creepy... I thought, 'it's all over. There's no way that freak can save us.' I was all teary-eyed and sniffling like this, and... The basement? Oh... That!? So it's important?! Yeah... I'm just not hungry... J-Just don't die, okay? Look at this bowl-cut jerk. Whaaa? Tomorrow's an adjustment day. You should take it easy. There must be a way to turn Connie's mom back to normal... There's still a possibility one exists, right? Why don't you try hitting your head against something? NO! I'M QUITE ALRIGHT HERE! Ah... I can't believe it...It's meat. Uugh... Keep it down! Was it life changing? Never drop your guard ESPECIALLY during the last moments of the hunt... You never know what a desperate animal will do. Possibly! That's incredible aim! Where did you learn things like that?! MY EYEESSSSSSSS!! It's our fault, so let us do some stuff for ya! Can we settle here? It's not a hot spring, you stupid perv. This thing is tasty, right? By the way, Onyankopon. Why is your skin so dark? Mister Niccolo!! You're a genius!! I've never had something like this before... These are tears of joy, Captain Y/n! Antacids, a toothbrush, and something that tastes like our hometown. Don't worry, Y/n! We'll help you find some good ones! That's not true. Everyone who meets you loves you! Even when you questioned me eating a potato at the entrance ceremony, I could already tell you were a great person!No, not 'huh?'. How could we let an idiot be responsible for something so important? I don't wanna, though. Y'know I don't wanna. Huh? Hm? Huh? At last... We are the first people from inside the walls to lay foot on territory outside the walls... A cow..? Isn't it a cow? That's a cow! Thats..! That's overdoing it!! My wallet is fine! Y-Yeah, my little brother ended up causing trouble!!! Were you makin' us worry on purpose? Eren was puttin' the moves on Captain Y/n! So, Y/n. What kind of tasty food did you eat here? You must have had amazing cuisine! You were here for over months! Ah, what a mistake. Why do we have to talk about food? I'm so hungry... And you didn't tell us, yet?! No way, Captain Y/n..!

The others watched her work anxiously on pins and needles. Once Y/n deemed it a fair amount of blood, she took out the IV. For now, it was uncertain whether Sasha would survive the fatal blow.

"Sorry to interrupt... but these guys came aboard by using Lobov's ODM gear." Floch told. "How about throwing them overboard, Y/n? Is that alright?"

The two children flinched in fright. It was a short life they had lived. It ending by getting thrown out of a airship? Pathetic. They eagerly eyed their once-friend, Y/n. Who is she?

"Y/n?" Falco and Gabi muttered.

Y/n got up and kneeled down in front of them. The three maintained eye contact for awhile. "No. Keep them. We're not so petty as to do something like that. Who will come and kill you for it, too? We're not killing them."

"Y/n-san..." Falco muttered.

The captain saw Falco's face. She tched as she whipped her head away from him as to not see it.

Floch clicked his tongue. "Understood."

Suddenly, the young female brunette began having an obnoxious fit. "Shut up, Gabi!!" Falco pleaded. "Gabi!! Stop!!"

Y/n and Jean grabbed the girl. Falco was obedient and submitted. He knew there was no point to struggling. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU DEVILS!! I thought you were my friend, Y/n! Do you think we'll lose to you?! What was left of Warchief Zeke's will lives on through his fellow comrades! The Eldians shall curse and kill you false pretenders!! How's that, Y/n?! Huh? Traitor!"

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Let's take em' to Eren and the others." Y/n told. "You can tell him what you just yelled at me." After her reply, Gabi seemed a little apologetic for her rude and cruel words. Just a little. The e/c eyed soldier and Jean took the pair of children to the door. For now, Moblit was overseeing the care. It was more important to deal with the offenders and avoid more death than save one. They opened it, the people inside turning and looking at them. Y/n could feel Gabi and Falco freeze at the sight of a certain beardie.

"Gabi. Falco. What are you doing here?" Zeke said surprisedly.

"What?" Falco muttered. "Zeke-san? How??"

"You're alive?!" Gabi screamed. "But..!! You were blown up by Y/n! You were detained by them!!"

"So who are these brats?" Levi questioned.

"They killed Lobov and used his ODM gear in order to embark." Jean informed.

"In addition..." Y/n started. "This kid is the one who shot Sasha." Y/n gave Gabi a little shake. "We've given her medical care, but I'm not sure if she'll make it..." Y/n said dejectedly.

Armin and Mikasa gasped as they ran to the door. The door to the bridge opened, revealing Hanji with her eyepatch on. "I'll entrust the rest to you, Onyankopon." A yell of confirmation came from the other side. Hanji closed it with a creak and turned to them. "Good to see you, Y/n. I assume Levi told you our conditions for punishment?" She nodded. "Anyway... Did everything go according to plan, Zeke Jaeger?"

"Eh?" Gabi whispered.

"In summary, it went well." Zeke admitted. "But there were many miscalculations."

"Zeke-san?" Gabi asked.

"Eh? Who are these children?" Hanji asked.


"Yelena!" Jean turned to the blond male. "Weren't you responsible for capturing both the Jaw and the Cart Titans?! Our comrades suffered unnecessary deaths, you know?!" He scolded.

"I'm sorry..." The male replied. "But I was sure that I dropped both of them into the pit.. But they escaped. It's my fault." There was no fear or submission in his face. One could wonder whether he truly felt sorrowful.

"In the aftermath, the Beast threw more stones at us than anticipated." Levi added annoyedly. "In terms of clowning around, it was considerably good improv... Right, beard-face?"

"Don't scowl at me like that, Levi..." Zeke groaned. "What will you do if you scare me into pissing my own pants? But aren't you a considerably good actor yourself? You acted as if killing me had been something that simply became unavoidable."

Levi approached the man, glaring down at him. "As for me, I'm the type who likes to keep the best for last when eating. Because I like to relish the things that I eat."

"The top military leaders of Marley were killed." Eren interjected. "Their main fleet and naval port were demolished. So we bought some time through that."

"Isn't it time for the world to begin their general offensive strike against Paradis Island?" Hanji asked. "Everytime you get captured by the enemy, we risk our lives in order to rescue you. How many more of our comrades will have to die?" Of course it was different for Y/n. Levi, Hanji, Moblit, and many others knew Y/n long enough to know she went to protect Eren. It was not because of some independent goal she had. "You understand that much, right?" Hanji continued. "You selfishly became a hostage and took drastic measures... Since you were doing whatever you wanted. We were left without a variety of options. You have faith in us, but we have lost faith in you."

"Regardless, we assembled together the progenitor titan and someone with the blood of the royal family." Zeke reminded. "All of these valuable sacrifices will certainly reward us with freedom for Eldia."

The door burst open. "Y/n! We need your help! Sasha's ribs..." Moblit cried. Y/n turned around and followed him out the door.

"What?" Hanji asked.

"She was shot." Jean told. "We're not sure if she'll make it. Y/n is trying her best to ensure her survival, but even so..."

"Jean, does she have any last words so far?" Eren asked.

"Meat." The male told. "That's what she told us."

Eren bent over as he grit his teeth. His fists clenched. It'll be fine! Because if we can reclaim the land once again... There will be more cows and sheep! The memory came into his brain. He started chuckling. Sasha... Still the same... He then began laughing quietly to himself.

"Eren... Because of you... The survey corps got involved int his, and then Sasha got mortally injured?"

Eren bent over and felt tears well up in his eyes. I didn't know this would happen... He frustratedly attacked himself inwardly. Maybe if... Zeke was the only one who saw his internal struggle.Y/n was getting assistance from Moblit. "What happened?" She asked.

"She moved a bit and suddenly began bleed more!" Moblit cried.

Y/n ordered more bandages and tweezers. Moblit quickly retrieved the requested items and handed them to the esteemed captain. The bullet may have hit some of her ribcage. In that case, she'll have small fragments of her ribs stabbing different parts of her. We'll have to pull them out before any more blood is lost and no tissue or organs are punctured. Y/n's quick hands and fingers got to work of removing the small bone pieces.

Mikasa and Armin stood off to the side, watching anxiously. They both had tears in their eyes. Armin was crying into Mikasa's shoulder. "Is there anything we can do, Moblit-san?" Mikasa nervously asked.

"Unfortunately, for this advanced work, we have to leave her life in the hands of Y/n alone. We may need you to talk to Sasha." He told.

"Of course!" The two remarked.

The rest of the night and morning, Y/n's hands were full with saving the life of Potato Girl. After a few hours, several of the soldiers had already given respect for Sasha giving her life. They had already written the number of casualties from seven... to eight. Despite all the odds and sayings, Y/n still persisted in tending to the girl. Sasha was not gone yet. There was still the faintest of life flickering inside her body. Y/n would never forgive herself if Sasha was still hanging on and she did not help. This, at least, maybe, the female captain could save one soul.

Between the morning and noon, the airship had landed. Moblit, Levi, and Y/n had carried Sasha out and lay her on the grass. Y/n continued the treatment there. Everyone was strictly ordered by Hanji, the corps commander of course, to keep their distance away from her for the time. Yelena, Zeke, and Onyankopon watched in what someone may have even guessed... pity? Levi turned his head away, Eren as well. Levi was not quite up for watching another one of his comrade, subordinate, and perhaps even friend, die before his eyes once more. The two Marleyean warrior candidates were ushered away with nothing but a mere glimpse of Y/n and Moblit frantically treating the girl. Falco could not deny he felt a little bad. The flames of hatred within Gabi flickered at the sight of Y/n's determined and sad work. Perhaps she was wrong for shooting that girl... The sun had reached directly above them by the time Y/n and Moblit agreed that their work was finished.

Jean, Connie, Floch, Armin, and Mikasa concernedly approached Y/n. Levi had given her both water and tea. She had been working for several hours without a rest. Although the 104th did want to respect their friend's fatigue, they could not help but worry for their other. It was understandable.

"Captain... How is she?" Connie asked.

Y/n gulped another sip of water down and sighed in relief. She wiped her mouth as she glanced at them. "She'll be okay. But I doubt she'll be able to work in the corps again. It was quite a serious near fatality. She'll need lots of rest, time, and pt."

(I'm absolutely cruel. I enjoyed misleading Sasha's death.)

A few of them fell onto the grass in relief and happiness. They hugged and comforted each other. Sasha's condition had somewhat stabilized. She was not breathing heavily or raggedly. The blood had ceased to leek copiously. Y/n agreed. She was immensely relieved. Although so many had died the night before, Y/n had managed to at least save one life. Many soldiers sincerely apologized for have doubted the skill of female Humanity's Strongest.

Y/n nearly yelped aloud from when she felt a strong force slam down on her shoulder. "You did a good job." A deep voice told.

Y/n had a small grin on her face. She gently placed her hand on the latter's. "Thanks, Levi." Leave it to him to startle you out of the blue, though.

"I'll be ordered to take that ba***** to the place." Levi informed. "You remember where it is, right? We'll need your help whenever you've got the time. Supplies, information, protection, and whatnot."

"Yeah, I remember." Y/n assured. "Don't worry. I'll be there."

Of course, they immediately admitted Sasha into the most well rated hospital inside Wall Sina. In fact, she was in the same big room as Erwin. Y/n had arranged this with the thumbs up from Hanji. Some may frown upon this since Erwin's high ranking, but they argued Sasha was high ranking as well and she worked hard. It was also more efficient for the scouts to visit both simultaneously. The former commander's condition was as Jean and Connie had described. He just needed something to finally wake up. What was it, though? A wonder indeed. Yelena, Onyankopon, and the other 'friendly Marleyeans' were restrained and arrested.

News of the scouts' success in Marley had spread fast both in ink and conversation. Newsboys definitely made a killing. Cheers rang out everywhere inside the three protective walls. The kingdom of Eldia was no longer dormant or weak. They were proving their strength and power.

Zeke let go of a curtain inside of a carriage and turned his attention back to the older Ackermann sibling. The excitement of the residents made him scrunch his nose. "So it was reported... as a victory?" He clarified. "Isn't it dreadful? To not know anything?"

Levi, of course, was less than happy to be babysitting the monkey shifter. He scowled as his arms were crossed. "I'm going to kill you and send back your dead body to Marley. Your conspiracy will become clear. Your grandmother and grandfather are dead, right? And so... if your so-called 'secret plan' is indeed genuine, then I'll wait just a bit longer before I mince you. I don't mind one way or another."

"I'm grateful for your lenient words." The beardie replied. "But you'll make me meet up with Eren, soon? ....... Eh? Won't you stop glaring at me?"

"Maybe when we get to your luxurious hotel..." Levi told.

Y/n was visiting Sasha and Erwin. Everyone else was mostly visiting for Sasha to check on her condition. A vase sat on the table beside her with an abundant amount of flowers inside. Erwin was stable enough consistently and most likely would not die soon. Y/n had changed out Erwin's flowers and had began to stretch his body. In the corner of her eye, Y/n saw Mikasa readjust the scarf around her neck.

"If we don't win, we'll die..." She whispered quietly. "If we win, we'll survive."

"Eh, yeah I guess that's how it works." Y/n replied. Mikasa looked a little shocked and embarrassed that Y/n heard her.

"Y...Yeah..." Mikasa nodded.

"Hey you!!" An angry voice shouted outside the door. "You're a Marleyean, right?!" Y/n, Jean, Connie, and Mikasa were immediately on their feet, rushing to the Marleyean's rescue. There was only one that was not arrested. "Why have you come here?? This is a hospital for those visiting close, injured patients!"

Y/n led the way outside the door. A man was about to rain a fist upon their favorite cook, who was on his knees, shielding his head. Y/n took a step forward and grabbed the man's arm. "Hold up. We'll take care of this guy." The man grumbled angrily as he stomped away. Y/n craned her head to look at the vulnerable chef. "You alright, Niccolo?" She checked.

"How did you get here?" Connie asked.

"Curses..." He mumbled. "Why..." He raised his head. "Is Sasha... really mortally injured? Huh? Why? What did you guys do..."

Y/n invited him in. He entered the hospital room of the unconscious pair with the others. While Niccolo looked at the sleeping Sasha, eyes full of concern, Y/n explained thoroughly the situation on the airship. She also told Niccolo that Potato Girl may not be nearly as healthy as before ever again. That information caused him to tense up, many kinds of emotions flooding his body. Practically every sentence that came out of the former thug's mouth was a bullet to his heart.

"She was shot by a girl who made it onto the blimp..?" Niccolo asked, still a bit shocked. "Hah... How ridiculous."

"She wasn't a regular kid, though. She had been trained." Mikasa told.

"Maybe she was a warrior candidate." Niccolo commented dejectedly.

"I'm sorry. I was not fast enough." Y/n apologized. Y/n caught Connie and Jean whip their heads at her in the corner of her eye. They had clearly opened their mouths to protest, but they refrained from doing so. I wonder what that was about.

"Why are you apologizing to me? All I did was prepare the meals."

Connie put a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for feeding her lots of delicious food, Niccolo. I hope you'll continue doing so once she awakes..."

"...How are you doing, Connie?" Niccolo asked.

"Sasha and I are... Practically like twins." Connie divulged. "It feels like half of me is missing."

The sound of footsteps entering the room caused the group to look at the door. They looked a little foreign, but they still dressed nice. "It seems like my daughter is indebted to you."

The group moved out of the way in order to allow the group to shed their tears and concerns for the Potato Girl. The young girl with them sniffled and lightly held Sasha's limp hand.

"E-Excuse me..." Niccolo lightly called. "I'm just a Marleyean prisoner of war. But I was put to work as a cook. Your daughter... eats my meals so well, more than anyone. So... If you don't mind. Please let me cook for you some time!!"

The older man, presumably the father, kindly snickered. He held his hand out to meet Niccolo's. "It's free, right?"

"Ah, yes..."

Y/n felt two taps on her shoulder. She looked over to see Jean and Connie. Jean had his palm up, beckoning her to come with him with his finger. Seeing as the family would be there for a bit, Y/n followed the duo outside into the empty hallway. The two looked a little tense as opposed to Y/n's relaxed demeanor.

"What is it, you two?" The h/c haired captain questioned.

"About what you said in there..." Jean said.

Connie bravely took Y/n by the shoulders and leaned in. "You can't be serious, right? You don't really think you should've been shot instead, right?" I know she and her brother try not to regret anything. But death is different. If she has survivor's guilt...

"...What?" Y/n questioned, a brow raised.

"What Connie is trying to ask is," Jean spoke, "do you really think you should've taken the bullet instead?"

I don't want to say it, but... She's extra special. Connie said to himself. More than any of us. We all agree. However, is she, in fact, not aware of her importance in this war? In our lives? "Sasha... had to have taken it."

"What we're trying to say is..." Jean mentioned. "It's not your fault. It was not that you were too slow. We were all too lax despite the fast we hadn't returned yet or even be out of enemy territory. So please... don't blame yourself."

Y/n had understood his words thoroughly. She had seen many of her underlings lose themselves to survivor's guilt. It was a dreadful sight to watch. Of course, if someone can get past that. If they are told and assured that it was not their fault- maybe they could have been spared their sanity. The younger Ackermann sibling nodded understandingly.

"Of course." She confirmed. As if I would lose myself from that... The reason I'm able to go on... Is the thought of life. I still need to find Levi a woman. I still need to arrange Hanji's wedding with Shadis. Oh wait, she's over him- Whatever. So much I can still do in this chaotic life of mine. "You don't have to worry about me." She told. The captain then broke out of Connie's grip and headed back inside the hospital room.

Connie looked at Jean and vice versa. "I'm still a little shaken from her actions that night..."

"Are you taking about when she tried to dive in front of Sasha?" Jean asked.

Connie nodded. "We both know it, right? She has the best knowledge in the medical field. She would have died, having no one to tend to her. That bullet would have shredded through not only her heart, but other organs... As messed up as it sounds to say, I'm glad Sasha was shot instead."

Jean shook his head. "It makes complete sense. With Sasha, she had a chance of living. Y/n..." Jean left off. The sentence was deplorable to think about. Connie nodded.


"This is... my hotel?" Zeke asked. He sat comfortably in the wooden cart. Levi was on a horse a meter away from the cart. In front of them was the forest of large trees within Wall Maria. Or as Levi enjoys to call it, The 'Big-A** forest'. Of course, Y/n would always tell him off, him shrugging nonchalantly in reply.

"Do you have any complaints?" Levi said. "There's no place more suitable for you than this. This is a forest of giant trees of up to 80 meters. There's no easy way to get out on your own. And no decent rocks around, either. You won't be satisfied by throwing anything around here. Don't worry, it's comfortable inside. It's the best in the walls according to Y/n, rest assured." He flatly joked. Some of my comrades have been sleeping here for ages...

Zeke took a glance around the area. "You could get around here Using ODM.... But even that you can only find here, in the whole world. Hey, Captain Levi. I want to show this majestic scene of nature to Gabi and Falco, what do you think?" Zeke asked. And maybe her if I kill this short, undercut roadblock.

"I see the kids are on your mind." Levi commented, looking Zeke straight on. "Wehter or not those kids get to see this majestic scene of nature... depends on your actions." He turned to the soldiers who accompanied him. "Let's go."

"Will..." Y/n-chan "Y/n be joining us..?" Zeke wondered aloud boldly.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "Oh, don't worry. She'll be with us. In case, you know, you need more slicing." Keep running your mouth about her and I might start without her.

"Eesh..." Zeke uncomfortably shuddered.

I could see it in his face, the bast***. He was definitely thinking of taking my little sister here. Well, we both know how that would turn out if he lay a single finger on her. Tch. I have to spend months with this monkey?


"Gabi, we're really going to do it?" Falco asked nervously. The girl nodded, not even looking at him. She was in such a blind rage, it concerned even Falco. Despite being comrades and perhaps friends, it chilled him to the bone. His gaze fell. "Tell me when..."

Here the young duo was, stuck in a prison cell. It was cold, empty, and depressing. It smelled of dirt and mildew. It was a wonder how many people they stuck inside the prison. It looked a little aged, too.

Falco sat on his bed, or rather cot, bringing his knees up to him. I still don't get what Gabi intends to do. Sigh. I wonder how Colt's doing. He's probably worried sick. I kind of feel bad. I left with Gabi on instinct. I wasn't even thinking for that single moment. I'm still somewhat glad, though. Gabi would have died. That man who reacted quickly... Y/n-san seemed to cherish him. Actually, she seemed to cherish him, that baldie, and the woman Gabi shot. I wonder, does she still care about us? Or was that a lie, too? If it was, she is an incredible actress. Y/n-san... Who are you, exactly?

"Falco... I hear footsteps." Gabi whispered. Her voice was no longer kind and excited. It was now laced with rage, vengeance, blood lust... It now held a different kind of determination. "Let's do it." Falco nodded hesitantly. Gabi grabbed the cloth and brick beside her bed and began making a loud, obnoxious fuss.

"Gabi?!" Falco exclaimed loudly. "Hey! What is it?! Hey!! Pull yourself together!!" He heard footsteps at the cell door. The young boy resisted the urge to glance at the soldier.

"What are you guys doing?!" The soldier asked concernedly.

"Sh... She suddenly started having pain!!" Falco lied through his teeth.

"Look here, young miss." The man ordered. "Are you okay?"

When he got into close proximity, Gabi swung the arm that she gripped the cloth and brick in an upward fashion. It clashed with the man's jaw, a terrifyingly loud crack snapping into existence. Falco flinched in discomfort. The small, hard weapon clashed with the wall, cracking some of the bricks. The man collapsed to the floor in immense pain.

Gabi was immediately crouching on the cot, swinging the brick repeatedly at the soldier. She was merciless. It was incredibly unjust. Not even the most distinguished soldiers and warriors in the army would do such a thing.

"GABI!!" Falco pleaded. "No more of this!!"

Gabi panted as she jumped off the bed, throwing the weapon to the side. "Hurry! Hide him under the bed!!"

"That was brutal..." Falco told.

Once the two darted out the door, they escaped from the facility. They hurried through the tall grass. "We escape from here and then what?!" Falco loudly questioned. They were in an area they knew second to nothing about. They had no allies they knew of on this side of the ocean.

"If we stay, aren't we gonna get ripped apart?!"

"These people cared about you!!"

"Why do you believe those devils!?!" Gabi screamed at him. Fear and anxiety flooded her system. They were stranded. Alone. Bare-handed. Hopeless.... Was there any hope for them? "I can't even trust Zeke anymore!! Or even anyone else!! Not even the one I trusted most..."

"A-Are you talking about Y/n..?" Falco whispered, more to himself.

"Who else?" Gabi whispered.


Reiner jolted awake. He sat up in his bed. Seemingly, he was in a hospital room perhaps? Observing his surroundings, his guess was correct. A few doctors were helping patients a few beds down. Porco and Pieck were present.

"Did you have a bad dream again?" Porco asked, reaching for a glass bottle on the floor. He handed it to him. "It would be much better if this was all a dream." The Jaw Titan vessel flashed back to his foggy memory. Bye, Pokko. She's really gone.

"I heard the voices of Gabi and Falco." Reiner said concernedly. "Where are the two of them?"

"We heard it from Colt. They boarded the airship the Paradis inhabitants fled on." Porco informed. "They... might be dead."

Reiner shook his head unbelievingly. "No way."

"Reiner, we may have to accept that they are-" Pieck was interrupted.

"They're not dead!" Reiner bursted. The two were a little appalled at his sharp intervention. "I was there for years. I know them. Y/n Ackermann has an empathetic heart despite all appearances and actions. She would not let two kids get mixed up in the crossfire. She'd spare them... Convince others the same." He then glanced at them again. "They're alive. I'm sure of it."

Porco remained silent, still taking in what Reiner said. It may be dangerous and a terrible idea, but Porco still held on to the idea that was this: Maybe, just maybe, Kuchel Magnolia Church- No, wait... Y/n Ackermann... Was not as fake as she seems to be.

Pieck put her hand to her chin thoughtfully. "True, she has proven herself to be incredibly caring; to the point of her life." The Cart Titan holder thought back to when Y/n supposedly scarified herself for her dear brother. She shrugged and shook her head. "It's surprising she's in such a high position. But anyway... We'll act on that assumption. It's accurate enough to be bet on."

"That's Pieck for you..." Porco mumbled. Perhaps she does actually care.

What's your favorite AOT/SNK Ending?
Mine is probably Shogeki (S4). The extremely close ones were Great Escape (S1 P2) and Name of Love (S3 P2)

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