The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

By cosmic_1221

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In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... More



658 22 3
By cosmic_1221

Capricorn was back. Or so he said. Aquarius wasn't so sure.

He looked fully grown and natural, even with his grey tinted skin. There was a distinct edge to his voice, and alien walls locked themselves around his thoughts. Aqua wished he could listen in on the youngest's mind to get a better understanding of... whatever it was he was talking about.

Apparently, the Zodiac, Phil, and Hecate had all lived their entire lives in the span of a month. "Capricorn, that's crazy!" Sag exclaimed. She, like others, weren't taking it well. "My parents... my sisters. All of them are real. We have families, Cap! Don't make shit up just because you had a shitty home life."

Aqua knew Cap's flinch was genuine. There was a pinch of sympathy for the Sign, but that excuse was plausible. Sag, of course, wanted to take another jab, but Aries grabbed her and just hugged her. To Aqua's surprise, she calmed down in his arms. I wonder if I have that effect on people.

"Capricorn..." Phil intervened with a raised hand. "Even if what you said is true... Cronus is not reliable. In any way. And him forcing his way into your head... makes you unreliable, too. I'm sorry."

"I get it." Capricorn snapped. His clawed hands were clenched into fists as he spoke. "He's crazy. I would know that better than anyone here. But everything he told me... everything he showed me, it was real. I'm not lying about my family just so I can pretend to have a better one. My dragon life was worse."

"How so?"

Cap sighed. "My full name isn't Capricorn Addington. It's Capricorn Zelf'Kahn."

Huh? "By the gods..." Phil whispered, his eyes widening.

"Yep. I'm the prince of dragons in the Mythical Realm."

Now, everyone gasped. Aries, who was in between Libra and Gemini, smiled. "So you're like me!"

He's gonna shut that down. "No, I'm not." Knew it. "You were abandoned and Sag picked you up to get a new pet dragon. I was forced to participate in 293 Coronations before I turned 25. We are not, and never will be the same."

Aries only rolled his eyes and sat up. Sag was still in his arms and she shifted when he did. Are they together? I doubt they care if anyone knows... "Whatever. I don't mind being Sag's pet anyway." He kissed her rapidly, making Sag giggle. It would be nice to hold Gemini like that...

Aqua? Gemini's voice stung him like a cute bee. He shot his gaze to her and she was smirking her classic smirk toward him. Aqua swallowed when she scooted closer. Getting bold I see~

It's not what you think!

Sure it is! She instantly teleported to his lap. Aqua's mind drew blanks. Oh, so comfy. I like it here!

Contrary to very popular beliefs, Aquarius was quite popular in the dating scene. Sure he wasn't charismatic like Aries and Leo, and he wasn't exactly nice like Taurus, and his sex game wasn't all over the university gossip blogs like Scorpio... but still, girls wanted to date him. Why? He'd never understand.

Oh my God, Aquarius, forget about all of that! Gemini glared up at him, putting her little hands on her little hips. I like you for you! If I wanted to date anyone else, I would have! You're not like the other guys but that's what makes you special! You don't see me complaining about having a flat chest!

Aqua's face heated up faster than a sidewalk on a summer day. He felt so warm everywhere, even-

Gemini burst into laughter, and even Libra, who had been so stoic and drained, cracked a smile. "You are so easy to fluster!" Gem squealed, leaning against him. "It's adorable!"

"Adorable" was definitely never used to describe Aquarius, even as a child. To be fair, his father wasn't exactly doting. He wanted to disagree but his throat was so dry, he couldn't speak. Damnit, why won't anything work?! Fuck it, I'm not adorable.

Sure you are! And Gemini Effigy placed a small kiss on his bright red cheek. You're adorable like a little radish!

You kissed me!

I've wanted to for a while now... I hope I didn't-

Maybe it was a surprise because Aqua didn't think about it. All action. He cupped her full, beautiful cheeks and leaned down to kiss her. Their lips pressed together, and Aqua tasted of cherries, then her tongue. Did he go first? He didn't know, and he didn't care either.

A sigh made them quickly separate. We did that...

In front of a lot of people. Your dad saw us.

The only one who didn't seem to find any amusement was Capricorn, who promptly said, "The God Kong could literally destroy us any second and you two want to get nasty." He didn't even wait for anyone to say anything before he teleported away.

"Wait, Cap!" Gemini tried to say between giggles. "We were listening! Right guys?"

My timing could not have been worse... Aquarius facepalmed. "I should apologize. He was being serious."

"You should talk to him," Phil told his son with a wave and a sigh. "I probably need to make sure Hecate's okay. Cronus was the last person she needed to talk to..."

We can hang out later, Aqua. Gemini told him, her smile visible even in her mental voice. Go make sure Cap isn't crazy. Oh, and remember-

Don't let Leo out. Got it... and Gemini?


I like you for you, too.

She snorted out loud. Get outta here!

With a smile, Aquarius teleported upstairs. The warmth coursed through his body didn't cease, even as Leo's pleas came into earshot. The fire Sign's mind was a mess of incoherent emotions, and now there was a foreign identity in his head, too. It didn't speak but one word. Libra.

"Sorry, friend," Aqua whispered, walking toward Capricorn's door. "We will figure out what your problem is soon." Even then, his smile was unable to leave him.

Aqua knocked twice, and opened the door with telekinesis. Capricorn was there, sitting at his desk and looking out the window. Cancer was still outside, with Hecate and now Phil. Aqua couldn't see Cap's face, but his tone let the oldest know he was frowning. "It's nice, isn't it?"

His mind was obstructed, so Aqua had no idea what he was taking about. "What is?"

"Having people like you."

Aqua's eyes widened. "I like you."

"Only because you think I'm the only one out of the guys who you can hold an intelligent conversation with."

Because it's true. "Well, it's true. But even then... Gemini-"

"Yeah I get it. Of course no one would listen to me, no one even cares about me."

"Well," Aqua started honestly. "You don't exactly make it easy for others to like you. It's incredible how you don't know how condescending you sound sometimes-"

Now, Capricorn glared back at him with hard, steely eyes. "Like you've got any room to talk. Ever since we were kids you paraded around thinking you were some higher being, even when you liked in a shitty trailer. And here I thought Leo had the ego problem."

"That may be true, but I don't let others know that every waking moment I breath. I fuck up... I know that. But at least I can say that I try. You don't."

"How the fuck would you know?" Cap growled with flared wings. "Even now... fuck it, why am I even bothering to explain myself to you? Since I don't fucking try."

Aqua narrowed his eyes. "I didn't have to come up here."

"No you didn't," Cap sighed, running a scaly hand through his hair. "Look, my point is, you'd probably be the only one who'd believe me. Sorry for snapping... I'm tired."

"You're always tired." Aqua pat him on the shoulder. "I'm sorry for shit talking, too. We shouldn't be fighting..."

"No, that would only make everything worse..."

An awkward pause thickened the air. Aqua coughed and asked, "Do you really believe our Mortal lives weren't real?"

"I do." Cap nodded and started to pace. "I remember us all getting together... deciding to Soul Transfer. After that... my human life became a blur. And now we're here... in deep shit."

Aqua knew that attempting to be optimistic would only make him feel worse. So, he decided to entertain the earth Sign's ideas and asked another pressing question. "Were we all together?"

"No. Most of us were. I was the prince of dragons, Taurus was the fairy king, Cancer... she was the Imperial General. And Pisces was her Spirit Guide. You weren't there until later."

Hurt rooted itself into Aquarius. "Oh..." He said, genuinely disappointed. "Where was I?"

"You came later, with Libra and Gemini. You were the king of some unknown Realm... when you first came, you were going to attack us. You were a lot more mean..."

An unknown Realm? That couldn't be... "Sometimes, I travel to this weird place in my head. Do you think that place could be it?"

Cap shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Your thoughts didnt make sense back then. Not even the images."

"Do you think Cronus could figure it out?"

Capricorn grew rigid, glaring at Aqua. "Hell no, we're not asking for his help. He's an asshole and has absolutely no regard for life."

A thought pricked him and he asked, "What's it like... being attached to him like that?"

"He's an insufferable bastard-" Cap gasped and groaned, dropping to his knees. "Ah, shit!!"

"Cap?!" Aqua called, taking a fearful step back. "How can I-" There's got to be someway to stop this-

"Don't!" Cap snarled, more monstrous than Aqua expected. "Hecate canceled my telepathy to... keep him from spreading... can't... can't hold on..."

Aqua knew he had to get Hecate, even if he'd rather face death than accept her help. He turned to the door, but it slammed shut. He tried to unlock it with telekinesis, but the door wouldn't budge. Shit! I need to-

"Teleporting out of this measly room would do you no good, Realm Crosser." Capricorn spoke slowly. His voice was mildly different; was it his tone? "I have coated this place in my energy. Using yours would kill you."

Aqua spun around. "Cap...? Let me out." Stay even. Stay calm. Expect anything.

"The one you call Capricorn has been forced to recede," Capricorn folded his arms and smirked. Aqua swallowed. "You wished to ask about Cronus? Then ask."

Holy shit. "How much do you know?"

"Much more than that ignorant child outside. The Immortal One is with her... trusting him will only spell disaster." Cap chuckled, and it only sounded much more condescending than normal.

Aqua's fists clenched. "That just so happens to be my dad. And I know he's a good man."

Capricorn burst into laughter. "So much bias! He must have been keeping his life from you."

The comment made Aqua falter. He swallowed, calming himself with easy breaths. "How do you even know him?"

"He made quite the storm in Tartarus timelines ago... those fools believed that that was a sign of revolution. And the Peace Eater! He believed it was his child's doing! As if she has the courage to bend Spirits to her will to make such a disaster."

Aqua grimaced at the tone. He didn't want Capricorn... or Cronus to hear his disturbance so he swallowed and said, "He told me to not trust you-"

"My vessel trusts me, as he should. I am the Envoy of Time itself! You dare question my words? I am the very reason why you can even summon a powerful Scared Weapon in the first place!"

My Weapon is pure psychic energy, crafted from the hatred of Cronus himself. "You know who I am."

"Yes, my vessel considers you a friend. How pathetic of him. You are known as Aquarius Xenakis, and for some strange reason, you look exactly like another psychic I know."

Dad's not psychic... wait!! "My mother! You know her?!"

"I could. Has he not told you?"

"Dont bullshit with me Cronus!" Aqua exclaimed, his malice piercing through his words. "Tell me. Now."

"No." You son of a bitch! "You will learn about her. You have the ability to learn anything you please, and you still whine like your subpar father? Don't make me laugh."

No. I'm not using it again. Aqua shook his head. Scorpio's childhood memory flashed before him, sobbing and begging the woman to stop beating him. I can't... "It's immoral..." He whispered. Not on Dad...

"As if The Immortal One ever gave a shit about morals. He's lied and cheated his way through 257 timelines." Cronus said with a wave of his hand. "And it seems he refused to let you reach your full potential. You do realize you can never make a Portal until you have a full understanding of both your origins?"

"I know!" Aqua groaned.

"Have you ever asked why he has obstructed that information from you?" Cronus asked with a smirk. Aqua grit his teeth. "Maybe he wants to keep you weak. It would remind him of how easily he can overpower you. A mindless Realm Crosser is nothing more than a Mortal."

"He'd never!" ...would he?

"Ask him, then. Ask him for your mother."

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"I want you to extract it, like you're supposed to. The Immortal One never relinquishes information easily. Besides, I know a lot of things, but who your mother is exactly is beyond me."

"I'm not crazy. I wouldn't try to hurt my father..." Aqua struggled to keep his breathing even.

"The knowledge will tempt you. Curiosity always draws Mortals to their death. And now, doubt has been planted. Questions will fester until you get what you want. Take it! The Immortal One doesn't stand a chance against you, and I know you know that."

Could the Weapon overcome barriers? ...what am I thinking?! This is my dad! I... I don't want to hurt him. I don't. Aquarius couldn't respond, for doubt had been planted, and rooted him to stillness.

Cronus smiled. Was he proud? Aqua didn't know or care. He whipped his head to the door, walking toward it as the corrupted Sign said, "Deny your fate all you want. Your actions will prove your loyalty in due time, Realm Crosser."

The door clicked and Aquarius teleported out without a second thought.

Hecate had told the psychics that it was dangerous to teleport without a place in mind, but Aqua needed to take that risk. Cronus' words suffocated him, and he needed fresh air. Gemini... I need to find Gemini-

Aqua! On cue, Gemini chimed in his head. What's wrong? Your voice went blank when you went to see Capricorn. I've been calling you for 20 minutes!

Was it that long...? I'm sorry, Gem. It was just... intense.

Do you need to talk?

No!! No... I'm okay. I'll be fine.


I promise, Gem. I'm alright.

A quick hesitation plagued with disapproval, then she slowly replied. Okay... don't hesitate to talk to me. Please.

I won't. Her connection distanced, and Aqua sighed, internally kicking himself in the gut. Why did I lie to her again?! I need her!

"Aqua?" Philander called. He was in front of his son, looking up with nothing but concern. "You look horrible. What happened with Capricorn?"

A sense of deja vu overcame Aquarius. He remembered the first time he saw the terrible light in the sky, and his father worried sick about him. Why? Did he only care about his Realm Crosser being in tact?

"Why..." Aqua stammered, feebly pushing against his father's barriers. They were impenetrable, hardened with secrets. "Why won't you tell me..."

"About..." Phil said slowly.

"About her!" Aqua's voice crumbled into tears. Glaring down at his blurred father, he cried, "What do you get out of keeping her from me? Why won't you let me know anything? Please... just give me a name, at least-"

He reached out, and Phil grabbed his hand with a menace Aquarius was completely unfamiliar with. With barriers stronger than steel, he spoke low and clear. "No, Aquarius. There's not a damn thing you need to know about your mother. You were so happy without her... what happened?"

"She's so close!" Aqua breathed, snatching himself away from his father. He started to pace, snaking fingers into his colored hair. "She's so close! For the first time in my fucking life I can have an idea of who she is... why won't you let me have that? Why? At least give me a reason!"

Aqua wanted something. What it was, he wasn't sure, but he knew it sure as hell wasn't a tired sigh from his father. "Whatever Cronus told you, it's probably a lie," He told his son. "He manipulates and takes and takes from people until there's nothing left. Sure I may cheat for a bet from time to time but he actively endangered his entire people just because he wanted to be king. Gods died because of him."

Why are you... "Answer the question, Dad." Why are you making this so hard?

"Aqua, you don't even know who you're asking-"

"Who. Is. My. Mother."

"The less you know, the better. You didn't need to know about her all this time, and now is no different."

Loyalty will show in your actions. Cronus was right... no, no. I don't want it to come to this. Please, Dad... don't make me take it from you. "I'm only going to ask one more time." Aqua told his father, completely defeated. His mind started to fray and waver. I can't hold it back... I don't want to. "Who is my mother?"

Aquarius was met with silence. Shaking with fury, his Sacred Weapon burst to life.

It sparked beside him, a pinkish spear of plasma pointed directly at Philander's skull. Aqua could barely speak, digging his fingers into his hair. He couldn't help but laugh when the notion of hurting his father rolled through his sluggish mind.

"I don't want to do this, Dad..." Aqua sobbed. "But maybe Cronus was right. You just want to keep me down... control me. Not anymore! No... I'm taking what I want. I'm not going to be your puppet!"

Phil's voice was stone, unmoved by his son's instability "You're going to regret even knowing her name."

Aqua's hands dropped. His smile grew. The Sacred Weapon plunged forward, straight through Phil's head.

"I'll decided that for myself." He spoke coldly, and took a deep breath as the dark consumed him.


Wow, what a chapter, right guys? This one is a little shorter because I actually had to cut it in half! Should I post the second part right after this? I probably won't though, sorry!

Do you think Aqua was right to attack his father? What would you have done? What will he find? Will it be worth it?

So many questions! And they will be answered in due time!

Until then,

Stay Starry! 💫

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