Love Bird.

By EmnStuff

26.9K 920 103

(ATTENTION!!!! This is book two of the Jail Bird series. If you have not read book one, it is recommended tha... More

Love Bird.
Literal Grim Brother.
Go Your Own Way.
I'm Going To Kill You.
For Now.
What Would You Do,
God, I've Missed You.
Tell Me All About it.
Child Lock.
That's That.
Just As Much
I know what you're thinking.
Going Somewhere?
How's Your Brother?
I know, I know!
Well, that changes things.
Are ya' Prepared?
You've Been Hit by-
You've Been Struck by-
A Smooth Criminal
Cold as Ice.
The Dark Side of the Moon
Keep on The Sunny Side

If I Fought for You?

1.1K 45 1
By EmnStuff

That bad feeling I had? Yeah...totally warranted.

When was it? Victor was supposed to be getting his clue about now. I was just planning to wait for his call when I got back to the hotel. But standing here in front of Logan, with eyes wide, probably looking like a deer caught in the headlights, that call would probably pass through one ear and out the other. 

I hadn't planned to have that talk with him just then. Far from it. I had planned to put off talking to him about it as long as possible until we both hated each other and the talk wasn't necessary anyway - but of course I forgot the minor detail that god hates my guts.

Okay, maybe he didn't. Maybe he was just trying to put me in a situation so I had to face my problems like a damn woman, but really? Give me no time to prepare? Real smooth, God. Real smooth.

So I stood with eyes open wide, stuttering on my words and trying to pull myself together enough to form a fully functional sentence. I was failing of course, and nothing but words like "you," and "I," and "what," were managing to escape...mostly in that order. Occasionally I'd switch it around a bit to something like, "I, what, you," just to shake things up.

Logan hadn't wavered, eyes holding mine and mouth set in a thin line. His clenched fists told me he was ready for a firm rejection.

And that's what I was going to do.

I opened my mouth, taking in a deep breath, forcing my heart to calm down, and let it out slowly. I looked down at his shoes, and steadied myself.

"Y-you know I love Victor," I whispered, as my voice wouldn't raise any higher.

"Yes. But you love me too." He said, and I flinched, looking up at him.

His eyes were confident this time, and he waited for me for refute him - he wanted it.

"That's-," My voice faltered, and my heart beat painfully. I was suddenly out of air. I closed my eyes and turned my face away in shame. I couldn't say it.

He didn't speak, and I could almost feel the shock in his silence. The air was tense, and then I heard him move forward. I could almost feel the air around me constrict when he got too close. I felt pathetic as I tried to shrink back slightly, holding myself and refusing to look at him. I didn't open my eyes.

I knew he reached out, but I still jumped when his fingers touched my face. He trailed them down to my neck, and gently lifted my chin. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, and moved them up to his face. His usually bright blue irises were dark, and dangerous. They warned me that he was about to do something that I may or may not have liked - and I didn't have much of a choice, because after all, Logan always did what he wanted.

He leaned down, and I barely had time to close my eyes before his lips pressed to mine. It wasn't like his previous kisses. This one was soft, sweet, and very slow. Damn him.

My hands let go of my own arms, and I was about to reach out to him, when the phone rang.

Logan paused, but didn't take his lips away from mine. But the shrill sound of that annoying, generic ringtone was like a cold, clean glass of water...thrown all over me.

I pushed away from him, parting our lips breaking his hand's contact. Without looking at him again, I pushed past him and headed for my phone, which sat on the corner of the bed. I picked it up and opened it without looking at the ID. There were only two people who had this number.

"H-hello," I winced at the roughness of my voice, and cleared my throat.

"Jane?" He said, and he sounded surprised.

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, before replying, "What did you think of this last clue?"

He scoffed. "I can't believe you made me climb into a Chuck E. Cheese slide. Do you know how many people stared at me? I had to dodge kids and I think there was a puddle of pee at the top," The disgusted voice he used caused laughter to bubble up, and I regained my bearings.

I wasn't some weak little girl that couldn't woman up and tell someone outright what I chose. Even if it hurt them, it would hurt worse to lead them on. Logan didn't make me feel the way Victor made me feel. Not by a long shot. I loved him, but not...not like Victor.

"Well that's payback for trying to track me. Besides, Chuck E. Cheese has good pizza."

He let out a disgusted noise. "Uh-huh." 

"Eat a slice," I teased.

I glanced back to see what Logan was doing, just in time to get the phone snatched from my hand. There was a moment of confusion and slight insanity where I wondered if God was bored with our conversation and decided to end it himself, before I realized that Logan was behind me, and pressing the phone to his ear.

"Hello Victor," Logan murmured, ignoring my glare as he dodged my grab for the phone.

"Logan!" I hissed, angrily kicking at his shins. He dodged that as well.

"Yeah, this is Logan. Yeah we're having a real fun time here," He shot me a teasing grin. 

"Logan!" I said, this time loudly. "Give me the phone!"

But his face turned serious, which made me pause. He stared straight into my eyes as he said, loud and clear, "She's mine. I'm not going to lose this time. I'll make her realize how much better I am for her."

Just as I heard Victor's loud voice over the phone, he took it away from his ear, and then snapped it in half.

"Logan!" I shouted as he threw the mangled phone on the bed. He began to walk towards me, but I was angry. "How could you do that? You asshole! I should- hey!" 

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and dragged me forward, before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine once again. But I kept my mouth rigid and broke my lips from his. I lifted hand, and smacked him.

"Ow!" He let me go, holding onto his cheek.

" asshole!" I repeated, raising my fist to hit him again.

He held up his hands in defense, "Hey now, is that any way to treat the man you love?" he teased, and I glared daggers at him. 

"Man I love?" I spat, "You just hung up on the man I love."

He let a small smile curve his smug lips. "You love me too, remember?"

I laughed, but it wasn't exactly amused, "I really think we need to have a talk, but right now I really feel like I'd kill you, so please, just leave for a while."

He lowered his hands, eyes capturing mine once again. "I won't give up, Jane."

"And I won't give in," I said in a slow and calculated voice.

He smiled, suddenly his old self again. "We'll see about that. I'll take my leave now."

I watched him turn and walk away, but he paused and then turned around. He took one step and leaned down, capturing my lips in a chaste kiss. But I kicked out and hit him in the shin with the tip of my shoe. 

He hopped backwards, swearing under his breath, and laughed. "Nice kick, Babe."

"Out!" I shoved him towards the entrance, and he stumbled slightly, before finally picking his way to the door and opening it, throwing me back a grin before finally shutting it behind him.

"Asshole!" I called, still seething.

The entire day I grumbled to myself, thinking I'd have to buy another disposable phone. The telivision droned on I stared at the mangled object at the end of my bed. I glared at it and hoped it caught on fire, as if it were a voodoo doll with a direct link to Logan that would singe his hair off and leave him bald and ugly...although I doubted Logan could ever be ugly...damn him.

That night I wondered what Victor was thinking. How was he taking the fact that Logan knew where I was? Did he hate me now? I groaned as I rolled around in bed, Victor's shirt clutched in my hands. Now that I knew my feelings clearly, it was easy to see how Victor felt every time he called me. I wanted to see him. 

With a groan, I rolled into a sitting position. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I searched with my toes for my slippers. While I searched the bedside table for my keys. When I finally found them, I slid my feet into the soft, warm shoes and stood up. My pajamas consisted of fluffy pants, and a silk shirt, which I bought from the convenience store. I felt damn comfortable.

I felt my way to the door, seeing as I was too lazy to turn on the lights. But halfway there, my foot hit the corner of...something - god, was it something - and seering pain shot up my leg, causing it to buckle slightly. I sucked in a breath through my teeth, and a string of profanities let forth from my mouth. This one's for you, Mom.

When I was done hopping around in the darkness, my eyes fully adjusted, I limped to the door, more annoyed than before.

The hall was empty when I stepped out, as it was late at night. I played with the keycard in my hands as I walked, staring at the floor. When I reached the elevator and pressed the button, I took a deep breath. Was I really going to do this?

It seemed only fair. I mean...Victor was probably going to beat it out of Logan anyway. Maybe.

Or maybe it was just me. Maybe I'd just had enough.

My thoughts swirled lazily in my head as I watched the numbers of the elevator lazily make their way down. When the doors opened, I stared out at the lobby, which was empty as well, save for the woman at the desk, who read a magazine. I waved to her when she looked up, and she paid it no mind. I was usually out this late getting icecream, I realized.

While I laughed to myself about that revelation, I left the lobby and headed down the street to the parking garage. My car awaited just inside, and I paused, staring at it.

I was seriously going to do this. Suddenly butterfies filled my stomach, and Victor's face filled my vision. My hands shook, and I blinked rapidly. I was nervous.

"God I'm a wimp," I groaned to myself as I forced my feet to move, my pink slippers sliding along the concrete.

My palms were sweating against my keys, and I unlocked the car, forcing the door open as it stuck yet again. I slid into the seat and took a deep breath yet again as I rolled the engine over. It purred...well more like violently growled beneath me as I contemplated what I was about to do. 

But without further ado, I pulled out of the parking space, and left the garage. I hummed the tune of I Will Survive as I navigated the very light traffic. At two AM there wasn't much happening. I knew his adress from a previous B&E involving a closet, and stealing a shirt, but it was still iffy...meaning I drove around the block twice before I remembered which house was his...or maybe I was just stalling, but I'm gonna go with the former.

I pulled into his driveway, noting that his lights were off. Of course he was asleep. If he wasn't I'd probably be worried. A part of me - the chicken shit part - said to let him sleep. To go back to the hotel and just let this all go.

But of course, who ever listens to the chicken shit?

So, I pulled the keys from the ignition, and the car gave a pathetic rumble and a few chokes before it settled into slumber. With a few long and deep breaths, I steadied myself, and got out of the car.

It was a little chilly out, but I braved it and made my way to the door, running a hand through my hair to make sure it didn't look like a tangled mess. I straightened my shirt for some stupid reason and smoothed my pajama pants. I was stalling again.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out...and stopped just short of the doorbell. Did he have a long day? Maybe he was tired. Maybe I shouldn't-,

No. I shook my head, and smacked my palms to my cheeks a couple of times. Get it together!

With a grunt, I reached out and punched the doorbell. And managed to accidentally press it twice. Shit. Now I felt bitchy.

But I waited, rocking in my slippers, heel to toe, heel to toe. Shit, did he not hear me? Maybe he is too fast asleep. Maybe I should knock? But then again, that would be quieter than ringing the doorbell. Maybe I should have just gone home, he probably didn't want to see me anyway-,

But my thoughts cut off, and so did my breath, when the lock on the door tumbled. My eyes were wide and my stomach was in knots when the door swung open. And there he stood. Shirtless, in basketball shorts and barefoot. He certainly didn't look tired, as he froze with his alert, golden eyes set on mine.

And it felt so good to see them in person.

Trying hard to hide the fact that my legs were trembling, I lifted my hand in a cheeky wave and said, "Hey sexy."

He blinked. And then he blinked again. He was frozen in place. His eyes traveled from mine, all the way down to my feet, and then back up again. I let out a sheepish laugh.

"Yeah, yeah I'm not in my Sunday's best. But hey, at least I came. I didn't exactly plan this...I mean...I kind of just missed your face...well that sounded creepy-,"

"Jane?" He asked, and there was a desperate edge in his voice, as he finally took a step closer.

I shut up, blinking up at him. "No it's the jehova's witnesses. Do you have time to learn about our lord and sav-," But before I could get the rest out, he took another step forward, and captured me in his arms.

It was such a relief to feel his strong arms around me, that I forgot about everything for a while. I forgot about our problems, and my problems with Logan, and my father, and Ike. God, too many men causing problems in my life.

At that moment, though, it was only us. Two people in love, without a care in the world.

"God, Jane." He squeezed me tighter.  He repeated my name, as if it was the only thing he could say. 

I didn't reply, wrapping my own arms around his torso as I let my hand stroke his back. He buried his face in my neck, and we stayed like that for a long time.

"Jane," He repeated in a softer tone, his body relaxing as his breath brushed my neck.

"I'm here," I whispered, my hand coming up to play with his hair. 

"I'm home."



okay so THEY FINALLY REUNITE. but this isn't the end of the problems guys, don't you worry. >.< 



But seriously guys, I am loving this. I CANNOT WAIT TO WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER.

Y'all stay beautiful and stay awesome. AND STAY FANIONS. but more importantly stay awesome. 



PS. I am so sorry for how long this took. I have literally been babysitting all week long and the busyness has not ceased since I got home, so this was written over the coarse of a long couple of weeks. cX I hope you all enjoy though.

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